@ -29,9 +29,11 @@ from .. import build
from . . import mlog
from . . import dependencies
from . . import compilers
from . . compilers import CompilerArgs , CCompiler , VisualStudioLikeCompiler , FortranCompiler
from . . compilers import Compiler , Compiler Args, CCompiler , VisualStudioLikeCompiler , FortranCompiler
from . . linkers import ArLinker
from . . mesonlib import File , MachineChoice , MesonException , OrderedSet , LibType
from . . mesonlib import (
File , LibType , MachineChoice , MesonException , OrderedSet , PerMachine
from . . mesonlib import get_compiler_for_source , has_path_sep
from . backends import CleanTrees
from . . build import InvalidArguments
@ -202,6 +204,7 @@ class NinjaBackend(backends.Backend):
self . fortran_deps = { }
self . all_outputs = { }
self . introspection_data = { }
self . created_llvm_ir_rule = PerMachine ( False , False )
def create_target_alias ( self , to_target ) :
# We need to use aliases for targets that might be used as directory
@ -219,7 +222,8 @@ class NinjaBackend(backends.Backend):
def detect_vs_dep_prefix ( self , tempfilename ) :
''' VS writes its dependency in a locale dependent format.
Detect the search prefix to use . '''
for compiler in self . environment . coredata . compilers . values ( ) :
# TODO don't hard-code host
for compiler in self . environment . coredata . compilers . host . values ( ) :
# Have to detect the dependency format
# IFort on windows is MSVC like, but doesn't have /showincludes
@ -314,10 +318,12 @@ int dummy;
# http://clang.llvm.org/docs/JSONCompilationDatabase.html
def generate_compdb ( self ) :
pch_compilers = [ ' %s _PCH ' % i for i in self . environment . coredata . compilers ]
native_compilers = [ ' %s _COMPILER ' % i for i in self . environment . coredata . compilers ]
cross_compilers = [ ' %s _CROSS_COMPILER ' % i for i in self . environment . coredata . cross_compilers ]
ninja_compdb = [ self . ninja_command , ' -t ' , ' compdb ' ] + pch_compilers + native_compilers + cross_compilers
rules = [ ]
for for_machine in MachineChoice :
for lang in self . environment . coredata . compilers [ for_machine ] :
rules + = [ self . get_compiler_rule_name ( lang , for_machine ) ]
rules + = [ self . get_pch_rule_name ( lang , for_machine ) ]
ninja_compdb = [ self . ninja_command , ' -t ' , ' compdb ' ] + rules
builddir = self . environment . get_build_dir ( )
try :
jsondb = subprocess . check_output ( ninja_compdb , cwd = builddir )
@ -663,13 +669,10 @@ int dummy;
