# Copyright 2014-2017 The Meson development team
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import re
from . mesonlib import MesonException
class ParseException ( MesonException ) :
def __init__ ( self , text , line , lineno , colno ) :
# Format as error message, followed by the line with the error, followed by a caret to show the error column.
super ( ) . __init__ ( " %s \n %s \n %s " % ( text , line , ' %s ^ ' % ( ' ' * colno ) ) )
self . lineno = lineno
self . colno = colno
class BlockParseException ( MesonException ) :
def __init__ ( self , text , line , lineno , colno , start_line , start_lineno , start_colno ) :
# This can be formatted in two ways - one if the block start and end are on the same line, and a different way if they are on different lines.
if lineno == start_lineno :
# If block start and end are on the same line, it is formatted as:
# Error message
# Followed by the line with the error
# Followed by a caret to show the block start
# Followed by underscores
# Followed by a caret to show the block end.
super ( ) . __init__ ( " %s \n %s \n %s " % ( text , line , ' %s ^ %s ^ ' % ( ' ' * start_colno , ' _ ' * ( colno - start_colno - 1 ) ) ) )
else :
# If block start and end are on different lines, it is formatted as:
# Error message
# Followed by the line with the error
# Followed by a caret to show the error column.
# Followed by a message saying where the block started.
# Followed by the line of the block start.
# Followed by a caret for the block start.
super ( ) . __init__ ( " %s \n %s \n %s \n For a block that started at %d , %d \n %s \n %s " % ( text , line , ' %s ^ ' % ( ' ' * colno ) , start_lineno , start_colno , start_line , " %s ^ " % ( ' ' * start_colno ) ) )
self . lineno = lineno
self . colno = colno
class Token :
def __init__ ( self , tid , subdir , line_start , lineno , colno , bytespan , value ) :
self . tid = tid
self . subdir = subdir
self . line_start = line_start
self . lineno = lineno
self . colno = colno
self . bytespan = bytespan
self . value = value
def __eq__ ( self , other ) :
if isinstance ( other , str ) :
return self . tid == other
return self . tid == other . tid
class Lexer :
def __init__ ( self , code ) :
self . code = code
self . keywords = { ' true ' , ' false ' , ' if ' , ' else ' , ' elif ' ,
' endif ' , ' and ' , ' or ' , ' not ' , ' foreach ' , ' endforeach ' }
self . token_specification = [
# Need to be sorted longest to shortest.
( ' ignore ' , re . compile ( r ' [ \ t] ' ) ) ,
( ' id ' , re . compile ( ' [_a-zA-Z][_0-9a-zA-Z]* ' ) ) ,
( ' number ' , re . compile ( r ' \ d+ ' ) ) ,
( ' eol_cont ' , re . compile ( r ' \\ \ n ' ) ) ,
( ' eol ' , re . compile ( r ' \ n ' ) ) ,
( ' multiline_string ' , re . compile ( r " ' ' ' (.| \ n)*? ' ' ' " , re . M ) ) ,
( ' comment ' , re . compile ( r ' #.* ' ) ) ,
( ' lparen ' , re . compile ( r ' \ ( ' ) ) ,
( ' rparen ' , re . compile ( r ' \ ) ' ) ) ,
( ' lbracket ' , re . compile ( r ' \ [ ' ) ) ,
( ' rbracket ' , re . compile ( r ' \ ] ' ) ) ,
( ' dblquote ' , re . compile ( r ' " ' ) ) ,
( ' string ' , re . compile ( r " ' ([^ ' \\ ]|( \\ .))* ' " ) ) ,
( ' comma ' , re . compile ( r ' , ' ) ) ,
( ' plusassign ' , re . compile ( r ' \ += ' ) ) ,
( ' dot ' , re . compile ( r ' \ . ' ) ) ,
( ' plus ' , re . compile ( r ' \ + ' ) ) ,
( ' dash ' , re . compile ( r ' - ' ) ) ,
( ' star ' , re . compile ( r ' \ * ' ) ) ,
( ' percent ' , re . compile ( r ' % ' ) ) ,
( ' fslash ' , re . compile ( r ' / ' ) ) ,
( ' colon ' , re . compile ( r ' : ' ) ) ,
( ' equal ' , re . compile ( r ' == ' ) ) ,
( ' nequal ' , re . compile ( r ' != ' ) ) ,
( ' assign ' , re . compile ( r ' = ' ) ) ,
( ' le ' , re . compile ( r ' <= ' ) ) ,
( ' lt ' , re . compile ( r ' < ' ) ) ,
( ' ge ' , re . compile ( r ' >= ' ) ) ,
( ' gt ' , re . compile ( r ' > ' ) ) ,
( ' questionmark ' , re . compile ( r ' \ ? ' ) ) ,
