@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
import os , subprocess
import argparse
import tempfile
import shutil
from pathlib import Path
from . import build , minstall , dependencies
from . mesonlib import MesonException , RealPathAction , is_windows , setup_vsenv , OptionKey
from . import mlog
import typing as T
@ -56,15 +58,61 @@ def bash_completion_files(b: build.Build, install_data: 'InstallData') -> T.List
result . append ( f . path )
return result
def add_gdb_auto_load ( autoload_path : Path , gdb_helper : str , fname : Path ) - > None :
# Copy or symlink the GDB helper into our private directory tree
destdir = autoload_path / fname . parent
destdir . mkdir ( parents = True , exist_ok = True )
try :
if is_windows ( ) :
shutil . copy ( gdb_helper , str ( destdir / os . path . basename ( gdb_helper ) ) )
else :
os . symlink ( gdb_helper , str ( destdir / os . path . basename ( gdb_helper ) ) )
except ( FileExistsError , shutil . SameFileError ) :
def write_gdb_script ( privatedir : Path , install_data : ' InstallData ' ) - > None :
if not shutil . which ( ' gdb ' ) :
bdir = privatedir . parent
autoload_basedir = privatedir / ' gdb-auto-load '
autoload_path = Path ( autoload_basedir , * bdir . parts [ 1 : ] )
have_gdb_helpers = False
for d in install_data . data :
if d . path . endswith ( ' -gdb.py ' ) or d . path . endswith ( ' -gdb.gdb ' ) or d . path . endswith ( ' -gdb.scm ' ) :
# This GDB helper is made for a specific shared library, search if
# we have it in our builddir.
libname = Path ( d . path ) . name . rsplit ( ' - ' , 1 ) [ 0 ]
for t in install_data . targets :
path = Path ( t . fname )
if path . name == libname :
add_gdb_auto_load ( autoload_path , d . path , path )
have_gdb_helpers = True
if have_gdb_helpers :
gdbinit_line = f ' add-auto-load-scripts-directory { autoload_basedir } \n '
gdbinit_path = bdir / ' .gdbinit '
first_time = False
try :
with gdbinit_path . open ( ' r+ ' , encoding = ' utf-8 ' ) as f :
if gdbinit_line not in f . readlines ( ) :
f . write ( gdbinit_line )
first_time = True
except FileNotFoundError :
gdbinit_path . write_text ( gdbinit_line , encoding = ' utf-8 ' )
first_time = True
if first_time :
mlog . log ( ' Meson detected GDB helpers and added config in ' , mlog . bold ( str ( gdbinit_path ) ) )
def run ( options : argparse . Namespace ) - > int :
buildfile = Path ( options . wd ) / ' meson-private ' / ' build.dat '
privatedir = Path ( options . wd ) / ' meson-private '
buildfile = privatedir / ' build.dat '
if not buildfile . is_file ( ) :
raise MesonException ( f ' Directory { options . wd !r} does not seem to be a Meson build directory. ' )
b = build . load ( options . wd )
install_data = minstall . load_install_data ( str ( buildfile . parent / ' install.dat ' ) )
install_data = minstall . load_install_data ( str ( privatedir / ' install.dat ' ) )
setup_vsenv ( b . need_vsenv )
devenv = get_env ( b , options . wd )
write_gdb_script ( privatedir , install_data )
args = options . command
if not args :