# the project, we need to set PATH so the DLLs are found. We use
# a serialized executable wrapper for that and check if the
# CustomTarget command needs extra paths first.
is_cross = self . environment . is_cross_build ( ) and \
self . environment . need_exe_wrapper ( )
if mesonlib . for_windows ( self . environment ) or \
mesonlib . for_cygwin ( self . environment ) :
machine = self . environment . machines [ target . for_machine ]
if machine . is_windows ( ) or machine . is_cygwin ( ) :
extra_bdeps = target . get_transitive_build_target_deps ( )
extra_paths = self . determine_windows_extra_paths ( target . command [ 0 ] ,
extra_bdeps , is_cross )
extra_paths = self . determine_windows_extra_paths ( target . command [ 0 ] , extra_bdeps )
if extra_paths :
serialize = True
if serialize :
@ -846,9 +849,7 @@ int dummy;
self . add_rule_comment ( NinjaComment ( ' Rules for compiling. ' ) )
self . generate_compile_rules ( )
self . add_rule_comment ( NinjaComment ( ' Rules for linking. ' ) )
if self . environment . is_cross_build ( ) :
self . generate_static_link_rules ( True )
self . generate_static_link_rules ( False )
self . generate_static_link_rules ( )
self . generate_dynamic_link_rules ( )
self . add_rule_comment ( NinjaComment ( ' Other rules ' ) )
# Ninja errors out if you have deps = gcc but no depfile, so we must
@ -1014,10 +1015,10 @@ int dummy;
for dep in target . get_external_deps ( ) :
commands . extend_direct ( dep . get_link_args ( ) )
commands + = self . build . get_project_args ( compiler , target . subproject , target . is_cross )
commands + = self . build . get_global_args ( compiler , target . is_cross )
commands + = self . build . get_project_args ( compiler , target . subproject , target . for_machine )
commands + = self . build . get_global_args ( compiler , target . for_machine )
elem = NinjaBuildElement ( self . all_outputs , outputs , ' cs_COMPILER ' , rel_srcs + generated_rel_srcs )
elem = NinjaBuildElement ( self . all_outputs , outputs , self . get_compiler_rule_name ( ' cs ' , target . for_machine ) , rel_srcs + generated_rel_srcs )
elem . add_dep ( deps )
elem . add_item ( ' ARGS ' , commands )
self . add_build ( elem )
@ -1028,8 +1029,8 @@ int dummy;
def determine_single_java_compile_args ( self , target , compiler ) :
args = [ ]
args + = compiler . get_buildtype_args ( self . get_option_for_target ( ' buildtype ' , target ) )
args + = self . build . get_global_args ( compiler , target . is_cross )
args + = self . build . get_project_args ( compiler , target . subproject , target . is_cross )
args + = self . build . get_global_args ( compiler , target . for_machine )
args + = self . build . get_project_args ( compiler , target . subproject , target . for_machine )
args + = target . get_java_args ( )
args + = compiler . get_output_args ( self . get_target_private_dir ( target ) )
args + = target . get_classpath_args ( )
@ -1051,7 +1052,7 @@ int dummy;
rel_src = src . rel_to_builddir ( self . build_to_src )
plain_class_path = src . fname [ : - 4 ] + ' class '
rel_obj = os . path . join ( self . get_target_private_dir ( target ) , plain_class_path )
element = NinjaBuildElement ( self . all_outputs , rel_obj , compiler . get_language ( ) + ' _COMPILER ' , rel_src )
element = NinjaBuildElement ( self . all_outputs , rel_obj , self . compiler_to_rule_name ( compiler ) , rel_src )
element . add_dep ( deps )
element . add_item ( ' ARGS ' , args )
self . add_build ( element )
@ -1248,7 +1249,7 @@ int dummy;
extra_dep_files + = dependency_vapis
args + = extra_args
element = NinjaBuildElement ( self . all_outputs , valac_outputs ,
valac . get_language ( ) + ' _COMPILER ' ,
self . compiler_to_rule_name ( valac ) ,
all_files + dependency_vapis )
element . add_item ( ' ARGS ' , args )
element . add_dep ( extra_dep_files )
@ -1285,8 +1286,8 @@ int dummy;
args + = [ ' --crate-name ' , target . name ]
args + = rustc . get_buildtype_args ( self . get_option_for_target ( ' buildtype ' , target ) )
args + = rustc . get_debug_args ( self . get_option_for_target ( ' debug ' , target ) )
