@ -576,29 +576,59 @@ class PkgConfigDependency(ExternalDependency):
self . compile_args = self . _convert_mingw_paths ( shlex . split ( out ) )
def _search_libs ( self , out , out_raw ) :
link_args = [ ]
raw_link_args = [ ]
@out : PKG_CONFIG_ALLOW_SYSTEM_LIBS = 1 pkg - config - - libs
@out_raw : pkg - config - - libs
We always look for the file ourselves instead of depending on the
compiler to find it with - lfoo or foo . lib ( if possible ) because :
1. We want to be able to select static or shared
2. We need the full path of the library to calculate RPATH values
3. De - dup of libraries is easier when we have absolute paths
Libraries that are provided by the toolchain or are not found by
find_library ( ) will be added with - L - l pairs .
# Library paths should be safe to de-dup
libpaths = OrderedSet ( )
raw_libpaths = OrderedSet ( )
# First, figure out what library paths to use. Originally, we were
# doing this as part of the loop, but due to differences in the order
# of -L values between pkg-config and pkgconf, we need to do that as
# a separate step. See:
# https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/issues/3951
# https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/issues/4023
# Separate system and prefix paths, and ensure that prefix paths are
# always searched first.
prefix_libpaths = OrderedSet ( )
# We also store this raw_link_args on the object later
raw_link_args = self . _convert_mingw_paths ( shlex . split ( out_raw ) )
for arg in raw_link_args :
if arg . startswith ( ' -L ' ) and not arg . startswith ( ( ' -L-l ' , ' -L-L ' ) ) :
prefix_libpaths . add ( arg [ 2 : ] )
system_libpaths = OrderedSet ( )
full_args = self . _convert_mingw_paths ( shlex . split ( out ) )
for arg in full_args :
if arg . startswith ( ( ' -L-l ' , ' -L-L ' ) ) :
# These are D language arguments, not library paths
if arg . startswith ( ' -L ' ) and arg [ 2 : ] not in prefix_libpaths :
system_libpaths . add ( arg [ 2 : ] )
# Use this re-ordered path list for library resolution
libpaths = list ( prefix_libpaths ) + list ( system_libpaths )
# Track -lfoo libraries to avoid duplicate work
libs_found = OrderedSet ( )
# Track not-found libraries to know whether to add library paths
libs_notfound = [ ]
libtype = ' static ' if self . static else ' default '
# We always look for the file ourselves instead of depending on the
# compiler to find it with -lfoo or foo.lib (if possible) because:
# 1. We want to be able to select static or shared
# 2. We need the full path of the library to calculate RPATH values
# Libraries that are provided by the toolchain or are not found by
# find_library() will be added with -L -l pairs.
for lib in self . _convert_mingw_paths ( shlex . split ( out ) ) :
# Generate link arguments for this library
link_args = [ ]
for lib in full_args :
if lib . startswith ( ( ' -L-l ' , ' -L-L ' ) ) :
# These are D language arguments, add them as-is
elif lib . startswith ( ' -L ' ) :
libpaths . add ( lib [ 2 : ] )
# We already handled library paths above
elif lib . startswith ( ' -l ' ) :
# Don't resolve the same -lfoo argument again
@ -606,7 +636,7 @@ class PkgConfigDependency(ExternalDependency):
if self . clib_compiler :
args = self . clib_compiler . find_library ( lib [ 2 : ] , self . env ,
list ( reversed ( libpaths ) ) , libtype )
libpaths , libtype )
# If the project only uses a non-clib language such as D, Rust,
# C#, Python, etc, all we can do is limp along by adding the
# arguments as-is and then adding the libpaths at the end.
@ -650,16 +680,11 @@ class PkgConfigDependency(ExternalDependency):
if lib in link_args :
link_args . append ( lib )
# Also store the raw link arguments, and store raw_libpaths
for lib in self . _convert_mingw_paths ( shlex . split ( out_raw ) ) :
if lib . startswith ( ' -L ' ) and not lib . startswith ( ( ' -L-l ' , ' -L-L ' ) ) :
raw_libpaths . add ( lib [ 2 : ] )
raw_link_args . append ( lib )
# Add all -Lbar args if we have -lfoo args in link_args
if libs_notfound :
# Order of -L flags doesn't matter with ld, but it might with other
# linkers such as MSVC, so prepend them.
link_args = [ ' -L ' + lp for lp in raw _libpaths] + link_args
link_args = [ ' -L ' + lp for lp in prefix_libpaths ] + link_args
return link_args , raw_link_args
def _set_libs ( self ) :