@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ XCODETYPEMAP = {'c': 'sourcecode.c.c', |
'hxx': 'sourcecode.cpp.h', |
'hh': 'sourcecode.cpp.hh', |
'inc': 'sourcecode.c.h', |
'swift': 'sourcecode.swift', |
'dylib': 'compiled.mach-o.dylib', |
'o': 'compiled.mach-o.objfile', |
's': 'sourcecode.asm', |
@ -1277,6 +1278,7 @@ class XCodeBackend(backends.Backend): |
bt_dict.add_item('buildSettings', settings_dict) |
settings_dict.add_item('ARCHS', '"$(NATIVE_ARCH_ACTUAL)"') |
settings_dict.add_item('ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH', 'YES') |
settings_dict.add_item('SWIFT_VERSION', '4.0') |
settings_dict.add_item('SDKROOT', '"macosx"') |
settings_dict.add_item('SYMROOT', '"%s/build"' % self.environment.get_build_dir()) |
bt_dict.add_item('name', f'"{buildtype}"') |
@ -1382,7 +1384,12 @@ class XCodeBackend(backends.Backend): |
else: |
product_name = target.get_basename() |
ldargs += target.link_args |
linker, stdlib_args = self.determine_linker_and_stdlib_args(target) |
# Swift is special. Again. You can't mix Swift with other languages |
# in the same target. Thus for Swift we only use |
if self.is_swift_target(target): |
linker, stdlib_args = target.compilers['swift'], [] |
else: |
linker, stdlib_args = self.determine_linker_and_stdlib_args(target) |
if not isinstance(target, build.StaticLibrary): |
ldargs += self.build.get_project_link_args(linker, target.subproject, target.for_machine) |
ldargs += self.build.get_global_link_args(linker, target.for_machine) |