@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ class XCodeBackend(backends.Backend): |
def __init__(self, build): |
super().__init__(build) |
self.name = 'xcode' |
self.project_uid = self.environment.coredata.guid.replace('-', '')[:24] |
self.project_uid = self.environment.coredata.lang_guids['default'].replace('-', '')[:24] |
self.project_conflist = self.gen_id() |
self.indent = ' ' |
self.indent = '\t' # Recent versions of Xcode uses tabs |
self.indent_level = 0 |
self.xcodetypemap = {'c': 'sourcecode.c.c', |
'a': 'archive.ar', |
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ class XCodeBackend(backends.Backend): |
self.write_line('%s /* ALL_BUILD */ = {' % self.all_id) |
self.indent_level += 1 |
self.write_line('isa = PBXAggregateTarget;') |
self.write_line('buildConfigurationList = %s;' % self.all_buildconf_id) |
self.write_line('buildConfigurationList = %s /* Build configuration list for PBXAggregateTarget "ALL_BUILD" */;' % self.all_buildconf_id) |
self.write_line('buildPhases = (') |
self.write_line(');') |
self.write_line('dependencies = (') |
@ -222,10 +222,10 @@ class XCodeBackend(backends.Backend): |
self.write_line('%s /* RUN_TESTS */ = {' % self.test_id) |
self.indent_level += 1 |
self.write_line('isa = PBXAggregateTarget;') |
self.write_line('buildConfigurationList = %s;' % self.test_buildconf_id) |
self.write_line('buildConfigurationList = %s /* Build configuration list for PBXAggregateTarget "RUN_TESTS" */;' % self.test_buildconf_id) |
self.write_line('buildPhases = (') |
self.indent_level += 1 |
self.write_line('%s /* test run command */,' % self.test_command_id) |
self.write_line('%s /* ShellScript */,' % self.test_command_id) |
self.indent_level -= 1 |
self.write_line(');') |
self.write_line('dependencies = (') |
@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ class XCodeBackend(backends.Backend): |
for dep in t.get_external_deps(): |
if isinstance(dep, dependencies.AppleFrameworks): |
for f in dep.frameworks: |
self.ofile.write('%s /* %s.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = %s /* %s.framework */; };\n' % (self.native_frameworks[f], f, self.native_frameworks_fileref[f], f)) |
self.write_line('%s /* %s.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = %s /* %s.framework */; };\n' % (self.native_frameworks[f], f, self.native_frameworks_fileref[f], f)) |
for s in t.sources: |
if isinstance(s, mesonlib.File): |
@ -259,17 +259,18 @@ class XCodeBackend(backends.Backend): |
fileref = self.filemap[s] |
fullpath2 = fullpath |
compiler_args = '' |
self.ofile.write(templ % (idval, fullpath, fileref, fullpath2, compiler_args)) |
self.write_line(templ % (idval, fullpath, fileref, fullpath2, compiler_args)) |
for o in t.objects: |
o = os.path.join(t.subdir, o) |
idval = self.buildmap[o] |
fileref = self.filemap[o] |
fullpath = os.path.join(self.environment.get_source_dir(), o) |
fullpath2 = fullpath |
self.ofile.write(otempl % (idval, fullpath, fileref, fullpath2)) |
self.write_line(otempl % (idval, fullpath, fileref, fullpath2)) |
self.ofile.write('/* End PBXBuildFile section */\n') |
def generate_pbx_build_style(self): |
# FIXME: Xcode 9 and later does not uses PBXBuildStyle and it gets removed. Maybe we can remove this part. |
self.ofile.write('\n/* Begin PBXBuildStyle section */\n') |
for name, idval in self.buildstylemap.items(): |
self.write_line('%s /* %s */ = {\n' % (idval, name)) |
@ -301,19 +302,18 @@ class XCodeBackend(backends.Backend): |
def generate_pbx_file_reference(self): |
self.ofile.write('\n/* Begin PBXFileReference section */\n') |
for t in self.build.targets.values(): |
for dep in t.get_external_deps(): |
