Merge pull request #7758 from dcbaker/submit/hdf5-factory

dependencies/hdf5: Convert to a dependency_factory
Dylan Baker 5 years ago committed by GitHub
commit 137c3124e2
No known key found for this signature in database
  1. 2
  2. 4
  3. 9
  4. 2
  5. 4
  6. 6
  7. 251
  8. 31
      test cases/frameworks/25 hdf5/
  9. 6
      test cases/frameworks/25 hdf5/meson_options.txt
  10. 10
      test cases/frameworks/25 hdf5/test.json

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ jobs:
python-version: '3.x'
- run: python -m pip install -e .
- run: brew install pkg-config ninja gcc hdf5
- run: meson setup "test cases/frameworks/25 hdf5" build
- run: meson setup "test cases/frameworks/25 hdf5" build -Dmethod=config-tool
- run: meson compile -C build
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v1
if: failure()

@ -364,6 +364,10 @@ language-specific, you must specify the requested language using the
Meson uses pkg-config to find HDF5. The standard low-level HDF5 function and the `HL` high-level HDF5 functions are linked for each language.
`method` may be `auto`, `config-tool` or `pkg-config`.
*New in 0.56.0* the `config-tool` method.
*New in 0.56.0* the dependencies now return proper dependency types and `get_variable` and similar methods should work as expected.
## libwmf

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
## HDF5 dependency improvements
HDF5 has been improved so that the internal representations have been split.
This allows selecting pkg-config and config-tool dependencies separately.
Both work as proper dependencies of their type, so `get_variable` and similar
now work correctly.
It has also been fixed to use the selected compiler for the build instead of
the default compiler.

@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ class CoreData:
) # type: PerMachine[T.defaultdict[str, OptionDictType]]
self.base_options = {} # type: OptionDictType
self.cross_files = self.__load_config_files(options, scratch_dir, 'cross')
self.compilers = PerMachine(OrderedDict(), OrderedDict())
self.compilers = PerMachine(OrderedDict(), OrderedDict()) # type: PerMachine[T.Dict[str, Compiler]]
build_cache = DependencyCache(self.builtins_per_machine, MachineChoice.BUILD)
host_cache = DependencyCache(self.builtins_per_machine, MachineChoice.BUILD)

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
from .boost import BoostDependency
from .cuda import CudaDependency
from .hdf5 import HDF5Dependency
from .hdf5 import hdf5_factory
from .base import ( # noqa: F401
Dependency, DependencyException, DependencyMethods, ExternalProgram, EmptyExternalProgram, NonExistingExternalProgram,
ExternalDependency, NotFoundDependency, ExternalLibrary, ExtraFrameworkDependency, InternalDependency,
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ packages.update({
# per-file
'coarray': coarray_factory,
'hdf5': HDF5Dependency,
'hdf5': hdf5_factory,
'mpi': mpi_factory,
'scalapack': scalapack_factory,

@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ class Dependency:
raise RuntimeError('Unreachable code in partial_dependency called')
def _add_sub_dependency(self, deplist: T.List['DependencyType']) -> bool:
def _add_sub_dependency(self, deplist: T.Iterable[T.Callable[[], 'Dependency']]) -> bool:
"""Add an internal depdency from a list of possible dependencies.
This method is intended to make it easier to add additional
@ -302,10 +302,10 @@ class InternalDependency(Dependency):
return new_dep
class HasNativeKwarg:
def __init__(self, kwargs):
def __init__(self, kwargs: T.Dict[str, T.Any]):
self.for_machine = self.get_for_machine_from_kwargs(kwargs)
def get_for_machine_from_kwargs(self, kwargs):
def get_for_machine_from_kwargs(self, kwargs: T.Dict[str, T.Any]) -> MachineChoice:
return MachineChoice.BUILD if kwargs.get('native', False) else MachineChoice.HOST
class ExternalDependency(Dependency, HasNativeKwarg):

