# Copyright 2012 Jussi Pakkanen
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import mparser
import os , sys , re , pickle
import environment , mlog
from meson_install import InstallData
from build import InvalidArguments
import build
import shutil
from coredata import MesonException
if environment . is_windows ( ) :
quote_char = ' " '
execute_wrapper = ' cmd /c '
else :
quote_char = " ' "
execute_wrapper = ' '
def ninja_quote ( text ) :
return text . replace ( ' ' , ' $ ' ) . replace ( ' : ' , ' $: ' )
def do_replacement ( regex , line , confdata ) :
match = re . search ( regex , line )
while match :
varname = match . group ( 1 )
if varname in confdata . keys ( ) :
var = confdata . get ( varname )
if isinstance ( var , str ) :
elif isinstance ( var , mparser . StringNode ) :
var = var . value
elif isinstance ( var , int ) :
var = str ( var )
else :
raise RuntimeError ( ' Tried to replace a variable with something other than a string or int. ' )
else :
var = ' '
line = line . replace ( ' @ ' + varname + ' @ ' , var )
match = re . search ( regex , line )
return line
def do_mesondefine ( line , confdata ) :
arr = line . split ( )
if len ( arr ) != 2 :
raise build . InvalidArguments ( ' #mesondefine does not contain exactly two tokens: %s ' , line . strip ( ) )
varname = arr [ 1 ]
try :
v = confdata . get ( varname )
except KeyError :
return ' /* undef %s */ \n ' % varname
if isinstance ( v , mparser . BooleanNode ) :
v = v . value
if isinstance ( v , bool ) :
if v :
return ' #define %s \n ' % varname
else :
return ' #undef %s \n ' % varname
elif isinstance ( v , int ) :
return ' #define %s %d \n ' % ( varname , v )
elif isinstance ( v , str ) :
return ' #define %s %s \n ' % ( varname , v )
else :
raise build . InvalidArguments ( ' #mesondefine argument " %s " is of unknown type. ' % varname )
def replace_if_different ( dst , dst_tmp ) :
# If contents are identical, don't touch the file to prevent
# unnecessary rebuilds.
try :
if open ( dst , ' r ' ) . read ( ) == open ( dst_tmp , ' r ' ) . read ( ) :
os . unlink ( dst_tmp )
except FileNotFoundError :
os . replace ( dst_tmp , dst )
def do_conf_file ( src , dst , confdata ) :
data = open ( src ) . readlines ( )
regex = re . compile ( ' @(.*?)@ ' )
result = [ ]
for line in data :
if line . startswith ( ' #mesondefine ' ) :
line = do_mesondefine ( line , confdata )
else :
line = do_replacement ( regex , line , confdata )
result . append ( line )
dst_tmp = dst + ' ~ '
open ( dst_tmp , ' w ' ) . writelines ( result )
replace_if_different ( dst , dst_tmp )
class TestSerialisation :
def __init__ ( self , name , fname , is_cross , exe_wrapper , is_parallel , cmd_args , env ) :
self . name = name
self . fname = fname
self . is_cross = is_cross
self . exe_runner = exe_wrapper
self . is_parallel = is_parallel
self . cmd_args = cmd_args
self . env = env
# It may seem a bit silly that this Backend class exists on its own
# rather than being a part of NinjaBackend, which is the only class
# that uses Backend. The point is that common functionality
# that will be used in XCode, Visual Studio etc will be in
# this one. Once work on that code starts the exact division
# of labor between the classes is determined.
class Backend ( ) :
def __init__ ( self , build , interp ) :
self . build = build
self . environment = build . environment
self . interpreter = interp
self . processed_targets = { }
self . dep_rules = { }
self . build_to_src = os . path . relpath ( self . environment . get_source_dir ( ) ,
self . environment . get_build_dir ( ) )
def get_compiler_for_lang ( self , lang ) :
for i in self . build . compilers :
if i . language == lang :
return i
raise RuntimeError ( ' No compiler for language ' + lang )
def get_compiler_for_source ( self , src ) :
for i in self . build . compilers :
if i . can_compile ( src ) :
return i
raise RuntimeError ( ' No specified compiler can handle file ' + src )
def get_target_filename ( self , target ) :
targetdir = self . get_target_dir ( target )
filename = os . path . join ( targetdir , target . get_filename ( ) )
return filename
def get_target_dir ( self , target ) :
dirname = target . get_subdir ( )
os . makedirs ( os . path . join ( self . environment . get_build_dir ( ) , dirname ) , exist_ok = True )
return dirname
def get_target_private_dir ( self , target ) :
dirname = os . path . join ( self . get_target_dir ( target ) , target . get_basename ( ) + ' .dir ' )
os . makedirs ( os . path . join ( self . environment . get_build_dir ( ) , dirname ) , exist_ok = True )
return dirname
def generate_unity_files ( self , target , unity_src ) :
langlist = { }
abs_files = [ ]
result = [ ]
for src in unity_src :
comp = self . get_compiler_for_source ( src )
language = comp . get_language ( )
suffix = ' . ' + comp . get_default_suffix ( )
if language not in langlist :
outfilename = os . path . join ( self . get_target_private_dir ( target ) , target . name + ' -unity ' + suffix )
outfileabs = os . path . join ( self . environment . get_build_dir ( ) , outfilename )
outfileabs_tmp = outfileabs + ' .tmp '
abs_files . append ( outfileabs )
outfile = open ( outfileabs_tmp , ' w ' )
langlist [ language ] = outfile
result . append ( outfilename )
ofile = langlist [ language ]
ofile . write ( ' #include< %s > \n ' % src )
[ x . close ( ) for x in langlist . values ( ) ]
[ replace_if_different ( x , x + ' .tmp ' ) for x in abs_files ]
return result
def relpath ( self , todir , fromdir ) :
return os . path . relpath ( os . path . join ( ' dummyprefixdir ' , todir ) , \
os . path . join ( ' dummyprefixdir ' , fromdir ) )
def flatten_object_list ( self , target , proj_dir_to_build_root = ' ' ) :
obj_list = [ ]
for obj in target . get_objects ( ) :
if isinstance ( obj , str ) :
o = os . path . join ( proj_dir_to_build_root ,
self . build_to_src , target . get_subdir ( ) , obj )
obj_list . append ( o )
elif isinstance ( obj , build . ExtractedObjects ) :
obj_list + = self . determine_ext_objs ( obj , proj_dir_to_build_root )
else :
raise MesonException ( ' Unknown data type in object list. ' )
return obj_list
def generate_target ( self , target , outfile ) :
name = target . get_basename ( )
if name in self . processed_targets :
if isinstance ( target , build . Jar ) :
self . generate_jar_target ( target , outfile )
# The following deals with C/C++ compilation.
( gen_src_deps , gen_other_deps ) = self . process_dep_gens ( outfile , target )
self . process_target_dependencies ( target , outfile )
self . generate_custom_generator_rules ( target , outfile )
outname = self . get_target_filename ( target )
obj_list = [ ]
use_pch = self . environment . coredata . use_pch
is_unity = self . environment . coredata . unity
if use_pch and target . has_pch ( ) :
self . generate_pch ( target , outfile )
header_deps = gen_other_deps
unity_src = [ ]
unity_deps = [ ] # Generated sources that must be built before compiling a Unity target.
for genlist in target . get_generated_sources ( ) :
for src in genlist . get_outfilelist ( ) :
if not self . environment . is_header ( src ) :
if is_unity :
if ' / ' in src :
rel_src = src
else :
rel_src = os . path . join ( self . get_target_private_dir ( target ) , src )
unity_deps . append ( rel_src )
abs_src = os . path . join ( self . environment . get_build_dir ( ) , rel_src )
unity_src . append ( abs_src )
else :
obj_list . append ( self . generate_single_compile ( target , outfile , src , True ) )
else :
header_deps . append ( src )
src_list = [ ]
for src in gen_src_deps :
src_list . append ( src )
if is_unity :
unity_src . append ( src )
else :
obj_list . append ( self . generate_single_compile ( target , outfile , src , True ) )
for src in target . get_sources ( ) :
if not self . environment . is_header ( src ) :
src_list . append ( src )
if is_unity :
abs_src = os . path . join ( self . environment . get_source_dir ( ) ,
target . get_subdir ( ) , src )
unity_src . append ( abs_src )
else :
obj_list . append ( self . generate_single_compile ( target , outfile , src , False , header_deps ) )
obj_list + = self . flatten_object_list ( target )
if is_unity :
for src in self . generate_unity_files ( target , unity_src ) :
obj_list . append ( self . generate_single_compile ( target , outfile , src , True , unity_deps + header_deps ) )
linker = self . determine_linker ( target , src_list )
elem = self . generate_link ( target , outfile , outname , obj_list , linker )
self . generate_shlib_aliases ( target , self . get_target_dir ( target ) , outfile , elem )
self . processed_targets [ name ] = True
def generate_jar_target ( self , target , outfile ) :
fname = target . get_filename ( )
subdir = target . get_subdir ( )
outname_rel = os . path . join ( subdir , fname )
src_list = target . get_sources ( )
class_list = [ ]
compiler = self . get_compiler_for_source ( src_list [ 0 ] )
assert ( compiler . get_language ( ) == ' java ' )
c = ' c '
m = ' '
e = ' '
f = ' f '
main_class = target . get_main_class ( )
if main_class != ' ' :
e = ' e '
for src in src_list :
class_list . append ( self . generate_single_java_compile ( subdir , src , target , compiler , outfile ) )
jar_rule = ' java_LINKER '
commands = [ c + m + e + f ]
if e != ' ' :
commands . append ( main_class )
commands . append ( self . get_target_filename ( target ) )
commands + = [ ' -C ' , self . get_target_private_dir ( target ) ]
commands + = class_list
elem = NinjaBuildElement ( outname_rel , jar_rule , [ ] )
elem . add_dep ( [ os . path . join ( self . get_target_private_dir ( target ) , i ) for i in class_list ] )
elem . add_item ( ' FLAGS ' , commands )
elem . write ( outfile )
def generate_single_java_compile ( self , subdir , src , target , compiler , outfile ) :
buildtype = self . environment . coredata . buildtype
args = [ ]
if buildtype == ' debug ' :
args + = compiler . get_debug_flags ( )
args + = compiler . get_output_flags ( self . get_target_private_dir ( target ) )
rel_src = os . path . join ( self . build_to_src , subdir , src )
plain_class_path = src [ : - 4 ] + ' class '
rel_obj = os . path . join ( self . get_target_private_dir ( target ) , plain_class_path )
element = NinjaBuildElement ( rel_obj ,
compiler . get_language ( ) + ' _COMPILER ' , rel_src )
element . add_item ( ' FLAGS ' , args )
element . write ( outfile )
return plain_class_path
def determine_linker ( self , target , src ) :
if isinstance ( target , build . StaticLibrary ) :
return self . build . static_linker
if len ( self . build . compilers ) == 1 :
return self . build . compilers [ 0 ]
