@ -116,7 +121,7 @@ class CudaDependency(SystemDependency):
platform_msg='set the CUDA_PATH environment variable'ifself._is_windows() \
else'set the CUDA_PATH environment variable/create the \'/usr/local/cuda\' symbolic link'
elsef'set the CUDA_PATH environment variable/create the \'{self.local_path}/cuda\' symbolic link'
msg=f'Please specify the desired CUDA Toolkit version (e.g. dependency(\'cuda\', version : \'>=10.1\')) or {platform_msg} to point to the location of your desired version.'
nvcc_warning='The default CUDA Toolkit as designated by {} ({}) doesn\'t match the current nvcc version {} and will be ignored.'.format(default_src,os.path.realpath(defaults[0][0]),nvcc_version)
@ -164,7 +169,7 @@ class CudaDependency(SystemDependency):