@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
from __future__ import annotations
from os import path
from pathlib import Path
import shlex
import typing as T
@ -13,7 +14,8 @@ from .. import mesonlib
from . . options import OptionKey
from . . import mlog
from . . interpreter . type_checking import CT_BUILD_BY_DEFAULT , CT_INPUT_KW , INSTALL_TAG_KW , OUTPUT_KW , INSTALL_DIR_KW , INSTALL_KW , NoneType , in_set_validator
from . . interpreterbase import FeatureNew , InvalidArguments
from . . interpreterbase import FeatureNew
from . . interpreterbase . exceptions import InvalidArguments
from . . interpreterbase . decorators import ContainerTypeInfo , KwargInfo , noPosargs , typed_kwargs , typed_pos_args
from . . programs import ExternalProgram
from . . scripts . gettext import read_linguas
@ -65,6 +67,16 @@ if T.TYPE_CHECKING:
its_files : T . List [ str ]
mo_targets : T . List [ T . Union [ build . BuildTarget , build . CustomTarget , build . CustomTargetIndex ] ]
class XgettextProgramT ( TypedDict ) :
args : T . List [ str ]
recursive : bool
install : bool
install_dir : T . Optional [ str ]
install_tag : T . Optional [ str ]
SourcesType = T . Union [ str , mesonlib . File , build . BuildTarget , build . BothLibraries , build . CustomTarget ]
_ARGS : KwargInfo [ T . List [ str ] ] = KwargInfo (
' args ' ,
@ -115,6 +127,125 @@ PRESET_ARGS = {
class XgettextProgram :
pot_files : T . Dict [ str , build . CustomTarget ] = { }
def __init__ ( self , xgettext : ExternalProgram , interpreter : Interpreter ) :
self . xgettext = xgettext
self . interpreter = interpreter
def extract ( self ,
name : str ,
sources : T . List [ SourcesType ] ,
args : T . List [ str ] ,
recursive : bool ,
install : bool ,
install_dir : T . Optional [ str ] ,
install_tag : T . Optional [ str ] ) - > build . CustomTarget :
if not name . endswith ( ' .pot ' ) :
name + = ' .pot '
source_files = self . _get_source_files ( sources )
command = self . xgettext . command + args
command . append ( f ' --directory= { self . interpreter . environment . get_source_dir ( ) } ' )
command . append ( f ' --directory= { self . interpreter . environment . get_build_dir ( ) } ' )
command . append ( ' --output=@OUTPUT@ ' )
depends = list ( self . _get_depends ( sources ) ) if recursive else [ ]
rsp_file = self . _get_rsp_file ( name , source_files , depends , command )
inputs : T . List [ T . Union [ mesonlib . File , build . CustomTarget ] ]
if rsp_file :
inputs = [ rsp_file ]
depend_files = list ( source_files )
command . append ( ' --files-from=@INPUT@ ' )
else :
inputs = list ( source_files ) + depends
depends = None
depend_files = None
command . append ( ' @INPUT@ ' )
ct = build . CustomTarget (
' ' ,
self . interpreter . subdir ,
self . interpreter . subproject ,
self . interpreter . environment ,
command ,
inputs ,
[ name ] ,
depend_files = depend_files ,
extra_depends = depends ,
install = install ,
install_dir = [ install_dir ] if install_dir else None ,
install_tag = [ install_tag ] if install_tag else None ,
description = ' Extracting translations to {} ' ,
for source_id in self . _get_source_id ( sources ) :
self . pot_files [ source_id ] = ct
self . pot_files [ ct . get_id ( ) ] = ct
self . interpreter . add_target ( ct . name , ct )
return ct
def _get_source_files ( self , sources : T . Iterable [ SourcesType ] ) - > T . Set [ mesonlib . File ] :
source_files = set ( )
for source in sources :
if isinstance ( source , mesonlib . File ) :
source_files . add ( source )
elif isinstance ( source , str ) :
mesonlib . check_direntry_issues ( source )
source_files . add ( mesonlib . File . from_source_file ( self . interpreter . source_root , self . interpreter . subdir , source ) )
