#!/usr/bin/env python3
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Copyright 2012-2021 The Meson development team
# Copyright © 2023-2024 Intel Corporation
from __future__ import annotations
# Work around some pathlib bugs...
from mesonbuild import _pathlib
import sys
sys.modules['pathlib'] = _pathlib
import collections
import os
import time
import shutil
import subprocess
import platform
import argparse
import traceback
from io import StringIO
from enum import Enum
from glob import glob
from pathlib import Path
from unittest import mock
import typing as T
from mesonbuild.compilers.c import CCompiler
from mesonbuild.compilers.detect import detect_c_compiler
from mesonbuild.dependencies.pkgconfig import PkgConfigInterface
from mesonbuild import mesonlib
from mesonbuild import mesonmain
from mesonbuild import mtest
from mesonbuild import mlog
from mesonbuild.environment import Environment, detect_ninja, detect_machine_info
from mesonbuild.coredata import version as meson_version
from mesonbuild.options import backendlist
from mesonbuild.mesonlib import OptionKey, setup_vsenv
from mesonbuild.coredata import SharedCMDOptions
NINJA_1_12_OR_NEWER = False
# If we're on CI, detecting ninja for every subprocess unit test that we run is slow
# Optimize this by respecting $NINJA and skipping detection, then exporting it on
# first run.
NINJA_1_12_OR_NEWER = bool(int(os.environ['NINJA_1_12_OR_NEWER']))
NINJA_CMD = [os.environ['NINJA']]
except (KeyError, ValueError):
# Look for 1.12, which removes -w dupbuild=err
NINJA_CMD = detect_ninja('1.12')
if NINJA_CMD is not None:
NINJA_1_12_OR_NEWER = True
NINJA_CMD = detect_ninja()
if NINJA_CMD is not None:
os.environ['NINJA_1_12_OR_NEWER'] = str(int(NINJA_1_12_OR_NEWER))
os.environ['NINJA'] = NINJA_CMD[0]
raise RuntimeError('Could not find Ninja.')
use a more sane check instead of run_custom_lint
Unfortunately, checking for strings without context is exceedingly prone
to false positives, while missing anything that indirectly opens a file.
Python 3.10 has a feature to warn about this though -- and it uses a
runtime check which runs at the same time that the code fails to open
files in the broken Windows locale. Set this up automatically when
running the testsuite.
Sadly, Python's builtin feature to change the warning level, e.g. by
setting EncodingWarning to error at startup, is utterly broken if you
want to limit it to only certain modules. This is tracked in order to be
more efficiently ignored at https://bugs.python.org/issue34624 and
It is also very trigger happy and passing stuff around via environment
variable either messes with the testsuite, or with thirdparty programs
which are implemented in python *such as lots of gnome*, or perhaps
Instead, add runtime code to meson itself, to add a hidden "feature".
In the application source code, running the 'warnings' module, you can
actually get the expected behavior that $PYTHONWARNINGS doesn't have. So
check for a magic testsuite variable every time meson starts up, and if
it does, then go ahead and initialize a warnings filter that makes
EncodingWarning fatal, but *only* when triggered via Meson and not
arbitrary subprocess scripts.
3 years ago
# Emulate running meson with -X utf8 by making sure all open() calls have a
# sane encoding. This should be a python default, but PEP 540 considered it not
# backwards compatible. Instead, much line noise in diffs to update this, and in
# python 3.10 we can also make it a warning when absent.
# work around https://bugs.python.org/issue34624
# python 3.11 adds a warning that in 3.15, UTF-8 mode will be default.
# This is fantastic news, we'd love that. Less fantastic: this warning is silly,
# we *want* these checks to be affected. Plus, the recommended alternative API
# would (in addition to warning people when UTF-8 mode removed the problem) also
# require using a minimum python version of 3.11 (in which the warning was added)
# or add verbose if/else soup.
if sys.version_info >= (3, 10):
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', message="UTF-8 Mode affects .*getpreferredencoding", category=EncodingWarning)
use a more sane check instead of run_custom_lint
Unfortunately, checking for strings without context is exceedingly prone
to false positives, while missing anything that indirectly opens a file.
Python 3.10 has a feature to warn about this though -- and it uses a
runtime check which runs at the same time that the code fails to open
files in the broken Windows locale. Set this up automatically when
running the testsuite.