# Currently a bit naive. C++ must
# be linked with a C++ compiler, but
# otherwise we don't care. This will
# become trickier if and when Fortran
# and the like become supported.
cpp = None
for c in self . build . compilers :
if c . get_language ( ) == ' cpp ' :
cpp = c
if cpp is not None :
for s in src :
if c . can_compile ( s ) :
return cpp
return self . build . compilers [ 0 ]
def determine_ext_objs ( self , extobj , proj_dir_to_build_root = ' ' ) :
result = [ ]
targetdir = self . get_target_private_dir ( extobj . target )
suffix = ' . ' + self . environment . get_object_suffix ( )
for osrc in extobj . srclist :
if not self . source_suffix_in_objs :
osrc = ' . ' . join ( osrc . split ( ' . ' ) [ : - 1 ] )
objname = os . path . join ( proj_dir_to_build_root ,
targetdir , os . path . basename ( osrc ) + suffix )
result . append ( objname )
return result
def process_target_dependencies ( self , target , outfile ) :
for t in target . get_dependencies ( ) :
tname = t . get_basename ( )
if not tname in self . processed_targets :
self . generate_target ( t , outfile )
def get_pch_include_args ( self , compiler , target ) :
args = [ ]
pchpath = self . get_target_private_dir ( target )
includearg = compiler . get_include_arg ( pchpath )
for lang in [ ' c ' , ' cpp ' ] :
p = target . get_pch ( lang )
if len ( p ) == 0 :
if compiler . can_compile ( p [ - 1 ] ) :
header = p [ 0 ]
args + = compiler . get_pch_use_args ( pchpath , header )
if len ( args ) > 0 :
args = [ includearg ] + args
return args
def generate_basic_compiler_flags ( self , target , compiler ) :
commands = [ ]
commands + = compiler . get_always_flags ( )
commands + = self . build . get_global_flags ( compiler )
commands + = target . get_extra_args ( compiler . get_language ( ) )
if self . environment . coredata . buildtype != ' plain ' :
commands + = compiler . get_debug_flags ( )
commands + = compiler . get_std_warn_flags ( )
if self . environment . coredata . buildtype == ' optimized ' :
commands + = compiler . get_std_opt_flags ( )
if self . environment . coredata . coverage :
commands + = compiler . get_coverage_flags ( )
if isinstance ( target , build . SharedLibrary ) :
commands + = compiler . get_pic_flags ( )
for dep in target . get_external_deps ( ) :
commands + = dep . get_compile_flags ( )
if isinstance ( target , build . Executable ) :
commands + = dep . get_exe_flags ( )
return commands
def build_target_link_arguments ( self , compiler , deps ) :
args = [ ]
for d in deps :
if not isinstance ( d , build . StaticLibrary ) and \
not isinstance ( d , build . SharedLibrary ) :
raise RuntimeError ( ' Tried to link with a non-library target " %s " . ' % d . get_basename ( ) )
fname = self . get_target_filename ( d )
if compiler . id == ' msvc ' :
if fname . endswith ( ' dll ' ) :
fname = fname [ : - 3 ] + ' lib '
args . append ( fname )
return args
def generate_configure_files ( self ) :
for cf in self . build . get_configure_files ( ) :
infile = os . path . join ( self . environment . get_source_dir ( ) ,
cf . get_subdir ( ) ,
cf . get_source_name ( ) )
outdir = os . path . join ( self . environment . get_build_dir ( ) ,
cf . get_subdir ( ) )
os . makedirs ( outdir , exist_ok = True )
outfile = os . path . join ( outdir , cf . get_target_name ( ) )
confdata = cf . get_configuration_data ( )
do_conf_file ( infile , outfile , confdata )
def write_test_file ( self , datafile ) :
arr = [ ]
for t in self . build . get_tests ( ) :
fname = os . path . join ( self . environment . get_build_dir ( ) , self . get_target_filename ( t . get_exe ( ) ) )
is_cross = self . environment . is_cross_build ( )
if is_cross :
exe_wrapper = self . environment . cross_info . get ( ' exe_wrapper ' , None )
else :
exe_wrapper = None
ts = TestSerialisation ( t . get_name ( ) , fname , is_cross , exe_wrapper ,
t . is_parallel , t . cmd_args , t . env )
arr . append ( ts )
pickle . dump ( arr , datafile )
def generate_pkgconfig_files ( self ) :
for p in self . build . pkgconfig_gens :
outdir = self . environment . scratch_dir
fname = os . path . join ( outdir , p . filebase + ' .pc ' )
ofile = open ( fname , ' w ' )
ofile . write ( ' prefix= %s \n ' % self . environment . get_coredata ( ) . prefix )
ofile . write ( ' libdir=$ {prefix} / %s \n ' % self . environment . get_coredata ( ) . libdir )
ofile . write ( ' includedir=$ {prefix} / %s \n \n ' % self . environment . get_coredata ( ) . includedir )
ofile . write ( ' Name: %s \n ' % p . name )
if len ( p . description ) > 0 :
ofile . write ( ' Description: %s \n ' % p . description )
if len ( p . version ) > 0 :
ofile . write ( ' Version: %s \n ' % p . version )
ofile . write ( ' Libs: -L$ {libdir} ' )
for l in p . libraries :
ofile . write ( ' -l %s ' % l . name )
ofile . write ( ' \n ' )
ofile . write ( ' CFlags: ' )
for h in p . subdirs :
if h == ' . ' :
h = ' '
ofile . write ( os . path . join ( ' -I$ {includedir} ' , h ) )
ofile . write ( ' ' )
ofile . write ( ' \n ' )
class NinjaBuildElement ( ) :
def __init__ ( self , outfilenames , rule , infilenames ) :
if isinstance ( outfilenames , str ) :
self . outfilenames = [ outfilenames ]
else :
self . outfilenames = outfilenames
assert ( isinstance ( rule , str ) )
self . rule = rule
if isinstance ( infilenames , str ) :
self . infilenames = [ infilenames ]
else :
self . infilenames = infilenames
self . deps = [ ]
self . orderdeps = [ ]
self . elems = [ ]
def add_dep ( self , dep ) :
if isinstance ( dep , list ) :
self . deps + = dep
else :
self . deps . append ( dep )
def add_orderdep ( self , dep ) :
if isinstance ( dep , list ) :
self . orderdeps + = dep
else :
self . orderdeps . append ( dep )
def add_item ( self , name , elems ) :
if isinstance ( elems , str ) :
elems = [ elems ]
self . elems . append ( ( name , elems ) )
def write ( self , outfile ) :
line = ' build %s : %s %s ' % ( ' ' . join ( [ ninja_quote ( i ) for i in self . outfilenames ] ) , \
self . rule ,
' ' . join ( [ ninja_quote ( i ) for i in self . infilenames ] ) )
if len ( self . deps ) > 0 :
line + = ' | ' + ' ' . join ( [ ninja_quote ( x ) for x in self . deps ] )
if len ( self . orderdeps ) > 0 :
line + = ' || ' + ' ' . join ( [ ninja_quote ( x ) for x in self . orderdeps ] )
line + = ' \n '
outfile . write ( line )
for e in self . elems :
( name , elems ) = e
should_quote = True
if name == ' DEPFILE ' or name == ' DESC ' :
should_quote = False
line = ' %s = ' % name
q_templ = quote_char + " %s " + quote_char
noq_templ = " %s "
newelems = [ ]
for i in elems :
if not should_quote or i == ' && ' : # Hackety hack hack
templ = noq_templ
else :
templ = q_templ
newelems . append ( templ % ninja_quote ( i ) )
line + = ' ' . join ( newelems )
line + = ' \n '
outfile . write ( line )
outfile . write ( ' \n ' )
class NinjaBackend ( Backend ) :
def __init__ ( self , build , interp ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( build , interp )
self . source_suffix_in_objs = True
self . ninja_filename = ' build.ninja '
def generate ( self ) :
outfilename = os . path . join ( self . environment . get_build_dir ( ) , self . ninja_filename )
tempfilename = outfilename + ' ~ '
outfile = open ( tempfilename , ' w ' )
self . generate_configure_files ( )
self . generate_pkgconfig_files ( )
outfile . write ( ' # This is the build file for project " %s " \n ' % self . build . get_project ( ) )
outfile . write ( ' # It is autogenerated by the Meson build system. \n ' )
outfile . write ( ' # Do not edit by hand. \n \n ' )
outfile . write ( ' ninja_required_version = 1.3.4 \n \n ' )
self . generate_rules ( outfile )
outfile . write ( ' # Build rules for targets \n \n ' )
[ self . generate_target ( t , outfile ) for t in self . build . get_targets ( ) . values ( ) ]
if len ( self . build . pot ) > 0 :
outfile . write ( ' # Build rules for localisation. \n \n ' )
self . generate_po ( outfile )
outfile . write ( ' # Test rules \n \n ' )
self . generate_tests ( outfile )
outfile . write ( ' # Install rules \n \n ' )
self . generate_install ( outfile )
if self . environment . coredata . coverage :
outfile . write ( ' # Coverage rules \n \n ' )
self . generate_coverage_rules ( outfile )
outfile . write ( ' # Suffix \n \n ' )
self . generate_ending ( outfile )
