#compdef meson
# vim:ts=2 sw=2
# Copyright (c) 2017 Arseny Maslennikov
# All rights reserved. Individual authors, whether or not
# specifically named, retain copyright in all changes; in what follows, they
# are referred to as `the Meson development team'. This is for convenience
# only and this body has no legal status. This file is distributed under
# the following licence.
# Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without
# licence or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
# software and to distribute modified versions of this software for any
# purpose, provided that the above copyright notice and the following
# two paragraphs appear in all copies of this software.
# In no event shall the Meson development team be liable to any party for
# direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out
# of the use of this software and its documentation, even if the Meson
# development team have been advised of the possibility of such damage.
# The Meson development team specifically disclaim any warranties, including,
# but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness
# for a particular purpose. The software provided hereunder is on an "as is"
# basis, and the Meson development team have no obligation to provide
# maintenance, support, updates, enhancements, or modifications.
local curcontext="$curcontext" state line
local -i ret
local __meson_backends="(ninja xcode ${(j. .)${:-vs{,2010,2015,2017}}})"
local __meson_build_types="(plain debug debugoptimized minsize release)"
local __meson_wrap_modes="(WrapMode.{default,nofallback,nodownload,forcefallback})"
local -a __meson_common=(
'--prefix=[installation prefix]: :_directories'
'--bindir=[executable directory]: :_directories'
'--datadir=[data file directory]: :_directories'
'--includedir=[header file directory]: :_directories'
'--infodir=[info page directory]: :_directories'
'--libdir=[library directory]: :_directories'
'--libexecdir=[library executable directory]: :_directories'
'--localedir=[locale data directory]: :_directories'
'--localstatedir=[local state data directory]: :_directories'
'--mandir=[manual page directory]: :_directories'
'--sbindir=[system executable directory]: :_directories'
'--sharedstatedir=[arch-independent data directory]: :_directories'
'--sysconfdir=[system configuration directory]: :_directories'
'--auto-features=[default value for auto features]:auto features types:(auto disabled enabled)'
'--backend=[backend to use]:Meson backend:'"$__meson_backends"
'--buildtype=[build type to use]:Meson build type:'"$__meson_build_types"
'--debug[turn on building with debug]'
'--default-library=[default library type]:default library type:(shared static both)'
'--errorlogs[prints the logs from failing tests]'
'--install-umask=[default umask for permissions of all installed files]'
'--layout=[build directory layout]:build directory layout:(flat mirror)'
'--optimization=[optimization level for compiled targets]:optimization:(0 g 1 2 3 s)'
'--stdsplit=[split stdout and stderr in test logs]'
'--strip[strip targets on install]'
'--unity=[unity builds on/off]:whether to do unity builds:(on off subprojects)'
'--warnlevel=[compiler warning level]:compiler warning level:warning level:(1 2 3)'
'--werror[treat warnings as errors]'
'--wrap-mode=[special wrap mode]:wrap mode:'"$__meson_wrap_modes"
'--force-fallback-for=[force fallback for listed subprojects]'
'--pkg-config-path=[extra paths for HOST pkg-config to search]:paths:_dir_list -s ,'
'--build.pkg-config-path=[extra paths for BUILD pkg-config to search]:paths:_dir_list -s ,'
'--cmake-prefix-path=[extra prefixes for HOST cmake to search]:paths:_dir_list -s ,'
'--build.cmake-prefix-path=[extra prefix for BUILD cmake to search]:paths:_dir_list -s ,'
local -a meson_commands=(
'setup:set up a build directory'
'configure:configure a project'
'test:run tests'
'introspect:query project properties'
'wrap:manage source dependencies'
(( $+functions[__meson_is_build_dir] )) || __meson_is_build_dir() {
local mpd="${1:-$PWD}/meson-private"
[[ -f "$mpd/build.dat" && -f "$mpd/coredata.dat" ]]
return $?