@ -14,122 +14,163 @@
# This file contains the detection logic for miscellaneous external dependencies.
import subprocess
import functools
import os
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
from pathlib import Path
from .. import mlog
from ..mesonlib import split_args, listify
from .base import (DependencyException, DependencyMethods, ExternalDependency, ExternalProgram,
from ..mesonlib import OrderedSet, join_args
from .base import (
DependencyException, DependencyMethods, ConfigToolDependency,
PkgConfigDependency, factory_methods
import typing as T
from .base import Dependency
from ..envconfig import MachineChoice
from ..environment import Environment
class HDF5Dependency(ExternalDependency):
def __init__(self, environment: 'Environment', kwargs: T.Dict[str, T.Any]) -> None:
language = kwargs.get('language', 'c')
super().__init__('hdf5', environment, kwargs, language=language)
kwargs['required'] = False
kwargs['silent'] = True
self.is_found = False
methods = listify(self.methods)
class HDF5PkgConfigDependency(PkgConfigDependency):
"""Handle brokenness in the HDF5 pkg-config files."""
def __init__(self, name: str, environment: 'Environment', kwargs: T.Dict[str, T.Any], language: T.Optional[str] = None) -> None:
language = language or 'c'
if language not in {'c', 'cpp', 'fortran'}:
raise DependencyException('Language {} is not supported with HDF5.'.format(language))
super().__init__(name, environment, kwargs, language)
if not self.is_found:
if language not in ('c', 'cpp', 'fortran'):
# some broken pkgconfig don't actually list the full path to the needed includes
newinc = [] # type: T.List[str]
for arg in self.compile_args:
if arg.startswith('-I'):
stem = 'static' if kwargs.get('static', False) else 'shared'
if (Path(arg[2:]) / stem).is_dir():
newinc.append('-I' + str(Path(arg[2:]) / stem))
self.compile_args += newinc
link_args = [] # type: T.List[str]
for larg in self.get_link_args():
lpath = Path(larg)
# some pkg-config hdf5.pc (e.g. Ubuntu) don't include the commonly-used HL HDF5 libraries,
# so let's add them if they exist
# additionally, some pkgconfig HDF5 HL files are malformed so let's be sure to find HL anyway
if lpath.is_file():
hl = []
if language == 'cpp':
hl += ['_hl_cpp', '_cpp']
elif language == 'fortran':
hl += ['_hl_fortran', 'hl_fortran', '_fortran']
hl += ['_hl'] # C HL library, always needed
suffix = '.' +'.', 1)[1] # in case of .dll.a
for h in hl:
hlfn = lpath.parent / ('.', 1)[0] + h + suffix)
if hlfn.is_file():
# HDF5 C libs are required by other HDF5 languages
self.link_args = link_args
class HDF5ConfigToolDependency(ConfigToolDependency):
"""Wrapper around hdf5 binary config tools."""
version_arg = '-showconfig'
def __init__(self, name: str, environment: 'Environment', kwargs: T.Dict[str, T.Any], language: T.Optional[str] = None) -> None:
language = language or 'c'
if language not in {'c', 'cpp', 'fortran'}:
raise DependencyException('Language {} is not supported with HDF5.'.format(language))
if set([DependencyMethods.AUTO, DependencyMethods.PKGCONFIG]).intersection(methods):
pkgconfig_files = ['hdf5', 'hdf5-serial']
PCEXE = shutil.which('pkg-config')
# some distros put hdf5-1.2.3.pc with version number in .pc filename.
ret =[PCEXE, '--list-all'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL,
if ret.returncode == 0:
for pkg in ret.stdout.split('\n'):
if pkg.startswith(('hdf5')):
pkgconfig_files.append(pkg.split(' ', 1)[0])
pkgconfig_files = list(set(pkgconfig_files)) # dedupe
for pkg in pkgconfig_files:
pkgdep = PkgConfigDependency(pkg, environment, kwargs, language=self.language)
if not pkgdep.found():
self.compile_args = pkgdep.get_compile_args()
# some broken pkgconfig don't actually list the full path to the needed includes
newinc = []
for arg in self.compile_args:
if arg.startswith('-I'):
stem = 'static' if kwargs.get('static', False) else 'shared'
if (Path(arg[2:]) / stem).is_dir():
newinc.append('-I' + str(Path(arg[2:]) / stem))
self.compile_args += newinc
# derive needed libraries by language
pd_link_args = pkgdep.get_link_args()
link_args = []
for larg in pd_link_args:
lpath = Path(larg)
# some pkg-config hdf5.pc (e.g. Ubuntu) don't include the commonly-used HL HDF5 libraries,
# so let's add them if they exist
# additionally, some pkgconfig HDF5 HL files are malformed so let's be sure to find HL anyway
if lpath.is_file():
