@ -74,6 +74,19 @@ def get_soname(fname):
def get_rpath ( fname ) :
return get_dynamic_section_entry ( fname , r ' (?:rpath|runpath) ' )
def skipIfNoPkgconfig ( f ) :
Skip this test if no pkg - config is found , unless we ' re on Travis CI
This allows users to run our test suite without having pkg - config installed
on , f . ex . , macOS , while ensuring that our Travis CI does not silently skip
the test because of misconfiguration .
def wrapped ( * args , * * kwargs ) :
if ' TRAVIS ' not in os . environ and shutil . which ( ' pkg-config ' ) is None :
raise unittest . SkipTest ( ' pkg-config not found ' )
return f ( * args , * * kwargs )
return wrapped
class InternalTests ( unittest . TestCase ) :
@ -484,7 +497,7 @@ class BasePlatformTests(unittest.TestCase):
src_root = os . path . join ( os . getcwd ( ) , src_root )
self . src_root = src_root
self . prefix = ' /usr '
self . libdir = os . path . join ( self . prefix , ' lib ' )
self . libdir = ' lib '
# Get the backend
# FIXME: Extract this from argv?
self . backend = getattr ( Backend , os . environ . get ( ' MESON_UNIT_TEST_BACKEND ' , ' ninja ' ) )
@ -1656,6 +1669,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if os . path . splitext ( fname ) [ 1 ] not in [ ' .c ' , ' .h ' ] :
os . unlink ( fname )
def test_pkgconfig_static ( self ) :
Test that the we prefer static libraries when ` static : true ` is
@ -1666,8 +1680,6 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
since system libraries - lm will never be found statically .
https : / / github . com / mesonbuild / meson / issues / 2785
if not shutil . which ( ' pkg-config ' ) :
raise unittest . SkipTest ( ' pkg-config not found ' )
( cc , stlinker , objext , shext ) = self . detect_prebuild_env ( )
testdir = os . path . join ( self . unit_test_dir , ' 17 pkgconfig static ' )
source = os . path . join ( testdir , ' foo.c ' )
@ -1699,9 +1711,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if os . path . splitext ( fname ) [ 1 ] not in [ ' .c ' , ' .h ' , ' .in ' ] :
os . unlink ( fname )
def test_pkgconfig_gen_escaping ( self ) :
if not shutil . which ( ' pkg-config ' ) :
raise unittest . SkipTest ( ' pkg-config not found ' )
testdir = os . path . join ( self . common_test_dir , ' 51 pkgconfig-gen ' )
prefix = ' /usr/with spaces '
libdir = ' lib '
@ -2264,9 +2275,8 @@ class FailureTests(BasePlatformTests):
out = self . init ( self . srcdir , extra_args = extra_args , inprocess = True )
self . assertRegex ( out , match )
def test_dependency ( self ) :
if not shutil . which ( ' pkg-config ' ) :
raise unittest . SkipTest ( ' pkg-config not found ' )
if subprocess . call ( [ ' pkg-config ' , ' --exists ' , ' zlib ' ] ) != 0 :
raise unittest . SkipTest ( ' zlib not found with pkg-config ' )
a = ( ( " dependency( ' zlib ' , method : ' fail ' ) " , " ' fail ' is invalid " ) ,
@ -2660,13 +2670,12 @@ class LinuxlikeTests(BasePlatformTests):
self . assertIn ( " -Werror " , vala_command )
self . assertIn ( " -Werror " , c_command )
def test_qt5dependency_pkgconfig_detection ( self ) :
Test that qt4 and qt5 detection with pkgconfig works .
# Verify Qt4 or Qt5 can be found with pkg-config
if not shutil . which ( ' pkg-config ' ) :
raise unittest . SkipTest ( ' pkg-config not found ' )
qt4 = subprocess . call ( [ ' pkg-config ' , ' --exists ' , ' QtCore ' ] )
qt5 = subprocess . call ( [ ' pkg-config ' , ' --exists ' , ' Qt5Core ' ] )
if qt4 != 0 or qt5 != 0 :
@ -3206,7 +3215,7 @@ endian = 'little'
self . build ( )
mesonbuild . modules . gnome . native_glib_version = None
@unittest . skipIf ( shutil . which ( ' pkg-config ' ) is None , ' Pkg- config not found. ' )
def test_pkgconfig_usage ( self ) :
testdir1 = os . path . join ( self . unit_test_dir , ' 24 pkgconfig usage/dependency ' )
testdir2 = os . path . join ( self . unit_test_dir , ' 24 pkgconfig usage/dependee ' )
@ -3242,7 +3251,7 @@ endian = 'little'
self . assertTrue ( os . path . isfile ( test_exe ) )
subprocess . check_call ( test_exe , env = myenv )
@unittest . skipIf ( shutil . which ( ' pkg-config ' ) is None , ' Pkg- config not found. ' )
def test_pkgconfig_internal_libraries ( self ) :
@ -3263,7 +3272,7 @@ endian = 'little'
self . init ( os . path . join ( testdirbase , ' app ' ) )
self . build ( )
@unittest . skipIf ( shutil . which ( ' pkg-config ' ) is None , ' Pkg- config not found. ' )
def test_pkgconfig_formatting ( self ) :
testdir = os . path . join ( self . unit_test_dir , ' 31 pkgconfig format ' )
self . init ( testdir )
@ -3271,7 +3280,7 @@ endian = 'little'
myenv [ ' PKG_CONFIG_PATH ' ] = self . privatedir
stdo = subprocess . check_output ( [ ' pkg-config ' , ' --libs-only-l ' , ' libsomething ' ] , env = myenv )
deps = [ b ' -lgobject-2.0 ' , b ' -lgio-2.0 ' , b ' -lglib-2.0 ' , b ' -lsomething ' ]
if is_windows ( ) or is_cygwin ( ) :
if is_windows ( ) or is_cygwin ( ) or is_osx ( ) :
# On Windows, libintl is a separate library
deps . append ( b ' -lintl ' )
self . assertEqual ( set ( deps ) , set ( stdo . split ( ) ) )
@ -3323,6 +3332,36 @@ endian = 'little'
self . build ( )
self . run_tests ( )
def test_uninstalled_usage_external_library ( self ) :
Test that uninstalled usage of an external library ( from the system or
PkgConfigDependency ) works . On Linux / BSD / macOS it tests if RPATHs are
set correctly .
TODO : On Windows , this can test whether PATH is set properly
The system library is found with cc . find_library ( ) and pkg - config deps .
oldprefix = self . prefix
# Install external library so we can find it
testdir = os . path . join ( self . unit_test_dir , ' 33 external, internal library rpath ' , ' external library ' )
installdir = self . installdir
self . prefix = installdir
self . init ( testdir )
self . build ( )
self . install ( use_destdir = False )
self . prefix = oldprefix
# New builddir for the consumer
self . new_builddir ( )
os . environ [ ' LIBRARY_PATH ' ] = os . path . join ( installdir , self . libdir )
os . environ [ ' PKG_CONFIG_PATH ' ] = os . path . join ( installdir , self . libdir , ' pkgconfig ' )
testdir = os . path . join ( self . unit_test_dir , ' 33 external, internal library rpath ' , ' built library ' )
self . init ( testdir )
self . build ( )
self . run_tests ( )
class LinuxArmCrossCompileTests ( BasePlatformTests ) :
Tests that verify cross - compilation to Linux / ARM