Sadly, Python's builtin feature to change the warning level, e.g. by
setting EncodingWarning to error at startup, is utterly broken if you
want to limit it to only certain modules. This is tracked in order to be
more efficiently ignored at https://bugs.python.org/issue34624 and
It is also very trigger happy and passing stuff around via environment
variable either messes with the testsuite, or with thirdparty programs
which are implemented in python *such as lots of gnome*, or perhaps
Instead, add runtime code to meson itself, to add a hidden "feature".
In the application source code, running the 'warnings' module, you can
actually get the expected behavior that $PYTHONWARNINGS doesn't have. So
check for a magic testsuite variable every time meson starts up, and if
it does, then go ahead and initialize a warnings filter that makes
EncodingWarning fatal, but *only* when triggered via Meson and not
arbitrary subprocess scripts.
3 years ago
def guess_backend(backend_str: str, msbuild_exe: str) -> T.Tuple['Backend', T.List[str]]:
# Auto-detect backend if unspecified
backend_flags = []
if backend_str is None:
if msbuild_exe is not None and (mesonlib.is_windows() and not _using_intelcl()):
backend_str = 'vs' # Meson will auto-detect VS version to use
backend_str = 'ninja'
# Set backend arguments for Meson
if backend_str.startswith('vs'):
backend_flags = ['--backend=' + backend_str]
backend = Backend.vs
elif backend_str == 'xcode':
backend_flags = ['--backend=xcode']
backend = Backend.xcode
elif backend_str == 'ninja':
backend_flags = ['--backend=ninja']
backend = Backend.ninja
raise RuntimeError(f'Unknown backend: {backend_str!r}')
return (backend, backend_flags)
def _using_intelcl() -> bool:
detect if intending to using Intel-Cl compilers (Intel compilers on Windows)
Sufficient evidence of intent is that user is working in the Intel compiler
shell environment, otherwise this function returns False
if not mesonlib.is_windows():
return False
# handle where user tried to "blank" MKLROOT and left space(s)
if not os.environ.get('MKLROOT', '').strip():
return False
if (os.environ.get('CC') == 'icl' or
os.environ.get('CXX') == 'icl' or
os.environ.get('FC') == 'ifort'):
return True
# Intel-Cl users might not have the CC,CXX,FC envvars set,
# but because they're in Intel shell, the exe's below are on PATH
if shutil.which('icl') or shutil.which('ifort'):
return True
mlog.warning('It appears you might be intending to use Intel compiler on Windows '
'since non-empty environment variable MKLROOT is set to {} '
'However, Meson cannot find the Intel WIndows compiler executables (icl,ifort).'
'Please try using the Intel shell.'.format(os.environ.get('MKLROOT')))
return False
# Fake classes and objects for mocking
class FakeBuild:
def __init__(self, env):
self.environment = env
class FakeCompilerOptions:
def __init__(self):
self.value = []
def get_fake_options(prefix: str = '') -> SharedCMDOptions:
opts = T.cast('SharedCMDOptions', argparse.Namespace())
opts.native_file = []
opts.cross_file = None
opts.wrap_mode = None
opts.prefix = prefix
opts.cmd_line_options = {}
return opts
def get_fake_env(sdir='', bdir=None, prefix='', opts=None):
if opts is None:
opts = get_fake_options(prefix)
env = Environment(sdir, bdir, opts)
env.coredata.optstore.set_value_object(OptionKey('args', lang='c'), FakeCompilerOptions())
env.machines.host.cpu_family = 'x86_64' # Used on macOS inside find_library
# Invalidate cache when using a different Environment object.
return env
def get_convincing_fake_env_and_cc(bdir, prefix):
Return a fake env and C compiler with the fake env
machine info properly detected using that compiler.