# Only ovewrite the old build file after the new one has been
# fully created.
outfile . close ( )
os . replace ( tempfilename , outfilename )
def generate_po ( self , outfile ) :
for p in self . build . pot :
( packagename , languages , subdir ) = p
input_file = os . path . join ( subdir , ' POTFILES ' )
elem = NinjaBuildElement ( ' pot ' , ' GEN_POT ' , [ ] )
elem . add_item ( ' PACKAGENAME ' , packagename )
elem . add_item ( ' OUTFILE ' , packagename + ' .pot ' )
elem . add_item ( ' FILELIST ' , os . path . join ( self . environment . get_source_dir ( ) , input_file ) )
elem . add_item ( ' OUTDIR ' , os . path . join ( self . environment . get_source_dir ( ) , subdir ) )
elem . write ( outfile )
for l in languages :
infile = os . path . join ( self . environment . get_source_dir ( ) , subdir , l + ' .po ' )
outfilename = os . path . join ( subdir , l + ' .gmo ' )
lelem = NinjaBuildElement ( outfilename , ' GEN_GMO ' , infile )
lelem . add_item ( ' INFILE ' , infile )
lelem . add_item ( ' OUTFILE ' , outfilename )
lelem . write ( outfile )
def generate_coverage_rules ( self , outfile ) :
( gcovr_exe , lcov_exe , genhtml_exe ) = environment . find_coverage_tools ( )
added_rule = False
if gcovr_exe :
added_rule = True
elem = NinjaBuildElement ( ' coverage-xml ' , ' CUSTOM_COMMAND ' , ' ' )
elem . add_item ( ' COMMAND ' , [ gcovr_exe , ' -x ' , ' -r ' , self . environment . get_build_dir ( ) , \
' -o ' , os . path . join ( self . environment . get_log_dir ( ) , ' coverage.xml ' ) ] )
elem . add_item ( ' DESC ' , ' Generating XML coverage report. ' )
elem . write ( outfile )
elem = NinjaBuildElement ( ' coverage-text ' , ' CUSTOM_COMMAND ' , ' ' )
elem . add_item ( ' COMMAND ' , [ gcovr_exe , ' -r ' , self . environment . get_build_dir ( ) , \
' -o ' , os . path . join ( self . environment . get_log_dir ( ) , ' coverage.txt ' ) ] )
elem . add_item ( ' DESC ' , ' Generating text coverage report. ' )
elem . write ( outfile )
if lcov_exe and genhtml_exe :
added_rule = True
phony_elem = NinjaBuildElement ( ' coverage-html ' , ' phony ' , ' coveragereport/index.html ' )
phony_elem . write ( outfile )
elem = NinjaBuildElement ( ' coveragereport/index.html ' , ' CUSTOM_COMMAND ' , ' ' )
command = [ lcov_exe , ' --directory ' , self . environment . get_build_dir ( ) , \
' --capture ' , ' --output-file ' , ' coverage.info ' , ' --no-checksum ' , \
' && ' , genhtml_exe , ' --prefix ' , self . environment . get_build_dir ( ) , \
' --output-directory ' , self . environment . get_log_dir ( ) , ' --title ' , ' Code coverage ' , \
' --legend ' , ' --show-details ' , ' coverage.info ' ]
elem . add_item ( ' COMMAND ' , command )
elem . add_item ( ' DESC ' , ' Generating HTML coverage report. ' )
elem . write ( outfile )
if not added_rule :
mlog . log ( mlog . red ( ' Warning: ' ) , ' coverage requested but neither gcovr nor lcov/genhtml found. ' )
def generate_install ( self , outfile ) :
script_root = self . environment . get_script_dir ( )
install_script = os . path . join ( script_root , ' meson_install.py ' )
install_data_file = os . path . join ( self . environment . get_scratch_dir ( ) , ' install.dat ' )
depfixer = os . path . join ( script_root , ' depfixer.py ' )
d = InstallData ( self . environment . get_prefix ( ) , depfixer , ' ./ ' ) # Fixme
elem = NinjaBuildElement ( ' install ' , ' CUSTOM_COMMAND ' , ' ' )
elem . add_dep ( ' all ' )
elem . add_item ( ' DESC ' , ' Installing files. ' )
elem . add_item ( ' COMMAND ' , [ sys . executable , install_script , install_data_file ] )
self . generate_target_install ( d )
self . generate_header_install ( d )
self . generate_man_install ( d )
self . generate_data_install ( d )
self . generate_po_install ( d , elem )
self . generate_pkgconfig_install ( d )
elem . write ( outfile )
ofile = open ( install_data_file , ' wb ' )
pickle . dump ( d , ofile )
def generate_po_install ( self , d , elem ) :
for p in self . build . pot :
( package_name , languages , subdir ) = p
# FIXME: assumes only one po package per source
d . po_package_name = package_name
for lang in languages :
rel_src = os . path . join ( subdir , lang + ' .gmo ' )
src_file = os . path . join ( self . environment . get_build_dir ( ) , rel_src )
d . po . append ( ( src_file , self . environment . coredata . localedir , lang ) )
elem . add_dep ( rel_src )
def generate_target_install ( self , d ) :
libdir = self . environment . get_libdir ( )
bindir = self . environment . get_bindir ( )
should_strip = self . environment . coredata . strip
for t in self . build . get_targets ( ) . values ( ) :
if t . should_install ( ) :
outdir = t . get_custom_install_dir ( )
if outdir is None :
if isinstance ( t , build . Executable ) :
outdir = bindir
else :
outdir = libdir
i = [ self . get_target_filename ( t ) , outdir , t . get_aliaslist ( ) , should_strip ]
d . targets . append ( i )
def generate_pkgconfig_install ( self , d ) :
pkgroot = os . path . join ( self . environment . coredata . prefix ,
self . environment . coredata . libdir , ' pkgconfig ' )
for p in self . build . pkgconfig_gens :
pcfile = p . filebase + ' .pc '
srcabs = os . path . join ( self . environment . get_scratch_dir ( ) ,
pcfile )
dstabs = os . path . join ( pkgroot , pcfile )
i = [ srcabs , dstabs ]
d . man . append ( i )
def generate_header_install ( self , d ) :
incroot = self . environment . get_includedir ( )
headers = self . build . get_headers ( )
for h in headers :
outdir = h . get_custom_install_dir ( )
if outdir is None :
outdir = os . path . join ( incroot , h . get_subdir ( ) )
for f in h . get_sources ( ) :
abspath = os . path . join ( self . environment . get_source_dir ( ) , f ) # FIXME
i = [ abspath , outdir ]
d . headers . append ( i )
def generate_man_install ( self , d ) :
manroot = self . environment . get_mandir ( )
man = self . build . get_man ( )
for m in man :
for f in m . get_sources ( ) :
num = f . split ( ' . ' ) [ - 1 ]
subdir = m . get_custom_install_dir ( )
if subdir is None :
subdir = os . path . join ( manroot , ' man ' + num )
srcabs = os . path . join ( self . environment . get_source_dir ( ) , f )
dstabs = os . path . join ( subdir , f + ' .gz ' )
i = [ srcabs , dstabs ]
d . man . append ( i )
def generate_data_install ( self , d ) :
dataroot = self . environment . get_datadir ( )
data = self . build . get_data ( )
for de in data :
subdir = de . get_custom_install_dir ( )
if subdir is None :
subdir = os . path . join ( dataroot , de . get_subdir ( ) )
for f in de . get_sources ( ) :
srcabs = os . path . join ( self . environment . get_source_dir ( ) , f )
dstabs = os . path . join ( subdir , f )
i = [ srcabs , dstabs ]
d . data . append ( i )
def generate_tests ( self , outfile ) :
valgrind = environment . find_valgrind ( )
script_root = self . environment . get_script_dir ( )
test_script = os . path . join ( script_root , ' meson_test.py ' )
test_data = os . path . join ( self . environment . get_scratch_dir ( ) , ' meson_test_setup.dat ' )
cmd = [ sys . executable , test_script , test_data ]
elem = NinjaBuildElement ( ' test ' , ' CUSTOM_COMMAND ' , ' all ' )
elem . add_item ( ' COMMAND ' , cmd )
elem . add_item ( ' DESC ' , ' Running test suite. ' )
elem . write ( outfile )
if valgrind :
velem = NinjaBuildElement ( ' test-valgrind ' , ' CUSTOM_COMMAND ' , ' all ' )
velem . add_item ( ' COMMAND ' , cmd + [ ' --wrapper= ' + valgrind ] )
velem . add_item ( ' DESC ' , ' Running test suite under Valgrind. ' )
velem . write ( outfile )
datafile = open ( test_data , ' wb ' )
self . write_test_file ( datafile )
datafile . close ( )
def generate_dep_gen_rules ( self , outfile ) :
outfile . write ( ' # Rules for external dependency generators. \n \n ' )
processed = { }
