#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2016 The Meson development team
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This class contains the basic functionality needed to run any interpreter
# or an interpreter-based tool.
# This tool is used to manipulate an existing Meson build definition.
# - add a file to a target
# - remove files from a target
# - move targets
# - reindent?
from .ast import IntrospectionInterpreter, build_target_functions, AstConditionLevel, AstIDGenerator, AstIndentationGenerator, AstPrinter
from mesonbuild.mesonlib import MesonException
from . import mlog, environment
from functools import wraps
from .mparser import Token, ArrayNode, ArgumentNode, AssignmentNode, BaseNode, BooleanNode, ElementaryNode, IdNode, FunctionNode, StringNode
import json, os, re, sys
import typing as T
class RewriterException(MesonException):
def add_arguments(parser, formatter=None):
parser.add_argument('-s', '--sourcedir', type=str, default='.', metavar='SRCDIR', help='Path to source directory.')
parser.add_argument('-V', '--verbose', action='store_true', default=False, help='Enable verbose output')
parser.add_argument('-S', '--skip-errors', dest='skip', action='store_true', default=False, help='Skip errors instead of aborting')
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='type', title='Rewriter commands', description='Rewrite command to execute')
# Target
tgt_parser = subparsers.add_parser('target', help='Modify a target', formatter_class=formatter)
tgt_parser.add_argument('-s', '--subdir', default='', dest='subdir', help='Subdirectory of the new target (only for the "add_target" action)')
tgt_parser.add_argument('--type', dest='tgt_type', choices=rewriter_keys['target']['target_type'][2], default='executable',
help='Type of the target to add (only for the "add_target" action)')
tgt_parser.add_argument('target', help='Name or ID of the target')
tgt_parser.add_argument('operation', choices=['add', 'rm', 'add_target', 'rm_target', 'info'],
help='Action to execute')
tgt_parser.add_argument('sources', nargs='*', help='Sources to add/remove')
kw_parser = subparsers.add_parser('kwargs', help='Modify keyword arguments', formatter_class=formatter)
kw_parser.add_argument('operation', choices=rewriter_keys['kwargs']['operation'][2],
help='Action to execute')
kw_parser.add_argument('function', choices=list(rewriter_func_kwargs.keys()),
help='Function type to modify')
kw_parser.add_argument('id', help='ID of the function to modify (can be anything for "project")')
kw_parser.add_argument('kwargs', nargs='*', help='Pairs of keyword and value')
# Default options
def_parser = subparsers.add_parser('default-options', help='Modify the project default options', formatter_class=formatter)
def_parser.add_argument('operation', choices=rewriter_keys['default_options']['operation'][2],
help='Action to execute')
def_parser.add_argument('options', nargs='*', help='Key, value pairs of configuration option')
# JSON file/command
cmd_parser = subparsers.add_parser('command', help='Execute a JSON array of commands', formatter_class=formatter)
cmd_parser.add_argument('json', help='JSON string or file to execute')
class RequiredKeys:
def __init__(self, keys):
self.keys = keys
def __call__(self, f):
def wrapped(*wrapped_args, **wrapped_kwargs):
assert(len(wrapped_args) >= 2)
cmd = wrapped_args[1]
for key, val in self.keys.items():
typ = val[0] # The type of the value
default = val[1] # The default value -- None is required
choices = val[2] # Valid choices -- None is for everything
if key not in cmd:
if default is not None:
cmd[key] = default
raise RewriterException('Key "{}" is missing in object for {}'
.format(key, f.__name__))
if not isinstance(cmd[key], typ):
raise RewriterException('Invalid type of "{}". Required is {} but provided was {}'
.format(key, typ.__name__, type(cmd[key]).__name__))
if choices is not None:
assert(isinstance(choices, list))
if cmd[key] not in choices:
raise RewriterException('Invalid value of "{}": Possible values are {} but provided was "{}"'
