# Copyright 2012-2021 The Meson development team
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from . import mlog , mparser
import pickle , os , uuid
import sys
from itertools import chain
from pathlib import PurePath
from collections import OrderedDict
from . mesonlib import (
HoldableObject ,
MesonException , EnvironmentException , MachineChoice , PerMachine ,
PerMachineDefaultable , default_libdir , default_libexecdir ,
default_prefix , split_args , OptionKey , OptionType , stringlistify ,
from . wrap import WrapMode
import ast
import argparse
import configparser
import enum
import shlex
import typing as T
from . import dependencies
from . compilers . compilers import Compiler , CompileResult # noqa: F401
from . environment import Environment
from . mesonlib import OptionOverrideProxy
from . cmake . traceparser import CMakeCacheEntry
OptionDictType = T . Union [ T . Dict [ str , ' UserOption[T.Any] ' ] , OptionOverrideProxy ]
KeyedOptionDictType = T . Union [ T . Dict [ ' OptionKey ' , ' UserOption[T.Any] ' ] , OptionOverrideProxy ]
CompilerCheckCacheKey = T . Tuple [ T . Tuple [ str , . . . ] , str , str , T . Tuple [ str , . . . ] , str ]
version = ' 0.59.99 '
Add Visual Studio 2012/2013 backends (#8803)
* backends: Add a Visual Studio 2013 backend
This is more-or-less a quick port from the VS2015 backend, except that
we update the Visual Studio version strings and toolset versions
accordingly. Also correct the generator string for Visual Studio 2015
in mesonbuild/cmake/common.py.
* backend: Add VS2012 backend
Similar to what we did for Visual Studio 2013, add a Visual Studio 2012
* vs2010backend.py: Implement `link_whole:` if needed
We actually need Visual Studio 2015 Update 2 to use `/WHOLEARCHIVE:`,
which is what we are currently using for `link_whole:` on Visual Studio.
For Visual Studio versions before that, we need to expand from the
static targets that were indicated by `link_whole:`, and any of the
sub-dependent targets that were pulled in via the dependent target's
`link_whole:`. This wil ensure `link_whole:` would actually work in
such cases.
* vs2010backend.py: Handle objects from generated sources
Unforunately, we can't use backends.determine_ext_objs() reliably, as
the Visual Studio backends handle this differently.
* vs2010backend.py: Fix generating VS2010 projects
Visual Studio 2010 (at least the Express Edition) does not set the envvar
%VisualStudioVersion% in its command prompt, so fix generating VS2010
projects by taking account into this, so that we can determine the location
of vcvarsall.bat correctly.
* whole archive test: Disable on vs2012/2013 backends too
The Visual Studio 2012/2013 IDE has problems handling the items that would be
generated from this test case, so skip this test when using
--backend=vs[2012|2013]. This test does work for the Ninja backend when
VS2012 or VS2013 is used, though.
Consolidate this error message with XCode along with the vs2010 backend.
* docs: Add the new vs2012 and vs2013 backends
Let people know that we have backends for vs2012 and 2013. Also let
people know that generating Visual Studio 2010 projects have been fixed
and the pre-vs2015 backends now handle the `link_whole:` project option.
4 years ago
backendlist = [ ' ninja ' , ' vs ' , ' vs2010 ' , ' vs2012 ' , ' vs2013 ' , ' vs2015 ' , ' vs2017 ' , ' vs2019 ' , ' xcode ' ]
default_yielding = False
# Can't bind this near the class method it seems, sadly.
_T = T . TypeVar ( ' _T ' )
class MesonVersionMismatchException ( MesonException ) :
''' Build directory generated with Meson version is incompatible with current version '''
def __init__ ( self , old_version : str , current_version : str ) - > None :
super ( ) . __init__ ( f ' Build directory has been generated with Meson version { old_version } , '
f ' which is incompatible with the current version { current_version } . ' )
self . old_version = old_version
self . current_version = current_version
class UserOption ( T . Generic [ _T ] , HoldableObject ) :
def __init__ ( self , description : str , choices : T . Optional [ T . Union [ str , T . List [ _T ] ] ] , yielding : T . Optional [ bool ] ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( )
self . choices = choices
self . description = description
if yielding is None :
yielding = default_yielding
if not isinstance ( yielding , bool ) :
raise MesonException ( ' Value of " yielding " must be a boolean. ' )
self . yielding = yielding
def printable_value ( self ) - > T . Union [ str , int , bool , T . List [ T . Union [ str , int , bool ] ] ] :
assert isinstance ( self . value , ( str , int , bool , list ) )
return self . value
# Check that the input is a valid value and return the
# "cleaned" or "native" version. For example the Boolean
# option could take the string "true" and return True.
def validate_value ( self , value : T . Any ) - > _T :
raise RuntimeError ( ' Derived option class did not override validate_value. ' )
def set_value ( self , newvalue : T . Any ) - > None :
self . value = self . validate_value ( newvalue )
class UserStringOption ( UserOption [ str ] ) :
def __init__ ( self , description : str , value : T . Any , yielding : T . Optional [ bool ] = None ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( description , None , yielding )
self . set_value ( value )
def validate_value ( self , value : T . Any ) - > str :
if not isinstance ( value , str ) :
raise MesonException ( ' Value " %s " for string option is not a string. ' % str ( value ) )
return value
class UserBooleanOption ( UserOption [ bool ] ) :
def __init__ ( self , description : str , value , yielding : T . Optional [ bool ] = None ) - > None :
super ( ) . __init__ ( description , [ True , False ] , yielding )
self . set_value ( value )
def __bool__ ( self ) - > bool :
return self . value
def validate_value ( self , value : T . Any ) - > bool :
if isinstance ( value , bool ) :
return value
if not isinstance ( value , str ) :
raise MesonException ( f ' Value { value } cannot be converted to a boolean ' )
if value . lower ( ) == ' true ' :
return True
if value . lower ( ) == ' false ' :
return False
raise MesonException ( ' Value %s is not boolean (true or false). ' % value )
class UserIntegerOption ( UserOption [ int ] ) :
def __init__ ( self , description : str , value : T . Any , yielding : T . Optional [ bool ] = None ) :
min_value , max_value , default_value = value
self . min_value = min_value
self . max_value = max_value
c = [ ]
if min_value is not None :
c . append ( ' >= ' + str ( min_value ) )
if max_value is not None :
c . append ( ' <= ' + str ( max_value ) )
choices = ' , ' . join ( c )
super ( ) . __init__ ( description , choices , yielding )
self . set_value ( default_value )
def validate_value ( self , value : T . Any ) - > int :
if isinstance ( value , str ) :
value = self . toint ( value )
if not isinstance ( value , int ) :
raise MesonException ( ' New value for integer option is not an integer. ' )
if self . min_value is not None and value < self . min_value :
raise MesonException ( ' New value %d is less than minimum value %d . ' % ( value , self . min_value ) )
if self . max_value is not None and value > self . max_value :
raise MesonException ( ' New value %d is more than maximum value %d . ' % ( value , self . max_value ) )
return value
def toint ( self , valuestring : str ) - > int :
try :
return int ( valuestring )
except ValueError :
raise MesonException ( ' Value string " %s " is not convertible to an integer. ' % valuestring )
class OctalInt ( int ) :
