@ -17,54 +17,11 @@ |
import sys, os, subprocess, shutil, uuid |
from glob import glob |
import platform |
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET |
sys.path.append(os.getcwd()) |
from mesonbuild import coredata |
xml_templ = '''<?xml version='1.0' encoding='windows-1252'?> |
<Wix xmlns='http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi'> |
<Product Name='Meson Build System' Manufacturer='The Meson Development Team' |
Id='%s' |
UpgradeCode='%s' |
Language='1033' Codepage='1252' Version='%s'> |
<Package Id='*' Keywords='Installer' Description="Meson %s installer" |
Comments='Meson is a high performance build system' Manufacturer='Meson development team' |
InstallerVersion='200' Languages='1033' Compressed='yes' SummaryCodepage='1252' |
%s /> |
<Media Id="1" Cabinet="meson.cab" EmbedCab="yes" /> |
<Directory Id='TARGETDIR' Name='SourceDir'> |
<Directory Id="%s"> |
<Directory Id="INSTALLDIR" Name="Meson"> |
''' |
xml_footer_templ = ''' |
</Directory> |
</Directory> |
</Directory> |
<Feature Id="DefaultFeature" Level="1"> |
%s |
</Feature> |
<UIRef Id="WixUI_InstallDir" /> |
</Product> |
</Wix> |
''' |
file_templ = '''<File Id='%s' Name='%s' DiskId='1' Source='%s' /> |
''' |
comp_ref_templ = '''<ComponentRef Id="%s" /> |
''' |
path_addition_xml = '''<Environment Id="Environment" Name="PATH" Part="last" System="yes" Action="set" Value="[INSTALLDIR]"/> |
''' |
def gen_guid(): |
return str(uuid.uuid4()).upper() |
@ -78,78 +35,180 @@ class Node: |
class PackageGenerator: |
def __init__(self): |
self.product_name = 'Meson Build System' |
self.manufacturer = 'The Meson Development Team' |
self.version = coredata.version.replace('dev', '') |
self.guid = 'DF5B3ECA-4A31-43E3-8CE4-97FC8A97212E' |
self.update_guid = '141527EE-E28A-4D14-97A4-92E6075D28B2' |
self.main_xml = 'Meson.wxs' |
self.main_o = 'Meson.wixobj' |
self.bytesize = '32' if '32' in platform.architecture()[0] else '64' |
self.final_output = 'meson-%s-%s.msi' % (self.version, self.bytesize) |
self.staging_dir = 'dist' |
if self.bytesize == '64': |
self.platform_str = 'Platform="x64"' |
self.main_xml = 'meson.wxs' |
self.main_o = 'meson.wixobj' |
self.bytesize = 32 if '32' in platform.architecture()[0] else 64 |
self.final_output = 'meson-%s-%d.msi' % (self.version, self.bytesize) |
self.staging_dirs = ['dist', 'dist2'] |
if self.bytesize == 64: |
self.progfile_dir = 'ProgramFiles64Folder' |
self.component_platform = 'Win64="yes"' |
else: |
self.platform_sr = '' |
self.progfile_dir = 'ProgramFilesFolder' |
self.component_platform = '' |
self.component_num = 0 |
self.feature_properties = { |
self.staging_dirs[0]: { |
'Id': 'MainProgram', |
'Title': 'Meson', |
'Description': 'Meson executables', |
'Level': '1', |
'Absent': 'disallow', |
}, |
self.staging_dirs[1]: { |
'Id': 'NinjaProgram', |
'Title': 'Ninja', |
'Description': 'Ninja build tool', |
'Level': '1', |
} |
} |
self.feature_components = {} |
for sd in self.staging_dirs: |
self.feature_components[sd] = [] |
def build_dist(self): |
if os.path.exists(self.staging_dir): |
shutil.rmtree(self.staging_dir) |
for sdir in self.staging_dirs: |
if os.path.exists(sdir): |
shutil.rmtree(sdir) |
main_stage, ninja_stage = self.staging_dirs |
modules = [os.path.splitext(os.path.split(x)[1])[0] for x in glob(os.path.join('mesonbuild/modules/*'))] |
modules = ['mesonbuild.modules.' + x for x in modules if not x.startswith('_')] |
modulestr = ','.join(modules) |
subprocess.check_call(['c:\\Python\python.exe', |
'c:\\Python\Scripts\\cxfreeze', |
'--target-dir', |
self.staging_dir, |
main_stage, |
'--include-modules', |
modulestr, |
'meson.py']) |
shutil.copy(shutil.which('ninja'), self.staging_dir) |
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.staging_dir, 'meson.exe')): |
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(main_stage, 'meson.exe')): |
sys.exit('Meson exe missing from staging dir.') |
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.staging_dir, 'ninja.exe')): |
os.mkdir(ninja_stage) |
shutil.copy(shutil.which('ninja'), ninja_stage) |
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(ninja_stage, 'ninja.exe')): |
sys.exit('Ninja exe missing from staging dir.') |
def generate_files(self): |
assert(os.path.isdir(self.staging_dir)) |
comp_ref_xml = '' |
nodes = {} |
with open(self.main_xml, 'w') as ofile: |
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.staging_dir): |
self.root = ET.Element('Wix', {'xmlns': 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi'}) |
product = ET.SubElement(self.root, 'Product', { |
'Name': self.product_name, |
'Manufacturer': 'The Meson Development Team', |