for dep in self . environment . coredata . deps . values ( ) :
name = dep . get_name ( )
if name in processed :
processed [ name ] = True
for rule in dep . get_generate_rules ( ) :
outfile . write ( ' rule %s \n ' % rule . name )
command = ' ' . join ( [ ninja_quote ( x ) for x in rule . cmd_list ] )
command = command . replace ( ' @INFILE@ ' , ' $in ' ) . replace ( ' @OUTFILE@ ' , ' $out ' )
command = command . replace ( ' @SOURCE_ROOT@ ' , self . environment . get_source_dir ( ) )
command = command . replace ( ' @BUILD_ROOT@ ' , self . environment . get_build_dir ( ) )
outfile . write ( ' command = %s \n ' % command )
desc = rule . description . replace ( ' @INFILE@ ' , ' $in ' )
outfile . write ( ' description = %s \n ' % desc )
if rule . src_keyword in self . dep_rules :
raise InvalidArguments ( ' Multiple rules for keyword %s . ' % rule . src_keyword )
self . dep_rules [ rule . src_keyword ] = rule
outfile . write ( ' \n ' )
def generate_rules ( self , outfile ) :
outfile . write ( ' # Rules for compiling. \n \n ' )
self . generate_compile_rules ( outfile )
outfile . write ( ' # Rules for linking. \n \n ' )
if self . environment . is_cross_build ( ) :
self . generate_static_link_rules ( True , outfile )
self . generate_static_link_rules ( False , outfile )
self . generate_dynamic_link_rules ( outfile )
self . generate_dep_gen_rules ( outfile )
outfile . write ( ' # Other rules \n \n ' )
outfile . write ( ' rule CUSTOM_COMMAND \n ' )
outfile . write ( ' command = $COMMAND \n ' )
outfile . write ( ' description = $DESC \n ' )
outfile . write ( ' restat = 1 \n \n ' )
outfile . write ( ' rule REGENERATE_BUILD \n ' )
c = ( quote_char + ninja_quote ( sys . executable ) + quote_char ,
quote_char + ninja_quote ( self . environment . get_build_command ( ) ) + quote_char ,
quote_char + ninja_quote ( self . environment . get_source_dir ( ) ) + quote_char ,
quote_char + ninja_quote ( self . environment . get_build_dir ( ) ) + quote_char )
outfile . write ( " command = %s %s %s %s --backend ninja secret-handshake \n " % c )
outfile . write ( ' description = Regenerating build files \n ' )
outfile . write ( ' generator = 1 \n \n ' )
if len ( self . build . pot ) > 0 :
self . generate_gettext_rules ( outfile )
outfile . write ( ' \n ' )
def generate_gettext_rules ( self , outfile ) :
rule = ' rule GEN_POT \n '
command = " command = xgettext --package-name=$PACKAGENAME -p $OUTDIR -f $FILELIST -D ' %s ' -k_ -o $OUTFILE \n " % \
self . environment . get_source_dir ( )
desc = " description = Creating pot file for package $PACKAGENAME. \n "
outfile . write ( rule )
outfile . write ( command )
outfile . write ( desc )
outfile . write ( ' \n ' )
rule = ' rule GEN_GMO \n '
command = ' command = msgfmt $INFILE -o $OUTFILE \n '
desc = ' description = Generating gmo file $OUTFILE \n '
outfile . write ( rule )
outfile . write ( command )
outfile . write ( desc )
outfile . write ( ' \n ' )
def generate_java_link ( self , outfile ) :
rule = ' rule java_LINKER \n '
command = ' command = jar $FLAGS \n '
description = ' description = Creating jar $out. \n '
outfile . write ( rule )
outfile . write ( command )
outfile . write ( description )
outfile . write ( ' \n ' )
def generate_static_link_rules ( self , is_cross , outfile ) :
if self . build . has_language ( ' java ' ) :
if not is_cross :
self . generate_java_link ( outfile )
if is_cross :
static_linker = self . build . static_cross_linker
crstr = ' _CROSS '
else :
static_linker = self . build . static_linker
crstr = ' '
if static_linker is None :
rule = ' rule STATIC %s _LINKER \n ' % crstr
command = ' command = %s $LINK_FLAGS %s $in \n ' % \
( ' ' . join ( static_linker . get_exelist ( ) ) ,
' ' . join ( static_linker . get_output_flags ( ' $out ' ) ) )
description = ' description = Static linking library $out \n \n '
outfile . write ( rule )
outfile . write ( command )
outfile . write ( description )
def generate_dynamic_link_rules ( self , outfile ) :
ctypes = [ ( self . build . compilers , False ) , ( self . build . cross_compilers , True ) ]
for ( complist , is_cross ) in ctypes :
for compiler in complist :
langname = compiler . get_language ( )
if langname == ' java ' :
crstr = ' '
if is_cross :
crstr = ' _CROSS '
rule = ' rule %s %s _LINKER \n ' % ( langname , crstr )
command = ' command = %s %s $FLAGS %s $in $LINK_FLAGS $aliasing \n ' % \
( execute_wrapper ,
' ' . join ( compiler . get_linker_exelist ( ) ) , \
' ' . join ( compiler . get_linker_output_flags ( ' $out ' ) ) )
description = ' description = Linking target $out '
outfile . write ( rule )
outfile . write ( command )
outfile . write ( description )
outfile . write ( ' \n ' )
scriptdir = self . environment . get_script_dir ( )
outfile . write ( ' \n ' )
symrule = ' rule SHSYM \n '
symcmd = ' command = " %s " " %s " " %s " " %s " $CROSS \n ' % ( ninja_quote ( sys . executable ) ,
ninja_quote ( os . path . join ( scriptdir , ' symbolextractor.py ' ) ) ,
' $in ' , ' $out ' )
synstat = ' restat = 1 \n '
syndesc = ' description = Generating symbol file $out. \n '
outfile . write ( symrule )
outfile . write ( symcmd )
outfile . write ( synstat )
outfile . write ( syndesc )
outfile . write ( ' \n ' )
def generate_java_compile_rule ( self , compiler , outfile ) :
rule = ' rule %s _COMPILER \n ' % compiler . get_language ( )
invoc = ' ' . join ( [ ninja_quote ( i ) for i in compiler . get_exelist ( ) ] )
command = ' command = %s $FLAGS $in \n ' % invoc
description = ' description = Compiling Java object $in. \n '
outfile . write ( rule )
outfile . write ( command )
outfile . write ( description )
outfile . write ( ' \n ' )
def generate_compile_rule_for ( self , langname , compiler , qstr , is_cross , outfile ) :
if langname == ' java ' :
if not is_cross :
self . generate_java_compile_rule ( compiler , outfile )
if is_cross :
crstr = ' _CROSS '
else :
crstr = ' '
rule = ' rule %s %s _COMPILER \n ' % ( langname , crstr )
depflags = compiler . get_dependency_gen_flags ( ' $out ' , ' $DEPFILE ' )
command = " command = %s $FLAGS %s %s %s $in \n " % \
( ' ' . join ( compiler . get_exelist ( ) ) , \
' ' . join ( [ qstr % d for d in depflags ] ) , \
' ' . join ( compiler . get_output_flags ( ' $out ' ) ) , \
' ' . join ( compiler . get_compile_only_flags ( ) ) )
description = ' description = Compiling %s object $out \n ' % langname
if compiler . get_id ( ) == ' msvc ' :
deps = ' deps = msvc \n '
else :
deps = ' deps = gcc \n '
deps + = ' depfile = $DEPFILE \n '
outfile . write ( rule )
outfile . write ( command )
outfile . write ( deps )
outfile . write ( description )
outfile . write ( ' \n ' )
def generate_pch_rule_for ( self , langname , compiler , qstr , is_cross , outfile ) :
if langname != ' c ' and langname != ' cpp ' :
if is_cross :
crstr = ' _CROSS '
else :
crstr = ' '
rule = ' rule %s %s _PCH \n ' % ( langname , crstr )
depflags = compiler . get_dependency_gen_flags ( ' $out ' , ' $DEPFILE ' )
if compiler . get_id ( ) == ' msvc ' :
output = ' '
else :
output = ' ' . join ( compiler . get_output_flags ( ' $out ' ) )
command = " command = %s $FLAGS %s %s %s $in \n " % \
( ' ' . join ( compiler . get_exelist ( ) ) , \
' ' . join ( [ qstr % d for d in depflags ] ) , \
output , \
' ' . join ( compiler . get_compile_only_flags ( ) ) )
description = ' description = Precompiling header %s \n ' % ' $in '
if compiler . get_id ( ) == ' msvc ' :
deps = ' deps = msvc \n '
else :
deps = ' deps = gcc \n '
deps + = ' depfile = $DEPFILE \n '
outfile . write ( rule )
outfile . write ( command )
outfile . write ( deps )
outfile . write ( description )
outfile . write ( ' \n ' )
def generate_compile_rules ( self , outfile ) :
qstr = quote_char + " %s " + quote_char
