@ -1191,13 +1191,31 @@ class TestSubprocess:
class SingleTestRunner :
def __init__ ( self , test : TestSerialisation , test_env : T . Dict [ str , str ] ,
env : T . Dict [ str , str ] , name : str ,
def __init__ ( self , test : TestSerialisation , env : T . Dict [ str , str ] , name : str ,
options : argparse . Namespace ) :
self . test = test
self . test_env = test_env
self . env = env
self . options = options
self . cmd = self . _get_cmd ( )
if self . cmd and self . test . extra_paths :
env [ ' PATH ' ] = os . pathsep . join ( self . test . extra_paths + [ ' ' ] ) + env [ ' PATH ' ]
winecmd = [ ]
for c in self . cmd :
winecmd . append ( c )
if os . path . basename ( c ) . startswith ( ' wine ' ) :
env [ ' WINEPATH ' ] = get_wine_shortpath (
winecmd ,
[ ' Z: ' + p for p in self . test . extra_paths ] + env . get ( ' WINEPATH ' , ' ' ) . split ( ' ; ' )
# If MALLOC_PERTURB_ is not set, or if it is set to an empty value,
# (i.e., the test or the environment don't explicitly set it), set
# it ourselves. We do this unconditionally for regular tests
# because it is extremely useful to have.
# Setting MALLOC_PERTURB_="0" will completely disable this feature.
if ( ' MALLOC_PERTURB_ ' not in env or not env [ ' MALLOC_PERTURB_ ' ] ) and not options . benchmark :
env [ ' MALLOC_PERTURB_ ' ] = str ( random . randint ( 1 , 255 ) )
if self . options . gdb or self . test . timeout is None :
timeout = None
@ -1206,7 +1224,7 @@ class SingleTestRunner:
else :
timeout = self . test . timeout
self . runobj = TestRun ( test , test_ env, name , timeout )
self . runobj = TestRun ( test , env , name , timeout )
if self . options . gdb :
self . console_mode = ConsoleUser . GDB
@ -1215,7 +1233,7 @@ class SingleTestRunner:
else :
self . console_mode = ConsoleUser . LOGGER
def _get_cmd ( self ) - > T . Optional [ T . List [ str ] ] :
def _get_test_ cmd ( self ) - > T . Optional [ T . List [ str ] ] :
if self . test . fname [ 0 ] . endswith ( ' .jar ' ) :
return [ ' java ' , ' -jar ' ] + self . test . fname
elif not self . test . is_cross_built and run_with_mono ( self . test . fname [ 0 ] ) :
@ -1235,6 +1253,12 @@ class SingleTestRunner:
return self . test . exe_runner . get_command ( ) + self . test . fname
return self . test . fname
def _get_cmd ( self ) - > T . Optional [ T . List [ str ] ] :
test_cmd = self . _get_test_cmd ( )
if not test_cmd :
return None
return TestHarness . get_wrapper ( self . options ) + test_cmd
def visible_name ( self ) - > str :
return self . runobj . name
@ -1244,13 +1268,11 @@ class SingleTestRunner:
return self . runobj . timeout
async def run ( self ) - > TestRun :
cmd = self . _get_cmd ( )
if cmd is None :
if self . cmd is None :
skip_stdout = ' Not run because can not execute cross compiled binaries. '
self . runobj . complete_skip ( skip_stdout )
else :
wrap = TestHarness . get_wrapper ( self . options )
await self . _run_cmd ( wrap + cmd + self . test . cmd_args + self . options . test_args )
await self . _run_cmd ( self . cmd + self . test . cmd_args + self . options . test_args )
return self . runobj
async def _run_subprocess ( self , args : T . List [ str ] , * ,
@ -1288,26 +1310,6 @@ class SingleTestRunner:
postwait_fn = postwait_fn if not is_windows ( ) else None )
async def _run_cmd ( self , cmd : T . List [ str ] ) - > None :
if self . test . extra_paths :
self . env [ ' PATH ' ] = os . pathsep . join ( self . test . extra_paths + [ ' ' ] ) + self . env [ ' PATH ' ]
winecmd = [ ]
for c in cmd :
winecmd . append ( c )
if os . path . basename ( c ) . startswith ( ' wine ' ) :
self . env [ ' WINEPATH ' ] = get_wine_shortpath (
winecmd ,
[ ' Z: ' + p for p in self . test . extra_paths ] + self . env . get ( ' WINEPATH ' , ' ' ) . split ( ' ; ' )
# If MALLOC_PERTURB_ is not set, or if it is set to an empty value,
# (i.e., the test or the environment don't explicitly set it), set
# it ourselves. We do this unconditionally for regular tests
# because it is extremely useful to have.
# Setting MALLOC_PERTURB_="0" will completely disable this feature.
if ( ' MALLOC_PERTURB_ ' not in self . env or not self . env [ ' MALLOC_PERTURB_ ' ] ) and not self . options . benchmark :
self . env [ ' MALLOC_PERTURB_ ' ] = str ( random . randint ( 1 , 255 ) )
self . runobj . start ( cmd )
if self . console_mode is ConsoleUser . GDB :
stdout = None
@ -1328,7 +1330,7 @@ class SingleTestRunner:
p = await self . _run_subprocess ( cmd + extra_cmd ,
stdout = stdout ,
stderr = stderr ,
env = self . env ,
env = self . runobj . env ,
cwd = self . test . workdir )
parse_task = None
@ -1425,7 +1427,7 @@ class TestHarness:
if ( test . is_cross_built and test . needs_exe_wrapper and
test . exe_runner and test . exe_runner . found ( ) ) :
env [ ' MESON_EXE_WRAPPER ' ] = join_args ( test . exe_runner . get_command ( ) )
return SingleTestRunner ( test , test_env , env , name , options )
return SingleTestRunner ( test , env , name , options )
def process_test_result ( self , result : TestRun ) - > None :
if result . res is TestResult . TIMEOUT :