args + = self . build . get_global_args ( rustc , target . is_cross )
args + = self . build . get_project_args ( rustc , target . subproject , target . is_cross )
args + = self . build . get_global_args ( rustc , target . for_machine )
args + = self . build . get_project_args ( rustc , target . subproject , target . for_machine )
depfile = os . path . join ( target . subdir , target . name + ' .d ' )
args + = [ ' --emit ' , ' dep-info= {} ' . format ( depfile ) , ' --emit ' , ' link ' ]
args + = target . get_extra_args ( ' rust ' )
@ -1334,10 +1335,7 @@ int dummy;
# installations
for rpath_arg in rpath_args :
args + = [ ' -C ' , ' link-arg= ' + rpath_arg + ' : ' + os . path . join ( rustc . get_sysroot ( ) , ' lib ' ) ]
crstr = ' '
if target . is_cross :
crstr = ' _CROSS '
compiler_name = ' rust %s _COMPILER ' % crstr
compiler_name = self . get_compiler_rule_name ( ' rust ' , target . for_machine )
element = NinjaBuildElement ( self . all_outputs , target_name , compiler_name , main_rust_file )
if len ( orderdeps ) > 0 :
element . add_orderdep ( orderdeps )
@ -1349,6 +1347,26 @@ int dummy;
self . generate_shsym ( target )
self . create_target_source_introspection ( target , rustc , args , [ main_rust_file ] , [ ] )
def get_rule_suffix ( for_machine : MachineChoice ) - > str :
return PerMachine ( ' _FOR_BUILD ' , ' ' ) [ for_machine ]
def get_compiler_rule_name ( cls , lang : str , for_machine : MachineChoice ) - > str :
return ' %s _COMPILER %s ' % ( lang , cls . get_rule_suffix ( for_machine ) )
def get_pch_rule_name ( cls , lang : str , for_machine : MachineChoice ) - > str :
return ' %s _PCH %s ' % ( lang , cls . get_rule_suffix ( for_machine ) )
def compiler_to_rule_name ( cls , compiler : Compiler ) - > str :
return cls . get_compiler_rule_name ( compiler . get_language ( ) , compiler . for_machine )
def compiler_to_pch_rule_name ( cls , compiler : Compiler ) - > str :
return cls . get_pch_rule_name ( compiler . get_language ( ) , compiler . for_machine )
def swift_module_file_name ( self , target ) :
return os . path . join ( self . get_target_private_dir ( target ) ,
self . target_swift_modulename ( target ) + ' .swiftmodule ' )
@ -1417,8 +1435,8 @@ int dummy;
compile_args + = swiftc . get_optimization_args ( self . get_option_for_target ( ' optimization ' , target ) )
compile_args + = swiftc . get_debug_args ( self . get_option_for_target ( ' debug ' , target ) )
compile_args + = swiftc . get_module_args ( module_name )
compile_args + = self . build . get_project_args ( swiftc , target . subproject , target . is_cross )
compile_args + = self . build . get_global_args ( swiftc , target . is_cross )
compile_args + = self . build . get_project_args ( swiftc , target . subproject , target . for_machine )
compile_args + = self . build . get_global_args ( swiftc , target . for_machine )
for i in reversed ( target . get_include_dirs ( ) ) :
basedir = i . get_curdir ( )
for d in i . get_incdirs ( ) :
@ -1430,8 +1448,8 @@ int dummy;
sargs = swiftc . get_include_args ( srctreedir )
compile_args + = sargs
link_args = swiftc . get_output_args ( os . path . join ( self . environment . get_build_dir ( ) , self . get_target_filename ( target ) ) )
link_args + = self . build . get_project_link_args ( swiftc , target . subproject , target . is_cross )
link_args + = self . build . get_global_link_args ( swiftc , target . is_cross )
link_args + = self . build . get_project_link_args ( swiftc , target . subproject , target . for_machine )
link_args + = self . build . get_global_link_args ( swiftc , target . for_machine )
rundir = self . get_target_private_dir ( target )
out_module_name = self . swift_module_file_name ( target )
in_module_files = self . determine_swift_dep_modules ( target )
@ -1458,17 +1476,17 @@ int dummy;
objects . append ( oname )
rel_objects . append ( os . path . join ( self . get_target_private_dir ( target ) , oname ) )
rulename = self . get_compiler_rule_name ( ' swift ' , target . for_machine )