# NinjaBackend.get_user_option_args uses str() to converts it to a command line option
# UserUmaskOption.toint() uses int(str, 8) to convert it to an integer
# So we need to use oct instead of dec here if we do not want values to be misinterpreted.
def __str__ ( self ) :
return oct ( int ( self ) )
class UserUmaskOption ( UserIntegerOption , UserOption [ T . Union [ str , OctalInt ] ] ) :
def __init__ ( self , description : str , value : T . Any , yielding : T . Optional [ bool ] = None ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( description , ( 0 , 0o777 , value ) , yielding )
self . choices = [ ' preserve ' , ' 0000-0777 ' ]
def printable_value ( self ) - > str :
if self . value == ' preserve ' :
return self . value
return format ( self . value , ' 04o ' )
def validate_value ( self , value : T . Any ) - > T . Union [ str , OctalInt ] :
if value is None or value == ' preserve ' :
return ' preserve '
return OctalInt ( super ( ) . validate_value ( value ) )
def toint ( self , valuestring : T . Union [ str , OctalInt ] ) - > int :
try :
return int ( valuestring , 8 )
except ValueError as e :
raise MesonException ( f ' Invalid mode: { e } ' )
class UserComboOption ( UserOption [ str ] ) :
def __init__ ( self , description : str , choices : T . List [ str ] , value : T . Any , yielding : T . Optional [ bool ] = None ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( description , choices , yielding )
if not isinstance ( self . choices , list ) :
raise MesonException ( ' Combo choices must be an array. ' )
for i in self . choices :
if not isinstance ( i , str ) :
raise MesonException ( ' Combo choice elements must be strings. ' )
self . set_value ( value )
def validate_value ( self , value : T . Any ) - > str :
if value not in self . choices :
if isinstance ( value , bool ) :
_type = ' boolean '
elif isinstance ( value , ( int , float ) ) :
_type = ' number '
else :
_type = ' string '
optionsstring = ' , ' . join ( [ f ' " { item } " ' for item in self . choices ] )
raise MesonException ( ' Value " {} " (of type " {} " ) for combo option " {} " is not one of the choices. '
' Possible choices are (as string): {} . ' . format (
value , _type , self . description , optionsstring ) )
return value
class UserArrayOption ( UserOption [ T . List [ str ] ] ) :
def __init__ ( self , description : str , value : T . Union [ str , T . List [ str ] ] , split_args : bool = False , user_input : bool = False , allow_dups : bool = False , * * kwargs : T . Any ) - > None :
super ( ) . __init__ ( description , kwargs . get ( ' choices ' , [ ] ) , yielding = kwargs . get ( ' yielding ' , None ) )
self . split_args = split_args
self . allow_dups = allow_dups
self . value = self . validate_value ( value , user_input = user_input )
def validate_value ( self , value : T . Union [ str , T . List [ str ] ] , user_input : bool = True ) - > T . List [ str ] :
# User input is for options defined on the command line (via -D
# options). Users can put their input in as a comma separated
# string, but for defining options in meson_options.txt the format
# should match that of a combo
if not user_input and isinstance ( value , str ) and not value . startswith ( ' [ ' ) :
raise MesonException ( ' Value does not define an array: ' + value )
if isinstance ( value , str ) :
if value . startswith ( ' [ ' ) :
try :
newvalue = ast . literal_eval ( value )
except ValueError :
raise MesonException ( f ' malformed option { value } ' )
elif value == ' ' :
newvalue = [ ]
else :
if self . split_args :
newvalue = split_args ( value )
else :
newvalue = [ v . strip ( ) for v in value . split ( ' , ' ) ]
elif isinstance ( value , list ) :
newvalue = value
else :
raise MesonException ( f ' " { newvalue } " should be a string array, but it is not ' )
if not self . allow_dups and len ( set ( newvalue ) ) != len ( newvalue ) :
msg = ' Duplicated values in array option is deprecated. ' \
' This will become a hard error in the future. '
mlog . deprecation ( msg )
for i in newvalue :
if not isinstance ( i , str ) :
raise MesonException ( f ' String array element " { newvalue !s} " is not a string. ' )
if self . choices :
bad = [ x for x in newvalue if x not in self . choices ]
if bad :
raise MesonException ( ' Options " {} " are not in allowed choices: " {} " ' . format (
' , ' . join ( bad ) , ' , ' . join ( self . choices ) ) )
return newvalue
def extend_value ( self , value : T . Union [ str , T . List [ str ] ] ) - > None :
""" Extend the value with an additional value. """
new = self . validate_value ( value )
self . set_value ( self . value + new )
class UserFeatureOption ( UserComboOption ) :
static_choices = [ ' enabled ' , ' disabled ' , ' auto ' ]
def __init__ ( self , description : str , value : T . Any , yielding : T . Optional [ bool ] = None ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( description , self . static_choices , value , yielding )
self . name : T . Optional [ str ] = None # TODO: Refactor options to all store their name
def is_enabled ( self ) - > bool :
return self . value == ' enabled '
def is_disabled ( self ) - > bool :
return self . value == ' disabled '
def is_auto ( self ) - > bool :
return self . value == ' auto '
from . dependencies . detect import TV_DepIDEntry , TV_DepID
class DependencyCacheType ( enum . Enum ) :
def from_type ( cls , dep : ' dependencies.Dependency ' ) - > ' DependencyCacheType ' :
from . import dependencies
# As more types gain search overrides they'll need to be added here
if isinstance ( dep , dependencies . PkgConfigDependency ) :
return cls . PKG_CONFIG
if isinstance ( dep , dependencies . CMakeDependency ) :
return cls . CMAKE
return cls . OTHER
class DependencySubCache :
def __init__ ( self , type_ : DependencyCacheType ) :
self . types = [ type_ ]
self . __cache : T . Dict [ T . Tuple [ str , . . . ] , ' dependencies.Dependency ' ] = { }
def __getitem__ ( self , key : T . Tuple [ str , . . . ] ) - > ' dependencies.Dependency ' :
return self . __cache [ key ]
def __setitem__ ( self , key : T . Tuple [ str , . . . ] , value : ' dependencies.Dependency ' ) - > None :
self . __cache [ key ] = value
def __contains__ ( self , key : T . Tuple [ str , . . . ] ) - > bool :
return key in self . __cache
def values ( self ) - > T . Iterable [ ' dependencies.Dependency ' ] :
return self . __cache . values ( )
class DependencyCache :
""" Class that stores a cache of dependencies.
