@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ from .. import envconfig
from . . wrap import wrap , WrapMode
from . . import mesonlib
from . . mesonlib import ( EnvironmentVariables , ExecutableSerialisation , MesonBugException , MesonException , HoldableObject ,
FileMode , MachineChoice , listify ,
FileMode , MachineChoice , is_parent_path , listify ,
extract_as_list , has_path_sep , path_is_in_root , PerMachine )
from . . options import OptionKey
from . . programs import ExternalProgram , NonExistingExternalProgram
@ -3133,8 +3133,8 @@ class Interpreter(InterpreterBase, HoldableObject):
# subproject than it is defined in (due to e.g. a
# declare_dependency).
def validate_within_subproject ( self , subdir , fname ) :
srcdir = Path ( self . environment . source_dir )
builddir = Path ( self . environment . build_dir )
srcdir = self . environment . source_dir
builddir = self . environment . build_dir
if isinstance ( fname , P_OBJ . DependencyVariableString ) :
def validate_installable_file ( fpath : Path ) - > bool :
installablefiles : T . Set [ Path ] = set ( )
@ -3155,34 +3155,36 @@ class Interpreter(InterpreterBase, HoldableObject):
if validate_installable_file ( norm ) :
def do_validate_within_subproject ( norm : Path ) - > None :
def do_validate_within_subproject ( norm : str ) - > None :
if os . path . isdir ( norm ) :
inputtype = ' directory '
else :
inputtype = ' file '
if InterpreterRuleRelaxation . ALLOW_BUILD_DIR_FILE_REFERENCES in self . relaxations and builddir in norm . parents :
if InterpreterRuleRelaxation . ALLOW_BUILD_DIR_FILE_REFERENCES in self . relaxations and is_parent_path ( builddir , norm ) :
if srcdir not in norm . parents :
if not is_parent_path ( srcdir , norm ) :
# Grabbing files outside the source tree is ok.
# This is for vendor stuff like:
# /opt/vendorsdk/src/file_with_license_restrictions.c
project_root = Path ( srcdir , self . root_subdir )
subproject_dir = project_root / self . subproject_dir
if norm == project_root :
if project_root not in norm . parents :
raise InterpreterException ( f ' Sandbox violation: Tried to grab { inputtype } { norm . name } outside current (sub)project. ' )
if subproject_dir == norm or subproject_dir in norm . parents :
raise InterpreterException ( f ' Sandbox violation: Tried to grab { inputtype } { norm . name } from a nested subproject. ' )
project_root = os . path . join ( srcdir , self . root_subdir )
if not is_parent_path ( project_root , norm ) :
name = os . path . basename ( norm )
raise InterpreterException ( f ' Sandbox violation: Tried to grab { inputtype } { name } outside current (sub)project. ' )
subproject_dir = os . path . join ( project_root , self . subproject_dir )
if is_parent_path ( subproject_dir , norm ) :
name = os . path . basename ( norm )
raise InterpreterException ( f ' Sandbox violation: Tried to grab { inputtype } { name } from a nested subproject. ' )
fname = os . path . join ( subdir , fname )
if fname in self . validated_cache :
# Use os.path.abspath() to eliminate .. segments, but do not resolve symlinks
norm = Path ( os . path . abspath ( Path ( srcdir , fname ) ) )
norm = os . path . abspath ( os . path . join ( srcdir , fname ) )
do_validate_within_subproject ( norm )
self . validated_cache . add ( fname )