def getline ( self , line_start ) :
return self . code [ line_start : self . code . find ( ' \n ' , line_start ) ]
def lex ( self , subdir ) :
line_start = 0
lineno = 1
loc = 0
par_count = 0
bracket_count = 0
col = 0
while loc < len ( self . code ) :
matched = False
value = None
for ( tid , reg ) in self . token_specification :
mo = reg . match ( self . code , loc )
if mo :
curline = lineno
curline_start = line_start
col = mo . start ( ) - line_start
matched = True
span_start = loc
loc = mo . end ( )
span_end = loc
bytespan = ( span_start , span_end )
match_text = mo . group ( )
if tid == ' ignore ' or tid == ' comment ' :
elif tid == ' lparen ' :
par_count + = 1
elif tid == ' rparen ' :
par_count - = 1
elif tid == ' lbracket ' :
bracket_count + = 1
elif tid == ' rbracket ' :
bracket_count - = 1
elif tid == ' dblquote ' :
raise ParseException ( ' Double quotes are not supported. Use single quotes. ' , self . getline ( line_start ) , lineno , col )
elif tid == ' string ' :
value = match_text [ 1 : - 1 ] \
. replace ( r " \ ' " , " ' " ) \
. replace ( r " \\ " . strip ( ) , r " \ " . strip ( ) ) \
. replace ( " \\ n " , " \n " )
elif tid == ' multiline_string ' :
tid = ' string '
value = match_text [ 3 : - 3 ]
lines = match_text . split ( ' \n ' )
if len ( lines ) > 1 :
lineno + = len ( lines ) - 1
line_start = mo . end ( ) - len ( lines [ - 1 ] )
elif tid == ' number ' :
value = int ( match_text )
elif tid == ' eol ' or tid == ' eol_cont ' :
lineno + = 1
line_start = loc
if par_count > 0 or bracket_count > 0 :
elif tid == ' id ' :
if match_text in self . keywords :
tid = match_text
else :
value = match_text
yield Token ( tid , subdir , curline_start , curline , col , bytespan , value )
if not matched :
raise ParseException ( ' lexer ' , self . getline ( line_start ) , lineno , col )
class ElementaryNode :
def __init__ ( self , token ) :
self . lineno = token . lineno
self . subdir = token . subdir
self . colno = token . colno
self . value = token . value
self . bytespan = token . bytespan
class BooleanNode ( ElementaryNode ) :
def __init__ ( self , token , value ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( token )
self . value = value
assert ( isinstance ( self . value , bool ) )
class IdNode ( ElementaryNode ) :
def __init__ ( self , token ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( token )
assert ( isinstance ( self . value , str ) )
def __str__ ( self ) :
return " Id node: ' %s ' ( %d , %d ). " % ( self . value , self . lineno , self . colno )
class NumberNode ( ElementaryNode ) :
def __init__ ( self , token ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( token )
assert ( isinstance ( self . value , int ) )
class StringNode ( ElementaryNode ) :
def __init__ ( self , token ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( token )
assert ( isinstance ( self . value , str ) )
def __str__ ( self ) :
return " String node: ' %s ' ( %d , %d ). " % ( self . value , self . lineno , self . colno )
class ArrayNode :
def __init__ ( self , args ) :
self . subdir = args . subdir
self . lineno = args . lineno
self . colno = args . colno
self . args = args
class EmptyNode :
def __init__ ( self , lineno , colno ) :
self . subdir = ' '
self . lineno = lineno
self . colno = colno
self . value = None
class OrNode :
def __init__ ( self , left , right ) :
self . subdir = left . subdir
self . lineno = left . lineno
self . colno = left . colno
self . left = left
self . right = right
class AndNode :
def __init__ ( self , left , right ) :
self . subdir = left . subdir
self . lineno = left . lineno
self . colno = left . colno
self . left = left
self . right = right
class ComparisonNode :
def __init__ ( self , ctype , left , right ) :
self . lineno = left . lineno
self . colno = left . colno
self . subdir = left . subdir
self . left = left