This class is meant to encapsulate the fact that we need multiple keys to
successfully lookup by providing a simple get / put interface .
def __init__ ( self , builtins : ' KeyedOptionDictType ' , for_machine : MachineChoice ) :
self . __cache = OrderedDict ( ) # type: T.MutableMapping[TV_DepID, DependencySubCache]
self . __builtins = builtins
self . __pkg_conf_key = OptionKey ( ' pkg_config_path ' , machine = for_machine )
self . __cmake_key = OptionKey ( ' cmake_prefix_path ' , machine = for_machine )
def __calculate_subkey ( self , type_ : DependencyCacheType ) - > T . Tuple [ str , . . . ] :
data : T . Dict [ str , T . List [ str ] ] = {
DependencyCacheType . PKG_CONFIG : stringlistify ( self . __builtins [ self . __pkg_conf_key ] . value ) ,
DependencyCacheType . CMAKE : stringlistify ( self . __builtins [ self . __cmake_key ] . value ) ,
DependencyCacheType . OTHER : [ ] ,
assert type_ in data , ' Someone forgot to update subkey calculations for a new type '
return tuple ( data [ type_ ] )
def __iter__ ( self ) - > T . Iterator [ ' TV_DepID ' ] :
return self . keys ( )
def put ( self , key : ' TV_DepID ' , dep : ' dependencies.Dependency ' ) - > None :
t = DependencyCacheType . from_type ( dep )
if key not in self . __cache :
self . __cache [ key ] = DependencySubCache ( t )
subkey = self . __calculate_subkey ( t )
self . __cache [ key ] [ subkey ] = dep
def get ( self , key : ' TV_DepID ' ) - > T . Optional [ ' dependencies.Dependency ' ] :
""" Get a value from the cache.
If there is no cache entry then None will be returned .
try :
val = self . __cache [ key ]
except KeyError :
return None
for t in val . types :
subkey = self . __calculate_subkey ( t )
try :
return val [ subkey ]
except KeyError :
return None
def values ( self ) - > T . Iterator [ ' dependencies.Dependency ' ] :
for c in self . __cache . values ( ) :
yield from c . values ( )
def keys ( self ) - > T . Iterator [ ' TV_DepID ' ] :
return iter ( self . __cache . keys ( ) )
def items ( self ) - > T . Iterator [ T . Tuple [ ' TV_DepID ' , T . List [ ' dependencies.Dependency ' ] ] ] :
for k , v in self . __cache . items ( ) :
vs = [ ]
for t in v . types :
subkey = self . __calculate_subkey ( t )
if subkey in v :
vs . append ( v [ subkey ] )
yield k , vs
def clear ( self ) - > None :
self . __cache . clear ( )
class CMakeStateCache :
""" Class that stores internal CMake compiler states.
This cache is used to reduce the startup overhead of CMake by caching
all internal CMake compiler variables .
def __init__ ( self ) - > None :
self . __cache : T . Dict [ str , T . Dict [ str , T . List [ str ] ] ] = { }
self . cmake_cache : T . Dict [ str , ' CMakeCacheEntry ' ] = { }
def __iter__ ( self ) - > T . Iterator [ T . Tuple [ str , T . Dict [ str , T . List [ str ] ] ] ] :
return iter ( self . __cache . items ( ) )
def items ( self ) - > T . Iterator [ T . Tuple [ str , T . Dict [ str , T . List [ str ] ] ] ] :
return iter ( self . __cache . items ( ) )
def update ( self , language : str , variables : T . Dict [ str , T . List [ str ] ] ) :
if language not in self . __cache :
self . __cache [ language ] = { }
self . __cache [ language ] . update ( variables )
def languages ( self ) - > T . Set [ str ] :
return set ( self . __cache . keys ( ) )
# Can't bind this near the class method it seems, sadly.
_V = T . TypeVar ( ' _V ' )
# This class contains all data that must persist over multiple
# invocations of Meson. It is roughly the same thing as
# cmakecache.
class CoreData :
def __init__ ( self , options : argparse . Namespace , scratch_dir : str , meson_command : T . List [ str ] ) :
self . lang_guids = {
' default ' : ' 8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942 ' ,
' c ' : ' 8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942 ' ,
' cpp ' : ' 8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942 ' ,
' test ' : ' 3AC096D0-A1C2-E12C-1390-A8335801FDAB ' ,
' directory ' : ' 2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8 ' ,
self . test_guid = str ( uuid . uuid4 ( ) ) . upper ( )
self . regen_guid = str ( uuid . uuid4 ( ) ) . upper ( )
self . install_guid = str ( uuid . uuid4 ( ) ) . upper ( )
self . meson_command = meson_command
self . target_guids = { }
self . version = version
self . options : ' KeyedOptionDictType ' = { }
self . cross_files = self . __load_config_files ( options , scratch_dir , ' cross ' )
self . compilers = PerMachine ( OrderedDict ( ) , OrderedDict ( ) ) # type: PerMachine[T.Dict[str, Compiler]]
# Set of subprojects that have already been initialized once, this is
# required to be stored and reloaded with the coredata, as we don't
# want to overwrite options for such subprojects.
self . initialized_subprojects : T . Set [ str ] = set ( )
# For host == build configuraitons these caches should be the same.
self . deps : PerMachine [ DependencyCache ] = PerMachineDefaultable . default (
self . is_cross_build ( ) ,
DependencyCache ( self . options , MachineChoice . BUILD ) ,
DependencyCache ( self . options , MachineChoice . HOST ) )
self . compiler_check_cache = OrderedDict ( ) # type: T.Dict[CompilerCheckCacheKey, compiler.CompileResult]
# CMake cache
self . cmake_cache : PerMachine [ CMakeStateCache ] = PerMachine ( CMakeStateCache ( ) , CMakeStateCache ( ) )
# Only to print a warning if it changes between Meson invocations.
self . config_files = self . __load_config_files ( options , scratch_dir , ' native ' )
self . builtin_options_libdir_cross_fixup ( )
self . init_builtins ( ' ' )
def __load_config_files ( options : argparse . Namespace , scratch_dir : str , ftype : str ) - > T . List [ str ] :