Useful for running compiler checks in the unit tests.
env = get_fake_env('', bdir, prefix)
cc = detect_c_compiler(env, mesonlib.MachineChoice.HOST)
# Detect machine info
env.machines.host = detect_machine_info({'c':cc})
return (env, cc)
Backend = Enum('Backend', 'ninja vs xcode')
if 'MESON_EXE' in os.environ:
meson_exe = mesonlib.split_args(os.environ['MESON_EXE'])
meson_exe = None
if mesonlib.is_windows() or mesonlib.is_cygwin():
exe_suffix = '.exe'
exe_suffix = ''
def handle_meson_skip_test(out: str) -> T.Tuple[bool, str]:
for line in out.splitlines():
for prefix in {'Problem encountered', 'Assert failed', 'Failed to configure the CMake subproject'}:
if f'{prefix}: MESON_SKIP_TEST' in line:
offset = line.index('MESON_SKIP_TEST') + 16
reason = line[offset:].strip()
return (True, reason)
return (False, '')
def get_meson_script() -> str:
Guess the meson that corresponds to the `mesonbuild` that has been imported
so we can run configure and other commands in-process, since mesonmain.run
needs to know the meson_command to use.
Also used by run_unittests.py to determine what meson to run when not
running in-process (which is the default).
# Is there a meson.py next to the mesonbuild currently in use?
mesonbuild_dir = Path(mesonmain.__file__).resolve().parent.parent
meson_script = mesonbuild_dir / 'meson.py'
if meson_script.is_file():
return str(meson_script)
# Then if mesonbuild is in PYTHONPATH, meson must be in PATH
mlog.warning('Could not find meson.py next to the mesonbuild module. '
'Trying system meson...')
meson_cmd = shutil.which('meson')
if meson_cmd:
return meson_cmd
raise RuntimeError(f'Could not find {meson_script!r} or a meson in PATH')
def get_backend_args_for_dir(backend: Backend, builddir: str) -> T.List[str]:
Visual Studio backend needs to be given the solution to build
if backend is Backend.vs:
sln_name = glob(os.path.join(builddir, '*.sln'))[0]
return [os.path.split(sln_name)[-1]]
return []
def find_vcxproj_with_target(builddir, target):
import re, fnmatch
t, ext = os.path.splitext(target)
if ext:
p = fr'<TargetName>{t}</TargetName>\s*<TargetExt>\{ext}</TargetExt>'
p = fr'<TargetName>{t}</TargetName>'
for _, _, files in os.walk(builddir):
for f in fnmatch.filter(files, '*.vcxproj'):
f = os.path.join(builddir, f)
with open(f, encoding='utf-8') as o:
if re.search(p, o.read(), flags=re.MULTILINE):
return f
raise RuntimeError(f'No vcxproj matching {p!r} in {builddir!r}')
def get_builddir_target_args(backend: Backend, builddir, target):
dir_args = []
if not target:
dir_args = get_backend_args_for_dir(backend, builddir)
if target is None:
return dir_args
if backend is Backend.vs:
vcxproj = find_vcxproj_with_target(builddir, target)
target_args = [vcxproj]
elif backend is Backend.xcode:
target_args = ['-target', target]
elif backend is Backend.ninja:
target_args = [target]
raise AssertionError(f'Unknown backend: {backend!r}')
return target_args + dir_args
def get_backend_commands(backend: Backend, debug: bool = False) -> \
T.Tuple[T.List[str], T.List[str], T.List[str], T.List[str], T.List[str]]:
install_cmd: T.List[str] = []
uninstall_cmd: T.List[str] = []
clean_cmd: T.List[str]
cmd: T.List[str]
test_cmd: T.List[str]
if backend is Backend.vs:
cmd = ['msbuild']
clean_cmd = cmd + ['/target:Clean']
test_cmd = cmd + ['RUN_TESTS.vcxproj']
elif backend is Backend.xcode:
cmd = ['xcodebuild']
clean_cmd = cmd + ['-alltargets', 'clean']
test_cmd = cmd + ['-target', 'RUN_TESTS']
elif backend is Backend.ninja:
global NINJA_CMD
cmd = NINJA_CMD + ['-d', 'explain']
if not NINJA_1_12_OR_NEWER:
cmd += ['-w', 'dupbuild=err']
if debug:
cmd += ['-v']
clean_cmd = cmd + ['clean']
test_cmd = cmd + ['test', 'benchmark']
install_cmd = cmd + ['install']
uninstall_cmd = cmd + ['uninstall']
raise AssertionError(f'Unknown backend: {backend!r}')
return cmd, clean_cmd, test_cmd, install_cmd, uninstall_cmd
def run_mtest_inprocess(commandlist: T.List[str]) -> T.Tuple[int, str, str]:
out = StringIO()
with mock.patch.object(sys, 'stdout', out), mock.patch.object(sys, 'stderr', out):
returncode = mtest.run_with_args(commandlist)
return returncode, out.getvalue()