for compiler in self . build . compilers :
langname = compiler . get_language ( )
self . generate_compile_rule_for ( langname , compiler , qstr , False , outfile )
self . generate_pch_rule_for ( langname , compiler , qstr , False , outfile )
if self . environment . is_cross_build ( ) :
for compiler in self . build . cross_compilers :
langname = compiler . get_language ( )
self . generate_compile_rule_for ( langname , compiler , qstr , True , outfile )
self . generate_pch_rule_for ( langname , compiler , qstr , True , outfile )
outfile . write ( ' \n ' )
def generate_custom_generator_rules ( self , target , outfile ) :
for genlist in target . get_generated_sources ( ) :
generator = genlist . get_generator ( )
exe = generator . get_exe ( )
if self . environment . is_cross_build ( ) and \
isinstance ( exe , build . BuildTarget ) and exe . is_cross :
if ' exe_wrapper ' not in self . environment . cross_info :
s = ' Can not use target %s as a generator because it is cross-built \n '
s + = ' and no exe wrapper is defined. You might want to set it to native instead. '
s = s % exe . name
raise MesonException ( s )
infilelist = genlist . get_infilelist ( )
outfilelist = genlist . get_outfilelist ( )
if isinstance ( exe , build . BuildTarget ) :
exe_file = os . path . join ( self . environment . get_build_dir ( ) , self . get_target_filename ( exe ) )
else :
exe_file = exe . get_command ( )
base_args = generator . get_arglist ( )
for i in range ( len ( infilelist ) ) :
if len ( infilelist ) == len ( outfilelist ) :
sole_output = os . path . join ( self . get_target_private_dir ( target ) , outfilelist [ i ] )
else :
sole_output = ' '
curfile = infilelist [ i ]
infilename = os . path . join ( self . environment . get_source_dir ( ) , curfile )
outfiles = genlist . get_outputs_for ( curfile )
outfiles = [ os . path . join ( self . get_target_private_dir ( target ) , of ) for of in outfiles ]
args = [ x . replace ( " @INPUT@ " , infilename ) . replace ( ' @OUTPUT@ ' , sole_output ) \
for x in base_args ]
args = [ x . replace ( " @SOURCE_DIR@ " , self . environment . get_source_dir ( ) ) . replace ( " @BUILD_DIR@ " , self . get_target_private_dir ( target ) )
for x in args ]
cmdlist = [ exe_file ] + args
elem = NinjaBuildElement ( outfiles , ' CUSTOM_COMMAND ' , infilename )
elem . add_item ( ' DESC ' , ' Generating $out ' )
if isinstance ( exe , build . BuildTarget ) :
elem . add_dep ( self . get_target_filename ( exe ) )
elem . add_item ( ' COMMAND ' , cmdlist )
elem . write ( outfile )
def generate_single_compile ( self , target , outfile , src , is_generated = False , header_deps = [ ] ) :
compiler = self . get_compiler_for_source ( src )
commands = self . generate_basic_compiler_flags ( target , compiler )
commands . append ( compiler . get_include_arg ( self . get_target_private_dir ( target ) ) )
if is_generated :
if ' / ' in src :
rel_src = src
else :
rel_src = os . path . join ( self . get_target_private_dir ( target ) , src )
else :
rel_src = os . path . join ( self . build_to_src , target . get_source_subdir ( ) , src )
if os . path . isabs ( src ) :
src_filename = os . path . basename ( src )
else :
src_filename = src
obj_basename = src_filename . replace ( ' / ' , ' _ ' ) . replace ( ' \\ ' , ' _ ' )
rel_obj = os . path . join ( self . get_target_private_dir ( target ) , obj_basename )
rel_obj + = ' . ' + self . environment . get_object_suffix ( )
dep_file = rel_obj + ' . ' + compiler . get_depfile_suffix ( )
if self . environment . coredata . use_pch :
pchlist = target . get_pch ( compiler . language )
else :
pchlist = [ ]
if len ( pchlist ) == 0 :
pch_dep = [ ]
else :
arr = [ ]
i = os . path . join ( self . get_target_private_dir ( target ) , compiler . get_pch_name ( pchlist [ 0 ] ) )
arr . append ( i )
pch_dep = arr
for i in target . get_include_dirs ( ) :
basedir = i . get_curdir ( )
for d in i . get_incdirs ( ) :
expdir = os . path . join ( basedir , d )
fulldir = os . path . join ( self . environment . get_source_dir ( ) , expdir )
barg = compiler . get_include_arg ( expdir )
sarg = compiler . get_include_arg ( fulldir )
commands . append ( barg )
commands . append ( sarg )
if self . environment . coredata . use_pch :
commands + = self . get_pch_include_args ( compiler , target )
crstr = ' '
if target . is_cross :
crstr = ' _CROSS '
compiler_name = ' %s %s _COMPILER ' % ( compiler . get_language ( ) , crstr )
element = NinjaBuildElement ( rel_obj , compiler_name , rel_src )
for d in header_deps :
if not ' / ' in d :
d = os . path . join ( self . get_target_private_dir ( target ) , d )
element . add_dep ( d )
element . add_orderdep ( pch_dep )
element . add_item ( ' DEPFILE ' , dep_file )
element . add_item ( ' FLAGS ' , commands )
element . write ( outfile )
return rel_obj
def generate_msvc_pch_command ( self , target , compiler , pch ) :
if len ( pch ) != 2 :
raise RuntimeError ( ' MSVC requires one header and one source to produce precompiled headers. ' )
header = pch [ 0 ]
source = pch [ 1 ]
pchname = compiler . get_pch_name ( header )
dst = os . path . join ( self . get_target_private_dir ( target ) , pchname )
commands = [ ]
commands + = self . generate_basic_compiler_flags ( target , compiler )
just_name = os . path . split ( header ) [ 1 ]
commands + = compiler . gen_pch_args ( just_name , source , dst )
dep = dst + ' . ' + compiler . get_depfile_suffix ( )
return ( commands , dep , dst )
def generate_gcc_pch_command ( self , target , compiler , pch ) :
commands = [ ]
commands + = self . generate_basic_compiler_flags ( target , compiler )
dst = os . path . join ( self . get_target_private_dir ( target ) ,
os . path . split ( pch ) [ - 1 ] + ' . ' + compiler . get_pch_suffix ( ) )
dep = dst + ' . ' + compiler . get_depfile_suffix ( )
return ( commands , dep , dst )
def generate_pch ( self , target , outfile ) :
cstr = ' '
if target . is_cross :
cstr = ' _CROSS '
for lang in [ ' c ' , ' cpp ' ] :
pch = target . get_pch ( lang )
if len ( pch ) == 0 :
if ' / ' not in pch [ 0 ] or ' / ' not in pch [ - 1 ] :
raise build . InvalidArguments ( ' Precompiled header of " %s " must not be in the same directory as source, please put it in a subdirectory. ' % target . get_basename ( ) )
compiler = self . get_compiler_for_lang ( lang )
if compiler . id == ' msvc ' :
src = os . path . join ( self . build_to_src , target . get_source_subdir ( ) , pch [ - 1 ] )
( commands , dep , dst ) = self . generate_msvc_pch_command ( target , compiler , pch )
extradep = os . path . join ( self . build_to_src , target . get_source_subdir ( ) , pch [ 0 ] )
else :
src = os . path . join ( self . build_to_src , target . get_source_subdir ( ) , pch [ 0 ] )
( commands , dep , dst ) = self . generate_gcc_pch_command ( target , compiler , pch [ 0 ] )
extradep = None
rulename = compiler . get_language ( ) + cstr + ' _PCH '
elem = NinjaBuildElement ( dst , rulename , src )
if extradep is not None :
elem . add_dep ( extradep )
elem . add_item ( ' FLAGS ' , commands )
elem . add_item ( ' DEPFILE ' , dep )
elem . write ( outfile )
def generate_shsym ( self , outfile , target ) :
target_name = self . get_target_filename ( target )
targetdir = self . get_target_private_dir ( target )
symname = os . path . join ( targetdir , target_name + ' .symbols ' )
elem = NinjaBuildElement ( symname , ' SHSYM ' , target_name )
if self . environment . is_cross_build ( ) :
elem . add_item ( ' CROSS ' , ' --cross-host= ' + self . environment . cross_info [ ' name ' ] )
elem . write ( outfile )
def generate_link ( self , target , outfile , outname , obj_list , linker ) :
if isinstance ( target , build . StaticLibrary ) :
linker_base = ' STATIC '
else :
linker_base = linker . get_language ( ) # Fixme.