# Need to try and make the passed filenames absolute because when the
# files are parsed later we'll have chdir()d.
if ftype == ' cross ' :
filenames = options . cross_file
else :
filenames = options . native_file
if not filenames :
return [ ]
found_invalid = [ ] # type: T.List[str]
missing = [ ] # type: T.List[str]
real = [ ] # type: T.List[str]
for i , f in enumerate ( filenames ) :
f = os . path . expanduser ( os . path . expandvars ( f ) )
if os . path . exists ( f ) :
if os . path . isfile ( f ) :
real . append ( os . path . abspath ( f ) )
elif os . path . isdir ( f ) :
found_invalid . append ( os . path . abspath ( f ) )
else :
# in this case we've been passed some kind of pipe, copy
# the contents of that file into the meson private (scratch)
# directory so that it can be re-read when wiping/reconfiguring
copy = os . path . join ( scratch_dir , f ' { uuid . uuid4 ( ) } . { ftype } .ini ' )
with open ( f , encoding = ' utf-8 ' ) as rf :
with open ( copy , ' w ' , encoding = ' utf-8 ' ) as wf :
wf . write ( rf . read ( ) )
real . append ( copy )
# Also replace the command line argument, as the pipe
# probably won't exist on reconfigure
filenames [ i ] = copy
if sys . platform != ' win32 ' :
paths = [
os . environ . get ( ' XDG_DATA_HOME ' , os . path . expanduser ( ' ~/.local/share ' ) ) ,
] + os . environ . get ( ' XDG_DATA_DIRS ' , ' /usr/local/share:/usr/share ' ) . split ( ' : ' )
for path in paths :
path_to_try = os . path . join ( path , ' meson ' , ftype , f )
if os . path . isfile ( path_to_try ) :
real . append ( path_to_try )
else :
missing . append ( f )
else :
missing . append ( f )
if missing :
if found_invalid :
mlog . log ( ' Found invalid candidates for ' , ftype , ' file: ' , * found_invalid )
mlog . log ( ' Could not find any valid candidate for ' , ftype , ' files: ' , * missing )
raise MesonException ( f ' Cannot find specified { ftype } file: { f } ' )
return real
def builtin_options_libdir_cross_fixup ( self ) :
# By default set libdir to "lib" when cross compiling since
# getting the "system default" is always wrong on multiarch
# platforms as it gets a value like lib/x86_64-linux-gnu.
if self . cross_files :
BUILTIN_OPTIONS [ OptionKey ( ' libdir ' ) ] . default = ' lib '
def sanitize_prefix ( self , prefix ) :
prefix = os . path . expanduser ( prefix )
if not os . path . isabs ( prefix ) :
raise MesonException ( f ' prefix value { prefix !r} must be an absolute path ' )
if prefix . endswith ( ' / ' ) or prefix . endswith ( ' \\ ' ) :
# On Windows we need to preserve the trailing slash if the
# string is of type 'C:\' because 'C:' is not an absolute path.
if len ( prefix ) == 3 and prefix [ 1 ] == ' : ' :
# If prefix is a single character, preserve it since it is
# the root directory.
elif len ( prefix ) == 1 :
else :
prefix = prefix [ : - 1 ]
return prefix
def sanitize_dir_option_value ( self , prefix : str , option : OptionKey , value : T . Any ) - > T . Any :
If the option is an installation directory option and the value is an
absolute path , check that it resides within prefix and return the value
as a path relative to the prefix .
This way everyone can do f . ex , get_option ( ' libdir ' ) and be sure to get
the library directory relative to prefix .
. as_posix ( ) keeps the posix - like file seperators Meson uses .
try :
value = PurePath ( value )
except TypeError :
return value
if option . name . endswith ( ' dir ' ) and value . is_absolute ( ) and \
# Value must be a subdir of the prefix
# commonpath will always return a path in the native format, so we
# must use pathlib.PurePath to do the same conversion before
# comparing.
msg = ( ' The value of the \' {!s} \' option is \' {!s} \' which must be a '
' subdir of the prefix {!r} . \n Note that if you pass a '
' relative path, it is assumed to be a subdir of prefix. ' )
# os.path.commonpath doesn't understand case-insensitive filesystems,
# but PurePath().relative_to() does.
try :
value = value . relative_to ( prefix )
except ValueError :
raise MesonException ( msg . format ( option , value , prefix ) )
if ' .. ' in str ( value ) :
raise MesonException ( msg . format ( option , value , prefix ) )
return value . as_posix ( )
def init_builtins ( self , subproject : str ) - > None :
# Create builtin options with default values
for key , opt in BUILTIN_OPTIONS . items ( ) :
self . add_builtin_option ( self . options , key . evolve ( subproject = subproject ) , opt )
for for_machine in iter ( MachineChoice ) :
for key , opt in BUILTIN_OPTIONS_PER_MACHINE . items ( ) :
self . add_builtin_option ( self . options , key . evolve ( subproject = subproject , machine = for_machine ) , opt )
def add_builtin_option ( opts_map : ' KeyedOptionDictType ' , key : OptionKey ,
opt : ' BuiltinOption ' ) - > None :
if key . subproject :
if opt . yielding :
# This option is global and not per-subproject
value = opts_map [ key . as_root ( ) ] . value
else :
value = None
opts_map [ key ] = opt . init_option ( key , value , default_prefix ( ) )
def init_backend_options ( self , backend_name : str ) - > None :
if backend_name == ' ninja ' :
self . options [ OptionKey ( ' backend_max_links ' ) ] = UserIntegerOption (
' Maximum number of linker processes to run or 0 for no '
' limit ' ,
( 0 , None , 0 ) )
elif backend_name . startswith ( ' vs ' ) :
self . options [ OptionKey ( ' backend_startup_project ' ) ] = UserStringOption (
' Default project to execute in Visual Studio ' ,
' ' )
def get_option ( self , key : OptionKey ) - > T . Union [ str , int , bool , WrapMode ] :
try :
v = self . options [ key ] . value
if key . name == ' wrap_mode ' :
return WrapMode [ v ]
return v
except KeyError :
try :
v = self . options [ key . as_root ( ) ]
if v . yielding :
if key . name == ' wrap_mode ' :
return WrapMode [ v . value ]
return v . value
except KeyError :
raise MesonException ( f ' Tried to get unknown builtin option { str ( key ) } ' )
def set_option ( self , key : OptionKey , value ) - > None :
if key . is_builtin ( ) :
if key . name == ' prefix ' :
value = self . sanitize_prefix ( value )
else :
prefix = self . options [ OptionKey ( ' prefix ' ) ] . value
value = self . sanitize_dir_option_value ( prefix , key , value )
try :
self . options [ key ] . set_value ( value )
except KeyError :
raise MesonException ( f ' Tried to set unknown builtin option { str ( key ) } ' )
if key . name == ' buildtype ' :
self . _set_others_from_buildtype ( value )
elif key . name in { ' wrap_mode ' , ' force_fallback_for ' } :