# Swiftc does not seem to be able to emit objects and module files in one go.
elem = NinjaBuildElement ( self . all_outputs , rel_objects ,
' swift_COMPILER ' ,
abssrc )
elem = NinjaBuildElement ( self . all_outputs , rel_objects , rulename , abssrc )
elem . add_dep ( in_module_files + rel_generated )
elem . add_dep ( abs_headers )
elem . add_item ( ' ARGS ' , compile_args + header_imports + abs_generated + module_includes )
elem . add_item ( ' RUNDIR ' , rundir )
self . add_build ( elem )
elem = NinjaBuildElement ( self . all_outputs , out_module_name ,
' swift_COMPILER ' ,
self . get_compiler_rule_name ( ' swift ' , target . for_machine ) ,
abssrc )
elem . add_dep ( in_module_files + rel_generated )
elem . add_item ( ' ARGS ' , compile_args + abs_generated + module_includes + swiftc . get_mod_gen_args ( ) )
@ -1476,10 +1494,10 @@ int dummy;
self . add_build ( elem )
if isinstance ( target , build . StaticLibrary ) :
elem = self . generate_link ( target , self . get_target_filename ( target ) ,
rel_objects , self . build . static_linker )
rel_objects , self . build . static_linker [ target . for_machine ] )
self . add_build ( elem )
elif isinstance ( target , build . Executable ) :
elem = NinjaBuildElement ( self . all_outputs , self . get_target_filename ( target ) , ' swift_COMPILER ' , [ ] )
elem = NinjaBuildElement ( self . all_outputs , self . get_target_filename ( target ) , rulename , [ ] )
elem . add_dep ( rel_objects )
elem . add_dep ( link_deps )
elem . add_item ( ' ARGS ' , link_args + swiftc . get_std_exe_link_args ( ) + objects + abs_link_deps )
@ -1490,61 +1508,49 @@ int dummy;
# Introspection information
self . create_target_source_introspection ( target , swiftc , compile_args + header_imports + module_includes , relsrc , rel_generated )
def generate_static_link_rules ( self , is_cross ) :
def generate_static_link_rules ( self ) :
num_pools = self . environment . coredata . backend_options [ ' backend_max_links ' ] . value
if ' java ' in self . environment . coredata . compilers :
if not is_cross :
self . generate_java_link ( )
if is_cross :
if self . environment . is_cross_build ( ) :
static_linker = self . build . static_cross_linker
if ' java ' in self . environment . coredata . compilers . host :
self . generate_java_link ( )
for for_machine in MachineChoice :
static_linker = self . build . static_linker [ for_machine ]
if static_linker is None :
rule = ' STATIC_LINKER %s ' % self . get_rule_suffix ( for_machine )
cmdlist = [ ]
args = [ ' $in ' ]
# FIXME: Must normalize file names with pathlib.Path before writing
# them out to fix this properly on Windows. See:
# https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/issues/1517
# https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/issues/1526
if isinstance ( static_linker , ArLinker ) and not mesonlib . is_windows ( ) :
# `ar` has no options to overwrite archives. It always appends,
# which is never what we want. Delete an existing library first if
# it exists. https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/issues/1355
cmdlist = execute_wrapper + [ c . format ( ' $out ' ) for c in rmfile_prefix ]
cmdlist + = static_linker . get_exelist ( )
cmdlist + = [ ' $LINK_ARGS ' ]
cmdlist + = static_linker . get_output_args ( ' $out ' )
description = ' Linking static target $out. '
if num_pools > 0 :
pool = ' pool = link_pool '
else :
static_linker = self . build . static_linker
crstr = ' _CROSS '
else :
static_linker = self . build . static_linker
crstr = ' '
if static_linker is None :
rule = ' STATIC %s _LINKER ' % crstr
cmdlist = [ ]
args = [ ' $in ' ]
# FIXME: Must normalize file names with pathlib.Path before writing
# them out to fix this properly on Windows. See:
# https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/issues/1517
# https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/issues/1526
if isinstance ( static_linker , ArLinker ) and not mesonlib . is_windows ( ) :