.format(key, choices, cmd[key]))
return f(*wrapped_args, **wrapped_kwargs)
return wrapped
class MTypeBase:
def __init__(self, node: T.Optional[BaseNode] = None):
if node is None:
self.node = self._new_node() # lgtm [py/init-calls-subclass] (node creation does not depend on base class state)
self.node = node
self.node_type = None
for i in self.supported_nodes(): # lgtm [py/init-calls-subclass] (listing nodes does not depend on base class state)
if isinstance(self.node, i):
self.node_type = i
def _new_node(self):
# Overwrite in derived class
raise RewriterException('Internal error: _new_node of MTypeBase was called')
def can_modify(self):
return self.node_type is not None
def get_node(self):
return self.node
def supported_nodes(self):
# Overwrite in derived class
return []
def set_value(self, value):
# Overwrite in derived class
mlog.warning('Cannot set the value of type', mlog.bold(type(self).__name__), '--> skipping')
def add_value(self, value):
# Overwrite in derived class
mlog.warning('Cannot add a value of type', mlog.bold(type(self).__name__), '--> skipping')
def remove_value(self, value):
# Overwrite in derived class
mlog.warning('Cannot remove a value of type', mlog.bold(type(self).__name__), '--> skipping')
def remove_regex(self, value):
# Overwrite in derived class
mlog.warning('Cannot remove a regex in type', mlog.bold(type(self).__name__), '--> skipping')
class MTypeStr(MTypeBase):
def __init__(self, node: T.Optional[BaseNode] = None):
def _new_node(self):
return StringNode(Token('', '', 0, 0, 0, None, ''))
def supported_nodes(self):
return [StringNode]
def set_value(self, value):
self.node.value = str(value)
class MTypeBool(MTypeBase):
def __init__(self, node: T.Optional[BaseNode] = None):
def _new_node(self):
return BooleanNode(Token('', '', 0, 0, 0, None, False))
def supported_nodes(self):
return [BooleanNode]
def set_value(self, value):
self.node.value = bool(value)
class MTypeID(MTypeBase):
def __init__(self, node: T.Optional[BaseNode] = None):
def _new_node(self):
return IdNode(Token('', '', 0, 0, 0, None, ''))
def supported_nodes(self):
return [IdNode]
def set_value(self, value):
self.node.value = str(value)
class MTypeList(MTypeBase):
def __init__(self, node: T.Optional[BaseNode] = None):
def _new_node(self):
return ArrayNode(ArgumentNode(Token('', '', 0, 0, 0, None, '')), 0, 0, 0, 0)
def _new_element_node(self, value):
# Overwrite in derived class
raise RewriterException('Internal error: _new_element_node of MTypeList was called')
def _ensure_array_node(self):
if not isinstance(self.node, ArrayNode):
tmp = self.node
self.node = self._new_node()
self.node.args.arguments += [tmp]
def _check_is_equal(self, node, value) -> bool:
# Overwrite in derived class
return False
def _check_regex_matches(self, node, regex: str) -> bool:
# Overwrite in derived class
return False
def get_node(self):
if isinstance(self.node, ArrayNode):
if len(self.node.args.arguments) == 1:
return self.node.args.arguments[0]
return self.node
def supported_element_nodes(self):
# Overwrite in derived class
return []
def supported_nodes(self):
return [ArrayNode] + self.supported_element_nodes()
def set_value(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, list):
value = [value]
self.node.args.arguments = [] # Remove all current nodes
for i in value:
self.node.args.arguments += [self._new_element_node(i)]
def add_value(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, list):
value = [value]
for i in value:
self.node.args.arguments += [self._new_element_node(i)]
def _remove_helper(self, value, equal_func):
def check_remove_node(node):
for j in value:
if equal_func(i, j):
return True
return False
if not isinstance(value, list):
value = [value]
removed_list = []
for i in self.node.args.arguments:
if not check_remove_node(i):
removed_list += [i]
self.node.args.arguments = removed_list
def remove_value(self, value):
self._remove_helper(value, self._check_is_equal)
def remove_regex(self, regex: str):
