@ -18,6 +18,45 @@ Github](https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/pulls). This causes them |
to be run through the CI system. All submissions must pass a full CI |
test run before they are even considered for submission. |
## Acceptance and merging |
The kind of review and acceptance any merge proposal gets depends on |
the changes it contains. All pull requests must be reviewed and |
accepted by someone with commit rights who is not the original |
submitter. Merge requests can be roughly split into three different |
categories. |
The first one consists of MRs that only change the markdown |
documentation under `docs/markdown`. Anyone with access rights can |
push changes to these directly to master. For major changes it is |
still recommended to create a MR so other people can comment on it. |
The second group consists of merges that don't change any |
functionality, fixes to the CI system and bug fixes that have added |
regression tests (see below) and don't change existing |
functionality. Once successfully reviewed anyone with merge rights can |
merge these to master. |
The final kind of merges are those that add new functionality or |
change existing functionality in a backwards incompatible way. These |
require the approval of the project lead. |
In a simplified list form the split would look like the following: |
- members with commit access can do: |
- documentation changes (directly to master if warranted) |
- bug fixes that don't change functionality |
- refactorings |
- new dependency types |
- new tool support (e.g. a new Doxygen-kind of tool) |
- support for new compilers to existing languages |
- project leader decision is needed for: |
- new modules |
- new functions in the Meson language |
- syntax changes for Meson files |
- changes breaking backwards compatibility |
- support for new languages |
## Tests |
All new features must come with automatic tests that thoroughly prove |