The Meson Build System
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113 lines
3.6 KiB

import os
import subprocess
import json
import pathlib
import platform
import shutil
import tempfile
from .. import mlog
from .universal import MesonException, is_windows
bat_template = '''@ECHO OFF
call "{}"
# If on Windows and VS is installed but not set up in the environment,
# set it to be runnable. In this way Meson can be directly invoked
# from any shell, VS Code etc.
def _setup_vsenv(force: bool) -> bool:
if not is_windows():
return False
if os.environ.get('OSTYPE') == 'cygwin':
return False
if 'MESON_FORCE_VSENV_FOR_UNITTEST' not in os.environ:
if 'Visual Studio' in os.environ['PATH']:
return False
# VSINSTALL is set when running setvars from a Visual Studio installation
# Tested with Visual Studio 2012 and 2017
if 'VSINSTALLDIR' in os.environ:
return False
# Check explicitly for cl when on Windows
if shutil.which('cl.exe'):
return False
if not force:
if shutil.which('cc'):
return False
if shutil.which('gcc'):
return False
if shutil.which('clang'):
return False
if shutil.which('clang-cl'):
return False
root = os.environ.get("ProgramFiles(x86)") or os.environ.get("ProgramFiles")
bat_locator_bin = pathlib.Path(root, 'Microsoft Visual Studio/Installer/vswhere.exe')
if not bat_locator_bin.exists():
raise MesonException(f'Could not find {bat_locator_bin}')
bat_json = subprocess.check_output(
'-requires', 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC.Tools.x86.x64',
'-requires', 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.WDExpress',
'-products', '*',
bat_info = json.loads(bat_json)
if not bat_info:
# VS installer instelled but not VS itself maybe?
raise MesonException(f'Could not parse vswhere.exe output')
bat_root = pathlib.Path(bat_info[0]['installationPath'])
if platform.machine() == 'ARM64':
bat_path = bat_root / 'VC/Auxiliary/Build/vcvarsx86_arm64.bat'
bat_path = bat_root / 'VC/Auxiliary/Build/vcvars64.bat'
# if VS is not found try VS Express
if not bat_path.exists():
bat_path = bat_root / 'VC/Auxiliary/Build/vcvarsx86_amd64.bat'
if not bat_path.exists():
raise MesonException(f'Could not find {bat_path}')
mlog.log('Activating VS', bat_info[0]['catalog']['productDisplayVersion'])
bat_separator = '---SPLIT---'
bat_contents = bat_template.format(bat_path, bat_separator)
bat_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w', suffix='.bat', encoding='utf-8', delete=False)
bat_output = subprocess.check_output(, universal_newlines=True)
bat_lines = bat_output.split('\n')
bat_separator_seen = False
for bat_line in bat_lines:
if bat_line == bat_separator:
bat_separator_seen = True
if not bat_separator_seen:
if not bat_line:
k, v = bat_line.split('=', 1)
os.environ[k] = v
return True
def setup_vsenv(force: bool = False) -> bool:
return _setup_vsenv(force)
except MesonException as e:
if force:
mlog.warning('Failed to activate VS environment:', str(e))
return False