vs: Properly split per-compiler args into per-file options

Previously we were just dumping all defines and include directories into
the target-wide list of defines and include directories. Now we have
separate per-target and per-file (actually per-language) arguments,
defines, and include directories.
Nirbheek Chauhan 8 years ago
parent 52eab4b006
commit 00dc929b62
  1. 160

@ -284,20 +284,13 @@ class Vs2010Backend(backends.Backend):
def generate_projects(self):
projlist = []
comp = None
for l, c in self.environment.coredata.compilers.items():
if l == 'c' or l == 'cpp':
comp = c
if comp is None:
raise RuntimeError('C and C++ compilers missing.')
for name, target in self.build.targets.items():
outdir = os.path.join(self.environment.get_build_dir(), self.get_target_dir(target))
fname = name + '.vcxproj'
relname = os.path.join(target.subdir, fname)
projfile = os.path.join(outdir, fname)
uuid = self.environment.coredata.target_guids[name]
self.gen_vcxproj(target, projfile, uuid, comp)
self.gen_vcxproj(target, projfile, uuid)
projlist.append((name, relname, uuid))
return projlist
@ -430,12 +423,26 @@ class Vs2010Backend(backends.Backend):
pch_out = ET.SubElement(inc_cl, 'PrecompiledHeaderOutputFile')
pch_out.text = '$(IntDir)$(TargetName)-%s.pch' % lang
def add_additional_options(self, source_file, parent_node, extra_args, has_additional_options_set):
if has_additional_options_set:
def add_additional_options(self, lang, parent_node, file_args):
if len(file_args[lang]) == 0:
# We only need per file options if they were not set per project.
lang = Vs2010Backend.lang_from_source_file(source_file)
ET.SubElement(parent_node, "AdditionalOptions").text = ' '.join(extra_args[lang]) + ' %(AdditionalOptions)'
args = file_args[lang] + ['%(AdditionalOptions)']
ET.SubElement(parent_node, "AdditionalOptions").text = ' '.join(args)
def add_preprocessor_defines(self, lang, parent_node, file_defines):
if len(file_defines[lang]) == 0:
# We only need per file options if they were not set per project.
defines = file_defines[lang] + ['%(PreprocessorDefinitions)']
ET.SubElement(parent_node, "PreprocessorDefinitions").text = ';'.join(defines)
def add_include_dirs(self, lang, parent_node, file_inc_dirs):
if len(file_inc_dirs[lang]) == 0:
# We only need per file options if they were not set per project.
dirs = file_inc_dirs[lang] + ['%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)']
ET.SubElement(parent_node, "AdditionalIncludeDirectories").text = ';'.join(dirs)
def has_objects(objects, additional_objects, generated_objects):
@ -505,7 +512,19 @@ class Vs2010Backend(backends.Backend):
return (lpaths, libs, other)
def gen_vcxproj(self, target, ofname, guid, compiler):
def _get_cl_compiler(self, target):
for lang, c in target.compilers.items():
if lang in ('c', 'cpp'):
return c
# No source files, only objects, but we still need a compiler, so
# return a found compiler
if len(target.objects) > 0:
for lang, c in self.environment.coredata.compilers.items():
if lang in ('c', 'cpp'):
return c
raise MesonException('Could not find a C or C++ compiler. MSVC can only build C/C++ projects.')
