@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ import textwrap
import importlib
import argparse
from . import kwargs
# Input source types passed to Targets
@ -229,6 +230,7 @@ class Interpreter(InterpreterBase, HoldableObject):
mock : bool = False ,
ast : T . Optional [ mparser . CodeBlockNode ] = None ,
is_translated : bool = False ,
user_defined_options : T . Optional [ ' argparse.Namespace ' ] = None ,
) - > None :
super ( ) . __init__ ( _build . environment . get_source_dir ( ) , subdir , subproject )
self . build = _build
@ -264,6 +266,7 @@ class Interpreter(InterpreterBase, HoldableObject):
self . project_default_options = { }
self . build_func_dict ( )
self . build_holder_map ( )
self . user_defined_options = user_defined_options
# build_def_files needs to be defined before parse_project is called
@ -299,18 +302,6 @@ class Interpreter(InterpreterBase, HoldableObject):
self . builtin [ ' target_machine ' ] = \
OBJ . MachineHolder ( self . build . environment . machines . target , self )
# TODO: Why is this in interpreter.py and not CoreData or Environment?
def get_non_matching_default_options ( self ) - > T . Iterator [ T . Tuple [ str , str , coredata . UserOption ] ] :
for def_opt_name , def_opt_value in self . project_default_options . items ( ) :
cur_opt_value = self . coredata . options . get ( def_opt_name )
try :
if cur_opt_value is not None and cur_opt_value . validate_value ( def_opt_value ) != cur_opt_value . value :
yield ( str ( def_opt_name ) , def_opt_value , cur_opt_value )
except mesonlib . MesonException :
# Since the default value does not validate, it cannot be in use
# Report the user-specified value as non-matching
yield ( str ( def_opt_name ) , def_opt_value , cur_opt_value )
def build_func_dict ( self ) :
self . funcs . update ( { ' add_global_arguments ' : self . func_add_global_arguments ,
' add_project_arguments ' : self . func_add_project_arguments ,
@ -1187,6 +1178,17 @@ external dependencies (including libraries) must go to "dependencies".''')
{ ' bool_yn ' : True ,
' list_sep ' : ' ' ,
} )
# Add automatic section with all user defined options
if self . user_defined_options :
values = collections . OrderedDict ( )
if self . user_defined_options . cross_file :
values [ ' Cross files ' ] = self . user_defined_options . cross_file
if self . user_defined_options . native_file :
values [ ' Native files ' ] = self . user_defined_options . native_file
sorted_options = sorted ( self . user_defined_options . cmd_line_options . items ( ) )
values . update ( { str ( k ) : v for k , v in sorted_options } )
if values :
self . summary_impl ( ' User defined options ' , values , { } )
# Print all summaries, main project last.
mlog . log ( ' ' ) # newline
main_summary = self . summary . pop ( ' ' , None )