# We could have the system dependency cached for a dependency that
# is now forced to use subproject fallback. We probably could have
# more fine grained cache invalidation, but better be safe.
self . clear_deps_cache ( )
def clear_deps_cache ( self ) :
self . deps . host . clear ( )
self . deps . build . clear ( )
def get_nondefault_buildtype_args ( self ) :
result = [ ]
value = self . options [ OptionKey ( ' buildtype ' ) ] . value
if value == ' plain ' :
opt = ' 0 '
debug = False
elif value == ' debug ' :
opt = ' 0 '
debug = True
elif value == ' debugoptimized ' :
opt = ' 2 '
debug = True
elif value == ' release ' :
opt = ' 3 '
debug = False
elif value == ' minsize ' :
opt = ' s '
debug = True
else :
assert ( value == ' custom ' )
return [ ]
actual_opt = self . options [ OptionKey ( ' optimization ' ) ] . value
actual_debug = self . options [ OptionKey ( ' debug ' ) ] . value
if actual_opt != opt :
result . append ( ( ' optimization ' , actual_opt , opt ) )
if actual_debug != debug :
result . append ( ( ' debug ' , actual_debug , debug ) )
return result
def _set_others_from_buildtype ( self , value : str ) - > None :
if value == ' plain ' :
opt = ' 0 '
debug = False
elif value == ' debug ' :
opt = ' 0 '
debug = True
elif value == ' debugoptimized ' :
opt = ' 2 '
debug = True
elif value == ' release ' :
opt = ' 3 '
debug = False
elif value == ' minsize ' :
opt = ' s '
debug = True
else :
assert ( value == ' custom ' )
self . options [ OptionKey ( ' optimization ' ) ] . set_value ( opt )
self . options [ OptionKey ( ' debug ' ) ] . set_value ( debug )
def is_per_machine_option ( optname : OptionKey ) - > bool :
if optname . name in BUILTIN_OPTIONS_PER_MACHINE :
return True
return optname . lang is not None
def validate_option_value ( self , option_name : OptionKey , override_value ) :
try :
opt = self . options [ option_name ]
except KeyError :
raise MesonException ( f ' Tried to validate unknown option { str ( option_name ) } ' )
try :
return opt . validate_value ( override_value )
except MesonException as e :
raise type ( e ) ( ( ' Validation failed for option %s : ' % option_name ) + str ( e ) ) \
. with_traceback ( sys . exc_info ( ) [ 2 ] )
def get_external_args ( self , for_machine : MachineChoice , lang : str ) - > T . Union [ str , T . List [ str ] ] :
return self . options [ OptionKey ( ' args ' , machine = for_machine , lang = lang ) ] . value
def get_external_link_args ( self , for_machine : MachineChoice , lang : str ) - > T . Union [ str , T . List [ str ] ] :
return self . options [ OptionKey ( ' link_args ' , machine = for_machine , lang = lang ) ] . value
def update_project_options ( self , options : ' KeyedOptionDictType ' ) - > None :
for key , value in options . items ( ) :
if not key . is_project ( ) :
if key not in self . options :
self . options [ key ] = value
oldval = self . options [ key ]
if type ( oldval ) != type ( value ) :
self . options [ key ] = value
elif oldval . choices != value . choices :
# If the choices have changed, use the new value, but attempt
# to keep the old options. If they are not valid keep the new
# defaults but warn.
self . options [ key ] = value
try :
value . set_value ( oldval . value )
except MesonException as e :
mlog . warning ( f ' Old value(s) of { key } are no longer valid, resetting to default ( { value . value } ). ' )
def is_cross_build ( self , when_building_for : MachineChoice = MachineChoice . HOST ) - > bool :
if when_building_for == MachineChoice . BUILD :
return False
return len ( self . cross_files ) > 0
def copy_build_options_from_regular_ones ( self ) - > None :
assert not self . is_cross_build ( )
o = self . options [ k ]
self . options [ k . as_build ( ) ] . set_value ( o . value )
for bk , bv in self . options . items ( ) :
if bk . machine is MachineChoice . BUILD :
hk = bk . as_host ( )
try :
hv = self . options [ hk ]
bv . set_value ( hv . value )
except KeyError :
def set_options ( self , options : T . Dict [ OptionKey , T . Any ] , subproject : str = ' ' ) - > None :
if not self . is_cross_build ( ) :
options = { k : v for k , v in options . items ( ) if k . machine is not MachineChoice . BUILD }
# Set prefix first because it's needed to sanitize other options
pfk = OptionKey ( ' prefix ' )
if pfk in options :
prefix = self . sanitize_prefix ( options [ pfk ] )
self . options [ OptionKey ( ' prefix ' ) ] . set_value ( prefix )
if key not in options :
self . options [ key ] . set_value ( BUILTIN_OPTIONS [ key ] . prefixed_default ( key , prefix ) )
unknown_options : T . List [ OptionKey ] = [ ]
for k , v in options . items ( ) :
if k == pfk :
elif k in self . options :
self . set_option ( k , v )
elif k . machine != MachineChoice . BUILD :
unknown_options . append ( k )
if unknown_options :
unknown_options_str = ' , ' . join ( sorted ( str ( s ) for s in unknown_options ) )
sub = f ' In subproject { subproject } : ' if subproject else ' '
raise MesonException ( f ' { sub } Unknown options: " { unknown_options_str } " ' )
if not self . is_cross_build ( ) :
self . copy_build_options_from_regular_ones ( )
def set_default_options ( self , default_options : T . MutableMapping [ OptionKey , str ] , subproject : str , env : ' Environment ' ) - > None :
# Preserve order: if env.options has 'buildtype' it must come after
# 'optimization' if it is in default_options.
options : T . MutableMapping [ OptionKey , T . Any ]
if not subproject :
options = OrderedDict ( default_options )
options . update ( env . options )
env . options = options
# Create a subset of options, keeping only project and builtin
# options for this subproject.
# Language and backend specific options will be set later when adding
# languages and setting the backend (builtin options must be set first
# to know which backend we'll use).
options = OrderedDict ( )
for k , v in chain ( default_options . items ( ) , env . options . items ( ) ) :
# If this is a subproject, don't use other subproject options
if k . subproject and k . subproject != subproject :
# If the option is a builtin and is yielding then it's not allowed per subproject.
# Always test this using the HOST machine, as many builtin options
# are not valid for the BUILD machine, but the yielding value does
# not differ between them even when they are valid for both.
if subproject and k . is_builtin ( ) and self . options [ k . evolve ( subproject = ' ' , machine = MachineChoice . HOST ) ] . yielding :
# Skip base, compiler, and backend options, they are handled when
# adding languages and setting backend.
if k . type in { OptionType . COMPILER , OptionType . BACKEND , OptionType . BASE } :
options [ k ] = v
self . set_options ( options , subproject = subproject )
def add_compiler_options ( self , options : ' KeyedOptionDictType ' , lang : str , for_machine : MachineChoice ,
env : ' Environment ' ) - > None :
for k , o in options . items ( ) :
value = env . options . get ( k )
if value is not None :
o . set_value ( value )
self . options . setdefault ( k , o )
def add_lang_args ( self , lang : str , comp : T . Type [ ' Compiler ' ] ,
for_machine : MachineChoice , env : ' Environment ' ) - > None :
""" Add global language arguments that are needed before compiler/linker detection. """
