@ -2669,6 +2669,74 @@ class LinuxlikeTests(BasePlatformTests):
# The chown failed nonfatally if we're not root
self . assertEqual ( 0 , statf . st_uid )
def test_install_umask ( self ) :
Test that files are installed with correct permissions using default
install umask of 022 , regardless of the umask at time the worktree
was checked out or the build was executed .
# Copy source tree to a temporary directory and change permissions
# there to simulate a checkout with umask 002.
orig_testdir = os . path . join ( self . unit_test_dir , ' 24 install umask ' )
# Create a new testdir under tmpdir.
tmpdir = os . path . realpath ( tempfile . mkdtemp ( ) )
self . addCleanup ( windows_proof_rmtree , tmpdir )
testdir = os . path . join ( tmpdir , ' 24 install umask ' )
# Copy the tree using shutil.copyfile, which will use the current umask
# instead of preserving permissions of the old tree.
save_umask = os . umask ( 0o002 )
self . addCleanup ( os . umask , save_umask )
shutil . copytree ( orig_testdir , testdir , copy_function = shutil . copyfile )
# Preserve the executable status of subdir/sayhello though.
os . chmod ( os . path . join ( testdir , ' subdir ' , ' sayhello ' ) , 0o775 )
self . init ( testdir )
# Run the build under a 027 umask now.
os . umask ( 0o027 )
self . build ( )
# And keep umask 027 for the install step too.
self . install ( )
for executable in [
' bin/prog ' ,
' share/subdir/sayhello ' ,
] :
f = os . path . join ( self . installdir , ' usr ' , * executable . split ( ' / ' ) )
found_mode = stat . filemode ( os . stat ( f ) . st_mode )
want_mode = ' -rwxr-xr-x '
self . assertEqual ( want_mode , found_mode ,
msg = ( ' Expected file %s to have mode %s but found %s instead. ' %
( executable , want_mode , found_mode ) ) )
for directory in [
' usr ' ,
' usr/bin ' ,
' usr/include ' ,
' usr/share ' ,
' usr/share/man ' ,
' usr/share/man/man1 ' ,
' usr/share/subdir ' ,
] :
f = os . path . join ( self . installdir , * directory . split ( ' / ' ) )
found_mode = stat . filemode ( os . stat ( f ) . st_mode )
want_mode = ' drwxr-xr-x '
self . assertEqual ( want_mode , found_mode ,
msg = ( ' Expected directory %s to have mode %s but found %s instead. ' %
( directory , want_mode , found_mode ) ) )
for datafile in [
' include/sample.h ' ,
' share/datafile.cat ' ,
' share/file.dat ' ,
' share/man/man1/prog.1.gz ' ,
' share/subdir/datafile.dog ' ,
] :
f = os . path . join ( self . installdir , ' usr ' , * datafile . split ( ' / ' ) )
found_mode = stat . filemode ( os . stat ( f ) . st_mode )
want_mode = ' -rw-r--r-- '
self . assertEqual ( want_mode , found_mode ,
msg = ( ' Expected file %s to have mode %s but found %s instead. ' %
( datafile , want_mode , found_mode ) ) )
def test_cpp_std_override ( self ) :
testdir = os . path . join ( self . unit_test_dir , ' 6 std override ' )
self . init ( testdir )