@ -1714,6 +1714,108 @@ Note that while cross-compiling, it simply returns the values defined |
in the cross-info file. If `target_machine` values are not defined in |
in the cross-info file. If `target_machine` values are not defined in |
the cross-info file, `host_machine` values are returned instead. |
the cross-info file, `host_machine` values are returned instead. |
### `string` object |
All [strings](Syntax.md#strings) have the following methods. Strings |
are immutable, all operations return their results as a new string. |
- `contains(string)` returns true if string contains the string |
specified as the argument |
- `endswith(string)` returns true if string ends with the string |
specified as the argument |
- `format()` formats text, see the [Syntax |
manual](Syntax.md#string-formatting) for usage info |
- `join(list_of_strings)` is the opposite of split, for example |
`'.'.join(['a', 'b', 'c']` yields `'a.b.c'` |
- `split(split_character)` splits the string at the specified |
character (or whitespace if not set) and returns the parts in an |
array |
- `startswith(string)` returns true if string starts with the string |
specified as the argument |
- `strip()` removes whitespace at the beginning and end of the string |
*(added 0.43.0)* optionally can take one positional string argument, |
and all characters in that string will be stripped |
- `to_int` returns the string converted to an integer (error if string |
is not a number) |
- `to_lower()` creates a lower case version of the string |
- `to_upper()` creates an upper case version of the string |
- `underscorify()` creates a string where every non-alphabetical |
non-number character is replaced with `_` |
- `version_compare(comparison_string)` does semantic version |
comparison, if `x = '1.2.3'` then `x.version_compare('>1.0.0')` |
returns `true` |
### `Number` object |
[Numbers](Syntax.md#numbers) support these methods: |
- `is_even()` returns true if the number is even |
- `is_odd()` returns true if the number is odd |
### `boolean` object |
A [boolean](Syntax.md#booleans) object has two simple methods: |
- `to_int()` as above, but returns either `1` or `0` |
- `to_string()` returns the string `'true'` if the boolean is true or |
`'false'` otherwise. You can also pass it two strings as positional |
arguments to specify what to return for true/false. For instance, |
`bool.to_string('yes', 'no')` will return `yes` if the boolean is |
true and `no` if it is false. |
### `array` object |
The following methods are defined for all [arrays](Syntax.md#arrays): |
- `contains(item)`, returns `true` if the array contains the object |
given as argument, `false` otherwise |
- `get(index, fallback)`, returns the object at the given index, |
negative indices count from the back of the array, indexing out of |
bounds returns the `fallback` value *(added 0.38.0)* or, if it is |
not specified, causes a fatal error |
- `length()`, the size of the array |
You can also iterate over arrays with the [`foreach` |
statement](Syntax.md#foreach-statements). |
### `dictionary` object |
The following methods are defined for all [dictionaries](Syntax.md#dictionaries): |
- `has_key(key)` returns `true` if the dictionary contains the key |
given as argument, `false` otherwise |
- `get(key, fallback)`, returns the value for the key given as first |
argument if it is present in the dictionary, or the optional |
fallback value given as the second argument. If a single argument |
was given and the key was not found, causes a fatal error |
You can also iterate over dictionaries with the [`foreach` |
statement](Syntax.md#foreach-statements). |
Dictionaries are available since 0.47.0. |
Since 0.48.0 dictionaries can be added (e.g. `d1 = d2 + d3` and `d1 += d2`). |
Values from the second dictionary overrides values from the first. |
## Returned objects |
These are objects returned by the [functions listed above](#functions). |
### `compiler` object |
### `compiler` object |
This object is returned by |
This object is returned by |
@ -1939,108 +2041,6 @@ However, with GCC, these variables will be ignored when |
cross-compiling. In that case you need to use a specs file. See: |
cross-compiling. In that case you need to use a specs file. See: |
<http://www.mingw.org/wiki/SpecsFileHOWTO> |
<http://www.mingw.org/wiki/SpecsFileHOWTO> |
### `string` object |
All [strings](Syntax.md#strings) have the following methods. Strings |
are immutable, all operations return their results as a new string. |
- `contains(string)` returns true if string contains the string |
specified as the argument |
- `endswith(string)` returns true if string ends with the string |
specified as the argument |
- `format()` formats text, see the [Syntax |
manual](Syntax.md#string-formatting) for usage info |
- `join(list_of_strings)` is the opposite of split, for example |
`'.'.join(['a', 'b', 'c']` yields `'a.b.c'` |
- `split(split_character)` splits the string at the specified |
character (or whitespace if not set) and returns the parts in an |
array |
- `startswith(string)` returns true if string starts with the string |
specified as the argument |
- `strip()` removes whitespace at the beginning and end of the string |
*(added 0.43.0)* optionally can take one positional string argument, |
and all characters in that string will be stripped |
- `to_int` returns the string converted to an integer (error if string |
is not a number) |
- `to_lower()` creates a lower case version of the string |
- `to_upper()` creates an upper case version of the string |
- `underscorify()` creates a string where every non-alphabetical |
non-number character is replaced with `_` |
- `version_compare(comparison_string)` does semantic version |
comparison, if `x = '1.2.3'` then `x.version_compare('>1.0.0')` |
returns `true` |
### `Number` object |
[Numbers](Syntax.md#numbers) support these methods: |
- `is_even()` returns true if the number is even |
- `is_odd()` returns true if the number is odd |
### `boolean` object |
A [boolean](Syntax.md#booleans) object has two simple methods: |
- `to_int()` as above, but returns either `1` or `0` |
- `to_string()` returns the string `'true'` if the boolean is true or |
`'false'` otherwise. You can also pass it two strings as positional |
arguments to specify what to return for true/false. For instance, |
`bool.to_string('yes', 'no')` will return `yes` if the boolean is |
true and `no` if it is false. |
### `array` object |
The following methods are defined for all [arrays](Syntax.md#arrays): |
- `contains(item)`, returns `true` if the array contains the object |
given as argument, `false` otherwise |
- `get(index, fallback)`, returns the object at the given index, |
negative indices count from the back of the array, indexing out of |
bounds returns the `fallback` value *(added 0.38.0)* or, if it is |
not specified, causes a fatal error |
- `length()`, the size of the array |
You can also iterate over arrays with the [`foreach` |
statement](Syntax.md#foreach-statements). |
### `dictionary` object |
The following methods are defined for all [dictionaries](Syntax.md#dictionaries): |
- `has_key(key)` returns `true` if the dictionary contains the key |
given as argument, `false` otherwise |
- `get(key, fallback)`, returns the value for the key given as first |
argument if it is present in the dictionary, or the optional |
fallback value given as the second argument. If a single argument |
was given and the key was not found, causes a fatal error |
You can also iterate over dictionaries with the [`foreach` |
statement](Syntax.md#foreach-statements). |
Dictionaries are available since 0.47.0. |
Since 0.48.0 dictionaries can be added (e.g. `d1 = d2 + d3` and `d1 += d2`). |
Values from the second dictionary overrides values from the first. |
## Returned objects |
These are objects returned by the [functions listed above](#functions). |
### `build target` object |
### `build target` object |
A build target is either an [executable](#executable), |
A build target is either an [executable](#executable), |