self . right = right
self . ctype = ctype
class ArithmeticNode :
def __init__ ( self , operation , left , right ) :
self . subdir = left . subdir
self . lineno = left . lineno
self . colno = left . colno
self . left = left
self . right = right
self . operation = operation
class NotNode :
def __init__ ( self , location_node , value ) :
self . subdir = location_node . subdir
self . lineno = location_node . lineno
self . colno = location_node . colno
self . value = value
class CodeBlockNode :
def __init__ ( self , location_node ) :
self . subdir = location_node . subdir
self . lineno = location_node . lineno
self . colno = location_node . colno
self . lines = [ ]
class IndexNode :
def __init__ ( self , iobject , index ) :
self . iobject = iobject
self . index = index
self . subdir = iobject . subdir
self . lineno = iobject . lineno
self . colno = iobject . colno
class MethodNode :
def __init__ ( self , subdir , lineno , colno , source_object , name , args ) :
self . subdir = subdir
self . lineno = lineno
self . colno = colno
self . source_object = source_object
self . name = name
assert ( isinstance ( self . name , str ) )
self . args = args
class FunctionNode :
def __init__ ( self , subdir , lineno , colno , func_name , args ) :
self . subdir = subdir
self . lineno = lineno
self . colno = colno
self . func_name = func_name
assert ( isinstance ( func_name , str ) )
self . args = args
class AssignmentNode :
def __init__ ( self , lineno , colno , var_name , value ) :
self . lineno = lineno
self . colno = colno
self . var_name = var_name
assert ( isinstance ( var_name , str ) )
self . value = value
class PlusAssignmentNode :
def __init__ ( self , lineno , colno , var_name , value ) :
self . lineno = lineno
self . colno = colno
self . var_name = var_name
assert ( isinstance ( var_name , str ) )
self . value = value
class ForeachClauseNode :
def __init__ ( self , lineno , colno , varname , items , block ) :
self . lineno = lineno
self . colno = colno
self . varname = varname
self . items = items
self . block = block
class IfClauseNode :
def __init__ ( self , lineno , colno ) :
self . lineno = lineno
self . colno = colno
self . ifs = [ ]
self . elseblock = EmptyNode ( lineno , colno )
class UMinusNode :
def __init__ ( self , current_location , value ) :
self . subdir = current_location . subdir
self . lineno = current_location . lineno
self . colno = current_location . colno
self . value = value
class IfNode :
def __init__ ( self , lineno , colno , condition , block ) :
self . lineno = lineno
self . colno = colno
self . condition = condition
self . block = block
class TernaryNode :
def __init__ ( self , lineno , colno , condition , trueblock , falseblock ) :
self . lineno = lineno
self . colno = colno
self . condition = condition
self . trueblock = trueblock
self . falseblock = falseblock
class ArgumentNode :
def __init__ ( self , token ) :
self . lineno = token . lineno
self . colno = token . colno
self . subdir = token . subdir
self . arguments = [ ]
self . commas = [ ]
self . kwargs = { }
self . order_error = False
def prepend ( self , statement ) :
if self . num_kwargs ( ) > 0 :
self . order_error = True
if not isinstance ( statement , EmptyNode ) :
self . arguments = [ statement ] + self . arguments
def append ( self , statement ) :
if self . num_kwargs ( ) > 0 :
self . order_error = True
if not isinstance ( statement , EmptyNode ) :
self . arguments + = [ statement ]
def set_kwarg ( self , name , value ) :
self . kwargs [ name ] = value
def num_args ( self ) :
return len ( self . arguments )
def num_kwargs ( self ) :
return len ( self . kwargs )
def incorrect_order ( self ) :
return self . order_error
def __len__ ( self ) :
return self . num_args ( ) # Fixme
comparison_map = { ' equal ' : ' == ' ,
' nequal ' : ' != ' ,
' lt ' : ' < ' ,
' le ' : ' <= ' ,
' gt ' : ' > ' ,
' ge ' : ' >= '