from . compilers import compilers
# These options are all new at this point, because the compiler is
# responsible for adding its own options, thus calling
# `self.options.update()`` is perfectly safe.
self . options . update ( compilers . get_global_options ( lang , comp , for_machine , env ) )
def process_new_compiler ( self , lang : str , comp : ' Compiler ' , env : ' Environment ' ) - > None :
from . import compilers
self . compilers [ comp . for_machine ] [ lang ] = comp
self . add_compiler_options ( comp . get_options ( ) , lang , comp . for_machine , env )
enabled_opts : T . List [ OptionKey ] = [ ]
for key in comp . base_options :
if key in self . options :
oobj = compilers . base_options [ key ]
if key in env . options :
oobj . set_value ( env . options [ key ] )
enabled_opts . append ( key )
self . options [ key ] = oobj
self . emit_base_options_warnings ( enabled_opts )
def emit_base_options_warnings ( self , enabled_opts : T . List [ OptionKey ] ) - > None :
if OptionKey ( ' b_bitcode ' ) in enabled_opts :
mlog . warning ( ' Base option \' b_bitcode \' is enabled, which is incompatible with many linker options. Incompatible options such as \' b_asneeded \' have been disabled. ' , fatal = False )
mlog . warning ( ' Please see https://mesonbuild.com/Builtin-options.html#Notes_about_Apple_Bitcode_support for more details. ' , fatal = False )
class CmdLineFileParser ( configparser . ConfigParser ) :
def __init__ ( self ) - > None :
# We don't want ':' as key delimiter, otherwise it would break when
# storing subproject options like "subproject:option=value"
super ( ) . __init__ ( delimiters = [ ' = ' ] , interpolation = None )
def optionxform ( self , option : str ) - > str :
# Don't call str.lower() on keys
return option
class MachineFileParser ( ) :
def __init__ ( self , filenames : T . List [ str ] ) - > None :
self . parser = CmdLineFileParser ( )
self . constants = { ' True ' : True , ' False ' : False }
self . sections = { }
self . parser . read ( filenames )
# Parse [constants] first so they can be used in other sections
if self . parser . has_section ( ' constants ' ) :
self . constants . update ( self . _parse_section ( ' constants ' ) )
for s in self . parser . sections ( ) :
if s == ' constants ' :
self . sections [ s ] = self . _parse_section ( s )
def _parse_section ( self , s ) :
self . scope = self . constants . copy ( )
section = { }
for entry , value in self . parser . items ( s ) :
if ' ' in entry or ' \t ' in entry or " ' " in entry or ' " ' in entry :
raise EnvironmentException ( f ' Malformed variable name { entry !r} in machine file. ' )
# Windows paths...
value = value . replace ( ' \\ ' , ' \\ \\ ' )
try :
ast = mparser . Parser ( value , ' machinefile ' ) . parse ( )
res = self . _evaluate_statement ( ast . lines [ 0 ] )
except MesonException :
raise EnvironmentException ( f ' Malformed value in machine file variable { entry !r} . ' )
except KeyError as e :
raise EnvironmentException ( f ' Undefined constant { e . args [ 0 ] !r} in machine file variable { entry !r} . ' )
section [ entry ] = res
self . scope [ entry ] = res
return section
def _evaluate_statement ( self , node ) :
if isinstance ( node , ( mparser . StringNode ) ) :
return node . value
elif isinstance ( node , mparser . BooleanNode ) :
return node . value
elif isinstance ( node , mparser . NumberNode ) :
return node . value
elif isinstance ( node , mparser . ArrayNode ) :
return [ self . _evaluate_statement ( arg ) for arg in node . args . arguments ]
elif isinstance ( node , mparser . IdNode ) :
return self . scope [ node . value ]
elif isinstance ( node , mparser . ArithmeticNode ) :
l = self . _evaluate_statement ( node . left )
r = self . _evaluate_statement ( node . right )
if node . operation == ' add ' :
if ( isinstance ( l , str ) and isinstance ( r , str ) ) or \
( isinstance ( l , list ) and isinstance ( r , list ) ) :
return l + r
elif node . operation == ' div ' :
if isinstance ( l , str ) and isinstance ( r , str ) :
return os . path . join ( l , r )
raise EnvironmentException ( ' Unsupported node type ' )
def parse_machine_files ( filenames ) :
parser = MachineFileParser ( filenames )
return parser . sections
def get_cmd_line_file ( build_dir : str ) - > str :
return os . path . join ( build_dir , ' meson-private ' , ' cmd_line.txt ' )
def read_cmd_line_file ( build_dir : str , options : argparse . Namespace ) - > None :
filename = get_cmd_line_file ( build_dir )
if not os . path . isfile ( filename ) :
config = CmdLineFileParser ( )
config . read ( filename )
# Do a copy because config is not really a dict. options.cmd_line_options
# overrides values from the file.
d = { OptionKey . from_string ( k ) : v for k , v in config [ ' options ' ] . items ( ) }
d . update ( options . cmd_line_options )
options . cmd_line_options = d
properties = config [ ' properties ' ]
if not options . cross_file :
options . cross_file = ast . literal_eval ( properties . get ( ' cross_file ' , ' [] ' ) )
if not options . native_file :