# `ar` has no options to overwrite archives. It always appends,
# which is never what we want. Delete an existing library first if
# it exists. https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/issues/1355
cmdlist = execute_wrapper + [ c . format ( ' $out ' ) for c in rmfile_prefix ]
cmdlist + = static_linker . get_exelist ( )
cmdlist + = [ ' $LINK_ARGS ' ]
cmdlist + = static_linker . get_output_args ( ' $out ' )
description = ' Linking static target $out. '
if num_pools > 0 :
pool = ' pool = link_pool '
else :
pool = None
self . add_rule ( NinjaRule ( rule , cmdlist , args , description ,
rspable = static_linker . can_linker_accept_rsp ( ) ,
extra = pool ) )
pool = None
self . add_rule ( NinjaRule ( rule , cmdlist , args , description ,
rspable = static_linker . can_linker_accept_rsp ( ) ,
extra = pool ) )
def generate_dynamic_link_rules ( self ) :
num_pools = self . environment . coredata . backend_options [ ' backend_max_links ' ] . value
ctypes = [ ( self . environment . coredata . compilers , False ) ,
( self . environment . coredata . cross_compilers , True ) ]
for ( complist , is_cross ) in ctypes :
for for_machine in MachineChoice :
complist = self . environment . coredata . compilers [ for_machine ]
for langname , compiler in complist . items ( ) :
if langname == ' java ' \
or langname == ' vala ' \
or langname == ' rust ' \
or langname == ' cs ' :
crstr = ' '
if is_cross :
crstr = ' _CROSS '
rule = ' %s %s _LINKER ' % ( langname , crstr )
rule = ' %s _LINKER %s ' % ( langname , self . get_rule_suffix ( for_machine ) )
command = compiler . get_linker_exelist ( )
args = [ ' $ARGS ' ] + compiler . get_linker_output_args ( ' $out ' ) + [ ' $in ' , ' $LINK_ARGS ' ]
description = ' Linking target $out. '
@ -1568,14 +1574,14 @@ int dummy;
self . add_rule ( NinjaRule ( symrule , symcmd , [ ] , syndesc , extra = synstat ) )
def generate_java_compile_rule ( self , compiler ) :
rule = ' %s _COMPILER ' % compiler . get_language ( )
rule = self . compiler_to_rule_name ( compiler )
invoc = [ ninja_quote ( i ) for i in compiler . get_exelist ( ) ]
command = invoc + [ ' $ARGS ' , ' $in ' ]
description = ' Compiling Java object $in. '
self . add_rule ( NinjaRule ( rule , command , [ ] , description ) )
def generate_cs_compile_rule ( self , compiler ) :
rule = ' %s _COMPILER ' % compiler . get_language ( )
rule = self . compiler_to_rule_name ( compiler )
invoc = [ ninja_quote ( i ) for i in compiler . get_exelist ( ) ]
command = invoc
args = [ ' $ARGS ' , ' $in ' ]
@ -1584,17 +1590,14 @@ int dummy;
rspable = mesonlib . is_windows ( ) ) )
def generate_vala_compile_rules ( self , compiler ) :
rule = ' %s _COMPILER ' % compiler . get_language ( )
rule = self . compiler_to_rule_name ( compiler )
invoc = [ ninja_quote ( i ) for i in compiler . get_exelist ( ) ]
command = invoc + [ ' $ARGS ' , ' $in ' ]
description = ' Compiling Vala source $in. '
self . add_rule ( NinjaRule ( rule , command , [ ] , description , extra = ' restat = 1 ' ) )
def generate_rust_compile_rules ( self , compiler , is_cross ) :
crstr = ' '
if is_cross :
crstr = ' _CROSS '
rule = ' %s %s _COMPILER ' % ( compiler . get_language ( ) , crstr )
def generate_rust_compile_rules ( self , compiler ) :
rule = self . compiler_to_rule_name ( compiler )
invoc = [ ninja_quote ( i ) for i in compiler . get_exelist ( ) ]
command = invoc + [ ' $ARGS ' , ' $in ' ]
description = ' Compiling Rust source $in. '
@ -1604,7 +1607,7 @@ int dummy;
depfile = depfile ) )
def generate_swift_compile_rules ( self , compiler ) :
rule = ' %s _COMPILER ' % compiler . get_language ( )
rule = self . compiler_to_rule_name ( compiler )
full_exe = [ ninja_quote ( x ) for x in self . environment . get_build_command ( ) ] + [
' --internal ' ,
' dirchanger ' ,
@ -1626,44 +1629,41 @@ https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/ninja-build/j-2RfBIOd_8
https : / / gcc . gnu . org / bugzilla / show_bug . cgi ? id = 47485 ''' ))
self . add_rule ( NinjaRule ( rule , cmd , [ ] , ' Dep hack ' , extra = ' restat = 1 ' ) )
def generate_llvm_ir_compile_rule ( self , compiler , is_cross ) :
if getattr ( self , ' created_llvm_ir_rule ' , False ) :
def generate_llvm_ir_compile_rule ( self , compiler ) :