'Id': self.guid, |
'UpgradeCode': self.update_guid, |
'Language': '1033', |
'Codepage': '1252', |
'Version': self.version, |
}) |
package = ET.SubElement(product, 'Package', { |
'Id': '*', |
'Keywords': 'Installer', |
'Description': 'Meson %s installer' % self.version, |
'Comments': 'Meson is a high performance build system', |
'Manufacturer': 'The Meson Development Team', |
'InstallerVersion': '500', |
'Languages': '1033', |
'Compressed': 'yes', |
'SummaryCodepage': '1252', |
}) |
if self.bytesize == 64: |
package.set('Platform', 'x64') |
ET.SubElement(product, 'Media', { |
'Id': '1', |
'Cabinet': 'meson.cab', |
'EmbedCab': 'yes', |
}) |
targetdir = ET.SubElement(product, 'Directory', { |
'Id': 'TARGETDIR', |
'Name': 'SourceDir', |
}) |
progfiledir = ET.SubElement(targetdir, 'Directory', { |
'Id' : self.progfile_dir, |
}) |
installdir = ET.SubElement(progfiledir, 'Directory', { |
'Name': 'Meson'}) |
ET.SubElement(product, 'Property', { |
'Value': 'INSTALLDIR', |
}) |
ET.SubElement(product, 'UIRef', { |
'Id': 'WixUI_FeatureTree', |
}) |
for sd in self.staging_dirs: |
assert(os.path.isdir(sd)) |
top_feature = ET.SubElement(product, 'Feature', { |
'Id': 'Complete', |
'Title': 'Meson ' + self.version, |
'Description': 'The complete package', |
'Display': 'expand', |
'Level': '1', |
'ConfigurableDirectory': 'INSTALLDIR', |
}) |
for sd in self.staging_dirs: |
nodes = {} |
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(sd): |
cur_node = Node(dirs, files) |
nodes[root] = cur_node |
ofile.write(xml_templ % (self.guid, self.update_guid, self.version, self.version, |
self.platform_str, self.progfile_dir)) |
self.component_num = 0 |
self.create_xml(nodes, ofile, self.staging_dir) |
for i in range(self.component_num): |
comp_ref_xml += comp_ref_templ % ('ApplicationFiles%d' % i) |
ofile.write(xml_footer_templ % comp_ref_xml) |
def create_xml(self, nodes, ofile, root): |
cur_node = nodes[root] |
self.create_xml(nodes, sd, installdir, sd) |
self.build_features(nodes, top_feature, sd) |
ET.ElementTree(self.root).write(self.main_xml, encoding='utf-8',xml_declaration=True) |
# ElementTree can not do prettyprinting so do it manually |
import xml.dom.minidom |
doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(self.main_xml) |
with open(self.main_xml, 'w') as of: |
of.write(doc.toprettyxml()) |
def build_features(self, nodes, top_feature, staging_dir): |
feature = ET.SubElement(top_feature, 'Feature', self.feature_properties[staging_dir]) |
for component_id in self.feature_components[staging_dir]: |
ET.SubElement(feature, 'ComponentRef', { |
'Id': component_id, |
}) |
def create_xml(self, nodes, current_dir, parent_xml_node, staging_dir): |
cur_node = nodes[current_dir] |
if cur_node.files: |
ofile.write("<Component Id='ApplicationFiles%d' Guid='%s' %s>\n" % (self.component_num, gen_guid(), self.component_platform)) |
component_id = 'ApplicationFiles%d' % self.component_num |
comp_xml_node = ET.SubElement(parent_xml_node, 'Component', { |
'Id': component_id, |
'Guid': gen_guid(), |
}) |
self.feature_components[staging_dir].append(component_id) |
if self.bytesize == 64: |
comp_xml_node.set('Win64', 'yes') |
if self.component_num == 0: |
ofile.write(path_addition_xml) |
ET.SubElement(comp_xml_node, 'Environment', { |
'Id': 'Environment', |
'Name': 'PATH', |
'Part': 'last', |
'System': 'yes', |
'Action': 'set', |
'Value': '[INSTALLDIR]', |
}) |
self.component_num += 1 |
for f in cur_node.files: |
file_source = os.path.join(root, f).replace('\\', '\\\\') |
file_id = os.path.join(root, f).replace('\\', '_').replace('#', '_').replace('-', '_') |
ofile.write(file_templ % (file_id, f, file_source)) |
ofile.write('</Component>\n') |
file_source = os.path.join(current_dir, f).replace('\\', '\\\\') |
file_id = os.path.join(current_dir, f).replace('\\', '_').replace('#', '_').replace('-', '_') |
ET.SubElement(comp_xml_node, 'File', { |
'Id': file_id, |
'Name': f, |
'Source': os.path.join(current_dir, f), |
}) |
for dirname in cur_node.dirs: |
dir_id = os.path.join(root, dirname).replace('\\', '_').replace('/', '_') |
ofile.write('''<Directory Id="%s" Name="%s">\n''' % (dir_id, dirname)) |
self.create_xml(nodes, ofile, os.path.join(root, dirname)) |
ofile.write('</Directory>\n') |
dir_id = os.path.join(current_dir, dirname).replace('\\', '_').replace('/', '_') |
dir_node = ET.SubElement(parent_xml_node, 'Directory', { |
'Id': dir_id, |
'Name': dirname, |
}) |
self.create_xml(nodes, os.path.join(current_dir, dirname), dir_node, staging_dir) |
def build_package(self): |
wixdir = 'c:\\Program Files\\Wix Toolset v3.11\\bin' |