# This will be a string in the form: "['first', 'second', ...]", use
# literal_eval to get it into the list of strings.
options . native_file = ast . literal_eval ( properties . get ( ' native_file ' , ' [] ' ) )
def write_cmd_line_file ( build_dir : str , options : argparse . Namespace ) - > None :
filename = get_cmd_line_file ( build_dir )
config = CmdLineFileParser ( )
properties = OrderedDict ( )
if options . cross_file :
properties [ ' cross_file ' ] = options . cross_file
if options . native_file :
properties [ ' native_file ' ] = options . native_file
config [ ' options ' ] = { str ( k ) : str ( v ) for k , v in options . cmd_line_options . items ( ) }
config [ ' properties ' ] = properties
with open ( filename , ' w ' , encoding = ' utf-8 ' ) as f :
config . write ( f )
def update_cmd_line_file ( build_dir : str , options : argparse . Namespace ) :
filename = get_cmd_line_file ( build_dir )
config = CmdLineFileParser ( )
config . read ( filename )
config [ ' options ' ] . update ( { str ( k ) : str ( v ) for k , v in options . cmd_line_options . items ( ) } )
with open ( filename , ' w ' , encoding = ' utf-8 ' ) as f :
config . write ( f )
def get_cmd_line_options ( build_dir : str , options : argparse . Namespace ) - > str :
copy = argparse . Namespace ( * * vars ( options ) )
read_cmd_line_file ( build_dir , copy )
cmdline = [ ' -D {} = {} ' . format ( str ( k ) , v ) for k , v in copy . cmd_line_options . items ( ) ]
if options . cross_file :
cmdline + = [ f ' --cross-file { f } ' for f in options . cross_file ]
if options . native_file :
cmdline + = [ f ' --native-file { f } ' for f in options . native_file ]
return ' ' . join ( [ shlex . quote ( x ) for x in cmdline ] )
def major_versions_differ ( v1 : str , v2 : str ) - > bool :
return v1 . split ( ' . ' ) [ 0 : 2 ] != v2 . split ( ' . ' ) [ 0 : 2 ]
def load ( build_dir : str ) - > CoreData :
filename = os . path . join ( build_dir , ' meson-private ' , ' coredata.dat ' )
load_fail_msg = f ' Coredata file { filename !r} is corrupted. Try with a fresh build tree. '
try :
with open ( filename , ' rb ' ) as f :
obj = pickle . load ( f )
except ( pickle . UnpicklingError , EOFError ) :
raise MesonException ( load_fail_msg )
except ( ModuleNotFoundError , AttributeError ) :
raise MesonException (
f " Coredata file { filename !r} references functions or classes that don ' t "
" exist. This probably means that it was generated with an old "
" version of meson. " )
if not isinstance ( obj , CoreData ) :
raise MesonException ( load_fail_msg )
if major_versions_differ ( obj . version , version ) :
raise MesonVersionMismatchException ( obj . version , version )
return obj
def save ( obj : CoreData , build_dir : str ) - > str :
filename = os . path . join ( build_dir , ' meson-private ' , ' coredata.dat ' )
prev_filename = filename + ' .prev '
tempfilename = filename + ' ~ '
if major_versions_differ ( obj . version , version ) :
raise MesonException ( ' Fatal version mismatch corruption. ' )
if os . path . exists ( filename ) :
import shutil
shutil . copyfile ( filename , prev_filename )
with open ( tempfilename , ' wb ' ) as f :
pickle . dump ( obj , f )
f . flush ( )
os . fsync ( f . fileno ( ) )
os . replace ( tempfilename , filename )
return filename
def register_builtin_arguments ( parser : argparse . ArgumentParser ) - > None :
for n , b in BUILTIN_OPTIONS . items ( ) :
b . add_to_argparse ( str ( n ) , parser , ' ' )
for n , b in BUILTIN_OPTIONS_PER_MACHINE . items ( ) :
b . add_to_argparse ( str ( n ) , parser , ' (just for host machine) ' )
b . add_to_argparse ( str ( n . as_build ( ) ) , parser , ' (just for build machine) ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' -D ' , action = ' append ' , dest = ' projectoptions ' , default = [ ] , metavar = " option " ,
help = ' Set the value of an option, can be used several times to set multiple options. ' )
def create_options_dict ( options : T . List [ str ] , subproject : str = ' ' ) - > T . Dict [ OptionKey , str ] :
result : T . OrderedDict [ OptionKey , str ] = OrderedDict ( )
for o in options :
try :
( key , value ) = o . split ( ' = ' , 1 )
except ValueError :
raise MesonException ( f ' Option { o !r} must have a value separated by equals sign. ' )
k = OptionKey . from_string ( key )
if subproject :
k = k . evolve ( subproject = subproject )
result [ k ] = value
return result
def parse_cmd_line_options ( args : argparse . Namespace ) - > None :
args . cmd_line_options = create_options_dict ( args . projectoptions )
# Merge builtin options set with --option into the dict.
for key in chain (
BUILTIN_OPTIONS . keys ( ) ,
( k . as_build ( ) for k in BUILTIN_OPTIONS_PER_MACHINE . keys ( ) ) ,
) :
name = str ( key )
value = getattr ( args , name , None )
if value is not None :
if key in args . cmd_line_options :
cmdline_name = BuiltinOption . argparse_name_to_arg ( name )
raise MesonException (
f ' Got argument { name } as both -D { name } and { cmdline_name } . Pick one. ' )
args . cmd_line_options [ key ] = value
delattr ( args , name )
_U = T . TypeVar ( ' _U ' , bound = UserOption [ _T ] )
class BuiltinOption ( T . Generic [ _T , _U ] ) :
""" Class for a builtin option type.
There are some cases that are not fully supported yet .
def __init__ ( self , opt_type : T . Type [ _U ] , description : str , default : T . Any , yielding : bool = True , * ,
choices : T . Any = None ) :
self . opt_type = opt_type
self . description = description
self . default = default
self . choices = choices
self . yielding = yielding
def init_option ( self , name : ' OptionKey ' , value : T . Optional [ T . Any ] , prefix : str ) - > _U :
""" Create an instance of opt_type and return it. """
if value is None :
value = self . prefixed_default ( name , prefix )
keywords = { ' yielding ' : self . yielding , ' value ' : value }
if self . choices :
keywords [ ' choices ' ] = self . choices
return self . opt_type ( self . description , * * keywords )
def _argparse_action ( self ) - > T . Optional [ str ] :
# If the type is a boolean, the presence of the argument in --foo form
# is to enable it. Disabling happens by using -Dfoo=false, which is
# parsed under `args.projectoptions` and does not hit this codepath.
if isinstance ( self . default , bool ) :
return ' store_true '
return None
def _argparse_choices ( self ) - > T . Any :
if self . opt_type is UserBooleanOption :
return [ True , False ]
elif self . opt_type is UserFeatureOption :
return UserFeatureOption . static_choices
return self . choices
def argparse_name_to_arg ( name : str ) - > str :
if name == ' warning_level ' :
return ' --warnlevel '
else :
return ' -- ' + name . replace ( ' _ ' , ' - ' )
def prefixed_default ( self , name : ' OptionKey ' , prefix : str = ' ' ) - > T . Any :
if self . opt_type in [ UserComboOption , UserIntegerOption ] :
return self . default
try :
return BULITIN_DIR_NOPREFIX_OPTIONS [ name ] [ prefix ]
except KeyError :
return self . default
def add_to_argparse ( self , name : str , parser : argparse . ArgumentParser , help_suffix : str ) - > None :
kwargs = OrderedDict ( )
c = self . _argparse_choices ( )
b = self . _argparse_action ( )
h = self . description
if not b :
h = ' {} (default: {} ). ' . format ( h . rstrip ( ' . ' ) , self . prefixed_default ( name ) )
else :
kwargs [ ' action ' ] = b
if c and not b :
kwargs [ ' choices ' ] = c
kwargs [ ' default ' ] = argparse . SUPPRESS
kwargs [ ' dest ' ] = name
cmdline_name = self . argparse_name_to_arg ( name )
parser . add_argument ( cmdline_name , help = h + help_suffix , * * kwargs )
