@ -404,6 +404,37 @@ class Vs2010Backend(backends.Backend):
def quote_define_cmdline ( cls , arg ) :
return re . sub ( r ' ^([-/])D(.*?)= " (.*) " $ ' , r ' \ 1D \ 2= \ " \ 3 \ " ' , arg )
def split_link_args ( args ) :
Split a list of link arguments into three lists :
* library search paths
* library filenames ( or paths )
* other link arguments
lpaths = [ ]
libs = [ ]
other = [ ]
for arg in args :
if arg . startswith ( ' /LIBPATH: ' ) :
lpath = arg [ 9 : ]
# De-dup library search paths by removing older entries when
# a new one is found. This is necessary because unlike other
# search paths such as the include path, the library is
# searched for in the newest (right-most) search path first.
if lpath in lpaths :
lpaths . remove ( lpath )
lpaths . append ( lpath )
# It's ok if we miss libraries with non-standard extensions here.
# They will go into the general link arguments.
elif arg . endswith ( ' .lib ' ) or arg . endswith ( ' .a ' ) :
# De-dup
if arg not in libs :
libs . append ( arg )
else :
other . append ( arg )
return ( lpaths , libs , other )
def gen_vcxproj ( self , target , ofname , guid , compiler ) :
mlog . debug ( ' Generating vcxproj %s . ' % target . name )
entrypoint = ' WinMainCRTStartup '
@ -581,13 +612,26 @@ class Vs2010Backend(backends.Backend):
extra_link_args = compiler . get_option_link_args ( self . environment . coredata . compiler_options )
extra_link_args + = compiler . get_buildtype_linker_args ( self . buildtype )
for l in self . environment . coredata . external_link_args . values ( ) :
extra_link_args + = compiler . unix_link_flags_to_native ( l )
extra_link_args + = compiler . unix_link_flags_to_native ( target . link_args )
extra_link_args + = l
if not isinstance ( target , build . StaticLibrary ) :
extra_link_args + = target . link_args
# External deps must be last because target link libraries may depend on them.
for dep in target . get_external_deps ( ) :
extra_link_args + = dep . get_link_args ( )
for d in target . get_dependencies ( ) :
if isinstance ( d , build . StaticLibrary ) :
for dep in d . get_external_deps ( ) :
extra_link_args + = dep . get_link_args ( )
extra_link_args = compiler . unix_link_flags_to_native ( extra_link_args )
( additional_libpaths , additional_links , extra_link_args ) = self . split_link_args ( extra_link_args )
if len ( extra_link_args ) > 0 :
extra_link_args . append ( ' % (AdditionalOptions) ' )
ET . SubElement ( link , " AdditionalOptions " ) . text = ' ' . join ( extra_link_args )
if len ( additional_libpaths ) > 0 :
additional_libpaths . insert ( 0 , ' % (AdditionalLibraryDirectories) ' )
ET . SubElement ( link , ' AdditionalLibraryDirectories ' ) . text = ' ; ' . join ( additional_libpaths )
additional_links = [ ]
# Add more libraries to be linked if needed
for t in target . get_dependencies ( ) :
lobj = self . build . targets [ t . get_id ( ) ]
rel_path = self . relpath ( lobj . subdir , target . subdir )
@ -606,8 +650,6 @@ class Vs2010Backend(backends.Backend):
ET . SubElement ( link , ' AdditionalDependencies ' ) . text = ' ; ' . join ( additional_links )
ofile = ET . SubElement ( link , ' OutputFile ' )
ofile . text = ' $(OutDir) %s ' % target . get_filename ( )
addlibdir = ET . SubElement ( link , ' AdditionalLibraryDirectories ' )
addlibdir . text = ' % (AdditionalLibraryDirectories) '
subsys = ET . SubElement ( link , ' SubSystem ' )
subsys . text = subsystem
gendeb = ET . SubElement ( link , ' GenerateDebugInformation ' )