# Recursive descent parser for Meson's definition language.
# Very basic apart from the fact that we have many precedence
# levels so there are not enough words to describe them all.
# Enter numbering:
# 1 assignment
# 2 or
# 3 and
# 4 comparison
# 5 arithmetic
# 6 negation
# 7 funcall, method call
# 8 parentheses
# 9 plain token
class Parser :
def __init__ ( self , code , subdir ) :
self . lexer = Lexer ( code )
self . stream = self . lexer . lex ( subdir )
self . getsym ( )
self . in_ternary = False
def getsym ( self ) :
try :
self . current = next ( self . stream )
except StopIteration :
self . current = Token ( ' eof ' , ' ' , self . current . line_start , self . current . lineno , self . current . colno + self . current . bytespan [ 1 ] - self . current . bytespan [ 0 ] , ( 0 , 0 ) , None )
def accept ( self , s ) :
if self . current . tid == s :
self . getsym ( )
return True
return False
def expect ( self , s ) :
if self . accept ( s ) :
return True
raise ParseException ( ' Expecting %s got %s . ' % ( s , self . current . tid ) , self . lexer . getline ( self . current . line_start ) , self . current . lineno , self . current . colno )
def block_expect ( self , s , block_start ) :
if self . accept ( s ) :
return True
raise BlockParseException ( ' Expecting %s got %s . ' % ( s , self . current . tid ) , self . lexer . getline ( self . current . line_start ) , self . current . lineno , self . current . colno , self . lexer . getline ( block_start . line_start ) , block_start . lineno , block_start . colno )
def parse ( self ) :
block = self . codeblock ( )
self . expect ( ' eof ' )
return block
def statement ( self ) :
return self . e1 ( )
def e1 ( self ) :
left = self . e2 ( )
if self . accept ( ' plusassign ' ) :
value = self . e1 ( )
if not isinstance ( left , IdNode ) :
raise ParseException ( ' Plusassignment target must be an id. ' , left . lineno , left . colno )
return PlusAssignmentNode ( left . lineno , left . colno , left . value , value )
elif self . accept ( ' assign ' ) :
value = self . e1 ( )
if not isinstance ( left , IdNode ) :
raise ParseException ( ' Assignment target must be an id. ' ,
left . lineno , left . colno )
return AssignmentNode ( left . lineno , left . colno , left . value , value )
elif self . accept ( ' questionmark ' ) :
if self . in_ternary :
raise ParseException ( ' Nested ternary operators are not allowed. ' ,
left . lineno , left . colno )
self . in_ternary = True
trueblock = self . e1 ( )
self . expect ( ' colon ' )
falseblock = self . e1 ( )
self . in_ternary = False
return TernaryNode ( left . lineno , left . colno , left , trueblock , falseblock )
return left
def e2 ( self ) :
left = self . e3 ( )
while self . accept ( ' or ' ) :
left = OrNode ( left , self . e3 ( ) )
return left
def e3 ( self ) :
left = self . e4 ( )
while self . accept ( ' and ' ) :
left = AndNode ( left , self . e4 ( ) )
return left
def e4 ( self ) :
left = self . e5 ( )
for nodename , operator_type in comparison_map . items ( ) :
if self . accept ( nodename ) :
return ComparisonNode ( operator_type , left , self . e5 ( ) )
return left
def e5 ( self ) :
return self . e5add ( )
def e5add ( self ) :
left = self . e5sub ( )
if self . accept ( ' plus ' ) :
return ArithmeticNode ( ' add ' , left , self . e5add ( ) )
return left
def e5sub ( self ) :
left = self . e5mod ( )
if self . accept ( ' dash ' ) :
return ArithmeticNode ( ' sub ' , left , self . e5sub ( ) )
return left
def e5mod ( self ) :
left = self . e5mul ( )
if self . accept ( ' percent ' ) :
return ArithmeticNode ( ' mod ' , left , self . e5mod ( ) )
return left
def e5mul ( self ) :
left = self . e5div ( )
if self . accept ( ' star ' ) :
return ArithmeticNode ( ' mul ' , left , self . e5mul ( ) )
return left
def e5div ( self ) :
left = self . e6 ( )
if self . accept ( ' fslash ' ) :
return ArithmeticNode ( ' div ' , left , self . e5div ( ) )
return left
def e6 ( self ) :
if self . accept ( ' not ' ) :
return NotNode ( self . current , self . e7 ( ) )
if self . accept ( ' dash ' ) :
return UMinusNode ( self . current , self . e7 ( ) )
return self . e7 ( )
def e7 ( self ) :
left = self . e8 ( )
block_start = self . current