if isinstance ( target , build . SharedLibrary ) :
self . generate_shsym ( outfile , target )
crstr = ' '
if target . is_cross :
crstr = ' _CROSS '
linker_rule = linker_base + crstr + ' _LINKER '
abspath = os . path . join ( self . environment . get_build_dir ( ) , target . subdir )
commands = [ ]
commands + = linker . get_linker_always_flags ( )
if isinstance ( target , build . Executable ) :
commands + = linker . get_std_exe_link_flags ( )
elif isinstance ( target , build . SharedLibrary ) :
commands + = linker . get_std_shared_lib_link_flags ( )
commands + = linker . get_pic_flags ( )
commands + = linker . get_soname_flags ( target . name , abspath )
elif isinstance ( target , build . StaticLibrary ) :
commands + = linker . get_std_link_flags ( )
else :
raise RuntimeError ( ' Unknown build target type. ' )
for dep in target . get_external_deps ( ) :
commands + = dep . get_link_flags ( )
dependencies = target . get_dependencies ( )
commands + = self . build_target_link_arguments ( linker , dependencies )
commands + = target . link_flags
commands + = linker . build_rpath_args ( self . environment . get_build_dir ( ) , target . get_rpaths ( ) )
if self . environment . coredata . coverage :
commands + = linker . get_coverage_link_flags ( )
dep_targets = [ self . get_dependency_filename ( t ) for t in dependencies ]
dep_targets + = [ os . path . join ( self . environment . source_dir ,
target . subdir , t ) for t in target . link_depends ]
elem = NinjaBuildElement ( outname , linker_rule , obj_list )
elem . add_dep ( dep_targets )
elem . add_item ( ' LINK_FLAGS ' , commands )
return elem
def get_dependency_filename ( self , t ) :
if isinstance ( t , build . SharedLibrary ) :
return os . path . join ( self . get_target_private_dir ( t ) , self . get_target_filename ( t ) + ' .symbols ' )
return self . get_target_filename ( t )
def generate_shlib_aliases ( self , target , outdir , outfile , elem ) :
basename = target . get_filename ( )
aliases = target . get_aliaslist ( )
aliascmd = [ ]
if shutil . which ( ' ln ' ) :
for alias in aliases :
aliasfile = os . path . join ( outdir , alias )
cmd = [ " && " , ' ln ' , ' -s ' , ' -f ' , basename , aliasfile ]
aliascmd + = cmd
else :
mlog . log ( " Library versioning disabled because host does not support symlinks. " )
elem . add_item ( ' aliasing ' , aliascmd )
elem . write ( outfile )
def generate_gcov_clean ( self , outfile ) :
gcno_elem = NinjaBuildElement ( ' clean-gcno ' , ' CUSTOM_COMMAND ' , ' ' )
script_root = self . environment . get_script_dir ( )
clean_script = os . path . join ( script_root , ' delwithsuffix.py ' )
gcno_elem . add_item ( ' COMMAND ' , [ sys . executable , clean_script , ' . ' , ' gcno ' ] )
gcno_elem . add_item ( ' description ' , ' Deleting gcno files ' )
gcno_elem . write ( outfile )
gcda_elem = NinjaBuildElement ( ' clean-gcda ' , ' CUSTOM_COMMAND ' , ' ' )
script_root = self . environment . get_script_dir ( )
clean_script = os . path . join ( script_root , ' delwithsuffix.py ' )
gcda_elem . add_item ( ' COMMAND ' , [ sys . executable , clean_script , ' . ' , ' gcda ' ] )
gcda_elem . add_item ( ' description ' , ' Deleting gcda files ' )
gcda_elem . write ( outfile )
def is_compilable_file ( self , filename ) :
if filename . endswith ( ' .cpp ' ) or \
filename . endswith ( ' .c ' ) or \
filename . endswith ( ' .cxx ' ) or \
filename . endswith ( ' .cc ' ) or \
filename . endswith ( ' .C ' ) :
return True
return False
def process_dep_gens ( self , outfile , target ) :
src_deps = [ ]
other_deps = [ ]
for rule in self . dep_rules . values ( ) :
srcs = target . get_original_kwargs ( ) . get ( rule . src_keyword , [ ] )
if isinstance ( srcs , str ) :
srcs = [ srcs ]
for src in srcs :
plainname = os . path . split ( src ) [ 1 ]
basename = plainname . split ( ' . ' ) [ 0 ]
outname = rule . name_templ . replace ( ' @BASENAME@ ' , basename ) . replace ( ' @PLAINNAME@ ' , plainname )
outfilename = os . path . join ( self . get_target_private_dir ( target ) , outname )
infilename = os . path . join ( self . build_to_src , target . get_source_subdir ( ) , src )
rule = rule . name
elem = NinjaBuildElement ( outfilename , rule , infilename )
elem . write ( outfile )
if self . is_compilable_file ( outfilename ) :
src_deps . append ( outfilename )
else :
other_deps . append ( outfilename )
return ( src_deps , other_deps )
def generate_cppcheck_target ( self , outfile ) :
cppcheck_exe = environment . find_cppcheck ( )
if not cppcheck_exe :
elem = NinjaBuildElement ( ' cppcheck ' , ' CUSTOM_COMMAND ' , [ ] )
elem . add_item ( ' COMMAND ' , [ cppcheck_exe , self . environment . get_source_dir ( ) ] )
elem . add_item ( ' description ' , ' Running cppchecker ' )
elem . write ( outfile )
def generate_ending ( self , outfile ) :
targetlist = [ self . get_target_filename ( t ) for t in self . build . get_targets ( ) . values ( ) ]
elem = NinjaBuildElement ( ' all ' , ' phony ' , targetlist )
elem . write ( outfile )
default = ' default all \n \n '
outfile . write ( default )
ninja_command = environment . detect_ninja ( )
if ninja_command is None :
raise RuntimeError ( ' Could not detect ninja command ' )
elem = NinjaBuildElement ( ' clean ' , ' CUSTOM_COMMAND ' , ' ' )
elem . add_item ( ' COMMAND ' , [ ninja_command , ' -t ' , ' clean ' ] )
elem . add_item ( ' description ' , ' Cleaning ' )
if self . environment . coredata . coverage :
self . generate_gcov_clean ( outfile )
elem . add_dep ( ' clean-gcda ' )
elem . add_dep ( ' clean-gcno ' )
elem . write ( outfile )
deps = [ os . path . join ( self . build_to_src , df ) \
for df in self . interpreter . get_build_def_files ( ) ]
if self . environment . is_cross_build ( ) :
deps . append ( os . path . join ( self . build_to_src ,
self . environment . coredata . cross_file ) )
deps . append ( ' meson-private/coredata.dat ' )
if os . path . exists ( os . path . join ( self . environment . get_source_dir ( ) , ' meson_options.txt ' ) ) :
deps . append ( os . path . join ( self . build_to_src , ' meson_options.txt ' ) )
for sp in self . build . subprojects . keys ( ) :
fname = os . path . join ( self . environment . get_source_dir ( ) , sp , ' meson_options.txt ' )
if os . path . isfile ( fname ) :
deps . append ( os . path . join ( self . build_to_src , sp , ' meson_options.txt ' ) )
elem = NinjaBuildElement ( ' build.ninja ' , ' REGENERATE_BUILD ' , deps )
elem . write ( outfile )
elem = NinjaBuildElement ( deps , ' phony ' , ' ' )
elem . write ( outfile )
self . generate_cppcheck_target ( outfile )
import xml . etree . ElementTree as ET
import xml . dom . minidom
class Vs2010Backend ( Backend ) :
def __init__ ( self , build , interp ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( build , interp )
self . project_file_version = ' 10.0.30319.1 '
# foo.c compiles to foo.obj, not foo.c.obj
self . source_suffix_in_obj = False
def generate_custom_generator_commands ( self , target , parent_node ) :
idgroup = ET . SubElement ( parent_node , ' ItemDefinitionGroup ' )
all_output_files = [ ]
for genlist in target . get_generated_sources ( ) :
generator = genlist . get_generator ( )
exe = generator . get_exe ( )
infilelist = genlist . get_infilelist ( )
outfilelist = genlist . get_outfilelist ( )
if isinstance ( exe , build . BuildTarget ) :
exe_file = os . path . join ( self . environment . get_build_dir ( ) , self . get_target_filename ( exe ) )
else :
exe_file = exe . get_command ( )
base_args = generator . get_arglist ( )
for i in range ( len ( infilelist ) ) :
if len ( infilelist ) == len ( outfilelist ) :
sole_output = os . path . join ( self . get_target_private_dir ( target ) , outfilelist [ i ] )
else :
sole_output = ' '
curfile = infilelist [ i ]
infilename = os . path . join ( self . environment . get_source_dir ( ) , curfile )
outfiles = genlist . get_outputs_for ( curfile )
outfiles = [ os . path . join ( self . get_target_private_dir ( target ) , of ) for of in outfiles ]
all_output_files + = outfiles
args = [ x . replace ( " @INPUT@ " , infilename ) . replace ( ' @OUTPUT@ ' , sole_output ) \
for x in base_args ]