self._remove_helper(regex, self._check_regex_matches)
class MTypeStrList(MTypeList):
def __init__(self, node: T.Optional[BaseNode] = None):
def _new_element_node(self, value):
return StringNode(Token('', '', 0, 0, 0, None, str(value)))
def _check_is_equal(self, node, value) -> bool:
if isinstance(node, StringNode):
return node.value == value
return False
def _check_regex_matches(self, node, regex: str) -> bool:
if isinstance(node, StringNode):
return re.match(regex, node.value) is not None
return False
def supported_element_nodes(self):
return [StringNode]
class MTypeIDList(MTypeList):
def __init__(self, node: T.Optional[BaseNode] = None):
def _new_element_node(self, value):
return IdNode(Token('', '', 0, 0, 0, None, str(value)))
def _check_is_equal(self, node, value) -> bool:
if isinstance(node, IdNode):
return node.value == value
return False
def _check_regex_matches(self, node, regex: str) -> bool:
if isinstance(node, StringNode):
return re.match(regex, node.value) is not None
return False
def supported_element_nodes(self):
return [IdNode]
rewriter_keys = {
'default_options': {
'operation': (str, None, ['set', 'delete']),
'options': (dict, {}, None)
'kwargs': {
'function': (str, None, None),
'id': (str, None, None),
'operation': (str, None, ['set', 'delete', 'add', 'remove', 'remove_regex', 'info']),
'kwargs': (dict, {}, None)
'target': {
'target': (str, None, None),
'operation': (str, None, ['src_add', 'src_rm', 'target_rm', 'target_add', 'info']),
'sources': (list, [], None),
'subdir': (str, '', None),
'target_type': (str, 'executable', ['both_libraries', 'executable', 'jar', 'library', 'shared_library', 'shared_module', 'static_library']),
rewriter_func_kwargs = {
'dependency': {
'language': MTypeStr,
'method': MTypeStr,
'native': MTypeBool,
'not_found_message': MTypeStr,
'required': MTypeBool,
'static': MTypeBool,
'version': MTypeStrList,
'modules': MTypeStrList
'target': {
'build_by_default': MTypeBool,
'build_rpath': MTypeStr,
'dependencies': MTypeIDList,
'gui_app': MTypeBool,
'link_with': MTypeIDList,
'export_dynamic': MTypeBool,
'implib': MTypeBool,
'install': MTypeBool,
'install_dir': MTypeStr,
'install_rpath': MTypeStr,
'pie': MTypeBool
'project': {
'default_options': MTypeStrList,
'meson_version': MTypeStr,
'license': MTypeStrList,
'subproject_dir': MTypeStr,
'version': MTypeStr
class Rewriter:
def __init__(self, sourcedir: str, generator: str = 'ninja', skip_errors: bool = False):
self.sourcedir = sourcedir
self.interpreter = IntrospectionInterpreter(sourcedir, '', generator, visitors = [AstIDGenerator(), AstIndentationGenerator(), AstConditionLevel()])
self.skip_errors = skip_errors
self.modefied_nodes = []
self.to_remove_nodes = []
self.to_add_nodes = []
self.functions = {
'default_options': self.process_default_options,
'kwargs': self.process_kwargs,
'target': self.process_target,
self.info_dump = None
def analyze_meson(self):
mlog.log('Analyzing meson file:', mlog.bold(os.path.join(self.sourcedir, environment.build_filename)))
mlog.log(' -- Project:', mlog.bold(self.interpreter.project_data['descriptive_name']))
mlog.log(' -- Version:', mlog.cyan(self.interpreter.project_data['version']))
def add_info(self, cmd_type: str, cmd_id: str, data: dict):
if self.info_dump is None:
self.info_dump = {}
if cmd_type not in self.info_dump:
self.info_dump[cmd_type] = {}
self.info_dump[cmd_type][cmd_id] = data
def print_info(self):
if self.info_dump is None:
sys.stderr.write(json.dumps(self.info_dump, indent=2))
def on_error(self):
if self.skip_errors:
return mlog.cyan('-->'), mlog.yellow('skipping')
return mlog.cyan('-->'), mlog.red('aborting')
def handle_error(self):
if self.skip_errors:
return None
raise MesonException('Rewriting the meson.build failed')
def find_target(self, target: str):
def check_list(name: str) -> T.List[BaseNode]:
result = []
for i in self.interpreter.targets:
if name == i['name'] or name == i['id']:
result += [i]
return result
targets = check_list(target)
if targets:
if len(targets) == 1:
return targets[0]
