The Meson Build System

203 lines
11 KiB

# Copyright 2015 The Meson development team
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import os
from .. import mlog
from .. import build
from ..mesonlib import MesonException, Popen_safe, extract_as_list, File
from ..dependencies import Qt4Dependency, Qt5Dependency
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from . import ModuleReturnValue, get_include_args
from ..interpreterbase import permittedKwargs, FeatureNewKwargs
4: Qt4Dependency,
5: Qt5Dependency
class QtBaseModule:
tools_detected = False
def __init__(self, qt_version=5):
self.qt_version = qt_version
def _detect_tools(self, env, method):
if self.tools_detected:
mlog.log('Detecting Qt{version} tools'.format(version=self.qt_version))
# FIXME: We currently require QtX to exist while importing the module.
# We should make it gracefully degrade and not create any targets if
# the import is marked as 'optional' (not implemented yet)
kwargs = {'required': 'true', 'modules': 'Core', 'silent': 'true', 'method': method}
qt = _QT_DEPS_LUT[self.qt_version](env, kwargs)
# Get all tools and then make sure that they are the right version
self.moc, self.uic, self.rcc, self.lrelease = qt.compilers_detect()
# Moc, uic and rcc write their version strings to stderr.
# Moc and rcc return a non-zero result when doing so.
# What kind of an idiot thought that was a good idea?
for compiler, compiler_name in ((self.moc, "Moc"), (self.uic, "Uic"), (self.rcc, "Rcc"), (self.lrelease, "lrelease")):
if compiler.found():
# Workaround since there is no easy way to know which tool/version support which flag
for flag in ['-v', '-version']:
p, stdout, stderr = Popen_safe(compiler.get_command() + [flag])[0:3]
if p.returncode == 0:
stdout = stdout.strip()
stderr = stderr.strip()
if 'Qt {}'.format(self.qt_version) in stderr:
compiler_ver = stderr
elif 'version {}.'.format(self.qt_version) in stderr:
compiler_ver = stderr
elif ' {}.'.format(self.qt_version) in stdout:
compiler_ver = stdout
raise MesonException('{name} preprocessor is not for Qt {version}. Output:\n{stdo}\n{stderr}'.format(
name=compiler_name, version=self.qt_version, stdo=stdout, stderr=stderr))
mlog.log(' {}:'.format(compiler_name.lower()),'YES'), '({path}, {version})'.format(
path=compiler.get_path(), version=compiler_ver.split()[-1]))
mlog.log(' {}:'.format(compiler_name.lower()),'NO'))
self.tools_detected = True
def parse_qrc(self, state, rcc_file):
if type(rcc_file) is str:
abspath = os.path.join(state.environment.source_dir, state.subdir, rcc_file)
rcc_dirname = os.path.dirname(abspath)
elif type(rcc_file) is File:
abspath = rcc_file.absolute_path(state.environment.source_dir, state.environment.build_dir)
rcc_dirname = os.path.dirname(abspath)
tree = ET.parse(abspath)
root = tree.getroot()
result = []
for child in root[0]:
if child.tag != 'file':
mlog.warning("malformed rcc file: ", os.path.join(state.subdir, rcc_file))