if self . created_llvm_ir_rule [ compiler . for_machine ] :
rule = ' llvm_ir {} _COMPILER ' . format ( ' _CROSS ' if is_cross else ' ' )
rule = self . get_compiler_rule_name ( ' llvm_ir ' , compiler . for_machine )
command = [ ninja_quote ( i ) for i in compiler . get_exelist ( ) ]
args = [ ' $ARGS ' ] + compiler . get_output_args ( ' $out ' ) + compiler . get_compile_only_args ( ) + [ ' $in ' ]
description = ' Compiling LLVM IR object $in. '
self . add_rule ( NinjaRule ( rule , command , args , description ,
rspable = compiler . can_linker_accept_rsp ( ) ) )
self . created_llvm_ir_rule = True
self . created_llvm_ir_rule [ compiler . for_machine ] = True
def generate_compile_rule_for ( self , langname , compiler , is_cross ) :
def generate_compile_rule_for ( self , langname , compiler ) :
if langname == ' java ' :
if not is_cross :
if self . environment . machines . matches_build_machine ( compiler . for_machine ) :
self . generate_java_compile_rule ( compiler )
if langname == ' cs ' :
if not is_cross :
if self . environment . machines . matches_build_machine ( compiler . for_machine ) :
self . generate_cs_compile_rule ( compiler )
if langname == ' vala ' :
if not is_cross :
if self . environment . machines . matches_build_machine ( compiler . for_machine ) :
self . generate_vala_compile_rules ( compiler )
if langname == ' rust ' :
self . generate_rust_compile_rules ( compiler , is_cross )
self . generate_rust_compile_rules ( compiler )
if langname == ' swift ' :
if not is_cross :
if self . environment . machines . matches_build_machine ( compiler . for_machine ) :
self . generate_swift_compile_rules ( compiler )
if is_cross :
crstr = ' _CROSS '
else :
crstr = ' '
crstr = self . get_rule_suffix ( compiler . for_machine )
if langname == ' fortran ' :
self . generate_fortran_dep_hack ( crstr )
rule = ' %s %s _COMPILER ' % ( langname , crstr )
rule = self . get_compiler_rule_name ( langname , compiler . for_machine )
depargs = compiler . get_dependency_gen_args ( ' $out ' , ' $DEPFILE ' )
quoted_depargs = [ ]
for d in depargs :
@ -1684,14 +1684,10 @@ https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=47485'''))
rspable = compiler . can_linker_accept_rsp ( ) ,
deps = deps , depfile = depfile ) )
def generate_pch_rule_for ( self , langname , compiler , is_cross ) :
def generate_pch_rule_for ( self , langname , compiler ) :
if langname != ' c ' and langname != ' cpp ' :
if is_cross :
crstr = ' _CROSS '
else :
crstr = ' '
rule = ' %s %s _PCH ' % ( langname , crstr )
rule = self . compiler_to_pch_rule_name ( compiler )
depargs = compiler . get_dependency_gen_args ( ' $out ' , ' $DEPFILE ' )
quoted_depargs = [ ]
@ -1715,18 +1711,13 @@ https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=47485'''))
depfile = depfile ) )
def generate_compile_rules ( self ) :
for langname , compiler in self . environment . coredata . compilers . items ( ) :
if compiler . get_id ( ) == ' clang ' :
self . generate_llvm_ir_compile_rule ( compiler , False )
self . generate_compile_rule_for ( langname , compiler , False )
self . generate_pch_rule_for ( langname , compiler , False )
if self . environment . is_cross_build ( ) :
cclist = self . environment . coredata . cross_compilers
for langname , compiler in cclist . items ( ) :
for for_machine in MachineChoice :
clist = self . environment . coredata . compilers [ for_machine ]
for langname , compiler in clist . items ( ) :
if compiler . get_id ( ) == ' clang ' :
self . generate_llvm_ir_compile_rule ( compiler , True )
self . generate_compile_rule_for ( langname , compiler , True )
self . generate_pch_rule_for ( langname , compiler , True )
self . generate_llvm_ir_compile_rule ( compiler )
self . generate_compile_rule_for ( langname , compiler )
self . generate_pch_rule_for ( langname , compiler )
def generate_generator_list_rules ( self , target ) :
# CustomTargets have already written their rules and
@ -1820,7 +1811,8 @@ https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=47485'''))
Find all module and submodule made available in a Fortran code file .
