vs: Add libraries, library paths, and link args needed by dependencies

The link arguments for each dependency are split into these three and
added to the vcxproj file. Without this targets cannot find the external
Nirbheek Chauhan 9 years ago
parent f564bf9af0
commit 1481715618
  1. 52

@ -404,6 +404,37 @@ class Vs2010Backend(backends.Backend):
def quote_define_cmdline(cls, arg):
return re.sub(r'^([-/])D(.*?)="(.*)"$', r'\1D\2=\"\3\"', arg)
def split_link_args(args):
Split a list of link arguments into three lists:
* library search paths
* library filenames (or paths)
* other link arguments
lpaths = []
libs = []
other = []
for arg in args:
if arg.startswith('/LIBPATH:'):
lpath = arg[9:]
# De-dup library search paths by removing older entries when
# a new one is found. This is necessary because unlike other
# search paths such as the include path, the library is
# searched for in the newest (right-most) search path first.
if lpath in lpaths:
# It's ok if we miss libraries with non-standard extensions here.
# They will go into the general link arguments.
elif arg.endswith('.lib') or arg.endswith('.a'):
# De-dup
if arg not in libs:
return (lpaths, libs, other)
def gen_vcxproj(self, target, ofname, guid, compiler):
mlog.debug('Generating vcxproj %s.' % target.name)
entrypoint = 'WinMainCRTStartup'
@ -581,13 +612,26 @@ class Vs2010Backend(backends.Backend):
extra_link_args = compiler.get_option_link_args(self.environment.coredata.compiler_options)
extra_link_args += compiler.get_buildtype_linker_args(self.buildtype)
for l in self.environment.coredata.external_link_args.values():
extra_link_args += compiler.unix_link_flags_to_native(l)
extra_link_args += compiler.unix_link_flags_to_native(target.link_args)
extra_link_args += l
if not isinstance(target, build.StaticLibrary):
extra_link_args += target.link_args
# External deps must be last because target link libraries may depend on them.
for dep in target.get_external_deps():
extra_link_args += dep.get_link_args()
for d in target.get_dependencies():
if isinstance(d, build.StaticLibrary):
for dep in d.get_external_deps():
extra_link_args += dep.get_link_args()
extra_link_args = compiler.unix_link_flags_to_native(extra_link_args)
(additional_libpaths, additional_links, extra_link_args) = self.split_link_args(extra_link_args)
if len(extra_link_args) > 0:
ET.SubElement(link, "AdditionalOptions").text = ' '.join(extra_link_args)
if len(additional_libpaths) > 0:
additional_libpaths.insert(0, '%(AdditionalLibraryDirectories)')
ET.SubElement(link, 'AdditionalLibraryDirectories').text = ';'.join(additional_libpaths)
additional_links = []
# Add more libraries to be linked if needed
for t in target.get_dependencies():
lobj = self.build.targets[t.get_id()]
rel_path = self.relpath(lobj.subdir, target.subdir)
@ -606,8 +650,6 @@ class Vs2010Backend(backends.Backend):
ET.SubElement(link, 'AdditionalDependencies').text = ';'.join(additional_links)
ofile = ET.SubElement(link, 'OutputFile')
ofile.text = '$(OutDir)%s' % target.get_filename()
addlibdir = ET.SubElement(link, 'AdditionalLibraryDirectories')
addlibdir.text = '%(AdditionalLibraryDirectories)'
subsys = ET.SubElement(link, 'SubSystem')
subsys.text = subsystem
gendeb = ET.SubElement(link, 'GenerateDebugInformation')