if self . accept ( ' lparen ' ) :
args = self . args ( )
self . block_expect ( ' rparen ' , block_start )
if not isinstance ( left , IdNode ) :
raise ParseException ( ' Function call must be applied to plain id ' ,
left . lineno , left . colno )
left = FunctionNode ( left . subdir , left . lineno , left . colno , left . value , args )
go_again = True
while go_again :
go_again = False
if self . accept ( ' dot ' ) :
go_again = True
left = self . method_call ( left )
if self . accept ( ' lbracket ' ) :
go_again = True
left = self . index_call ( left )
return left
def e8 ( self ) :
block_start = self . current
if self . accept ( ' lparen ' ) :
e = self . statement ( )
self . block_expect ( ' rparen ' , block_start )
return e
elif self . accept ( ' lbracket ' ) :
args = self . args ( )
self . block_expect ( ' rbracket ' , block_start )
return ArrayNode ( args )
else :
return self . e9 ( )
def e9 ( self ) :
t = self . current
if self . accept ( ' true ' ) :
return BooleanNode ( t , True )
if self . accept ( ' false ' ) :
return BooleanNode ( t , False )
if self . accept ( ' id ' ) :
return IdNode ( t )
if self . accept ( ' number ' ) :
return NumberNode ( t )
if self . accept ( ' string ' ) :
return StringNode ( t )
return EmptyNode ( self . current . lineno , self . current . colno )
def args ( self ) :
s = self . statement ( )
a = ArgumentNode ( s )
while not isinstance ( s , EmptyNode ) :
potential = self . current
if self . accept ( ' comma ' ) :
a . commas . append ( potential )
a . append ( s )
elif self . accept ( ' colon ' ) :
if not isinstance ( s , IdNode ) :
raise ParseException ( ' Keyword argument must be a plain identifier. ' ,
s . lineno , s . colno )
a . set_kwarg ( s . value , self . statement ( ) )
potential = self . current
if not self . accept ( ' comma ' ) :
return a
a . commas . append ( potential )
else :
a . append ( s )
return a
s = self . statement ( )
return a
def method_call ( self , source_object ) :
methodname = self . e9 ( )
if not ( isinstance ( methodname , IdNode ) ) :
raise ParseException ( ' Method name must be plain id ' ,
self . current . lineno , self . current . colno )
self . expect ( ' lparen ' )
args = self . args ( )
self . expect ( ' rparen ' )
method = MethodNode ( methodname . subdir , methodname . lineno , methodname . colno , source_object , methodname . value , args )
if self . accept ( ' dot ' ) :
return self . method_call ( method )
return method
def index_call ( self , source_object ) :
index_statement = self . statement ( )
self . expect ( ' rbracket ' )
return IndexNode ( source_object , index_statement )
def foreachblock ( self ) :
t = self . current
self . expect ( ' id ' )
varname = t
self . expect ( ' colon ' )
items = self . statement ( )
block = self . codeblock ( )
return ForeachClauseNode ( varname . lineno , varname . colno , varname , items , block )
def ifblock ( self ) :
condition = self . statement ( )
clause = IfClauseNode ( condition . lineno , condition . colno )
block = self . codeblock ( )
clause . ifs . append ( IfNode ( clause . lineno , clause . colno , condition , block ) )
self . elseifblock ( clause )
clause . elseblock = self . elseblock ( )
return clause
def elseifblock ( self , clause ) :
while self . accept ( ' elif ' ) :
s = self . statement ( )
self . expect ( ' eol ' )
b = self . codeblock ( )
clause . ifs . append ( IfNode ( s . lineno , s . colno , s , b ) )
def elseblock ( self ) :
if self . accept ( ' else ' ) :
self . expect ( ' eol ' )
return self . codeblock ( )
def line ( self ) :
block_start = self . current
if self . current == ' eol ' :
return EmptyNode ( self . current . lineno , self . current . colno )
if self . accept ( ' if ' ) :
block = self . ifblock ( )
self . block_expect ( ' endif ' , block_start )
return block
if self . accept ( ' foreach ' ) :
block = self . foreachblock ( )
self . block_expect ( ' endforeach ' , block_start )
return block
return self . statement ( )
def codeblock ( self ) :
block = CodeBlockNode ( self . current )
cond = True
while cond :
curline = self . line ( )
if not isinstance ( curline , EmptyNode ) :
block . lines . append ( curline )
cond = self . accept ( ' eol ' )
return block