def gen_vcxproj(self, target, ofname, guid):
mlog.debug('Generating vcxproj %s.' % target.name)
entrypoint = 'WinMainCRTStartup'
subsystem = 'Windows'
@ -532,6 +551,7 @@ class Vs2010Backend(backends.Backend):
# Prefix to use to access the source tree's subdir from the vcxproj dir
proj_to_src_dir = os.path.join(proj_to_src_root, target.subdir)
(sources, headers, objects, languages) = self.split_sources(target.sources)
compiler = self._get_cl_compiler(target)
buildtype_args = compiler.get_buildtype_args(self.buildtype)
buildtype_link_args = compiler.get_buildtype_linker_args(self.buildtype)
project_name = target.name
@ -643,83 +663,86 @@ class Vs2010Backend(backends.Backend):
# Build information
compiles = ET.SubElement(root, 'ItemDefinitionGroup')
clconf = ET.SubElement(compiles, 'ClCompile')
inc_dirs = ['.', self.relpath(self.get_target_private_dir(target), self.get_target_dir(target)),
proj_to_src_dir] + generated_files_include_dirs
extra_args = {'c': [], 'cpp': []}
# Arguments, include dirs, defines for all files in the current target
target_args = []
target_defines = []
target_inc_dirs = ['.', self.relpath(self.get_target_private_dir(target),
proj_to_src_dir] + generated_files_include_dirs
# Arguments, include dirs, defines passed to individual files in
# a target; perhaps because the args are language-specific
file_args = dict((lang, []) for lang in target.compilers)
file_defines = dict((lang, []) for lang in target.compilers)
file_inc_dirs = dict((lang, []) for lang in target.compilers)
for l, args in self.environment.coredata.external_args.items():
if l in extra_args:
extra_args[l] += args
if l in file_args:
file_args[l] += args
for l, args in self.build.global_args.items():
if l in extra_args:
extra_args[l] += args
if l in file_args:
file_args[l] += args
for l, args in target.extra_args.items():
if l in extra_args:
extra_args[l] += compiler.unix_compile_flags_to_native(args)
# FIXME all the internal flags of VS (optimization etc) are represented
# by their own XML elements. In theory we should split all flags to those
# that have an XML element and those that don't and serialise them
# properly. This is a crapton of work for no real gain, so just dump them
# here.
general_args = compiler.get_option_compile_args(self.environment.coredata.compiler_options)
if l in file_args:
file_args[l] += compiler.unix_compile_flags_to_native(args)
for l, comp in target.compilers.items():
if l in file_args:
file_args[l] += comp.get_option_compile_args(self.environment.coredata.compiler_options)
for d in target.get_external_deps():
# Cflags required by external deps might have UNIX-specific flags,
# so filter them out if needed
d_compile_args = compiler.unix_compile_flags_to_native(d.get_compile_args())
for arg in d_compile_args:
if arg.startswith('-I') or arg.startswith('/I'):
if arg.startswith(('-D', '/D')):
define = arg[2:]
# De-dup
if define not in target_defines:
elif arg.startswith(('-I', '/I')):
inc_dir = arg[2:]
# De-dup
if inc_dir not in inc_dirs:
if inc_dir not in target_inc_dirs:
# De-dup
if arg not in target_args:
defines = []
