# Copyright 2012-2017 The Meson development team
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List
import subprocess, os
import typing
from .compilers import (
from .mixins.clike import CLikeCompiler
from .mixins.gnu import (
GnuCompiler, gnulike_buildtype_args, gnu_optimization_args,
from .mixins.intel import IntelGnuLikeCompiler, IntelVisualStudioLikeCompiler
from .mixins.clang import ClangCompiler
from .mixins.elbrus import ElbrusCompiler
from .mixins.pgi import PGICompiler
from .. import mlog
from mesonbuild.mesonlib import (
EnvironmentException, MesonException, MachineChoice, LibType
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
from ..envconfig import MachineInfo
class FortranCompiler(CLikeCompiler, Compiler):
def __init__(self, exelist, version, for_machine: MachineChoice,
is_cross, info: 'MachineInfo', exe_wrapper=None, **kwargs):
self.language = 'fortran'
Compiler.__init__(self, exelist, version, for_machine, info, **kwargs)
CLikeCompiler.__init__(self, is_cross, exe_wrapper)
self.id = 'unknown'
def get_display_language(self):
return 'Fortran'
def has_function(self, funcname, prefix, env, *, extra_args=None, dependencies=None):
raise MesonException('Fortran does not have "has_function" capability.\n'
'It is better to test if a Fortran capability is working like:\n\n'
"meson.get_compiler('fortran').links('block; end block; end program')\n\n"
'that example is to see if the compiler has Fortran 2008 Block element.')
def sanity_check(self, work_dir: Path, environment):
Check to be sure a minimal program can compile and execute
with this compiler & platform.
work_dir = Path(work_dir)
source_name = work_dir / 'sanitycheckf.f90'
binary_name = work_dir / 'sanitycheckf'
if binary_name.is_file():
source_name.write_text('print *, "Fortran compilation is working."; end')
extra_flags = environment.coredata.get_external_args(self.for_machine, self.language)
extra_flags += environment.coredata.get_external_link_args(self.for_machine, self.language)
extra_flags += self.get_always_args()
# %% build the test executable "sanitycheckf"
# cwd=work_dir is necessary on Windows especially for Intel compilers to avoid error: cannot write on sanitycheckf.obj
# this is a defect with how Windows handles files and ifort's object file-writing behavior vis concurrent ProcessPoolExecutor.
# This simple workaround solves the issue.
# FIXME: cwd=str(work_dir) is for Python 3.5 on Windows, when 3.5 is deprcated, this can become cwd=work_dir
returncode = subprocess.run(self.exelist + extra_flags + [str(source_name), '-o', str(binary_name)],
if returncode != 0:
raise EnvironmentException('Compiler %s can not compile programs.' % self.name_string())
if self.is_cross:
if self.exe_wrapper is None:
# Can't check if the binaries run so we have to assume they do
cmdlist = self.exe_wrapper + [str(binary_name)]
cmdlist = [str(binary_name)]
# %% Run the test executable
returncode = subprocess.run(cmdlist, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL).returncode
if returncode != 0:
raise EnvironmentException('Executables created by Fortran compiler %s are not runnable.' % self.name_string())
except OSError:
raise EnvironmentException('Executables created by Fortran compiler %s are not runnable.' % self.name_string())
def get_std_warn_args(self, level):
return FortranCompiler.std_warn_args
def get_buildtype_args(self, buildtype):
return gnulike_buildtype_args[buildtype]
def get_optimization_args(self, optimization_level):
return gnu_optimization_args[optimization_level]
def get_debug_args(self, is_debug):
return clike_debug_args[is_debug]
def get_dependency_gen_args(self, outtarget, outfile):
return []
def get_preprocess_only_args(self):
return ['-cpp'] + super().get_preprocess_only_args()
def get_module_incdir_args(self):
return ('-I', )
def get_module_outdir_args(self, path):
return ['-module', path]
def compute_parameters_with_absolute_paths(self, parameter_list, build_dir):
for idx, i in enumerate(parameter_list):
if i[:2] == '-I' or i[:2] == '-L':
parameter_list[idx] = i[:2] + os.path.normpath(os.path.join(build_dir, i[2:]))
return parameter_list
def module_name_to_filename(self, module_name: str) -> str:
if '_' in module_name: # submodule
s = module_name.lower()
if self.id in ('gcc', 'intel', 'intel-cl'):
filename = s.replace('_', '@') + '.smod'
elif self.id in ('pgi', 'flang'):
filename = s.replace('_', '-') + '.mod'
filename = s + '.mod'
else: # module
filename = module_name.lower() + '.mod'
return filename
def find_library(self, libname, env, extra_dirs, libtype: LibType = LibType.PREFER_SHARED):
code = '''stop; end program'''
return self.find_library_impl(libname, env, extra_dirs, code, libtype)
def has_multi_arguments(self, args, env):
for arg in args[:]:
# some compilers, e.g. GCC, don't warn for unsupported warning-disable
# flags, so when we are testing a flag like "-Wno-forgotten-towel", also
# check the equivalent enable flag too "-Wforgotten-towel"
if arg.startswith('-Wno-'):
args.append('-W' + arg[5:])
if arg.startswith('-Wl,'):
mlog.warning('{} looks like a linker argument, '
'but has_argument and other similar methods only '
'support checking compiler arguments. Using them '
'to check linker arguments are never supported, '
'and results are likely to be wrong regardless of '
'the compiler you are using. has_link_argument or '
'other similar method can be used instead.'
