modules/qt: use _impl private methods to avoid incorrect FeatureNew

`qt.preprocess` dispatches to the individual methods instead of
duplicating all of the logic itself, but this means that it goes through
the type checking, and feature checking a second time. To avoid this we
need to use a private helper method instead.

Fixes #8920
Dylan Baker 4 years ago committed by Jussi Pakkanen
parent 84b371c645
commit 3e66bd4035
  1. 39

@ -276,6 +276,11 @@ class QtBaseModule(ExtensionModule):
Uses CustomTargets to generate .cpp files from .qrc files.
out = self._compile_resources_impl(state, kwargs)
return ModuleReturnValue(out, [out])
def _compile_resources_impl(self, state: 'ModuleState', kwargs: 'ResourceCompilerKwArgs') -> T.List[build.CustomTarget]:
# Avoid the FeatureNew when dispatching from preprocess
self._detect_tools(state, kwargs['method'])
if not self.rcc.found():
err_msg = ("{0} sources specified and couldn't find {1}, "
@ -326,7 +331,7 @@ class QtBaseModule(ExtensionModule):
res_target = build.CustomTarget(name, state.subdir, state.subproject, rcc_kwargs)
return ModuleReturnValue(targets, [targets])
return targets
@FeatureNew('qt.compile_ui', '0.59.0')
@ -336,8 +341,13 @@ class QtBaseModule(ExtensionModule):
KwargInfo('extra_args', ContainerTypeInfo(list, str), listify=True, default=[]),
KwargInfo('method', str, default='auto')
def compile_ui(self, state: 'ModuleState', args: T.Tuple, kwargs: 'ResourceCompilerKwArgs') -> ModuleReturnValue:
def compile_ui(self, state: 'ModuleState', args: T.Tuple, kwargs: 'UICompilerKwArgs') -> ModuleReturnValue:
"""Compile UI resources into cpp headers."""
out = self._compile_ui_impl(state, kwargs)
return ModuleReturnValue(out, [out])
def _compile_ui_impl(self, state: 'ModuleState', kwargs: 'UICompilerKwArgs') -> build.GeneratedList:
# Avoid the FeatureNew when dispatching from preprocess
self._detect_tools(state, kwargs['method'])
if not self.uic.found():
err_msg = ("{0} sources specified and couldn't find {1}, "
@ -350,8 +360,7 @@ class QtBaseModule(ExtensionModule):
kwargs['extra_args'] + ['-o', '@OUTPUT@', '@INPUT@'],
name=f'Qt{self.qt_version} ui')
out = gen.process_files(kwargs['sources'], state)
return ModuleReturnValue(out, [out])
return gen.process_files(kwargs['sources'], state)
@FeatureNew('qt.compile_moc', '0.59.0')
@ -365,6 +374,11 @@ class QtBaseModule(ExtensionModule):
KwargInfo('dependencies', ContainerTypeInfo(list, (Dependency, ExternalLibrary)), listify=True, default=[]),
def compile_moc(self, state: 'ModuleState', args: T.Tuple, kwargs: 'MocCompilerKwArgs') -> ModuleReturnValue:
out = self._compile_moc_impl(state, kwargs)
return ModuleReturnValue(out, [out])
def _compile_moc_impl(self, state: 'ModuleState', kwargs: 'MocCompilerKwArgs') -> T.List[build.GeneratedList]:
# Avoid the FeatureNew when dispatching from preprocess
self._detect_tools(state, kwargs['method'])
if not self.moc.found():
err_msg = ("{0} sources specified and couldn't find {1}, "
@ -393,7 +407,7 @@ class QtBaseModule(ExtensionModule):
name=f'Qt{self.qt_version} moc source')
output.append(moc_gen.process_files(kwargs['sources'], state))
return ModuleReturnValue(output, [output])
return output
# We can't use typed_pos_args here, the signature is ambiguious
@ -414,7 +428,9 @@ class QtBaseModule(ExtensionModule):
_sources = args[1:]
if _sources:
FeatureDeprecated.single_use('qt.preprocess positional sources', '0.59', state.subproject)
sources = _sources + kwargs['sources']
# List is invariant, os we have to cast...
sources = T.cast(T.List[T.Union[str, File, build.GeneratedList, build.CustomTarget]],
_sources + kwargs['sources'])
for s in sources:
if not isinstance(s, (str, File)):
raise build.InvalidArguments('Variadic arguments to qt.preprocess must be Strings or Files')
@ -424,14 +440,15 @@ class QtBaseModule(ExtensionModule):
# custom output name set? -> one output file, multiple otherwise
rcc_kwargs: 'ResourceCompilerKwArgs' = {'name': '', 'sources': kwargs['qresources'], 'extra_args': kwargs['rcc_extra_arguments'], 'method': method}
if args:
if not isinstance(args[0], str):
name = args[0]
if not isinstance(name, str):
raise build.InvalidArguments('First argument to qt.preprocess must be a string')
rcc_kwargs['name'] = args[0]
sources.append(self.compile_resources(state, tuple(), rcc_kwargs).return_value)
rcc_kwargs['name'] = name
sources.extend(self._compile_resources_impl(state, rcc_kwargs))
if kwargs['ui_files']:
ui_kwargs: 'UICompilerKwArgs' = {'sources': kwargs['ui_files'], 'extra_args': kwargs['uic_extra_arguments'], 'method': method}
sources.append(self.compile_ui(state, tuple(), ui_kwargs).return_value)
sources.append(self._compile_ui_impl(state, ui_kwargs))
if kwargs['moc_headers'] or kwargs['moc_sources']:
moc_kwargs: 'MocCompilerKwArgs' = {
@ -442,7 +459,7 @@ class QtBaseModule(ExtensionModule):
'dependencies': kwargs['dependencies'],
'method': method,
sources.append(self.compile_moc(state, tuple(), moc_kwargs).return_value)
sources.extend(self._compile_moc_impl(state, moc_kwargs))
return ModuleReturnValue(sources, [sources])