mlog.error('There are multiple targets matching', mlog.bold(target))
for i in targets:
mlog.error(' -- Target name', mlog.bold(i['name']), 'with ID', mlog.bold(i['id']))
mlog.error('Please try again with the unique ID of the target', *self.on_error())
return None
# Check the assignments
tgt = None
if target in self.interpreter.assignments:
node = self.interpreter.assignments[target]
if isinstance(node, FunctionNode):
if node.func_name in ['executable', 'jar', 'library', 'shared_library', 'shared_module', 'static_library', 'both_libraries']:
tgt = self.interpreter.assign_vals[target]
return tgt
def find_dependency(self, dependency: str):
def check_list(name: str):
for i in self.interpreter.dependencies:
if name == i['name']:
return i
return None
dep = check_list(dependency)
if dep is not None:
return dep
# Check the assignments
if dependency in self.interpreter.assignments:
node = self.interpreter.assignments[dependency]
if isinstance(node, FunctionNode):
if node.func_name in ['dependency']:
name = self.interpreter.flatten_args(node.args)[0]
dep = check_list(name)
return dep
def process_default_options(self, cmd):
# First, remove the old values
kwargs_cmd = {
'function': 'project',
'id': "/",
'operation': 'remove_regex',
'kwargs': {
'default_options': ['{}=.*'.format(x) for x in cmd['options'].keys()]
# Then add the new values
if cmd['operation'] != 'set':
kwargs_cmd['operation'] = 'add'
kwargs_cmd['kwargs']['default_options'] = []
cdata = self.interpreter.coredata
options = {
**{'build.' + k: o for k, o in cdata.builtins_per_machine.build.items()},
**{'build.' + k: o for k, o in cdata.flatten_lang_iterator(cdata.compiler_options.build.items())},
for key, val in sorted(cmd['options'].items()):
if key not in options:
mlog.error('Unknown options', mlog.bold(key), *self.on_error())
val = options[key].validate_value(val)
except MesonException as e:
mlog.error('Unable to set', mlog.bold(key), mlog.red(str(e)), *self.on_error())
kwargs_cmd['kwargs']['default_options'] += ['{}={}'.format(key, val)]
def process_kwargs(self, cmd):
mlog.log('Processing function type', mlog.bold(cmd['function']), 'with id', mlog.cyan("'" + cmd['id'] + "'"))
if cmd['function'] not in rewriter_func_kwargs:
mlog.error('Unknown function type', cmd['function'], *self.on_error())
return self.handle_error()
kwargs_def = rewriter_func_kwargs[cmd['function']]
# Find the function node to modify
node = None
arg_node = None
if cmd['function'] == 'project':
if cmd['id'] != '/':
mlog.error('The ID for the function type project must be "/"', *self.on_error())
return self.handle_error()
node = self.interpreter.project_node
arg_node = node.args
elif cmd['function'] == 'target':
tmp = self.find_target(cmd['id'])
if tmp:
node = tmp['node']
arg_node = node.args
elif cmd['function'] == 'dependency':
tmp = self.find_dependency(cmd['id'])
if tmp:
node = tmp['node']
arg_node = node.args
if not node:
mlog.error('Unable to find the function node')
assert(isinstance(node, FunctionNode))
assert(isinstance(arg_node, ArgumentNode))
# Transform the key nodes to plain strings
arg_node.kwargs = {k.value: v for k, v in arg_node.kwargs.items()}
# Print kwargs info
if cmd['operation'] == 'info':
info_data = {}
for key, val in sorted(arg_node.kwargs.items()):
info_data[key] = None
if isinstance(val, ElementaryNode):
info_data[key] = val.value
elif isinstance(val, ArrayNode):
data_list = []
for i in val.args.arguments:
element = None
if isinstance(i, ElementaryNode):
element = i.value
data_list += [element]
info_data[key] = data_list
self.add_info('kwargs', '{}#{}'.format(cmd['function'], cmd['id']), info_data)
return # Nothing else to do
# Modify the kwargs
num_changed = 0
for key, val in sorted(cmd['kwargs'].items()):
if key not in kwargs_def:
mlog.error('Cannot modify unknown kwarg', mlog.bold(key), *self.on_error())
# Remove the key from the kwargs
if cmd['operation'] == 'delete':
if key in arg_node.kwargs:
mlog.log(' -- Deleting', mlog.bold(key), 'from the kwargs')
del arg_node.kwargs[key]