code = 'stop; end program'
return self.has_arguments(args, env, code, mode='compile')
class GnuFortranCompiler(GnuCompiler, FortranCompiler):
def __init__(self, exelist, version, for_machine: MachineChoice,
is_cross, info: 'MachineInfo', exe_wrapper=None,
defines=None, **kwargs):
FortranCompiler.__init__(self, exelist, version, for_machine,
is_cross, info, exe_wrapper, **kwargs)
GnuCompiler.__init__(self, defines)
default_warn_args = ['-Wall']
self.warn_args = {'0': [],
'1': default_warn_args,
'2': default_warn_args + ['-Wextra'],
'3': default_warn_args + ['-Wextra', '-Wpedantic', '-fimplicit-none']}
def get_dependency_gen_args(self, outtarget, outfile):
# Disabled until this is fixed:
# https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=62162
# return ['-cpp', '-MD', '-MQ', outtarget]
return []
def get_module_outdir_args(self, path):
return ['-J' + path]
def language_stdlib_only_link_flags(self):
return ['-lgfortran', '-lm']
class ElbrusFortranCompiler(GnuFortranCompiler, ElbrusCompiler):
def __init__(self, exelist, version, for_machine: MachineChoice,
is_cross, info: 'MachineInfo', exe_wrapper=None,
defines=None, **kwargs):
GnuFortranCompiler.__init__(self, exelist, version, for_machine,
is_cross, info, exe_wrapper, defines,
ElbrusCompiler.__init__(self, defines)
class G95FortranCompiler(FortranCompiler):
def __init__(self, exelist, version, for_machine: MachineChoice,
is_cross, info: 'MachineInfo', exe_wrapper=None, **kwargs):
FortranCompiler.__init__(self, exelist, version, for_machine,
is_cross, info, exe_wrapper, **kwargs)
self.id = 'g95'
default_warn_args = ['-Wall']
self.warn_args = {'0': [],
'1': default_warn_args,
'2': default_warn_args + ['-Wextra'],
'3': default_warn_args + ['-Wextra', '-pedantic']}
def get_module_outdir_args(self, path):
return ['-fmod=' + path]
def get_no_warn_args(self):
# FIXME: Confirm that there's no compiler option to disable all warnings
return []
class SunFortranCompiler(FortranCompiler):
def __init__(self, exelist, version, for_machine: MachineChoice,
is_cross, info: 'MachineInfo', exe_wrapper=None,
FortranCompiler.__init__(self, exelist, version, for_machine, is_cross, info, exe_wrapper, **kwargs)
self.id = 'sun'
def get_dependency_gen_args(self, outtarget, outfile):
return ['-fpp']
def get_always_args(self):
return []
def get_warn_args(self, level):
return []
def get_module_incdir_args(self):
return ('-M', )
def get_module_outdir_args(self, path):
return ['-moddir=' + path]
def openmp_flags(self):
return ['-xopenmp']
class IntelFortranCompiler(IntelGnuLikeCompiler, FortranCompiler):
def __init__(self, exelist, version, for_machine: MachineChoice,
is_cross, info: 'MachineInfo', exe_wrapper=None,
self.file_suffixes = ('f90', 'f', 'for', 'ftn', 'fpp')
FortranCompiler.__init__(self, exelist, version, for_machine,
is_cross, info, exe_wrapper, **kwargs)
# FIXME: Add support for OS X and Windows in detect_fortran_compiler so
# we are sent the type of compiler
self.id = 'intel'
default_warn_args = ['-warn', 'general', '-warn', 'truncated_source']
self.warn_args = {'0': [],
'1': default_warn_args,
'2': default_warn_args + ['-warn', 'unused'],
'3': ['-warn', 'all']}
def get_preprocess_only_args(self):
return ['-cpp', '-EP']
def get_always_args(self):
"""Ifort doesn't have -pipe."""