# Update `docs/markdown/Builtin-options.md` after changing the options below
# Also update mesonlib._BUILTIN_NAMES. See the comment there for why this is required.
BUILTIN_DIR_OPTIONS : ' KeyedOptionDictType ' = OrderedDict ( [
( OptionKey ( ' prefix ' ) , BuiltinOption ( UserStringOption , ' Installation prefix ' , default_prefix ( ) ) ) ,
( OptionKey ( ' bindir ' ) , BuiltinOption ( UserStringOption , ' Executable directory ' , ' bin ' ) ) ,
( OptionKey ( ' datadir ' ) , BuiltinOption ( UserStringOption , ' Data file directory ' , ' share ' ) ) ,
( OptionKey ( ' includedir ' ) , BuiltinOption ( UserStringOption , ' Header file directory ' , ' include ' ) ) ,
( OptionKey ( ' infodir ' ) , BuiltinOption ( UserStringOption , ' Info page directory ' , ' share/info ' ) ) ,
( OptionKey ( ' libdir ' ) , BuiltinOption ( UserStringOption , ' Library directory ' , default_libdir ( ) ) ) ,
( OptionKey ( ' libexecdir ' ) , BuiltinOption ( UserStringOption , ' Library executable directory ' , default_libexecdir ( ) ) ) ,
( OptionKey ( ' localedir ' ) , BuiltinOption ( UserStringOption , ' Locale data directory ' , ' share/locale ' ) ) ,
( OptionKey ( ' localstatedir ' ) , BuiltinOption ( UserStringOption , ' Localstate data directory ' , ' var ' ) ) ,
( OptionKey ( ' mandir ' ) , BuiltinOption ( UserStringOption , ' Manual page directory ' , ' share/man ' ) ) ,
( OptionKey ( ' sbindir ' ) , BuiltinOption ( UserStringOption , ' System executable directory ' , ' sbin ' ) ) ,
( OptionKey ( ' sharedstatedir ' ) , BuiltinOption ( UserStringOption , ' Architecture-independent data directory ' , ' com ' ) ) ,
( OptionKey ( ' sysconfdir ' ) , BuiltinOption ( UserStringOption , ' Sysconf data directory ' , ' etc ' ) ) ,
] )
BUILTIN_CORE_OPTIONS : ' KeyedOptionDictType ' = OrderedDict ( [
( OptionKey ( ' auto_features ' ) , BuiltinOption ( UserFeatureOption , " Override value of all ' auto ' features " , ' auto ' ) ) ,
( OptionKey ( ' backend ' ) , BuiltinOption ( UserComboOption , ' Backend to use ' , ' ninja ' , choices = backendlist ) ) ,
( OptionKey ( ' buildtype ' ) , BuiltinOption ( UserComboOption , ' Build type to use ' , ' debug ' ,
choices = [ ' plain ' , ' debug ' , ' debugoptimized ' , ' release ' , ' minsize ' , ' custom ' ] ) ) ,
( OptionKey ( ' debug ' ) , BuiltinOption ( UserBooleanOption , ' Debug ' , True ) ) ,
( OptionKey ( ' default_library ' ) , BuiltinOption ( UserComboOption , ' Default library type ' , ' shared ' , choices = [ ' shared ' , ' static ' , ' both ' ] ,
yielding = False ) ) ,
( OptionKey ( ' errorlogs ' ) , BuiltinOption ( UserBooleanOption , " Whether to print the logs from failing tests " , True ) ) ,
( OptionKey ( ' install_umask ' ) , BuiltinOption ( UserUmaskOption , ' Default umask to apply on permissions of installed files ' , ' 022 ' ) ) ,
( OptionKey ( ' layout ' ) , BuiltinOption ( UserComboOption , ' Build directory layout ' , ' mirror ' , choices = [ ' mirror ' , ' flat ' ] ) ) ,
( OptionKey ( ' optimization ' ) , BuiltinOption ( UserComboOption , ' Optimization level ' , ' 0 ' , choices = [ ' 0 ' , ' g ' , ' 1 ' , ' 2 ' , ' 3 ' , ' s ' ] ) ) ,
( OptionKey ( ' stdsplit ' ) , BuiltinOption ( UserBooleanOption , ' Split stdout and stderr in test logs ' , True ) ) ,
( OptionKey ( ' strip ' ) , BuiltinOption ( UserBooleanOption , ' Strip targets on install ' , False ) ) ,
( OptionKey ( ' unity ' ) , BuiltinOption ( UserComboOption , ' Unity build ' , ' off ' , choices = [ ' on ' , ' off ' , ' subprojects ' ] ) ) ,
( OptionKey ( ' unity_size ' ) , BuiltinOption ( UserIntegerOption , ' Unity block size ' , ( 2 , None , 4 ) ) ) ,
( OptionKey ( ' warning_level ' ) , BuiltinOption ( UserComboOption , ' Compiler warning level to use ' , ' 1 ' , choices = [ ' 0 ' , ' 1 ' , ' 2 ' , ' 3 ' ] , yielding = False ) ) ,
( OptionKey ( ' werror ' ) , BuiltinOption ( UserBooleanOption , ' Treat warnings as errors ' , False , yielding = False ) ) ,
( OptionKey ( ' wrap_mode ' ) , BuiltinOption ( UserComboOption , ' Wrap mode ' , ' default ' , choices = [ ' default ' , ' nofallback ' , ' nodownload ' , ' forcefallback ' , ' nopromote ' ] ) ) ,
( OptionKey ( ' force_fallback_for ' ) , BuiltinOption ( UserArrayOption , ' Force fallback for those subprojects ' , [ ] ) ) ,
] )
BUILTIN_OPTIONS = OrderedDict ( chain ( BUILTIN_DIR_OPTIONS . items ( ) , BUILTIN_CORE_OPTIONS . items ( ) ) )
BUILTIN_OPTIONS_PER_MACHINE : ' KeyedOptionDictType ' = OrderedDict ( [
( OptionKey ( ' pkg_config_path ' ) , BuiltinOption ( UserArrayOption , ' List of additional paths for pkg-config to search ' , [ ] ) ) ,
( OptionKey ( ' cmake_prefix_path ' ) , BuiltinOption ( UserArrayOption , ' List of additional prefixes for cmake to search ' , [ ] ) ) ,
] )
# Special prefix-dependent defaults for installation directories that reside in
# a path outside of the prefix in FHS and common usage.
BULITIN_DIR_NOPREFIX_OPTIONS : T . Dict [ OptionKey , T . Dict [ str , str ] ] = {
OptionKey ( ' sysconfdir ' ) : { ' /usr ' : ' /etc ' } ,
OptionKey ( ' localstatedir ' ) : { ' /usr ' : ' /var ' , ' /usr/local ' : ' /var/local ' } ,
OptionKey ( ' sharedstatedir ' ) : { ' /usr ' : ' /var/lib ' , ' /usr/local ' : ' /var/local/lib ' } ,
FORBIDDEN_TARGET_NAMES = { ' clean ' : None ,
' clean-ctlist ' : None ,
' clean-gcno ' : None ,
' clean-gcda ' : None ,
' coverage ' : None ,
' coverage-text ' : None ,
' coverage-xml ' : None ,
' coverage-html ' : None ,
' phony ' : None ,
' PHONY ' : None ,
' all ' : None ,
' test ' : None ,
' benchmark ' : None ,
' install ' : None ,
' uninstall ' : None ,
' build.ninja ' : None ,
' scan-build ' : None ,
' reconfigure ' : None ,
' dist ' : None ,
' distcheck ' : None ,