num_changed += 1
mlog.log(' -- Key', mlog.bold(key), 'is already deleted')
if key not in arg_node.kwargs:
arg_node.kwargs[key] = None
modifyer = kwargs_def[key](arg_node.kwargs[key])
if not modifyer.can_modify():
mlog.log(' -- Skipping', mlog.bold(key), 'because it is to complex to modify')
# Apply the operation
val_str = str(val)
if cmd['operation'] == 'set':
mlog.log(' -- Setting', mlog.bold(key), 'to', mlog.yellow(val_str))
elif cmd['operation'] == 'add':
mlog.log(' -- Adding', mlog.yellow(val_str), 'to', mlog.bold(key))
elif cmd['operation'] == 'remove':
mlog.log(' -- Removing', mlog.yellow(val_str), 'from', mlog.bold(key))
elif cmd['operation'] == 'remove_regex':
mlog.log(' -- Removing all values matching', mlog.yellow(val_str), 'from', mlog.bold(key))
# Write back the result
arg_node.kwargs[key] = modifyer.get_node()
num_changed += 1
# Convert the keys back to IdNode's
arg_node.kwargs = {IdNode(Token('', '', 0, 0, 0, None, k)): v for k, v in arg_node.kwargs.items()}
if num_changed > 0 and node not in self.modefied_nodes:
self.modefied_nodes += [node]
def find_assignment_node(self, node: BaseNode) -> AssignmentNode:
if node.ast_id and node.ast_id in self.interpreter.reverse_assignment:
return self.interpreter.reverse_assignment[node.ast_id]
return None
def process_target(self, cmd):
mlog.log('Processing target', mlog.bold(cmd['target']), 'operation', mlog.cyan(cmd['operation']))
target = self.find_target(cmd['target'])
if target is None and cmd['operation'] != 'target_add':
mlog.error('Unknown target', mlog.bold(cmd['target']), *self.on_error())
return self.handle_error()
# Make source paths relative to the current subdir
def rel_source(src: str) -> str:
subdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.sourcedir, target['subdir']))
if os.path.isabs(src):
return os.path.relpath(src, subdir)
elif not os.path.exists(src):
return src # Trust the user when the source doesn't exist
# Make sure that the path is relative to the subdir
return os.path.relpath(os.path.abspath(src), subdir)
if target is not None:
cmd['sources'] = [rel_source(x) for x in cmd['sources']]
# Utility function to get a list of the sources from a node
def arg_list_from_node(n):
args = []
if isinstance(n, FunctionNode):
args = list(n.args.arguments)
if n.func_name in build_target_functions:
elif isinstance(n, ArrayNode):
args = n.args.arguments
elif isinstance(n, ArgumentNode):
args = n.arguments
return args
to_sort_nodes = []
if cmd['operation'] == 'src_add':
node = None
if target['sources']:
node = target['sources'][0]
node = target['node']
assert(node is not None)
# Generate the current source list
src_list = []
for i in target['sources']:
for j in arg_list_from_node(i):
if isinstance(j, StringNode):
src_list += [j.value]
# Generate the new String nodes
to_append = []
for i in sorted(set(cmd['sources'])):
if i in src_list:
mlog.log(' -- Source', mlog.green(i), 'is already defined for the target --> skipping')
mlog.log(' -- Adding source', mlog.green(i), 'at',
mlog.yellow('{}:{}'.format(node.filename, node.lineno)))
token = Token('string', node.filename, 0, 0, 0, None, i)
to_append += [StringNode(token)]
# Append to the AST at the right place
arg_node = None
if isinstance(node, (FunctionNode, ArrayNode)):
arg_node = node.args
elif isinstance(node, ArgumentNode):
arg_node = node
assert(arg_node is not None)
arg_node.arguments += to_append
# Mark the node as modified
if arg_node not in to_sort_nodes and not isinstance(node, FunctionNode):
to_sort_nodes += [arg_node]
if node not in self.modefied_nodes:
self.modefied_nodes += [node]
elif cmd['operation'] == 'src_rm':
# Helper to find the exact string node and its parent
def find_node(src):
for i in target['sources']:
for j in arg_list_from_node(i):
if isinstance(j, StringNode):
if j.value == src:
return i, j
return None, None
for i in cmd['sources']:
# Try to find the node with the source string
root, string_node = find_node(i)
if root is None:
mlog.warning(' -- Unable to find source', mlog.green(i), 'in the target')