# TODO: implement build option completion
(( $+functions[__meson_build_options] )) || __meson_build_options() {}
# `meson introspect` currently can provide that information in JSON.
# We can:
# 1) pipe its output to python3 -m json.tool | grep "$alovelyregex" | cut <...>
# 2) teach mintro.py to use a different output format
# (or perhaps just to select the fields printed)
(( $+functions[__meson_test_names] )) || __meson_test_names() {
local rtests
if rtests="$(_call_program meson meson test ${opt_args[-C]:+-C "$opt_args[-C]"} --list)";
local -a tests=(${(@f)rtests})
_describe -t "tests" "Meson tests" tests
_message -r "current working directory is not a build directory"
_message -r 'use -C $build_dir or cd $build_dir'
(( $+functions[_meson_commands] )) || _meson_commands() {
_describe -t commands "Meson subcommands" meson_commands
(( $+functions[_meson-setup] )) || _meson-setup() {
local firstd secondd
if [[ -f "meson.build" ]]; then
# if there's no second argument on the command line
# cwd will implicitly be substituted:
# - as the source directory if it has a file with the name "meson.build";
# - as the build directory otherwise
# more info in mesonbuild/mesonmain.py
_arguments \
'*-D-[set the value of a build option]:build option:__meson_build_options' \
'--cross-file=[cross-compilation environment description]:cross file:_files' \
'--native-file=[build machine compilation environment description]:native file:_files' \
'--clearcache[clear cached state]' \
'--fatal-meson-warnings=[exit when any meson warnings are encountered]' \
'(-v --version)'{'-v','--version'}'[print the meson version and exit]' \
'--reconfigure=[re-run build configuration]' \
'--wipe=[delete saved state and restart using saved command line options]' \
":$firstd directory:_directories" \
"::$secondd directory:_directories" \
(( $+functions[_meson-configure] )) || _meson-configure() {
local curcontext="$curcontext"
# TODO: implement 'mesonconf @file'
local -a specs=(
'*-D-[set the value of a build option]:build option:__meson_build_options'
'::build directory:_directories'
_arguments \
'(: -)'{'--help','-h'}'[show a help message and quit]' \
"${(@)specs}" \
(( $+functions[_meson-test] )) || _meson-test() {
local curcontext="$curcontext"
# TODO: complete test suites
local -a specs=(
'(--quiet -q)'{'--quiet','-q'}'[produce less output to the terminal]'
'(--verbose -v)'{'--verbose','-v'}'[do not redirect stdout and stderr]'
'(--timeout-multiplier -t)'{'--timeout-multiplier','-t'}'[a multiplier for test timeouts]:Python floating-point number: '
'-C[directory to cd into]: :_directories'
'--repeat[number of times to run the tests]:number of times to repeat: '
'--no-rebuild[do not rebuild before running tests]'
'--gdb[run tests under gdb]'
'--list[list available tests]'
'(--wrapper --wrap)'{'--wrapper=','--wrap='}'[wrapper to run tests with]:wrapper program:_path_commands'
'(--no-suite)--suite[only run tests from this suite]:test suite: '
'(--suite)--no-suite[do not run tests from this suite]:test suite: '
'--no-stdsplit[do not split stderr and stdout in logs]'
'--print-errorlogs[print logs for failing tests]'
'--benchmark[run benchmarks instead of tests]'
'--logbase[base name for log file]:filename: '
'--num-processes[how many threads to use]:number of processes: '
'--setup[which test setup to use]:test setup: '
'--test-args[arguments to pass to the tests]: : '
'*:Meson tests:__meson_test_names'
_arguments \
'(: -)'{'--help','-h'}'[show a help message and quit]' \
(( $+functions[_meson-introspect] )) || _meson-introspect() {
local curcontext="$curcontext"
local -a specs=(
'--ast[dump the ASK of the meson file]'
'--benchmarks[list all benchmarks]'
'--buildoptions[list all build options]'
'--buildsystem-files[list files that belong to the build system]'
'--dependencies[list external dependencies]'
'--installed[list all installed files and directories]'
'--projectinfo[show project information]'
'--targets[list top level targets]'
'--tests[list all unit tests]'
'--backend=[backend to use]:Meson backend:'"$__meson_backends"
'::build directory:_directories'
_arguments \
'(: -)'{'--help','-h'}'[show a help message and quit]' \
(( $+functions[_meson-wrap] )) || _meson-wrap() {
if [[ $service != meson ]]; then
_call_function ret _$service
return ret
_arguments -C -R \
'(: -)'{'--help','-h'}'[show a help message and quit]' \
'(: -)'{'--version','-v'}'[show version information and quit]' \
'(-): :_meson_commands' \
'*:: :->post-command' \
[[ $ret = 300 ]] && case "$state" in
_call_function ret _$service
return ret