def clear_meson_configure_class_caches() -> None:
PkgConfigInterface.class_impl.assign(False, False)
def run_configure_inprocess(commandlist: T.List[str], env: T.Optional[T.Dict[str, str]] = None, catch_exception: bool = False) -> T.Tuple[int, str, str]:
stderr = StringIO()
stdout = StringIO()
returncode = 0
with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, env or {}), mock.patch.object(sys, 'stdout', stdout), mock.patch.object(sys, 'stderr', stderr):
returncode = mesonmain.run(commandlist, get_meson_script())
except Exception:
if catch_exception:
returncode = 1
return returncode, stdout.getvalue(), stderr.getvalue()
def run_configure_external(full_command: T.List[str], env: T.Optional[T.Dict[str, str]] = None) -> T.Tuple[int, str, str]:
pc, o, e = mesonlib.Popen_safe(full_command, env=env)
return pc.returncode, o, e
def run_configure(commandlist: T.List[str], env: T.Optional[T.Dict[str, str]] = None, catch_exception: bool = False) -> T.Tuple[bool, T.Tuple[int, str, str]]:
global meson_exe
if meson_exe:
return (False, run_configure_external(meson_exe + commandlist, env=env))
return (True, run_configure_inprocess(commandlist, env=env, catch_exception=catch_exception))
def print_system_info():
print(mlog.bold('System information.'))
print('Architecture:', platform.architecture())
print('Machine:', platform.machine())
print('Platform:', platform.system())
print('Processor:', platform.processor())
print('System:', platform.system())
def subprocess_call(cmd, **kwargs):
print(f'$ {mesonlib.join_args(cmd)}')
return subprocess.call(cmd, **kwargs)
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--backend', default=None, dest='backend',
parser.add_argument('--cross', default=[], dest='cross', action='append')
parser.add_argument('--cross-only', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--failfast', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--no-unittests', action='store_true', default=False)
(options, _) = parser.parse_known_args()
returncode = 0
_, backend_flags = guess_backend(options.backend, shutil.which('msbuild'))
no_unittests = options.no_unittests
# Running on a developer machine? Be nice!
if not mesonlib.is_windows() and not mesonlib.is_haiku() and 'CI' not in os.environ:
# Appveyor sets the `platform` environment variable which completely messes
# up building with the vs2010 and vs2015 backends.
# Specifically, MSBuild reads the `platform` environment variable to set
# the configured value for the platform (Win32/x64/arm), which breaks x86
# builds.
# Appveyor setting this also breaks our 'native build arch' detection for
# Windows in environment.py:detect_windows_arch() by overwriting the value
# of `platform` set by vcvarsall.bat.
# While building for x86, `platform` should be unset.
if 'APPVEYOR' in os.environ and os.environ['arch'] == 'x86':
# Run tests
# Can't pass arguments to unit tests, so set the backend to use in the environment
env = os.environ.copy()
if not options.cross:
cmd = mesonlib.python_command + ['run_meson_command_tests.py', '-v']
if options.failfast:
cmd += ['--failfast']
returncode += subprocess_call(cmd, env=env)
if options.failfast and returncode != 0:
return returncode
if no_unittests:
print('Skipping all unit tests.')
returncode = 0
print(mlog.bold('Running unittests.'))
cmd = mesonlib.python_command + ['run_unittests.py'] + backend_flags
if options.failfast:
cmd += ['--failfast']
returncode += subprocess_call(cmd, env=env)
if options.failfast and returncode != 0:
return returncode
cmd = mesonlib.python_command + ['run_project_tests.py'] + sys.argv[1:]
returncode += subprocess_call(cmd, env=env)
cross_test_args = mesonlib.python_command + ['run_cross_test.py']
for cf in options.cross:
print(mlog.bold(f'Running {cf} cross tests.'))
cmd = cross_test_args + ['cross/' + cf]
if options.failfast:
cmd += ['--failfast']
if options.cross_only:
cmd += ['--cross-only']
returncode += subprocess_call(cmd, env=env)
if options.failfast and returncode != 0:
return returncode
return returncode
if __name__ == '__main__':
print('Meson build system', meson_version, 'Project and Unit Tests')
raise SystemExit(main())