@ -2007,6 +2007,48 @@ class XCodeBackend(Backend): |
def generate_xc_build_configuration(self): |
self.ofile.write('\n/* Begin XCBuildConfiguration section */\n') |
# First the setup for the toplevel project. |
for buildtype in self.buildtypes: |
self.write_line('%s /* %s */ = {' % (self.project_configurations[buildtype], buildtype)) |
self.indent_level+=1 |
self.write_line('isa = XCBuildConfiguration;') |
self.write_line('buildSettings = {') |
self.indent_level+=1 |
self.write_line('ARCHS = "$(ARCHS_STANDARD_32_64_BIT)";') |
self.write_line('ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH = YES;') |
self.write_line('SDKROOT = "/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.9.sdk";') |
self.write_line('SYMROOT = %s/build;' % self.environment.get_build_dir()) |
self.indent_level-=1 |
self.write_line('};') |
self.write_line('name = %s;' % buildtype) |
self.indent_level-=1 |
self.write_line('};') |
# Then the all target. |
for buildtype in self.buildtypes: |
self.write_line('%s /* %s */ = {' % (self.buildall_configurations[buildtype], buildtype)) |
self.indent_level+=1 |
self.write_line('isa = XCBuildConfiguration;') |
self.write_line('buildSettings = {') |
self.indent_level += 1 |
self.write_line('COMBINE_HIDPI_IMAGES = YES;') |
self.write_line('GCC_INLINES_ARE_PRIVATE_EXTERN = NO;') |
self.write_line('GCC_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL = 0;') |
self.write_line('GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS = ("");') |
self.write_line('GCC_SYMBOLS_PRIVATE_EXTERN = NO;') |
self.write_line('INSTALL_PATH = "";') |
self.write_line('OTHER_CFLAGS = " ";') |
self.write_line('OTHER_LDFLAGS = " ";') |
self.write_line('OTHER_REZFLAGS = "";') |
self.write_line('PRODUCT_NAME = ALL_BUILD;') |
self.write_line('SECTORDER_FLAGS = "";') |
self.write_line('SYMROOT = %s;' % self.environment.get_build_dir()) |
self.write_line('USE_HEADERMAP = NO;') |
self.write_line('WARNING_CFLAGS = ("-Wmost", "-Wno-four-char-constants", "-Wno-unknown-pragmas", );') |
self.indent_level-=1 |
self.write_line('};') |
self.write_line('name = %s;' % buildtype) |
self.indent_level-=1 |
self.write_line('};') |
self.ofile.write('/* End XCBuildConfiguration section */\n') |
def generate_xc_configurationList(self): |