The Meson Build System
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# Copyright 2013-2017 The Meson development team
# Copyright © 2021 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-license-identifier: Apache-2.0
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Dependency finders for the Qt framework."""
import abc
import re
import os
import typing as T
from . import (
ExtraFrameworkDependency, DependencyException, DependencyMethods,
from .base import ConfigToolDependency, DependencyFactory
from .. import mlog
from .. import mesonlib
from ..compilers import Compiler
from ..envconfig import MachineInfo
from ..environment import Environment
def _qt_get_private_includes(mod_inc_dir: str, module: str, mod_version: str) -> T.List[str]:
# usually Qt5 puts private headers in /QT_INSTALL_HEADERS/module/VERSION/module/private
# except for at least QtWebkit and Enginio where the module version doesn't match Qt version
# as an example with Qt 5.10.1 on linux you would get:
# /usr/include/qt5/QtCore/5.10.1/QtCore/private/
# /usr/include/qt5/QtWidgets/5.10.1/QtWidgets/private/
# /usr/include/qt5/QtWebKit/5.212.0/QtWebKit/private/
# on Qt4 when available private folder is directly in module folder
# like /usr/include/QtCore/private/
if int(mod_version.split('.')[0]) < 5:
return []
private_dir = os.path.join(mod_inc_dir, mod_version)
# fallback, let's try to find a directory with the latest version
if not os.path.exists(private_dir):
dirs = [filename for filename in os.listdir(mod_inc_dir)
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(mod_inc_dir, filename))]
for dirname in sorted(dirs, reverse=True):
if len(dirname.split('.')) == 3:
private_dir = dirname
return [private_dir, os.path.join(private_dir, 'Qt' + module)]
def get_qmake_host_bins(qvars: T.Dict[str, str]) -> str:
# Prefer QT_HOST_BINS (qt5, correct for cross and native compiling)
# but fall back to QT_INSTALL_BINS (qt4)
if 'QT_HOST_BINS' in qvars:
return qvars['QT_HOST_BINS']
return qvars['QT_INSTALL_BINS']
def _get_modules_lib_suffix(version: str, info: 'MachineInfo', is_debug: bool) -> str:
"""Get the module suffix based on platform and debug type."""
suffix = ''
if info.is_windows():
if is_debug:
suffix += 'd'
if version.startswith('4'):
suffix += '4'
if info.is_darwin():
if is_debug:
suffix += '_debug'
if mesonlib.version_compare(version, '>= 5.14.0'):
if info.is_android():
if info.cpu_family == 'x86':
suffix += '_x86'
elif info.cpu_family == 'x86_64':
suffix += '_x86_64'
elif info.cpu_family == 'arm':
suffix += '_armeabi-v7a'
elif info.cpu_family == 'aarch64':
suffix += '_arm64-v8a'
mlog.warning(f'Android target arch "{info.cpu_family}"" for Qt5 is unknown, '
'module detection may not work')
return suffix
class QtExtraFrameworkDependency(ExtraFrameworkDependency):
def __init__(self, name: str, env: 'Environment', kwargs: T.Dict[str, T.Any], language: T.Optional[str] = None):
super().__init__(name, env, kwargs, language=language)
self.mod_name = name[2:]
def get_compile_args(self, with_private_headers: bool = False, qt_version: str = "0") -> T.List[str]:
if self.found():
mod_inc_dir = os.path.join(self.framework_path, 'Headers')
args = ['-I' + mod_inc_dir]
if with_private_headers:
args += ['-I' + dirname for dirname in _qt_get_private_includes(mod_inc_dir, self.mod_name, qt_version)]
return args
return []
class _QtBase:
"""Mixin class for shared componenets between PkgConfig and Qmake."""
link_args: T.List[str]
clib_compiler: 'Compiler'
env: 'Environment'
def __init__(self, name: str, kwargs: T.Dict[str, T.Any]):
self.qtname = name.capitalize()
self.qtver = name[-1]
if self.qtver == "4":
self.qtpkgname = 'Qt'
self.qtpkgname = self.qtname
self.private_headers = T.cast(bool, kwargs.get('private_headers', False))
self.requested_modules = mesonlib.stringlistify(mesonlib.extract_as_list(kwargs, 'modules'))
if not self.requested_modules:
raise DependencyException('No ' + self.qtname + ' modules specified.')
self.qtmain = T.cast(bool, kwargs.get('main', False))
if not isinstance(self.qtmain, bool):
raise DependencyException('"main" argument must be a boolean')
def _link_with_qtmain(self, is_debug: bool, libdir: T.Union[str, T.List[str]]) -> bool:
libdir = mesonlib.listify(libdir) # TODO: shouldn't be necessary
base_name = 'qtmaind' if is_debug else 'qtmain'
qtmain = self.clib_compiler.find_library(base_name, self.env, libdir)
if qtmain:
return True
return False
def get_exe_args(self, compiler: 'Compiler') -> T.List[str]:
# Originally this was -fPIE but nowadays the default
# for upstream and distros seems to be -reduce-relocations
# which requires -fPIC. This may cause a performance
# penalty when using self-built Qt or on platforms
# where -fPIC is not required. If this is an issue
# for you, patches are welcome.
return compiler.get_pic_args()
def log_details(self) -> str:
return f'modules: {", ".join(sorted(self.requested_modules))}'
class QtPkgConfigDependency(_QtBase, PkgConfigDependency, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
"""Specialization of the PkgConfigDependency for Qt."""