compiler = None
for lang , c in self . environment . coredata . compilers . items ( ) :
# TODO other compilers
for lang , c in self . environment . coredata . compilers . host . items ( ) :
if lang == ' fortran ' :
compiler = c
@ -1881,7 +1873,7 @@ https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=47485'''))
return mod_files
def get_cross_stdlib_args ( self , target , compiler ) :
if n ot target . is_cross :
if self . envir onmen t. machines . matches_build_machine ( target . for_machine ) :
return [ ]
if not self . environment . properties . host . has_stdlib ( compiler . language ) :
return [ ]
@ -1964,7 +1956,7 @@ https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=47485'''))
src_filename = src
obj_basename = src_filename . replace ( ' / ' , ' _ ' ) . replace ( ' \\ ' , ' _ ' )
rel_obj = os . path . join ( self . get_target_private_dir ( target ) , obj_basename )
rel_obj + = ' . ' + self . environment . get_object_suffix ( )
rel_obj + = ' . ' + self . environment . machines [ target . for_machine ] . get_object_suffix ( )
commands + = self . get_compile_debugfile_args ( compiler , target , rel_obj )
if isinstance ( src , File ) and src . is_built :
rel_src = src . fname
@ -1973,7 +1965,7 @@ https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=47485'''))
else :
raise InvalidArguments ( ' Invalid source type: {!r} ' . format ( src ) )
# Write the Ninja build command
compiler_name = ' llvm_ir {} _COMPILER ' . format ( ' _CROSS ' if target . is_cross else ' ' )
compiler_name = self . get_compiler_rule_name ( ' llvm_ir ' , compiler . for_machine )
element = NinjaBuildElement ( self . all_outputs , rel_obj , compiler_name , rel_src )
