coredata: Introduce a class to act as the dependency cache

Handling the PKG_CONFIG_PATH variable in meson introduces a new problem
for caching dependencies. We want to encode the pkg_config_path (or
cross_pkg_config_path if we're cross compiling) to be part of the key,
but we don't want to put that into the key for non-pkg-config
dependencies to avoid spurious cache misses (since pkg_config_path isn't
relevant to cmake, for example). However, on a cache lookup we can't
know that a dependency is a pkg-config dependency until we've looked in
the cache.

My solution is a two layer cache, the first layer remains the same as
before, the second layer is a dict-like object that encapsulates the
dependency type information and uses pkg_config_path and
cross_pkg_config_path as a sub key (and could be extended easily for
other types). A new object type is introduced to encapsulate this so
that callers don't need to be aware of the implementation details.
Dylan Baker 6 years ago
parent d941ca1b19
commit 5df6823bd8
  1. 111
  2. 2

@ -27,6 +27,11 @@ import ast
import argparse
import configparser
from typing import Optional, Any, TypeVar, Generic, Type, List, Union
import typing
import enum
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
from . import dependencies
version = '0.50.999'
backendlist = ['ninja', 'vs', 'vs2010', 'vs2015', 'vs2017', 'vs2019', 'xcode']
@ -221,6 +226,112 @@ def load_configs(filenames: List[str]) -> configparser.ConfigParser:
return config
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
CacheKeyType = typing.Tuple[typing.Tuple[typing.Any, ...], ...]
SubCacheKeyType = typing.Tuple[typing.Any, ...]
class DependencyCacheType(enum.Enum):
def from_type(cls, dep: 'dependencies.Dependency') -> 'DependencyCacheType':
from . import dependencies
# As more types gain search overrides they'll need to be added here
if isinstance(dep, dependencies.PkgConfigDependency):
return cls.PKG_CONFIG
return cls.OTHER
class DependencySubCache:
def __init__(self, type_: DependencyCacheType):
self.types = [type_]
self.__cache = {} # type: typing.Dict[SubCacheKeyType, dependencies.Dependency]
def __getitem__(self, key: 'SubCacheKeyType') -> 'dependencies.Dependency':
return self.__cache[key]
def __setitem__(self, key: 'SubCacheKeyType', value: 'dependencies.Dependency') -> None:
self.__cache[key] = value
def __contains__(self, key: 'SubCacheKeyType') -> bool:
return key in self.__cache
def values(self) -> typing.Iterable['dependencies.Dependency']:
return self.__cache.values()
class DependencyCache:
"""Class that stores a cache of dependencies.
This class is meant to encapsulate the fact that we need multiple keys to
successfully lookup by providing a simple get/put interface.
def __init__(self, builtins: typing.Dict[str, UserOption[typing.Any]], cross: bool):
self.__cache = OrderedDict() # type: typing.MutableMapping[CacheKeyType, DependencySubCache]
self.__builtins = builtins
self.__is_cross = cross
def __calculate_subkey(self, type_: DependencyCacheType) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, ...]:
if type_ is DependencyCacheType.PKG_CONFIG:
if self.__is_cross:
return tuple(self.__builtins['cross_pkg_config_path'].value)
return tuple(self.__builtins['pkg_config_path'].value)
assert type_ is DependencyCacheType.OTHER, 'Someone forgot to update subkey calculations for a new type'
return tuple()
def __iter__(self) -> typing.Iterator['CacheKeyType']:
return self.keys()
def put(self, key: 'CacheKeyType', dep: 'dependencies.Dependency') -> None:
t = DependencyCacheType.from_type(dep)
if key not in self.__cache:
self.__cache[key] = DependencySubCache(t)
subkey = self.__calculate_subkey(t)
self.__cache[key][subkey] = dep
def get(self, key: 'CacheKeyType') -> typing.Optional['dependencies.Dependency']:
"""Get a value from the cache.
If there is no cache entry then None will be returned.
val = self.__cache[key]
except KeyError:
return None
for t in val.types:
subkey = self.__calculate_subkey(t)
return val[subkey]
except KeyError:
return None
def values(self) -> typing.Iterator['dependencies.Dependency']:
for c in self.__cache.values():
yield from c.values()
def keys(self) -> typing.Iterator['CacheKeyType']:
return iter(self.__cache.keys())
def items(self) -> typing.Iterator[typing.Tuple['CacheKeyType', typing.List['dependencies.Dependency']]]:
for k, v in self.__cache.items():
vs = []
for t in v.types:
subkey = self.__calculate_subkey(t)
if subkey in v:
yield k, vs
def clear(self) -> None:
# This class contains all data that must persist over multiple
# invocations of Meson. It is roughly the same thing as
# cmakecache.

@ -535,7 +535,7 @@ class Environment:
self.coredata.meson_command = mesonlib.meson_command
self.first_invocation = True
def is_cross_build(self):
def is_cross_build(self) -> bool:
return not self.machines.matches_build_machine(MachineChoice.HOST)
def dump_coredata(self):