# Remove the found string node from the argument list
arg_node = None
if isinstance(root, (FunctionNode, ArrayNode)):
arg_node = root.args
elif isinstance(root, ArgumentNode):
arg_node = root
assert(arg_node is not None)
mlog.log(' -- Removing source', mlog.green(i), 'from',
mlog.yellow('{}:{}'.format(string_node.filename, string_node.lineno)))
# Mark the node as modified
if arg_node not in to_sort_nodes and not isinstance(root, FunctionNode):
to_sort_nodes += [arg_node]
if root not in self.modefied_nodes:
self.modefied_nodes += [root]
elif cmd['operation'] == 'target_add':
if target is not None:
mlog.error('Can not add target', mlog.bold(cmd['target']), 'because it already exists', *self.on_error())
return self.handle_error()
id_base = re.sub(r'[- ]', '_', cmd['target'])
target_id = id_base + '_exe' if cmd['target_type'] == 'executable' else '_lib'
source_id = id_base + '_sources'
filename = os.path.join(cmd['subdir'], environment.build_filename)
# Build src list
src_arg_node = ArgumentNode(Token('string', filename, 0, 0, 0, None, ''))
src_arr_node = ArrayNode(src_arg_node, 0, 0, 0, 0)
src_far_node = ArgumentNode(Token('string', filename, 0, 0, 0, None, ''))
src_fun_node = FunctionNode(filename, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'files', src_far_node)
src_ass_node = AssignmentNode(filename, 0, 0, source_id, src_fun_node)
src_arg_node.arguments = [StringNode(Token('string', filename, 0, 0, 0, None, x)) for x in cmd['sources']]
src_far_node.arguments = [src_arr_node]
# Build target
tgt_arg_node = ArgumentNode(Token('string', filename, 0, 0, 0, None, ''))
tgt_fun_node = FunctionNode(filename, 0, 0, 0, 0, cmd['target_type'], tgt_arg_node)
tgt_ass_node = AssignmentNode(filename, 0, 0, target_id, tgt_fun_node)
tgt_arg_node.arguments = [
StringNode(Token('string', filename, 0, 0, 0, None, cmd['target'])),
IdNode(Token('string', filename, 0, 0, 0, None, source_id))
self.to_add_nodes += [src_ass_node, tgt_ass_node]
elif cmd['operation'] == 'target_rm':
to_remove = self.find_assignment_node(target['node'])
if to_remove is None:
to_remove = target['node']
self.to_remove_nodes += [to_remove]
mlog.log(' -- Removing target', mlog.green(cmd['target']), 'at',
mlog.yellow('{}:{}'.format(to_remove.filename, to_remove.lineno)))
elif cmd['operation'] == 'info':
# T.List all sources in the target
src_list = []
for i in target['sources']:
for j in arg_list_from_node(i):
if isinstance(j, StringNode):
src_list += [j.value]
test_data = {
'name': target['name'],
'sources': src_list
self.add_info('target', target['id'], test_data)
# Sort files
for i in to_sort_nodes:
convert = lambda text: int(text) if text.isdigit() else text.lower()
alphanum_key = lambda key: [convert(c) for c in re.split('([0-9]+)', key)]
path_sorter = lambda key: ([(key.count('/') <= idx, alphanum_key(x)) for idx, x in enumerate(key.split('/'))])
unknown = [x for x in i.arguments if not isinstance(x, StringNode)]
sources = [x for x in i.arguments if isinstance(x, StringNode)]
sources = sorted(sources, key=lambda x: path_sorter(x.value))
i.arguments = unknown + sources
def process(self, cmd):
if 'type' not in cmd:
raise RewriterException('Command has no key "type"')
if cmd['type'] not in self.functions:
raise RewriterException('Unknown command "{}". Supported commands are: {}'
.format(cmd['type'], list(self.functions.keys())))
def apply_changes(self):
assert(all(hasattr(x, 'lineno') and hasattr(x, 'colno') and hasattr(x, 'filename') for x in self.modefied_nodes))
assert(all(hasattr(x, 'lineno') and hasattr(x, 'colno') and hasattr(x, 'filename') for x in self.to_remove_nodes))
assert(all(isinstance(x, (ArrayNode, FunctionNode)) for x in self.modefied_nodes))
assert(all(isinstance(x, (ArrayNode, AssignmentNode, FunctionNode)) for x in self.to_remove_nodes))
# Sort based on line and column in reversed order
work_nodes = [{'node': x, 'action': 'modify'} for x in self.modefied_nodes]
work_nodes += [{'node': x, 'action': 'rm'} for x in self.to_remove_nodes]