def __init__(self, name: str, env: 'Environment', kwargs: T.Dict[str, T.Any]):
_QtBase.__init__(self, name, kwargs)
# Always use QtCore as the "main" dependency, since it has the extra
# pkg-config variables that a user would expect to get. If "Core" is
# not a requested module, delete the compile and link arguments to
# avoid linking with something they didn't ask for
PkgConfigDependency.__init__(self, self.qtpkgname + 'Core', env, kwargs)
if 'Core' not in self.requested_modules:
self.compile_args = []
self.link_args = []
for m in self.requested_modules:
mod = PkgConfigDependency(self.qtpkgname + m, self.env, kwargs, language=self.language)
if not mod.found():
self.is_found = False
if self.private_headers:
qt_inc_dir = mod.get_pkgconfig_variable('includedir', {})
mod_private_dir = os.path.join(qt_inc_dir, 'Qt' + m)
if not os.path.isdir(mod_private_dir):
# At least some versions of homebrew don't seem to set this
# up correctly. /usr/local/opt/qt/include/Qt + m_name is a
# symlink to /usr/local/opt/qt/include, but the pkg-config
# file points to /usr/local/Cellar/qt/x.y.z/Headers/, and
# the Qt + m_name there is not a symlink, it's a file
mod_private_dir = qt_inc_dir
mod_private_inc = _qt_get_private_includes(mod_private_dir, m, mod.version)
for directory in mod_private_inc:
mod.compile_args.append('-I' + directory)
self._add_sub_dependency([lambda: mod])
if self.env.machines[self.for_machine].is_windows() and self.qtmain:
# Check if we link with debug binaries
debug_lib_name = self.qtpkgname + 'Core' + _get_modules_lib_suffix(self.version, self.env.machines[self.for_machine], True)
is_debug = False
for arg in self.get_link_args():
if arg == f'-l{debug_lib_name}' or arg.endswith(f'{debug_lib_name}.lib') or arg.endswith(f'{debug_lib_name}.a'):
is_debug = True
libdir = self.get_pkgconfig_variable('libdir', {})
if not self._link_with_qtmain(is_debug, libdir):
self.is_found = False
self.bindir = self.get_pkgconfig_host_bins(self)
if not self.bindir:
# If exec_prefix is not defined, the pkg-config file is broken
prefix = self.get_pkgconfig_variable('exec_prefix', {})
if prefix:
self.bindir = os.path.join(prefix, 'bin')
def get_pkgconfig_host_bins(core: PkgConfigDependency) -> T.Optional[str]:
def get_private_includes(self, mod_inc_dir: str, module: str) -> T.List[str]:
def log_info(self) -> str:
return 'pkg-config'
class QmakeQtDependency(_QtBase, ConfigToolDependency, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
"""Find Qt using Qmake as a config-tool."""
tool_name = 'qmake'
version_arg = '-v'
def __init__(self, name: str, env: 'Environment', kwargs: T.Dict[str, T.Any]):
_QtBase.__init__(self, name, kwargs) = [f'qmake-{self.qtname}', 'qmake']
# Add additional constraits that the Qt version is met, but preserve
# any version requrements the user has set as well. For exmaple, if Qt5
# is requested, add "">= 5, < 6", but if the user has ">= 5.6", don't
# lose that.
kwargs = kwargs.copy()
_vers = mesonlib.listify(kwargs.get('version', []))
_vers.extend([f'>= {self.qtver}', f'< {int(self.qtver) + 1}'])
kwargs['version'] = _vers
ConfigToolDependency.__init__(self, name, env, kwargs)
if not self.found():
# Query library path, header path, and binary path
stdo = self.get_config_value(['-query'], 'args')
qvars: T.Dict[str, str] = {}
for line in stdo:
line = line.strip()
if line == '':
k, v = line.split(':', 1)
qvars[k] = v
# Qt on macOS uses a framework, but Qt for iOS/tvOS does not
xspec = qvars.get('QMAKE_XSPEC', '')
if and not any(s in xspec for s in ['ios', 'tvos']):
mlog.debug("Building for macOS, looking for framework")
self._framework_detect(qvars, self.requested_modules, kwargs)
# Sometimes Qt is built not as a framework (for instance, when using conan pkg manager)
# skip and fall back to normal procedure then
if self.is_found:
mlog.debug("Building for macOS, couldn't find framework, falling back to library search")
incdir = qvars['QT_INSTALL_HEADERS']
self.compile_args.append('-I' + incdir)
libdir = qvars['QT_INSTALL_LIBS']
# Used by qt.compilers_detect()
self.bindir = get_qmake_host_bins(qvars)