args = [ x . replace ( " @SOURCE_DIR@ " , self . environment . get_source_dir ( ) ) . replace ( " @BUILD_DIR@ " , self . get_target_private_dir ( target ) )
for x in args ]
fullcmd = [ exe_file ] + args
cbs = ET . SubElement ( idgroup , ' CustomBuildStep ' )
ET . SubElement ( cbs , ' Command ' ) . text = ' ' . join ( self . special_quote ( fullcmd ) )
ET . SubElement ( cbs , ' Inputs ' ) . text = infilename
ET . SubElement ( cbs , ' Outputs ' ) . text = ' ; ' . join ( outfiles )
ET . SubElement ( cbs , ' Message ' ) . text = ' Generating sources from %s . ' % infilename
pg = ET . SubElement ( parent_node , ' PropertyGroup ' )
ET . SubElement ( pg , ' CustomBuildBeforeTargets ' ) . text = ' ClCompile '
return all_output_files
def generate ( self ) :
self . generate_configure_files ( )
self . generate_pkgconfig_files ( )
sln_filename = os . path . join ( self . environment . get_build_dir ( ) , self . build . project_name + ' .sln ' )
projlist = self . generate_projects ( )
self . gen_testproj ( ' RUN_TESTS ' , os . path . join ( self . environment . get_build_dir ( ) , ' RUN_TESTS.vcxproj ' ) )
self . generate_solution ( sln_filename , projlist )
def get_obj_target_deps ( self , obj_list ) :
result = { }
for o in obj_list :
if isinstance ( o , build . ExtractedObjects ) :
result [ o . target . get_basename ( ) ] = True
return result . keys ( )
def generate_solution ( self , sln_filename , projlist ) :
ofile = open ( sln_filename , ' w ' )
ofile . write ( ' Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 11.00 \n ' )
ofile . write ( ' # Visual Studio 2010 \n ' )
prj_templ = prj_line = ' Project( " { %s } " ) = " %s " , " %s " , " { %s } " \n '
for p in projlist :
prj_line = prj_templ % ( self . environment . coredata . guid , p [ 0 ] , p [ 1 ] , p [ 2 ] )
ofile . write ( prj_line )
all_deps = { }
for ldep in self . build . targets [ p [ 0 ] ] . link_targets :
all_deps [ ldep . get_basename ( ) ] = True
for objdep in self . get_obj_target_deps ( self . build . targets [ p [ 0 ] ] . objects ) :
all_deps [ objdep ] = True
for gendep in self . build . targets [ p [ 0 ] ] . generated :
gen_exe = gendep . generator . get_exe ( )
if isinstance ( gen_exe , build . Executable ) :
all_deps [ gen_exe . get_basename ( ) ] = True
if len ( all_deps ) > 0 :
ofile . write ( ' \t ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject \n ' )
for dep in all_deps . keys ( ) :
guid = self . environment . coredata . target_guids [ dep ]
ofile . write ( ' \t \t { %s } = { %s } \n ' % ( guid , guid ) )
ofile . write ( ' EndProjectSection \n ' )
ofile . write ( ' EndProject \n ' )
test_line = prj_templ % ( self . environment . coredata . guid ,
' RUN_TESTS ' , ' RUN_TESTS.vcxproj ' , self . environment . coredata . test_guid )
ofile . write ( test_line )
ofile . write ( ' EndProject \n ' )
ofile . write ( ' Global \n ' )
ofile . write ( ' \t GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution \n ' )
ofile . write ( ' \t \t Debug|Win32 = Debug|Win32 \n ' )
ofile . write ( ' \t EndGlobalSection \n ' )
ofile . write ( ' \t GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution \n ' )
for p in projlist :
ofile . write ( ' \t \t { %s }.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 \n ' % p [ 2 ] )
ofile . write ( ' \t \t { %s }.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32 \n ' % p [ 2 ] )
ofile . write ( ' \t \t { %s }.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32 \n ' % self . environment . coredata . test_guid )
ofile . write ( ' \t EndGlobalSection \n ' )
ofile . write ( ' \t GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution \n ' )
ofile . write ( ' \t \t HideSolutionNode = FALSE \n ' )
ofile . write ( ' \t EndGlobalSection \n ' )
ofile . write ( ' EndGlobal \n ' )
def generate_projects ( self ) :
projlist = [ ]
for name , target in self . build . targets . items ( ) :
outdir = os . path . join ( self . environment . get_build_dir ( ) , target . subdir )
fname = name + ' .vcxproj '
relname = os . path . join ( target . subdir , fname )
projfile = os . path . join ( outdir , fname )
uuid = self . environment . coredata . target_guids [ name ]
self . gen_vcxproj ( target , projfile , uuid )
projlist . append ( ( name , relname , uuid ) )
return projlist
def split_sources ( self , srclist ) :
sources = [ ]
headers = [ ]
for i in srclist :
if self . environment . is_header ( i ) :
headers . append ( i )
else :
sources . append ( i )
return ( sources , headers )
def target_to_build_root ( self , target ) :
if target . subdir == ' ' :
return ' '
return ' / ' . join ( [ ' .. ' ] * ( len ( os . path . split ( target . subdir ) ) - 1 ) )
def special_quote ( self , arr ) :
return [ ' " %s " ' % i for i in arr ]
def gen_vcxproj ( self , target , ofname , guid ) :
down = self . target_to_build_root ( target )
proj_to_src_root = os . path . join ( down , self . build_to_src )
proj_to_src_dir = os . path . join ( proj_to_src_root , target . subdir )
( sources , headers ) = self . split_sources ( target . sources )
entrypoint = ' WinMainCRTStartup '
buildtype = ' Debug '
platform = " Win32 "
project_name = target . name
target_name = target . name
subsystem = ' Windows '
if isinstance ( target , build . Executable ) :
conftype = ' Application '
if not target . gui_app :
subsystem = ' Console '
entrypoint = ' mainCRTStartup '
elif isinstance ( target , build . StaticLibrary ) :
conftype = ' StaticLibrary '
elif isinstance ( target , build . SharedLibrary ) :
conftype = ' DynamicLibrary '
entrypoint = ' _DllMainCrtStartup '
else :
raise MesonException ( ' Unknown target type for %s ' % target_name )
root = ET . Element ( ' Project ' , { ' DefaultTargets ' : " Build " ,
' ToolsVersion ' : ' 4.0 ' ,
' xmlns ' : ' http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003 ' } )
confitems = ET . SubElement ( root , ' ItemGroup ' , { ' Label ' : ' ProjectConfigurations ' } )
prjconf = ET . SubElement ( confitems , ' ProjectConfiguration ' , { ' Include ' : ' Debug|Win32 ' } )
p = ET . SubElement ( prjconf , ' Configuration ' )
p . text = buildtype
pl = ET . SubElement ( prjconf , ' Platform ' )
pl . text = platform
globalgroup = ET . SubElement ( root , ' PropertyGroup ' , Label = ' Globals ' )
guidelem = ET . SubElement ( globalgroup , ' ProjectGuid ' )
guidelem . text = guid
kw = ET . SubElement ( globalgroup , ' Keyword ' )
kw . text = ' Win32Proj '
ns = ET . SubElement ( globalgroup , ' RootNamespace ' )
ns . text = target_name
p = ET . SubElement ( globalgroup , ' Platform ' )
p . text = platform
pname = ET . SubElement ( globalgroup , ' ProjectName ' )
pname . text = project_name
ET . SubElement ( root , ' Import ' , Project = ' $(VCTargetsPath) \ Microsoft.Cpp.Default.props ' )
type_config = ET . SubElement ( root , ' PropertyGroup ' , Label = ' Configuration ' )
ET . SubElement ( type_config , ' ConfigurationType ' ) . text = conftype
ET . SubElement ( type_config , ' CharacterSet ' ) . text = ' MultiByte '
ET . SubElement ( type_config , ' WholeProgramOptimization ' ) . text = ' false '
ET . SubElement ( type_config , ' UseDebugLibraries ' ) . text = ' true '
ET . SubElement ( root , ' Import ' , Project = ' $(VCTargetsPath) \ Microsoft.Cpp.props ' )
generated_files = self . generate_custom_generator_commands ( target , root )
( gen_src , gen_hdrs ) = self . split_sources ( generated_files )
direlem = ET . SubElement ( root , ' PropertyGroup ' )
fver = ET . SubElement ( direlem , ' _ProjectFileVersion ' )
fver . text = self . project_file_version
outdir = ET . SubElement ( direlem , ' OutDir ' )
outdir . text = ' . \\ '
intdir = ET . SubElement ( direlem , ' IntDir ' )
intdir . text = os . path . join ( self . get_target_dir ( target ) , target . get_basename ( ) + ' .dir ' ) + ' \\ '
tname = ET . SubElement ( direlem , ' TargetName ' )
tname . text = target_name
inclinc = ET . SubElement ( direlem , ' LinkIncremental ' )
inclinc . text = ' true '
compiles = ET . SubElement ( root , ' ItemDefinitionGroup ' )
clconf = ET . SubElement ( compiles , ' ClCompile ' )
opt = ET . SubElement ( clconf , ' Optimization ' )
opt . text = ' disabled '
inc_dirs = [ proj_to_src_dir , self . get_target_private_dir ( target ) ]
extra_args = [ ]
