The Meson Build System
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9 years ago
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2016 The Meson development team
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# A tool to run tests in many different ways.
import shlex
9 years ago
import subprocess, sys, os, argparse
import pickle
from mesonbuild import build
from mesonbuild import environment
9 years ago
import time, datetime, multiprocessing, json
import concurrent.futures as conc
import platform
import signal
import random
# GNU autotools interprets a return code of 77 from tests it executes to
# mean that the test should be skipped.
def is_windows():
platname = platform.system().lower()
return platname == 'windows' or 'mingw' in platname
def determine_worker_count():
if varname in os.environ:
num_workers = int(os.environ[varname])
except ValueError:
print('Invalid value in %s, using 1 thread.' % varname)
num_workers = 1
# Fails in some weird environments such as Debian
# reproducible build.
num_workers = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
except Exception:
num_workers = 1
return num_workers
9 years ago
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--repeat', default=1, dest='repeat', type=int,
help='Number of times to run the tests.')
parser.add_argument('--no-rebuild', default=False, action='store_true',
help='Do not rebuild before running tests.')
9 years ago
parser.add_argument('--gdb', default=False, dest='gdb', action='store_true',
help='Run test under gdb.')
parser.add_argument('--list', default=False, dest='list', action='store_true',
help='List available tests.')
parser.add_argument('--wrapper', default=None, dest='wrapper', type=shlex.split,
help='wrapper to run tests with (e.g. Valgrind)')
parser.add_argument('-C', default='.', dest='wd',
help='directory to cd into before running')
parser.add_argument('--suite', default=[], dest='include_suites', action='append', metavar='SUITE',
help='Only run tests belonging to the given suite.')
parser.add_argument('--no-suite', default=[], dest='exclude_suites', action='append', metavar='SUITE',
help='Do not run tests belonging to the given suite.')
parser.add_argument('--no-stdsplit', default=True, dest='split', action='store_false',
help='Do not split stderr and stdout in test logs.')
parser.add_argument('--print-errorlogs', default=False, action='store_true',
help="Whether to print failing tests' logs.")
parser.add_argument('--benchmark', default=False, action='store_true',
help="Run benchmarks instead of tests.")
parser.add_argument('--logbase', default='testlog',
help="Base name for log file.")
parser.add_argument('--num-processes', default=determine_worker_count(), type=int,
help='How many parallel processes to use.')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', default=False, action='store_true',
help='Do not redirect stdout and stderr')
parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', default=False, action='store_true',
help='Produce less output to the terminal.')
parser.add_argument('-t', '--timeout-multiplier', type=float, default=None,
help='Define a multiplier for test timeout, for example '
' when running tests in particular conditions they might take'
' more time to execute.')
parser.add_argument('--setup', default=None, dest='setup',
help='Which test setup to use.')
parser.add_argument('--test-args', default=[], type=shlex.split,
help='Arguments to pass to the specified test(s) or all tests')
parser.add_argument('args', nargs='*',
help='Optional list of tests to run')
class TestRun:
def __init__(self, res, returncode, should_fail, duration, stdo, stde, cmd,
self.res = res
self.returncode = returncode
self.duration = duration
self.stdo = stdo
self.stde = stde
self.cmd = cmd
self.env = env
self.should_fail = should_fail
def get_log(self):
res = '--- command ---\n'
if self.cmd is None:
res += 'NONE\n'
res += "%s%s\n" % (''.join(["%s='%s' " % (k, v) for k, v in self.env.items()]), ' ' .join(self.cmd))
if self.stdo:
res += '--- stdout ---\n'
res += self.stdo
if self.stde:
if res[-1:] != '\n':
res += '\n'
res += '--- stderr ---\n'
res += self.stde
if res[-1:] != '\n':
res += '\n'
res += '-------\n\n'
return res
def decode(stream):
if stream is None:
return ''
return stream.decode('utf-8')
except UnicodeDecodeError:
return stream.decode('iso-8859-1', errors='ignore')
def write_json_log(jsonlogfile, test_name, result):
jresult = {'name': test_name,
'stdout': result.stdo,
'result': result.res,
'duration': result.duration,
'returncode': result.returncode,
'command': result.cmd}
if isinstance(result.env, dict):
jresult['env'] = result.env
jresult['env'] = result.env.get_env(os.environ)
if result.stde:
jresult['stderr'] = result.stde
jsonlogfile.write(json.dumps(jresult) + '\n')
def run_with_mono(fname):
if fname.endswith('.exe') and not is_windows():
return True
return False
class TestHarness:
def __init__(self, options):
self.options = options
self.collected_logs = []
self.fail_count = 0
self.success_count = 0
self.skip_count = 0
self.timeout_count = 0
self.is_run = False
self.tests = None
self.suites = None
if self.options.benchmark:
self.load_datafile(os.path.join(options.wd, 'meson-private', 'meson_benchmark_setup.dat'))
self.load_datafile(os.path.join(options.wd, 'meson-private', 'meson_test_setup.dat'))
def run_single_test(self, wrap, test):
if test.fname[0].endswith('.jar'):
cmd = ['java', '-jar'] + test.fname
elif not test.is_cross and run_with_mono(test.fname[0]):
cmd = ['mono'] + test.fname
if test.is_cross:
if test.exe_runner is None:
# Can not run test on cross compiled executable
# because there is no execute wrapper.
cmd = None
cmd = [test.exe_runner] + test.fname
cmd = test.fname
if cmd is None:
res = 'SKIP'
duration = 0.0
stdo = 'Not run because can not execute cross compiled binaries.'
stde = None
cmd = wrap + cmd + test.cmd_args + self.options.test_args
starttime = time.time()
child_env = os.environ.copy()
if isinstance(test.env, build.EnvironmentVariables):
test.env = test.env.get_env(child_env)
if len(test.extra_paths) > 0:
child_env['PATH'] += ';'.join([''] + test.extra_paths)
# If MALLOC_PERTURB_ is not set, or if it is set to an empty value,
# (i.e., the test or the environment don't explicitly set it), set
# it ourselves. We do this unconditionally because it is extremely
# useful to have in tests.
# Setting MALLOC_PERTURB_="0" will completely disable this feature.
if 'MALLOC_PERTURB_' not in child_env or not child_env['MALLOC_PERTURB_']:
child_env['MALLOC_PERTURB_'] = str(random.randint(1, 255))
setsid = None
stdout = None
stderr = None
if not self.options.verbose:
stdout = subprocess.PIPE
stderr = subprocess.PIPE if self.options and self.options.split else subprocess.STDOUT
if not is_windows():
setsid = os.setsid
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd,
timed_out = False
if test.timeout is None:
timeout = None
timeout = test.timeout * self.options.timeout_multiplier
(stdo, stde) = p.communicate(timeout=timeout)
except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
if self.options.verbose:
print("%s time out (After %d seconds)" % (, timeout))