# Split preprocessor defines and include directories out of the list of
# all extra arguments. The rest go into %(AdditionalOptions).
for l, args in extra_args.items():
extra_args[l] = []
for l, args in file_args.items():
file_args[l] = []
for arg in args:
if arg.startswith('-D') or arg.startswith('/D'):
if arg.startswith(('-D', '/D')):
define = self.escape_preprocessor_define(arg[2:])
# De-dup
if define not in defines:
elif arg.startswith('-I') or arg.startswith('/I'):
if define not in file_defines[l]:
elif arg.startswith(('-I', '/I')):
inc_dir = arg[2:]
# De-dup
if inc_dir not in inc_dirs:
if inc_dir not in file_inc_dirs[l]:
languages += gen_langs
has_language_specific_args = any(l != extra_args['c'] for l in extra_args.values())
additional_options_set = False
if not has_language_specific_args or len(languages) == 1:
if len(languages) == 0:
extra_args = []
extra_args = extra_args[languages[0]]
extra_args = general_args + extra_args
if len(extra_args) > 0:
ET.SubElement(clconf, "AdditionalOptions").text = ' '.join(extra_args)
additional_options_set = True
if len(target_args) > 0:
ET.SubElement(clconf, "AdditionalOptions").text = ' '.join(target_args)
additional_options_set = True
for d in target.include_dirs:
for i in d.incdirs:
curdir = os.path.join(d.curdir, i)
inc_dirs.append(self.relpath(curdir, target.subdir)) # build dir
inc_dirs.append(os.path.join(proj_to_src_root, curdir)) # src dir
target_inc_dirs.append(self.relpath(curdir, target.subdir)) # build dir
target_inc_dirs.append(os.path.join(proj_to_src_root, curdir)) # src dir
for i in d.get_extra_build_dirs():
curdir = os.path.join(d.curdir, i)
inc_dirs.append(self.relpath(curdir, target.subdir)) # build dir
target_inc_dirs.append(self.relpath(curdir, target.subdir)) # build dir
ET.SubElement(clconf, 'AdditionalIncludeDirectories').text = ';'.join(inc_dirs)
ET.SubElement(clconf, 'PreprocessorDefinitions').text = ';'.join(defines)
ET.SubElement(clconf, 'AdditionalIncludeDirectories').text = ';'.join(target_inc_dirs)
ET.SubElement(clconf, 'PreprocessorDefinitions').text = ';'.join(target_defines)
rebuild = ET.SubElement(clconf, 'MinimalRebuild')
rebuild.text = 'true'
funclink = ET.SubElement(clconf, 'FunctionLevelLinking')
@ -834,19 +857,26 @@ class Vs2010Backend(backends.Backend):
for s in sources:
relpath = os.path.join(down, s.rel_to_builddir(self.build_to_src))
inc_cl = ET.SubElement(inc_src, 'CLCompile', Include=relpath)
lang = Vs2010Backend.lang_from_source_file(s)
self.add_pch(inc_cl, proj_to_src_dir, pch_sources, s)
self.add_additional_options(s, inc_cl, extra_args, additional_options_set)
self.add_additional_options(lang, inc_cl, file_args)
self.add_preprocessor_defines(lang, inc_cl, file_defines)
self.add_include_dirs(lang, inc_cl, file_inc_dirs)
basename = os.path.basename(s.fname)
if basename in self.sources_conflicts[target.get_id()]:
ET.SubElement(inc_cl, 'ObjectFileName').text = "$(IntDir)" + self.object_filename_from_source(target, s)
for s in gen_src:
inc_cl = ET.SubElement(inc_src, 'CLCompile', Include=s)
lang = Vs2010Backend.lang_from_source_file(s)
self.add_pch(inc_cl, proj_to_src_dir, pch_sources, s)
self.add_additional_options(s, inc_cl, extra_args, additional_options_set)
self.add_additional_options(lang, inc_cl, file_args)
self.add_preprocessor_defines(lang, inc_cl, file_defines)
self.add_include_dirs(lang, inc_cl, file_inc_dirs)
for lang in pch_sources:
header, impl, suffix = pch_sources[lang]
relpath = os.path.join(proj_to_src_dir, impl)
inc_cl = ET.SubElement(inc_src, 'CLCompile', Include=relpath)
lang = Vs2010Backend.lang_from_source_file(s)
pch = ET.SubElement(inc_cl, 'PrecompiledHeader')
pch.text = 'Create'
pch_out = ET.SubElement(inc_cl, 'PrecompiledHeaderOutputFile')
@ -855,7 +885,9 @@ class Vs2010Backend(backends.Backend):
# MSBuild searches for the header relative from the implementation, so we have to use
# just the file name instead of the relative path to the file.
pch_file.text = os.path.split(header)[1]
self.add_additional_options(impl, inc_cl, extra_args, additional_options_set)
self.add_additional_options(lang, inc_cl, file_args)
self.add_preprocessor_defines(lang, inc_cl, file_defines)
self.add_include_dirs(lang, inc_cl, file_inc_dirs)
if self.has_objects(objects, additional_objects, gen_objs):
inc_objs = ET.SubElement(root, 'ItemGroup')