hl = []
if language == 'cpp':
hl += ['_hl_cpp', '_cpp']
elif language == 'fortran':
hl += ['_hl_fortran', 'hl_fortran', '_fortran']
hl += ['_hl'] # C HL library, always needed
suffix = '.' +'.', 1)[1] # in case of .dll.a
for h in hl:
hlfn = lpath.parent / ('.', 1)[0] + h + suffix)
if hlfn.is_file():
# HDF5 C libs are required by other HDF5 languages
self.link_args = link_args
self.version = pkgdep.get_version()
self.is_found = True
self.pcdep = pkgdep
if DependencyMethods.AUTO in methods:
wrappers = {'c': 'h5cc', 'cpp': 'h5c++', 'fortran': 'h5fc'}
comp_args = []
link_args = []
# have to always do C as well as desired language
for lang in set([language, 'c']):
prog = ExternalProgram(wrappers[lang], silent=True)
if not prog.found():
shlib_arg = '-noshlib' if kwargs.get('static', False) else '-shlib'
cmd = prog.get_command() + [shlib_arg, '-show']
p =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True, timeout=15)
if p.returncode != 0:
mlog.debug('Command', mlog.bold(str(cmd)), 'failed to run:')
mlog.debug(mlog.bold('Standard output\n'), p.stdout)
mlog.debug(mlog.bold('Standard error\n'), p.stderr)
args = split_args(p.stdout)
for arg in args[1:]:
if arg.startswith(('-I', '-f', '-D')) or arg == '-pthread':
elif arg.startswith(('-L', '-l', '-Wl')):
elif Path(arg).is_file():
self.compile_args = comp_args
self.link_args = link_args
self.is_found = True
if language == 'c':
cenv = 'CC'
tools = ['h5cc']
elif language == 'cpp':
cenv = 'CXX'
tools = ['h5c++']
elif language == 'fortran':
cenv = 'FC'
tools = ['h5fc']
raise DependencyException('How did you get here?')
# We need this before we call super()
for_machine = self.get_for_machine_from_kwargs(kwargs)
nkwargs = kwargs.copy()
nkwargs['tools'] = tools
# Override the compiler that the config tools are going to use by
# setting the environment variables that they use for the compiler and
# linkers.
compiler = environment.coredata.compilers[for_machine][language]
os.environ['HDF5_{}'.format(cenv)] = join_args(compiler.get_exelist())
os.environ['HDF5_{}LINKER'.format(cenv)] = join_args(compiler.get_linker_exelist())
super().__init__(name, environment, nkwargs, language)
del os.environ['HDF5_{}'.format(cenv)]
del os.environ['HDF5_{}LINKER'.format(cenv)]
if not self.is_found:
def get_methods() -> T.List[DependencyMethods]:
return [DependencyMethods.AUTO, DependencyMethods.PKGCONFIG]
args = self.get_config_value(['-show', '-noshlib' if kwargs.get('static', False) else '-shlib'], 'args')
for arg in args[1:]:
if arg.startswith(('-I', '-f', '-D')) or arg == '-pthread':
elif arg.startswith(('-L', '-l', '-Wl')):
elif Path(arg).is_file():
# If the language is not C we need to add C as a subdependency
if language != 'c':
nkwargs = kwargs.copy()
nkwargs['language'] = 'c'
# I'm being too clever for mypy and pylint
self.is_found = self._add_sub_dependency(hdf5_factory(environment, for_machine, nkwargs)) # type: ignore # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter
def _sanitize_version(self, ver: str) -> str:
v ='\s*HDF5 Version: (\d+\.\d+\.\d+)', ver)
@factory_methods({DependencyMethods.PKGCONFIG, DependencyMethods.CONFIG_TOOL})
def hdf5_factory(env: 'Environment', for_machine: 'MachineChoice',
kwargs: T.Dict[str, T.Any], methods: T.List[DependencyMethods]) -> T.List[T.Callable[[], 'Dependency']]:
language = kwargs.get('language')
candidates = [] # type: T.List[T.Callable[[], Dependency]]
if DependencyMethods.PKGCONFIG in methods:
# Use an ordered set so that these remain the first tried pkg-config files
pkgconfig_files = OrderedSet(['hdf5', 'hdf5-serial'])
# FIXME: This won't honor pkg-config paths, and cross-native files
PCEXE = shutil.which('pkg-config')
# some distros put hdf5-1.2.3.pc with version number in .pc filename.
ret =[PCEXE, '--list-all'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL,
if ret.returncode == 0:
for pkg in ret.stdout.split('\n'):
if pkg.startswith(('hdf5')):
pkgconfig_files.add(pkg.split(' ', 1)[0])
for pkg in pkgconfig_files:
candidates.append(functools.partial(HDF5PkgConfigDependency, pkg, env, kwargs, language))
if DependencyMethods.CONFIG_TOOL in methods:
candidates.append(functools.partial(HDF5ConfigToolDependency, 'hdf5', env, kwargs, language))
return candidates