if isinstance(dep, dependencies.AppleFrameworks): |
for f in dep.frameworks: |
self.ofile.write('%s /* %s.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = %s.framework; path = System/Library/Frameworks/%s.framework; sourceTree = SDKROOT; };\n' % (self.native_frameworks_fileref[f], f, f, f)) |
self.write_line('%s /* %s.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = %s.framework; path = System/Library/Frameworks/%s.framework; sourceTree = SDKROOT; };\n' % (self.native_frameworks_fileref[f], f, f, f)) |
src_templ = '%s /* %s */ = { isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = "%s"; fileEncoding = 4; name = "%s"; path = "%s"; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; };\n' |
for fname, idval in self.filemap.items(): |
fullpath = os.path.join(self.environment.get_source_dir(), fname) |
xcodetype = self.get_xcodetype(fname) |
name = os.path.basename(fname) |
path = fname |
self.ofile.write(src_templ % (idval, fullpath, xcodetype, name, path)) |
self.write_line(src_templ % (idval, fullpath, xcodetype, name, path)) |
target_templ = '%s /* %s */ = { isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = "%s"; path = %s; refType = %d; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; };\n' |
for tname, idval in self.target_filemap.items(): |
t = self.build.targets[tname] |
@ -328,13 +328,12 @@ class XCodeBackend(backends.Backend): |
else: |
typestr = self.get_xcodetype(fname) |
path = '"%s"' % t.get_filename() |
self.ofile.write(target_templ % (idval, tname, typestr, path, reftype)) |
self.write_line(target_templ % (idval, tname, typestr, path, reftype)) |
self.ofile.write('/* End PBXFileReference section */\n') |
def generate_pbx_frameworks_buildphase(self): |
for tname, t in self.build.targets.items(): |
self.ofile.write('\n/* Begin PBXFrameworksBuildPhase section */\n') |
self.indent_level += 1 |
self.write_line('%s /* %s */ = {\n' % (t.buildphasemap['Frameworks'], 'Frameworks')) |
self.indent_level += 1 |
self.write_line('isa = PBXFrameworksBuildPhase;\n') |
@ -389,7 +388,7 @@ class XCodeBackend(backends.Backend): |
self.indent_level -= 1 |
self.write_line(');') |
self.write_line('name = Sources;') |
self.write_line('sourcetree = "<group>";') |
self.write_line('sourceTree = "<group>";') |
self.indent_level -= 1 |
self.write_line('};') |
@ -524,7 +523,7 @@ class XCodeBackend(backends.Backend): |
self.write_line('BuildIndependentTargetsInParallel = YES;') |
self.indent_level -= 1 |
self.write_line('};') |
conftempl = 'buildConfigurationList = %s /* build configuration list for PBXProject "%s"*/;' |
conftempl = 'buildConfigurationList = %s /* Build configuration list for PBXProject "%s" */;' |
self.write_line(conftempl % (self.project_conflist, self.build.project_name)) |
self.write_line('buildSettings = {') |
self.write_line('};') |
@ -553,7 +552,7 @@ class XCodeBackend(backends.Backend): |
def generate_pbx_shell_build_phase(self, test_data): |
self.ofile.write('\n/* Begin PBXShellScriptBuildPhase section */\n') |
self.write_line('%s = {' % self.test_command_id) |
self.write_line('%s /* ShellScript */ = {' % self.test_command_id) |
self.indent_level += 1 |
self.write_line('isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase;') |
self.write_line('buildActionMask = 2147483647;') |
@ -637,7 +636,7 @@ class XCodeBackend(backends.Backend): |
self.write_line('GCC_INLINES_ARE_PRIVATE_EXTERN = NO;') |
self.write_line('GCC_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL = 0;') |
self.write_line('GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS = ("");') |
self.write_line('GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS = "";') |