elif isinstance ( source , build . BuildTarget ) :
source_files . update ( source . get_sources ( ) )
elif isinstance ( source , build . BothLibraries ) :
source_files . update ( source . get ( ' shared ' ) . get_sources ( ) )
return source_files
def _get_depends ( self , sources : T . Iterable [ SourcesType ] ) - > T . Set [ build . CustomTarget ] :
depends = set ( )
for source in sources :
if isinstance ( source , build . BuildTarget ) :
for source_id in self . _get_source_id ( source . get_dependencies ( ) ) :
if source_id in self . pot_files :
depends . add ( self . pot_files [ source_id ] )
elif isinstance ( source , build . CustomTarget ) :
# Dependency on another extracted pot file
source_id = source . get_id ( )
if source_id in self . pot_files :
depends . add ( self . pot_files [ source_id ] )
return depends
def _get_rsp_file ( self ,
name : str ,
source_files : T . Iterable [ mesonlib . File ] ,
depends : T . Iterable [ build . CustomTarget ] ,
arguments : T . List [ str ] ) - > T . Optional [ mesonlib . File ] :
source_list = ' \n ' . join ( source . relative_name ( ) for source in source_files )
for dep in depends :
source_list + = ' \n ' + path . join ( dep . subdir , dep . get_filename ( ) )
estimated_cmdline_length = len ( source_list ) + sum ( len ( arg ) + 1 for arg in arguments ) + 1
if estimated_cmdline_length < mesonlib . get_rsp_threshold ( ) :
return None
rsp_file = Path ( self . interpreter . environment . build_dir , self . interpreter . subdir , name + ' .rsp ' )
rsp_file . write_text ( source_list , encoding = ' utf-8 ' )
return mesonlib . File . from_built_file ( self . interpreter . subdir , rsp_file . name )
def _get_source_id ( sources : T . Iterable [ T . Union [ SourcesType , build . CustomTargetIndex ] ] ) - > T . Iterable [ str ] :
for source in sources :
if isinstance ( source , build . Target ) :
yield source . get_id ( )
elif isinstance ( source , build . BothLibraries ) :
yield source . get ( ' static ' ) . get_id ( )
yield source . get ( ' shared ' ) . get_id ( )
class I18nModule ( ExtensionModule ) :
INFO = ModuleInfo ( ' i18n ' )
@ -125,6 +256,7 @@ class I18nModule(ExtensionModule):
' merge_file ' : self . merge_file ,
' gettext ' : self . gettext ,
' itstool_join ' : self . itstool_join ,
' xgettext ' : self . xgettext ,
} )
self . tools : T . Dict [ str , T . Optional [ T . Union [ ExternalProgram , build . Executable ] ] ] = {
' itstool ' : None ,
@ -398,6 +530,27 @@ class I18nModule(ExtensionModule):
return ModuleReturnValue ( ct , [ ct ] )
@FeatureNew ( ' i18n.xgettext ' , ' 1.8.0 ' )
@typed_pos_args ( ' i18n.xgettext ' , str , varargs = ( str , mesonlib . File , build . BuildTarget , build . BothLibraries , build . CustomTarget ) , min_varargs = 1 )
@typed_kwargs (
' i18n.xgettext ' ,
KwargInfo ( ' recursive ' , bool , default = False ) ,
def xgettext ( self , state : ModuleState , args : T . Tuple [ str , T . List [ SourcesType ] ] , kwargs : XgettextProgramT ) - > build . CustomTarget :
toolname = ' xgettext '
if self . tools [ toolname ] is None or not self . tools [ toolname ] . found ( ) :
self . tools [ toolname ] = state . find_program ( toolname , required = True , for_machine = mesonlib . MachineChoice . BUILD )
if kwargs [ ' install ' ] and not kwargs [ ' install_dir ' ] :
raise InvalidArguments ( ' i18n.xgettext: " install_dir " keyword argument must be set when " install " is true. ' )
xgettext_program = XgettextProgram ( T . cast ( ' ExternalProgram ' , self . tools [ toolname ] ) , self . interpreter )
return xgettext_program . extract ( * args , * * kwargs )
def initialize ( interp : ' Interpreter ' ) - > I18nModule :
return I18nModule ( interp )