The Meson Build System
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project('shared module', 'c')
c = meson.get_compiler('c')
# Windows UWP doesn't support the ToolHelp API we use in this test to emulate
# runtime symbol resolution.
if host_machine.system() == 'windows'
if not c.compiles('''
#include <windows.h>
#include <tlhelp32.h>
HANDLE func(void)
return CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPMODULE, 0);
error('MESON_SKIP_TEST Windows UWP does not support this test.')
dl = c.find_library('dl', required : false)
l = shared_library('runtime', 'runtime.c')
# Do NOT link the module with the runtime library. This
# is a common approach for plugins that are only used
# with dlopen. Any symbols are resolved dynamically
# at runtime. This requires extra help on Windows, so
# should be avoided unless really necessary.
m = shared_module('mymodule', 'module.c')
e = executable('prog', 'prog.c',
link_with : l, export_dynamic : true, dependencies : dl)
test('import test', e, args : m)
# Same as above, but module created with build_target()
m2 = build_target('mymodule2', 'module.c', target_type: 'shared_module')
test('import test 2', e, args : m2)
# Shared module that does not export any symbols
shared_module('nosyms', 'nosyms.c',
override_options: ['werror=false'],
install : true,
install_dir : join_paths(get_option('libdir'), 'modules'))