# Conference presentations on Meson
- FOSDEM 2014, [Introducing the Meson build system ](https://video.fosdem.org/2014/H2215_Ferrer/Sunday/Introducing_the_Meson_build_system.webm ) (jpakkane)
- LCA 2015, [Making build systems not suck ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPi0AuVpxLI ) (jpakkane)
- GUADEC 2015, [Improving the way Gnome apps are built ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTf0NjjNwTU ) (jpakkane)
- GStreamer conference 2015, [Done in 6.0 seconds ](https://gstconf.ubicast.tv/videos/done-in-60-seconds-a-new-build-system-for-gstreamer ) (jpakkane)
- LCA 2016, [Builds, dependencies and deployment in the modern multiplatform world ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTJtKtQ8R5k ) (jpakkane)
- GUADEC 2016, [Making your GNOME app compile 2.4x faster ](https://media.ccc.de/v/44-making_your_gnome_app_compile_24x_faster ) (nirbheek)
- Libre Application Summit 2016, [New world, new tools ](https://youtu.be/0-gx1qU2pPo ) (jpakkane)
- GStreamer conference 2016, [GStreamer Development on Windows and faster builds everywhere with Meson ](https://gstconf.ubicast.tv/videos/gstreamer-development-on-windows-ans-faster-builds-everywhere-with-meson/ ) (tpm)