# SUCKS, VS can not handle per-language type flags, so just use
# them all.
for l in self . build . global_args . values ( ) :
for a in l :
extra_args . append ( a )
for l in target . extra_args . values ( ) :
for a in l :
extra_args . append ( a )
if len ( extra_args ) > 0 :
extra_args . append ( ' % (AdditionalOptions) ' )
ET . SubElement ( clconf , " AdditionalOptions " ) . text = ' ' . join ( extra_args )
for d in target . include_dirs :
for i in d . incdirs :
curdir = os . path . join ( d . curdir , i )
inc_dirs . append ( self . relpath ( curdir , target . subdir ) ) # build dir
inc_dirs . append ( os . path . join ( proj_to_src_root , curdir ) ) # src dir
inc_dirs . append ( ' % (AdditionalIncludeDirectories) ' )
ET . SubElement ( clconf , ' AdditionalIncludeDirectories ' ) . text = ' ; ' . join ( inc_dirs )
preproc = ET . SubElement ( clconf , ' PreprocessorDefinitions ' )
rebuild = ET . SubElement ( clconf , ' MinimalRebuild ' )
rebuild . text = ' true '
rtlib = ET . SubElement ( clconf , ' RuntimeLibrary ' )
rtlib . text = ' MultiThreadedDebugDLL '
funclink = ET . SubElement ( clconf , ' FunctionLevelLinking ' )
funclink . text = ' true '
pch = ET . SubElement ( clconf , ' PrecompiledHeader ' )
warnings = ET . SubElement ( clconf , ' WarningLevel ' )
warnings . text = ' Level3 '
debinfo = ET . SubElement ( clconf , ' DebugInformationFormat ' )
debinfo . text = ' EditAndContinue '
resourcecompile = ET . SubElement ( compiles , ' ResourceCompile ' )
ET . SubElement ( resourcecompile , ' PreprocessorDefinitions ' )
link = ET . SubElement ( compiles , ' Link ' )
additional_links = [ ]
for t in target . link_targets :
lobj = self . build . targets [ t . get_basename ( ) ]
rel_path = self . relpath ( lobj . subdir , target . subdir )
linkname = os . path . join ( rel_path , lobj . get_import_filename ( ) )
additional_links . append ( linkname )
for o in self . flatten_object_list ( target , down ) :
assert ( isinstance ( o , str ) )
additional_links . append ( o )
if len ( additional_links ) > 0 :
additional_links . append ( ' % (AdditionalDependencies) ' )
ET . SubElement ( link , ' AdditionalDependencies ' ) . text = ' ; ' . join ( additional_links )
ofile = ET . SubElement ( link , ' OutputFile ' )
ofile . text = ' $(OutDir) %s ' % target . get_filename ( )
addlibdir = ET . SubElement ( link , ' AdditionalLibraryDirectories ' )
addlibdir . text = ' % (AdditionalLibraryDirectories) '
subsys = ET . SubElement ( link , ' SubSystem ' )
subsys . text = subsystem
gendeb = ET . SubElement ( link , ' GenerateDebugInformation ' )
gendeb . text = ' true '
if isinstance ( target , build . SharedLibrary ) :
ET . SubElement ( link , ' ImportLibrary ' ) . text = target . get_import_filename ( )
pdb = ET . SubElement ( link , ' ProgramDataBaseFileName ' )
pdb . text = ' $(OutDir} %s .pdb ' % target_name
if isinstance ( target , build . Executable ) :
ET . SubElement ( link , ' EntryPointSymbol ' ) . text = entrypoint
targetmachine = ET . SubElement ( link , ' TargetMachine ' )
targetmachine . text = ' MachineX86 '
if len ( headers ) + len ( gen_hdrs ) > 0 :
inc_hdrs = ET . SubElement ( root , ' ItemGroup ' )
for h in headers :
relpath = os . path . join ( proj_to_src_dir , h )
ET . SubElement ( inc_hdrs , ' CLInclude ' , Include = relpath )
for h in gen_hdrs :
relpath = self . relpath ( h , target . subdir )
ET . SubElement ( inc_hdrs , ' CLInclude ' , Include = relpath )
if len ( sources ) + len ( gen_src ) > 0 :
inc_src = ET . SubElement ( root , ' ItemGroup ' )
for s in sources :
relpath = os . path . join ( proj_to_src_dir , s )
ET . SubElement ( inc_src , ' CLCompile ' , Include = relpath )
for s in gen_src :
relpath = self . relpath ( s , target . subdir )
ET . SubElement ( inc_src , ' CLCompile ' , Include = relpath )
ET . SubElement ( root , ' Import ' , Project = ' $(VCTargetsPath) \ Microsoft.Cpp.targets ' )
tree = ET . ElementTree ( root )
tree . write ( ofname , encoding = ' utf-8 ' , xml_declaration = True )
# ElementTree can not do prettyprinting so do it manually
doc = xml . dom . minidom . parse ( ofname )
open ( ofname , ' w ' ) . write ( doc . toprettyxml ( ) )
# World of horror! Python insists on not quoting quotes and
# fixing the escaped " into &quot; whereas MSVS
# requires quoted but not fixed elements. Enter horrible hack.
txt = open ( ofname , ' r ' ) . read ( )
open ( ofname , ' w ' ) . write ( txt . replace ( ' &quot; ' , ' " ' ) )
def gen_testproj ( self , target_name , ofname ) :
buildtype = ' Debug '
platform = " Win32 "
project_name = target_name
root = ET . Element ( ' Project ' , { ' DefaultTargets ' : " Build " ,
' ToolsVersion ' : ' 4.0 ' ,
' xmlns ' : ' http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003 ' } )
confitems = ET . SubElement ( root , ' ItemGroup ' , { ' Label ' : ' ProjectConfigurations ' } )
prjconf = ET . SubElement ( confitems , ' ProjectConfiguration ' , { ' Include ' : ' Debug|Win32 ' } )
p = ET . SubElement ( prjconf , ' Configuration ' )
p . text = buildtype
pl = ET . SubElement ( prjconf , ' Platform ' )
pl . text = platform
globalgroup = ET . SubElement ( root , ' PropertyGroup ' , Label = ' Globals ' )
guidelem = ET . SubElement ( globalgroup , ' ProjectGuid ' )
guidelem . text = self . environment . coredata . test_guid
kw = ET . SubElement ( globalgroup , ' Keyword ' )
kw . text = ' Win32Proj '
p = ET . SubElement ( globalgroup , ' Platform ' )
p . text = platform
pname = ET . SubElement ( globalgroup , ' ProjectName ' )
pname . text = project_name
ET . SubElement ( root , ' Import ' , Project = ' $(VCTargetsPath) \ Microsoft.Cpp.Default.props ' )
type_config = ET . SubElement ( root , ' PropertyGroup ' , Label = ' Configuration ' )
ET . SubElement ( type_config , ' ConfigurationType ' )
ET . SubElement ( type_config , ' CharacterSet ' ) . text = ' MultiByte '
ET . SubElement ( type_config , ' UseOfMfc ' ) . text = ' false '
ET . SubElement ( root , ' Import ' , Project = ' $(VCTargetsPath) \ Microsoft.Cpp.props ' )
direlem = ET . SubElement ( root , ' PropertyGroup ' )
fver = ET . SubElement ( direlem , ' _ProjectFileVersion ' )
fver . text = self . project_file_version
outdir = ET . SubElement ( direlem , ' OutDir ' )
outdir . text = ' . \\ '
intdir = ET . SubElement ( direlem , ' IntDir ' )
intdir . text = ' test-temp \\ '
tname = ET . SubElement ( direlem , ' TargetName ' )
tname . text = target_name
action = ET . SubElement ( root , ' ItemDefinitionGroup ' )
midl = ET . SubElement ( action , ' Midl ' )
ET . SubElement ( midl , " AdditionalIncludeDirectories " ) . text = ' % (AdditionalIncludeDirectories) '
ET . SubElement ( midl , " OutputDirectory " ) . text = ' $(IntDir) '
ET . SubElement ( midl , ' HeaderFileName ' ) . text = ' % (Filename).h '
ET . SubElement ( midl , ' TypeLibraryName ' ) . text = ' % (Filename).tlb '
ET . SubElement ( midl , ' InterfaceIdentifierFilename ' ) . text = ' % (Filename)_i.c '
ET . SubElement ( midl , ' ProxyFileName ' ) . text = ' % (Filename)_p.c '
postbuild = ET . SubElement ( action , ' PostBuildEvent ' )
ET . SubElement ( postbuild , ' Message ' )
script_root = self . environment . get_script_dir ( )
test_script = os . path . join ( script_root , ' meson_test.py ' )
test_data = os . path . join ( self . environment . get_scratch_dir ( ) , ' meson_test_setup.dat ' )
cmd_templ = ''' setlocal
" %s " " %s " " %s "
if % % errorlevel % % neq 0 goto : cmEnd
: cmEnd
endlocal & call : cmErrorLevel % % errorlevel % % & goto : cmDone
: cmErrorLevel
exit / b % % 1
: cmDone
if % % errorlevel % % neq 0 goto : VCEnd '''
ET . SubElement ( postbuild , ' Command ' ) . text = cmd_templ % ( sys . executable , test_script , test_data )
ET . SubElement ( root , ' Import ' , Project = ' $(VCTargetsPath) \ Microsoft.Cpp.targets ' )
tree = ET . ElementTree ( root )
tree . write ( ofname , encoding = ' utf-8 ' , xml_declaration = True )
datafile = open ( test_data , ' wb ' )
self . write_test_file ( datafile )
datafile . close ( )
# ElementTree can not do prettyprinting so do it manually
#doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(ofname)
#open(ofname, 'w').write(doc.toprettyxml())