self.write_line('GCC_SYMBOLS_PRIVATE_EXTERN = NO;') |
self.write_line('INSTALL_PATH = "";') |
self.write_line('OTHER_CFLAGS = " ";') |
@ -647,7 +646,7 @@ class XCodeBackend(backends.Backend): |
self.write_line('SECTORDER_FLAGS = "";') |
self.write_line('SYMROOT = "%s";' % self.environment.get_build_dir()) |
self.write_line('USE_HEADERMAP = NO;') |
self.write_line('WARNING_CFLAGS = ("-Wmost", "-Wno-four-char-constants", "-Wno-unknown-pragmas", );') |
self.write_build_setting_line('WARNING_CFLAGS', ['-Wmost', '-Wno-four-char-constants', '-Wno-unknown-pragmas']) |
self.indent_level -= 1 |
self.write_line('};') |
self.write_line('name = "%s";' % buildtype) |
@ -665,7 +664,7 @@ class XCodeBackend(backends.Backend): |
self.write_line('GCC_INLINES_ARE_PRIVATE_EXTERN = NO;') |
self.write_line('GCC_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL = 0;') |
self.write_line('GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS = ("");') |
self.write_line('GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS = "";') |
self.write_line('GCC_SYMBOLS_PRIVATE_EXTERN = NO;') |
self.write_line('INSTALL_PATH = "";') |
self.write_line('OTHER_CFLAGS = " ";') |
@ -675,7 +674,7 @@ class XCodeBackend(backends.Backend): |
self.write_line('SECTORDER_FLAGS = "";') |
self.write_line('SYMROOT = "%s";' % self.environment.get_build_dir()) |
self.write_line('USE_HEADERMAP = NO;') |
self.write_line('WARNING_CFLAGS = ("-Wmost", "-Wno-four-char-constants", "-Wno-unknown-pragmas", );') |
self.write_build_setting_line('WARNING_CFLAGS', ['-Wmost', '-Wno-four-char-constants', '-Wno-unknown-pragmas']) |
self.indent_level -= 1 |
self.write_line('};') |
self.write_line('name = "%s";' % buildtype) |
@ -744,7 +743,7 @@ class XCodeBackend(backends.Backend): |
self.write_line('GCC_INLINES_ARE_PRIVATE_EXTERN = NO;') |
self.write_line('GCC_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL = 0;') |
self.write_line('GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS = ("");') |
self.write_line('GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS = "";') |
self.write_line('GCC_SYMBOLS_PRIVATE_EXTERN = NO;') |
if len(headerdirs) > 0: |
quotedh = ','.join(['"\\"%s\\""' % i for i in headerdirs]) |
@ -762,7 +761,7 @@ class XCodeBackend(backends.Backend): |
self.write_line('SECTORDER_FLAGS = "";') |
self.write_line('SYMROOT = "%s";' % symroot) |
self.write_line('USE_HEADERMAP = NO;') |
self.write_line('WARNING_CFLAGS = ("-Wmost", "-Wno-four-char-constants", "-Wno-unknown-pragmas", );') |
self.write_build_setting_line('WARNING_CFLAGS', ['-Wmost', '-Wno-four-char-constants', '-Wno-unknown-pragmas']) |
self.indent_level -= 1 |
self.write_line('};') |
self.write_line('name = "%s";' % buildtype) |
@ -834,6 +833,17 @@ class XCodeBackend(backends.Backend): |
self.write_line('};') |
self.ofile.write('/* End XCConfigurationList section */\n') |
def write_build_setting_line(self, flag_name, flag_values): |
if flag_values: |
self.write_line('%s = (' % flag_name) |
self.indent_level += 1 |
for value in flag_values: |
self.write_line('"%s",' % value) |
self.indent_level -= 1 |
self.write_line(');') |
else: |
self.write_line('%s = "";' % flag_name) |
def generate_prefix(self): |
self.ofile.write('// !$*UTF8*$!\n{\n') |
self.indent_level += 1 |
@ -847,6 +857,6 @@ class XCodeBackend(backends.Backend): |
def generate_suffix(self): |
self.indent_level -= 1 |
self.write_line('};\n') |
self.write_line('rootObject = ' + self.project_uid + ';') |
self.write_line('rootObject = ' + self.project_uid + ' /* Project object */;') |
self.indent_level -= 1 |
self.write_line('}\n') |