# Use the buildtype by default, but look at the b_vscrt option if the
# compiler supports it.
is_debug = self.env.coredata.get_option(mesonlib.OptionKey('buildtype')) == 'debug'
if mesonlib.OptionKey('b_vscrt') in self.env.coredata.options:
if self.env.coredata.options[mesonlib.OptionKey('b_vscrt')].value in {'mdd', 'mtd'}:
is_debug = True
modules_lib_suffix = _get_modules_lib_suffix(self.version, self.env.machines[self.for_machine], is_debug)
for module in self.requested_modules:
mincdir = os.path.join(incdir, 'Qt' + module)
self.compile_args.append('-I' + mincdir)
if module == 'QuickTest':
define_base = 'QMLTEST'
elif module == 'Test':
define_base = 'TESTLIB'
define_base = module.upper()
if self.private_headers:
priv_inc = self.get_private_includes(mincdir, module)
for directory in priv_inc:
self.compile_args.append('-I' + directory)
libfiles = self.clib_compiler.find_library(
self.qtpkgname + module + modules_lib_suffix, self.env,
mesonlib.listify(libdir)) # TODO: shouldn't be necissary
if libfiles:
libfile = libfiles[0]
mlog.log("Could not find:", module,
self.qtpkgname + module + modules_lib_suffix,
'in', libdir)
self.is_found = False
if self.env.machines[self.for_machine].is_windows() and self.qtmain:
if not self._link_with_qtmain(is_debug, libdir):
self.is_found = False
def _sanitize_version(self, version: str) -> str:
m ='({self.qtver}(\.\d+)+)', version)
if m:
return version
def get_private_includes(self, mod_inc_dir: str, module: str) -> T.List[str]:
def _framework_detect(self, qvars: T.Dict[str, str], modules: T.List[str], kwargs: T.Dict[str, T.Any]) -> None:
libdir = qvars['QT_INSTALL_LIBS']
# ExtraFrameworkDependency doesn't support any methods
fw_kwargs = kwargs.copy()
fw_kwargs.pop('method', None)
fw_kwargs['paths'] = [libdir]
for m in modules:
fname = 'Qt' + m
mlog.debug('Looking for qt framework ' + fname)
fwdep = QtExtraFrameworkDependency(fname, self.env, fw_kwargs, language=self.language)
if fwdep.found():
self.compile_args.append('-F' + libdir)
self.compile_args += fwdep.get_compile_args(with_private_headers=self.private_headers,
self.link_args += fwdep.get_link_args()
self.is_found = False
self.is_found = True
# Used by self.compilers_detect()
self.bindir = get_qmake_host_bins(qvars)
def log_info(self) -> str:
return 'qmake'
class Qt4ConfigToolDependency(QmakeQtDependency):
def get_private_includes(self, mod_inc_dir: str, module: str) -> T.List[str]:
return []
class Qt5ConfigToolDependency(QmakeQtDependency):
def get_private_includes(self, mod_inc_dir: str, module: str) -> T.List[str]:
return _qt_get_private_includes(mod_inc_dir, module, self.version)
class Qt6ConfigToolDependency(QmakeQtDependency):
def get_private_includes(self, mod_inc_dir: str, module: str) -> T.List[str]:
return _qt_get_private_includes(mod_inc_dir, module, self.version)
class Qt4PkgConfigDependency(QtPkgConfigDependency):
def get_pkgconfig_host_bins(core: PkgConfigDependency) -> T.Optional[str]:
# Only return one bins dir, because the tools are generally all in one
# directory for Qt4, in Qt5, they must all be in one directory. Return
# the first one found among the bin variables, in case one tool is not
# configured to be built.
applications = ['moc', 'uic', 'rcc', 'lupdate', 'lrelease']
for application in applications:
return os.path.dirname(core.get_pkgconfig_variable('%s_location' % application, {}))
except mesonlib.MesonException:
return None
def get_private_includes(self, mod_inc_dir: str, module: str) -> T.List[str]:
return []
class Qt5PkgConfigDependency(QtPkgConfigDependency):
def get_pkgconfig_host_bins(core: PkgConfigDependency) -> str:
return core.get_pkgconfig_variable('host_bins', {})
def get_private_includes(self, mod_inc_dir: str, module: str) -> T.List[str]:
return _qt_get_private_includes(mod_inc_dir, module, self.version)
class Qt6PkgConfigDependency(QtPkgConfigDependency):
def get_pkgconfig_host_bins(core: PkgConfigDependency) -> str:
return core.get_pkgconfig_variable('host_bins', {})
def get_private_includes(self, mod_inc_dir: str, module: str) -> T.List[str]:
return _qt_get_private_includes(mod_inc_dir, module, self.version)
qt4_factory = DependencyFactory(
[DependencyMethods.PKGCONFIG, DependencyMethods.CONFIG_TOOL],
qt5_factory = DependencyFactory(
[DependencyMethods.PKGCONFIG, DependencyMethods.CONFIG_TOOL],
qt6_factory = DependencyFactory(
[DependencyMethods.PKGCONFIG, DependencyMethods.CONFIG_TOOL],