resource_path = child.text
# We need to guess if the pointed resource is:
# a) in build directory -> implies a generated file
# b) in source directory
# c) somewhere else external dependency file to bundle
# Also from qrc documentation: relative path are always from qrc file
# So relative path must always be computed from qrc file !
if os.path.isabs(resource_path):
# a)
if resource_path.startswith(os.path.abspath(state.environment.build_dir)):
resource_relpath = os.path.relpath(resource_path, state.environment.build_dir)
result.append(File(is_built=True, subdir='', fname=resource_relpath))
# either b) or c)
result.append(File(is_built=False, subdir=state.subdir, fname=resource_path))
path_from_rcc = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(rcc_dirname, resource_path))
# a)
if path_from_rcc.startswith(state.environment.build_dir):
result.append(File(is_built=True, subdir=state.subdir, fname=resource_path))
# b)
result.append(File(is_built=False, subdir=state.subdir, fname=path_from_rcc))
return result
except Exception:
return []
@FeatureNewKwargs('qt.preprocess', '0.44.0', ['moc_extra_arguments'])
@permittedKwargs({'moc_headers', 'moc_sources', 'moc_extra_arguments', 'include_directories', 'ui_files', 'qresources', 'method'})
def preprocess(self, state, args, kwargs):
rcc_files, ui_files, moc_headers, moc_sources, moc_extra_arguments, sources, include_directories \
= extract_as_list(kwargs, 'qresources', 'ui_files', 'moc_headers', 'moc_sources', 'moc_extra_arguments', 'sources', 'include_directories', pop = True)
sources += args[1:]
method = kwargs.get('method', 'auto')
self._detect_tools(state.environment, method)
err_msg = "{0} sources specified and couldn't find {1}, " \
"please check your qt{2} installation"
if len(moc_headers) + len(moc_sources) > 0 and not self.moc.found():
raise MesonException(err_msg.format('MOC', 'moc-qt{}'.format(self.qt_version), self.qt_version))
if len(rcc_files) > 0:
if not self.rcc.found():
raise MesonException(err_msg.format('RCC', 'rcc-qt{}'.format(self.qt_version), self.qt_version))
# custom output name set? -> one output file, multiple otherwise
if len(args) > 0:
qrc_deps = []
for i in rcc_files:
qrc_deps += self.parse_qrc(state, i)
name = args[0]
rcc_kwargs = {'input': rcc_files,
'output': name + '.cpp',
'command': [self.rcc, '-name', name, '-o', '@OUTPUT@', '@INPUT@'],
'depend_files': qrc_deps}
res_target = build.CustomTarget(name, state.subdir, state.subproject, rcc_kwargs)
for rcc_file in rcc_files:
qrc_deps = self.parse_qrc(state, rcc_file)
if type(rcc_file) is str:
basename = os.path.basename(rcc_file)
elif type(rcc_file) is File:
basename = os.path.basename(rcc_file.fname)
name = 'qt' + str(self.qt_version) + '-' + basename.replace('.', '_')
rcc_kwargs = {'input': rcc_file,
'output': name + '.cpp',
'command': [self.rcc, '-name', '@BASENAME@', '-o', '@OUTPUT@', '@INPUT@'],
'depend_files': qrc_deps}
res_target = build.CustomTarget(name, state.subdir, state.subproject, rcc_kwargs)
if len(ui_files) > 0:
if not self.uic.found():
raise MesonException(err_msg.format('UIC', 'uic-qt' + self.qt_version))
ui_kwargs = {'output': 'ui_@BASENAME@.h',
'arguments': ['-o', '@OUTPUT@', '@INPUT@']}
ui_gen = build.Generator([self.uic], ui_kwargs)
ui_output = ui_gen.process_files('Qt{} ui'.format(self.qt_version), ui_files, state)
inc = get_include_args(include_dirs=include_directories)
if len(moc_headers) > 0:
arguments = moc_extra_arguments + inc + ['@INPUT@', '-o', '@OUTPUT@']
moc_kwargs = {'output': 'moc_@BASENAME@.cpp',
'arguments': arguments}
moc_gen = build.Generator([self.moc], moc_kwargs)
moc_output = moc_gen.process_files('Qt{} moc header'.format(self.qt_version), moc_headers, state)
if len(moc_sources) > 0:
arguments = moc_extra_arguments + inc + ['@INPUT@', '-o', '@OUTPUT@']
moc_kwargs = {'output': '@BASENAME@.moc',
'arguments': arguments}
moc_gen = build.Generator([self.moc], moc_kwargs)
moc_output = moc_gen.process_files('Qt{} moc source'.format(self.qt_version), moc_sources, state)
return ModuleReturnValue(sources, sources)
@FeatureNewKwargs('build target', '0.40.0', ['build_by_default'])
@permittedKwargs({'ts_files', 'install', 'install_dir', 'build_by_default', 'method'})
def compile_translations(self, state, args, kwargs):
ts_files, install_dir = extract_as_list(kwargs, 'ts_files', 'install_dir', pop=True)
self._detect_tools(state.environment, kwargs.get('method', 'auto'))
translations = []
for ts in ts_files:
cmd = [self.lrelease, '@INPUT@', '-qm', '@OUTPUT@']
lrelease_kwargs = {'output': '@BASENAME@.qm',
'input': ts,
'install': kwargs.get('install', False),
'build_by_default': kwargs.get('build_by_default', False),
'command': cmd}
if install_dir is not None:
lrelease_kwargs['install_dir'] = install_dir
lrelease_target = build.CustomTarget('qt{}-compile-{}'.format(self.qt_version, ts), state.subdir, state.subproject, lrelease_kwargs)
return ModuleReturnValue(translations, translations)