@ -2,8 +2,10 @@ project('hdf5_framework', 'c')
# NOTE: all HDF5 languages must have HDF5 C library working.
method = get_option('method')
# --- C tests
h5c = dependency('hdf5', language : 'c', required : false)
h5c = dependency('hdf5', language : 'c', required : false, method : method)
if not h5c.found()
error('MESON_SKIP_TEST: HDF5 C library not found.')
@ -12,16 +14,31 @@ test('HDF5 C', exec, timeout: 30)
# --- C++ tests
if add_languages('cpp', required: false)
h5cpp = dependency('hdf5', language : 'cpp', required : false, disabler: true)
h5cpp = dependency('hdf5', language : 'cpp', required : false, disabler: true, method : method)
execpp = executable('execpp', 'main.cpp', dependencies : h5cpp)
test('HDF5 C++', execpp, timeout: 30)
# --- Fortran tests
if add_languages('fortran', required: false)
h5f = dependency('hdf5', language : 'fortran', required : false, disabler: true)
exef = executable('exef', 'main.f90', dependencies : h5f)
test('HDF5 Fortran', exef, timeout: 30)
test_fortran = add_languages('fortran', required: false)
if test_fortran
cpp = meson.get_compiler('cpp')
fc = meson.get_compiler('fortran')
if host_machine.system() == 'darwin' and cpp.get_id() == 'clang' and fc.get_id() == 'gcc'
# Search paths don't work correctly here and -lgfortran doesn't work
test_fortran = false
elif host_machine.system() == 'windows' and cpp.get_id() != 'gcc' and fc.get_id() == 'gcc'
# mixing gfotran with non-gcc doesn't work on windows
test_fortran = false
# --- Fortran tests
if test_fortran
h5f = dependency('hdf5', language : 'fortran', required : false, disabler: true, method : method)
exef = executable('exef', 'main.f90', dependencies : h5f)
test('HDF5 Fortran', exef, timeout: 30)
# Check we can apply a version constraint

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
type : 'combo',
choices : ['pkg-config', 'config-tool'],
value : 'pkg-config'

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
"matrix": {
"options": {
"method": [
{ "val": "pkg-config" },
{ "val": "config-tool" }