work_nodes = list(sorted(work_nodes, key=lambda x: (x['node'].lineno, x['node'].colno), reverse=True))
work_nodes += [{'node': x, 'action': 'add'} for x in self.to_add_nodes]
# Generating the new replacement string
str_list = []
for i in work_nodes:
new_data = ''
if i['action'] == 'modify' or i['action'] == 'add':
printer = AstPrinter()
new_data = printer.result.strip()
data = {
'file': i['node'].filename,
'str': new_data,
'node': i['node'],
'action': i['action']
str_list += [data]
# Load build files
files = {}
for i in str_list:
if i['file'] in files:
fpath = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(self.sourcedir, i['file']))
fdata = ''
# Create an empty file if it does not exist
if not os.path.exists(fpath):
with open(fpath, 'w'):
with open(fpath, 'r') as fp:
fdata = fp.read()
# Generate line offsets numbers
m_lines = fdata.splitlines(True)
offset = 0
line_offsets = []
for j in m_lines:
line_offsets += [offset]
offset += len(j)
files[i['file']] = {
'path': fpath,
'raw': fdata,
'offsets': line_offsets
# Replace in source code
def remove_node(i):
offsets = files[i['file']]['offsets']
raw = files[i['file']]['raw']
node = i['node']
line = node.lineno - 1
col = node.colno
start = offsets[line] + col
end = start
if isinstance(node, (ArrayNode, FunctionNode)):
end = offsets[node.end_lineno - 1] + node.end_colno
# Only removal is supported for assignments
elif isinstance(node, AssignmentNode) and i['action'] == 'rm':
if isinstance(node.value, (ArrayNode, FunctionNode)):
remove_node({'file': i['file'], 'str': '', 'node': node.value, 'action': 'rm'})
raw = files[i['file']]['raw']
while raw[end] != '=':
end += 1
end += 1 # Handle the '='
while raw[end] in [' ', '\n', '\t']:
end += 1
files[i['file']]['raw'] = raw[:start] + i['str'] + raw[end:]
for i in str_list:
if i['action'] in ['modify', 'rm']:
elif i['action'] in ['add']:
files[i['file']]['raw'] += i['str'] + '\n'
# Write the files back
for key, val in files.items():
mlog.log('Rewriting', mlog.yellow(key))
with open(val['path'], 'w') as fp:
target_operation_map = {
'add': 'src_add',
'rm': 'src_rm',
'add_target': 'target_add',
'rm_target': 'target_rm',
'info': 'info',
def list_to_dict(in_list: T.List[str]) -> T.Dict[str, str]:
result = {}
it = iter(in_list)
for i in it:
# calling next(it) is not a mistake, we're taking the next element from
# the iterator, avoiding the need to preprocess it into a sequence of
# key value pairs.
result[i] = next(it)
except StopIteration:
raise TypeError('in_list parameter of list_to_dict must have an even length.')
return result
def generate_target(options) -> T.List[dict]:
return [{
'type': 'target',
'target': options.target,
'operation': target_operation_map[options.operation],
'sources': options.sources,
'subdir': options.subdir,
'target_type': options.tgt_type,
def generate_kwargs(options) -> T.List[dict]:
return [{
'type': 'kwargs',
'function': options.function,
'id': options.id,
'operation': options.operation,
'kwargs': list_to_dict(options.kwargs),
def generate_def_opts(options) -> T.List[dict]:
return [{
'type': 'default_options',
'operation': options.operation,
'options': list_to_dict(options.options),
def genreate_cmd(options) -> T.List[dict]:
if os.path.exists(options.json):
with open(options.json, 'r') as fp:
return json.load(fp)
return json.loads(options.json)
# Map options.type to the actual type name
cli_type_map = {
'target': generate_target,
'tgt': generate_target,
'kwargs': generate_kwargs,
'default-options': generate_def_opts,
'def': generate_def_opts,
'command': genreate_cmd,
'cmd': genreate_cmd,
def run(options):
if not options.verbose:
rewriter = Rewriter(options.sourcedir, skip_errors=options.skip)
if options.type is None:
mlog.error('No command specified')
return 1
commands = cli_type_map[options.type](options)
if not isinstance(commands, list):
raise TypeError('Command is not a list')
for i in commands:
if not isinstance(i, object):
raise TypeError('Command is not an object')
return 0
except Exception as e:
raise e