timed_out = True
# Python does not provide multiplatform support for
# killing a process and all its children so we need
# to roll our own.
if is_windows():['taskkill', '/F', '/T', '/PID', str(])
os.killpg(os.getpgid(, signal.SIGKILL)
(stdo, stde) = p.communicate()
endtime = time.time()
duration = endtime - starttime
stdo = decode(stdo)
if stde:
stde = decode(stde)
if timed_out:
res = 'TIMEOUT'
self.timeout_count += 1
self.fail_count += 1
elif p.returncode == GNU_SKIP_RETURNCODE:
res = 'SKIP'
self.skip_count += 1
elif test.should_fail == bool(p.returncode):
res = 'OK'
self.success_count += 1
res = 'FAIL'
self.fail_count += 1
returncode = p.returncode
result = TestRun(res, returncode, test.should_fail, duration, stdo, stde, cmd, test.env)
return result
def print_stats(self, numlen, tests, name, result, i, logfile, jsonlogfile):
startpad = ' ' * (numlen - len('%d' % (i + 1)))
num = '%s%d/%d' % (startpad, i + 1, len(tests))
padding1 = ' ' * (38 - len(name))
padding2 = ' ' * (8 - len(result.res))
result_str = '%s %s %s%s%s%5.2f s' % \
(num, name, padding1, result.res, padding2, result.duration)
if not self.options.quiet or result.res != 'OK':
result_str += "\n\n" + result.get_log()
if (result.returncode != GNU_SKIP_RETURNCODE) \
and (result.returncode != 0) != result.should_fail:
if self.options.print_errorlogs:
if logfile:
if jsonlogfile:
write_json_log(jsonlogfile, name, result)
def print_summary(self, logfile, jsonlogfile):
msg = '''
OK: %4d
FAIL: %4d
SKIP: %4d
''' % (self.success_count, self.fail_count, self.skip_count, self.timeout_count)
if logfile:
def print_collected_logs(self):
if len(self.collected_logs) > 0:
if len(self.collected_logs) > 10:
print('\nThe output from 10 first failed tests:\n')
print('\nThe output from the failed tests:\n')
for log in self.collected_logs[:10]:
lines = log.splitlines()
if len(lines) > 104:
print('--- Listing only the last 100 lines from a long log. ---')
lines = lines[-100:]
for line in lines:
def doit(self):
if self.is_run:
raise RuntimeError('Test harness object can only be used once.')
if not os.path.isfile(self.datafile):
print('Test data file. Probably this means that you did not run this in the build directory.')
return 1
self.is_run = True
tests = self.get_tests()
if not tests:
return 0
return self.fail_count
def split_suite_string(suite):
if ':' in suite:
return suite.split(':', 1)
return suite, ""
def test_in_suites(test, suites):
for suite in suites:
(prj_match, st_match) = TestHarness.split_suite_string(suite)
for prjst in test.suite:
(prj, st) = TestHarness.split_suite_string(prjst)
if prj_match and prj != prj_match:
if st_match and st != st_match:
return True
return False
def test_suitable(self, test):
return (len(self.options.include_suites) == 0 or TestHarness.test_in_suites(test, self.options.include_suites)) \
and not TestHarness.test_in_suites(test, self.options.exclude_suites)
def load_suites(self):
ss = set()
for t in self.tests:
for s in t.suite:
self.suites = list(ss)
def load_tests(self):
with open(self.datafile, 'rb') as f:
self.tests = pickle.load(f)
def load_datafile(self, datafile):
self.datafile = datafile
def get_tests(self):
if not self.tests:
print('No tests defined.')
return []
if len(self.options.include_suites) or len(self.options.exclude_suites):
tests = []
for tst in self.tests:
if self.test_suitable(tst):
tests = self.tests
if self.options.args:
tests = [t for t in tests if in self.options.args]
if not tests:
print('No suitable tests defined.')
return []
for test in tests:
test.rebuilt = False
return tests
def open_log_files(self):
if not self.options.logbase or self.options.verbose:
return None, None, None, None
namebase = None
logfile_base = os.path.join(self.options.wd, 'meson-logs', self.options.logbase)
if self.options.wrapper:
namebase = os.path.split(self.get_wrapper()[0])[1]
elif self.options.setup:
namebase = self.options.setup
if namebase:
logfile_base += '-' + namebase.replace(' ', '_')
logfilename = logfile_base + '.txt'
jsonlogfilename = logfile_base + '.json'
jsonlogfile = open(jsonlogfilename, 'w')
logfile = open(logfilename, 'w')
logfile.write('Log of Meson test suite run on %s\n\n'
return logfile, logfilename, jsonlogfile, jsonlogfilename
def get_wrapper(self):
wrap = []
if self.options.gdb:
wrap = ['gdb', '--quiet', '--nh']
if self.options.repeat > 1:
wrap += ['-ex', 'run', '-ex', 'quit']
# Signal the end of arguments to gdb
wrap += ['--args']
if self.options.wrapper:
wrap += self.options.wrapper
assert(isinstance(wrap, list))
return wrap
def get_pretty_suite(self, test, tests):
if len(self.suites) > 1:
rv = TestHarness.split_suite_string(test.suite[0])[0]
s = "+".join(TestHarness.split_suite_string(s)[1] for s in test.suite)
if len(s):
rv += ":"
return rv + s + " / " +
def run_tests(self, tests):
executor = None
logfile = None
jsonlogfile = None
futures = []
numlen = len('%d' % len(tests))
(logfile, logfilename, jsonlogfile, jsonlogfilename) = self.open_log_files()
wrap = self.get_wrapper()
for i in range(self.options.repeat):
for i, test in enumerate(tests):
visible_name = self.get_pretty_suite(test, tests)
if self.options.gdb:
test.timeout = None
if not test.is_parallel or self.options.gdb:
self.drain_futures(futures, logfile, jsonlogfile)
futures = []
res = self.run_single_test(wrap, test)
self.print_stats(numlen, tests, visible_name, res, i, logfile, jsonlogfile)
if not executor:
executor = conc.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=self.options.num_processes)
f = executor.submit(self.run_single_test, wrap, test)
futures.append((f, numlen, tests, visible_name, i, logfile, jsonlogfile))
if self.options.repeat > 1 and self.fail_count:
if self.options.repeat > 1 and self.fail_count:
self.drain_futures(futures, logfile, jsonlogfile)
self.print_summary(logfile, jsonlogfile)
if logfilename:
print('Full log written to %s' % logfilename)
if jsonlogfile:
if logfile:
def drain_futures(self, futures, logfile, jsonlogfile):
for i in futures:
(result, numlen, tests, name, i, logfile, jsonlogfile) = i
if self.options.repeat > 1 and self.fail_count:
if self.options.verbose:
self.print_stats(numlen, tests, name, result.result(), i, logfile, jsonlogfile)
def run_special(self):
'Tests run by the user, usually something like "under gdb 1000 times".'
if self.is_run:
raise RuntimeError('Can not use run_special after a full run.')
if os.path.isfile(''):
subprocess.check_call([environment.detect_ninja(), 'all'])
tests = self.get_tests()
if not tests:
return 0
return self.fail_count
def list_tests(th):
tests = th.get_tests()
for t in tests:
print(th.get_pretty_suite(t, tests))
def merge_suite_options(options):
buildfile = os.path.join(options.wd, 'meson-private/build.dat')
with open(buildfile, 'rb') as f:
build = pickle.load(f)
setups = build.test_setups
if options.setup not in setups:
sys.exit('Unknown test setup: %s' % options.setup)
current = setups[options.setup]
if not options.gdb:
options.gdb = current.gdb
if options.timeout_multiplier is None:
options.timeout_multiplier = current.timeout_multiplier
# if options.env is None:
# options.env = current.env # FIXME, should probably merge options here.
if options.wrapper is not None and current.exe_wrapper is not None:
sys.exit('Conflict: both test setup and command line specify an exe wrapper.')
if options.wrapper is None:
options.wrapper = current.exe_wrapper
return current.env
def rebuild_all(wd):
if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(wd, '')):
print("Only ninja backend is supported to rebuild tests before running them.")
return True
ninja = environment.detect_ninja()
if not ninja:
print("Can't find ninja, can't rebuild test.")
return False
p = subprocess.Popen([ninja, '-C', wd])
(stdo, stde) = p.communicate()
if p.returncode != 0:
print("Could not rebuild")
return False
return True
9 years ago
def run(args):
options = parser.parse_args(args)
if options.benchmark:
options.num_processes = 1
if options.setup is not None:
global_env = merge_suite_options(options)
global_env = build.EnvironmentVariables()
if options.timeout_multiplier is None:
options.timeout_multiplier = 1
setattr(options, 'global_env', global_env)
if options.verbose and options.quiet:
print('Can not be both quiet and verbose at the same time.')
return 1
if options.gdb:
options.verbose = True
if options.wrapper:
print('Must not specify both a wrapper and gdb at the same time.')
return 1
options.wd = os.path.abspath(options.wd)
if not options.no_rebuild:
if not rebuild_all(options.wd):
th = TestHarness(options)
if options.list:
return 0
if len(options.args) == 0:
return th.doit()
return th.run_special()
9 years ago
if __name__ == '__main__':