val = super().get_always_args()
return val
def language_stdlib_only_link_flags(self):
return ['-lifcore', '-limf']
def get_dependency_gen_args(self, outtarget: str, outfile: str) -> typing.List[str]:
return ['-gen-dep=' + outtarget, '-gen-depformat=make']
class IntelClFortranCompiler(IntelVisualStudioLikeCompiler, FortranCompiler):
file_suffixes = ['f90', 'f', 'for', 'ftn', 'fpp']
always_args = ['/nologo']
'plain': [],
'debug': ["/Zi", "/Od"],
'debugoptimized': ["/Zi", "/O1"],
'release': ["/O2"],
'minsize': ["/Os"],
'custom': [],
def __init__(self, exelist, version, for_machine: MachineChoice,
is_cross, target: str, info: 'MachineInfo', exe_wrapper=None,
FortranCompiler.__init__(self, exelist, version, for_machine,
is_cross, info, exe_wrapper, **kwargs)
IntelVisualStudioLikeCompiler.__init__(self, target)
default_warn_args = ['/warn:general', '/warn:truncated_source']
self.warn_args = {'0': [],
'1': default_warn_args,
'2': default_warn_args + ['/warn:unused'],
'3': ['/warn:all']}
def get_module_outdir_args(self, path) -> List[str]:
return ['/module:' + path]
def get_buildtype_args(self, buildtype: str) -> List[str]:
return self.BUILD_ARGS[buildtype]
class PathScaleFortranCompiler(FortranCompiler):
def __init__(self, exelist, version, for_machine: MachineChoice,
is_cross, info: 'MachineInfo', exe_wrapper=None,
FortranCompiler.__init__(self, exelist, version, for_machine,
is_cross, info, exe_wrapper, **kwargs)
self.id = 'pathscale'
default_warn_args = ['-fullwarn']
self.warn_args = {'0': [],
'1': default_warn_args,
'2': default_warn_args,
'3': default_warn_args}
def openmp_flags(self):
return ['-mp']
class PGIFortranCompiler(PGICompiler, FortranCompiler):
def __init__(self, exelist, version, for_machine: MachineChoice,
is_cross, info: 'MachineInfo', exe_wrapper=None,
FortranCompiler.__init__(self, exelist, version, for_machine,
is_cross, info, exe_wrapper, **kwargs)
default_warn_args = ['-Minform=inform']
self.warn_args = {'0': [],
'1': default_warn_args,
'2': default_warn_args,
'3': default_warn_args + ['-Mdclchk']}
def language_stdlib_only_link_flags(self) -> List[str]:
return ['-lpgf90rtl', '-lpgf90', '-lpgf90_rpm1', '-lpgf902',
'-lpgf90rtl', '-lpgftnrtl', '-lrt']
class FlangFortranCompiler(ClangCompiler, FortranCompiler):
def __init__(self, exelist, version, for_machine: MachineChoice,
is_cross, info: 'MachineInfo', exe_wrapper=None,
FortranCompiler.__init__(self, exelist, version, for_machine,
is_cross, info, exe_wrapper, **kwargs)
self.id = 'flang'
default_warn_args = ['-Minform=inform']
self.warn_args = {'0': [],
'1': default_warn_args,
'2': default_warn_args,
'3': default_warn_args}
def language_stdlib_only_link_flags(self) -> List[str]:
return ['-lflang', '-lpgmath']
class Open64FortranCompiler(FortranCompiler):
def __init__(self, exelist, version, for_machine: MachineChoice,
is_cross, info: 'MachineInfo', exe_wrapper=None,
FortranCompiler.__init__(self, exelist, version, for_machine,
is_cross, info, exe_wrapper, **kwargs)
self.id = 'open64'
default_warn_args = ['-fullwarn']
self.warn_args = {'0': [],
'1': default_warn_args,
'2': default_warn_args,
'3': default_warn_args}
def openmp_flags(self):
return ['-mp']
class NAGFortranCompiler(FortranCompiler):
def __init__(self, exelist, version, for_machine: MachineChoice,
is_cross, info: 'MachineInfo', exe_wrapper=None,
FortranCompiler.__init__(self, exelist, version, for_machine,
is_cross, info, exe_wrapper, **kwargs)
self.id = 'nagfor'
def get_warn_args(self, level):
return []
def get_module_outdir_args(self, path):
return ['-mdir', path]
def openmp_flags(self):
return ['-openmp']