@ -32,6 +32,155 @@ from .misc import (
from . platform import AppleFrameworks
from . ui import GnuStepDependency , Qt4Dependency , Qt5Dependency , Qt6Dependency , WxDependency , gl_factory , sdl2_factory , vulkan_factory
""" Dependency representations and discovery logic.
Meson attempts to largely abstract away dependency discovery information , and
to encapsulate that logic itself so that the DSL doesn ' t have too much direct
information . There are some cases where this is impossible / undesirable , such
as the ` get_variable ( ) ` method .
Meson has four primary dependency types :
1. pkg - config
2. apple frameworks
3. CMake
4. system
Plus a few more niche ones .
When a user calls ` dependency ( ' foo ' ) ` Meson creates a list of candidates , and
tries those candidates in order to find one that matches the criteria
provided by the user ( such as version requirements , or optional components
that are required . )
Except to work around bugs or handle odd corner cases , pkg - config and CMake
generally just work ™ , though there are exceptions . Most of this package is
concerned with dependencies that don ' t (always) provide CMake and/or
pkg - config files .
For these cases one needs to write a ` system ` dependency . These dependencies
descend directly from ` ExternalDependency ` , in their constructor they
manually set up the necessary link and compile args ( and additional
dependencies as necessary ) .
For example , imagine a dependency called Foo , it uses an environment variable
called ` $ FOO_ROOT ` to point to its install root , which looks like this :
` ` ` txt
→ include /
→ lib /
` ` `
To use Foo , you need its include directory , and you need to link to
` lib / libfoo . ext ` .
You could write code that looks like :
` ` ` python
class FooSystemDependency ( ExternalDependency ) :
def __init__ ( self , name : str , environment : ' Environment ' , kwargs : T . Dict [ str , T . Any ] ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( name , environment , kwargs )
root = os . environ . get ( ' FOO_ROOT ' )
if root is None :
mlog . debug ( ' $FOO_ROOT is unset. ' )
self . is_found = False
lib = self . clib_compiler . find_library ( ' foo ' , environment , [ os . path . join ( root , ' lib ' ) ] )
if lib is None :
mlog . debug ( ' Could not find lib. ' )
self . is_found = False
self . compile_args . append ( f ' -I { os . path . join ( root , " include " ) } ' )
self . link_args . append ( lib )
self . is_found = True
` ` `
This code will look for ` FOO_ROOT ` in the environment , handle ` FOO_ROOT ` being
undefined gracefully , then set its ` compile_args ` and ` link_args ` gracefully .
It will also gracefully handle not finding the required lib ( hopefully that
doesn ' t happen, but it could if, for example, the lib is only static and
shared linking is requested ) .
There are a couple of things about this that still aren ' t ideal. For one, we
don ' t want to be reading random environment variables at this point. Those
should actually be added to ` envconfig . Properties ` and read in
` environment . Environment . _set_default_properties_from_env ` ( see how
` BOOST_ROOT ` is handled ) . We can also handle the ` static ` keyword . So
now that becomes :
` ` ` python
class FooSystemDependency ( ExternalDependency ) :
def __init__ ( self , name : str , environment : ' Environment ' , kwargs : T . Dict [ str , T . Any ] ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( name , environment , kwargs )
root = environment . properties [ self . for_machine ] . foo_root
if root is None :
mlog . debug ( ' foo_root is unset. ' )
self . is_found = False
static = Mesonlib . LibType . STATIC if kwargs . get ( ' static ' , False ) else Mesonlib . LibType . SHARED
lib = self . clib_compiler . find_library (
' foo ' , environment , [ os . path . join ( root , ' lib ' ) ] , libtype = static )
if lib is None :
mlog . debug ( ' Could not find lib. ' )
self . is_found = False
self . compile_args . append ( f ' -I { os . path . join ( root , " include " ) } ' )
self . link_args . append ( lib )
self . is_found = True
` ` `
This is nicer in a couple of ways . First we can properly cross compile as we
are allowed to set ` FOO_ROOT ` for both the build and host machines , it also
means that users can override this in their machine files , and if that
environment variables changes during a Meson reconfigure Meson won ' t re-read
it , this is important for reproducibility . Finally , Meson will figure out
whether it should be finding ` libfoo . so ` or ` libfoo . a ` ( or the platform
specific names ) . Things are looking pretty good now , so it can be added to
the ` packages ` dict below :
` ` ` python
packages . update ( {
' foo ' : FooSystemDependency ,
} )
` ` `
Now , what if foo also provides pkg - config , but it ' s only shipped on Unices,
or only included in very recent versions of the dependency ? We can use the
` DependencyFactory ` class :
` ` ` python
foo_factory = DependencyFactory (
' foo ' ,
[ DependencyMethods . PKGCONFIG , DependencyMethods . SYSTEM ] ,
system_class = FooSystemDependency ,
` ` `
This is a helper function that will generate a default pkg - config based
dependency , and use the ` FooSystemDependency ` as well . It can also handle
custom finders for pkg - config and cmake based dependencies that need some
extra help . You would then add the ` foo_factory ` to packages instead of
` FooSystemDependency ` :
` ` ` python
packages . update ( {
' foo ' : foo_factory ,
} )
` ` `
If you have a dependency that is very complicated , ( such as having multiple
implementations ) you may need to write your own factory function . There are a
number of examples in this package .
_Note_ before we moved to factory functions it was common to use an
` ExternalDependency ` class that would instantiate different types of
dependencies and hold the one it found . There are a number of drawbacks to
this approach , and no new dependencies should do this .
# This is a dict where the keys should be strings, and the values must be one
# of: