A precompiled linux shared library (.so) requires a soname field to be properly installed. If the soname field is missing, binaries referencing the library will require a hard link to the location of the library at install time (`/path/to/your/project/subprojects/precompiledlibrary/lib.so` instead of `$INSTALL_PREFIX/lib/lib.so`) after installation.
You should change the compilation options for the precompiled library to avoid this issue. If recompiling is not an option, you can use the [patchelf](https://github.com/NixOS/patchelf) tool with the command `patchelf --set-soname libfoo.so libfoo.so` to edit the precompiled library after the fact.
Meson generally guarantees any library it compiles has a soname. One notable exception is libraries built with the [[shared_module]] function.