# Convert from GCC-style link argument naming to the naming used by the
# current compiler.
@ -2161,10 +2153,7 @@ https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=47485'''))
arr . append ( i )
pch_dep = arr
crstr = ' '
if target . is_cross :
crstr = ' _CROSS '
compiler_name = ' %s %s _COMPILER ' % ( compiler . get_language ( ) , crstr )
compiler_name = self . compiler_to_rule_name ( compiler )
extra_deps = [ ]
if compiler . get_language ( ) == ' fortran ' :
# Can't read source file to scan for deps if it's generated later
@ -2181,6 +2170,7 @@ https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=47485'''))
compiler . module_name_to_filename ( modname ) )
if srcfile == src :
crstr = self . get_rule_suffix ( target . for_machine )
depelem = NinjaBuildElement ( self . all_outputs , modfile , ' FORTRAN_DEP_HACK ' + crstr , rel_obj )
self . add_build ( depelem )
commands + = compiler . get_module_outdir_args ( self . get_target_private_dir ( target ) )
@ -2268,10 +2258,7 @@ https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=47485'''))
def generate_pch ( self , target , header_deps = None ) :
header_deps = header_deps if header_deps is not None else [ ]
cstr = ' '
pch_objects = [ ]
if target . is_cross :
cstr = ' _CROSS '
for lang in [ ' c ' , ' cpp ' ] :
pch = target . get_pch ( lang )
if not pch :
@ -2293,7 +2280,7 @@ https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=47485'''))
( commands , dep , dst , objs ) = self . generate_gcc_pch_command ( target , compiler , pch [ 0 ] )
extradep = None
pch_objects + = objs
rulename = compiler . get_language ( ) + cstr + ' _PCH '
rulename = self . compiler_to_pch_rule_name ( compiler )
elem = NinjaBuildElement ( self . all_outputs , dst , rulename , src )
if extradep is not None :
elem . add_dep ( extradep )
@ -2310,11 +2297,12 @@ https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=47485'''))
symname = os . path . join ( targetdir , target_name + ' .symbols ' )
elem = NinjaBuildElement ( self . all_outputs , symname , ' SHSYM ' , target_file )
if self . environment . is_cross_build ( ) :
elem . add_item ( ' CROSS ' , ' --cross-host= ' + self . environment . machines . host . system )
elem . add_item ( ' CROSS ' , ' --cross-host= ' + self . environment . machines [ target . for_machine ] . system )
self . add_build ( elem )
def get_cross_stdlib_link_args ( self , target , linker ) :
if isinstance ( target , build . StaticLibrary ) or not target . is_cross :
if isinstance ( target , build . StaticLibrary ) or \
self . environment . machines . matches_build_machine ( target . for_machine ) :
return [ ]
if not self . environment . properties . host . has_stdlib ( linker . language ) :
return [ ]
@ -2455,10 +2443,8 @@ https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=47485'''))
linker_base = linker . get_language ( ) # Fixme.
if isinstance ( target , build . SharedLibrary ) :
self . generate_shsym ( target )
crstr = ' '
if target . is_cross :
crstr = ' _CROSS '
linker_rule = linker_base + crstr + ' _LINKER '
crstr = self . get_rule_suffix ( target . for_machine )
linker_rule = linker_base + ' _LINKER ' + crstr
# Create an empty commands list, and start adding link arguments from
# various sources in the order in which they must override each other
# starting from hard-coded defaults followed by build options and so on.
@ -2492,20 +2478,15 @@ https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=47485'''))
if not isinstance ( target , build . StaticLibrary ) :
commands + = self . get_link_whole_args ( linker , target )
if self . environment . is_cross_build ( ) and not target . is_cross :
for_machine = MachineChoice . BUILD
else :
for_machine = MachineChoice . HOST
if not isinstance ( target , build . StaticLibrary ) :
# Add link args added using add_project_link_arguments()
commands + = self . build . get_project_link_args ( linker , target . subproject , target . is_cross )
commands + = self . build . get_project_link_args ( linker , target . subproject , target . for_machine )
# Add link args added using add_global_link_arguments()
# These override per-project link arguments
commands + = self . build . get_global_link_args ( linker , target . is_cross )
commands + = self . build . get_global_link_args ( linker , target . for_machine )
# Link args added from the env: LDFLAGS. We want these to override
# all the defaults but not the per-target link args.
commands + = self . environment . coredata . get_external_link_args ( for_machine , linker . get_language ( ) )
commands + = self . environment . coredata . get_external_link_args ( target . for_machine , linker . get_language ( ) )
# Now we will add libraries and library paths from various sources
@ -2544,7 +2525,7 @@ https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=47485'''))
# to be after all internal and external libraries so that unresolved
# symbols from those can be found here. This is needed when the
# *_winlibs that we want to link to are static mingw64 libraries.
commands + = linker . get_option_link_args ( self . environment . coredata . compiler_options [ for_machine ] )
commands + = linker . get_option_link_args ( self . environment . coredata . compiler_options [ target . for_machine ] )
dep_targets = [ ]
dep_targets . extend ( self . guess_external_link_dependencies ( linker , target , commands , internal ) )