# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Copyright 2021 The Meson development team
from .loaderbase import LoaderBase
from .model import (
from mesonbuild import mlog
from mesonbuild import mesonlib
from pathlib import Path
import typing as T
class Template:
d_feature_check: T.Dict[str, T.Any] = {}
s_posarg: T.Dict[str, T.Any] = {}
s_varargs: T.Dict[str, T.Any] = {}
s_kwarg: T.Dict[str, T.Any] = {}
s_function: T.Dict[str, T.Any] = {}
s_object: T.Dict[str, T.Any] = {}
class StrictTemplate(Template):
def __init__(self) -> None:
from strictyaml import Map, MapPattern, Optional, Str, Seq, Int, Bool, EmptyList, OrValidator # type: ignore[import-untyped]
d_named_object = {
'name': Str(),
'description': Str(),
d_feture_check = {
Optional('since', default=''): Str(),
Optional('deprecated', default=''): Str(),
self.s_posarg = Map({
'description': Str(),
'type': Str(),
Optional('default', default=''): Str(),
self.s_varargs = Map({
**d_named_object, **d_feture_check,
'type': Str(),
Optional('min_varargs', default=-1): Int(),
Optional('max_varargs', default=-1): Int(),
self.s_kwarg = Map({
'type': Str(),
'description': Str(),
Optional('required', default=False): Bool(),
Optional('default', default=''): Str(),
self.s_function = Map({
**d_named_object, **d_feture_check,
'returns': Str(),
Optional('notes', default=[]): OrValidator(Seq(Str()), EmptyList()),
Optional('warnings', default=[]): OrValidator(Seq(Str()), EmptyList()),
Optional('example', default=''): Str(),
Optional('posargs'): MapPattern(Str(), self.s_posarg),
Optional('optargs'): MapPattern(Str(), self.s_posarg),
Optional('varargs'): self.s_varargs,
Optional('posargs_inherit', default=''): Str(),
Optional('optargs_inherit', default=''): Str(),
Optional('varargs_inherit', default=''): Str(),
Optional('kwargs'): MapPattern(Str(), self.s_kwarg),
Optional('kwargs_inherit', default=[]): OrValidator(OrValidator(Seq(Str()), EmptyList()), Str()),
Optional('arg_flattening', default=True): Bool(),
self.s_object = Map({
**d_named_object, **d_feture_check,
'long_name': Str(),
Optional('extends', default=''): Str(),
Optional('notes', default=[]): OrValidator(Seq(Str()), EmptyList()),
Optional('warnings', default=[]): OrValidator(Seq(Str()), EmptyList()),
Optional('example', default=''): Str(),
Optional('methods'): Seq(self.s_function),
Optional('is_container', default=False): Bool()
class FastTemplate(Template):
d_feature_check: T.Dict[str, T.Any] = {
'since': '',
'deprecated': '',
s_posarg = {
'default': '',
s_varargs: T.Dict[str, T.Any] = {
'min_varargs': -1,
'max_varargs': -1,
s_kwarg = {
'required': False,
'default': '',
s_function = {
'notes': [],
'warnings': [],
'example': '',
'posargs': {},
'optargs': {},
'varargs': None,
'posargs_inherit': '',
'optargs_inherit': '',
'varargs_inherit': '',
'kwargs': {},
'kwargs_inherit': [],
'arg_flattening': True,
s_object = {
'extends': '',
'notes': [],
'warnings': [],
'example': '',
'methods': [],
'is_container': False,
class LoaderYAML(LoaderBase):
def __init__(self, yaml_dir: Path, strict: bool=True) -> None:
self.yaml_dir = yaml_dir
self.func_dir = self.yaml_dir / 'functions'
self.elem_dir = self.yaml_dir / 'elementary'
self.objs_dir = self.yaml_dir / 'objects'
self.builtin_dir = self.yaml_dir / 'builtins'
self.modules_dir = self.yaml_dir / 'modules'
self.strict = strict
template: Template
if self.strict:
import strictyaml
def loader(file: str, template: T.Any, label: str) -> T.Dict:
r: T.Dict = strictyaml.load(file, template, label=label).data
return r
self._load = loader
template = StrictTemplate()
import yaml
from yaml import CLoader
def loader(file: str, template: T.Any, label: str) -> T.Dict:
return {**template, **yaml.load(file, Loader=CLoader)}
self._load = loader
template = FastTemplate()
self.template = template
def _fix_default(self, v: T.Dict) -> None:
if v["default"] is False:
v["default"] = "false"
elif v["default"] is True:
v["default"] = "true"
v["default"] = str(v["default"])
def _process_function_base(self, raw: T.Dict, obj: T.Optional[Object] = None) -> Function:
# Handle arguments
posargs = raw.pop('posargs', {})
optargs = raw.pop('optargs', {})
varargs = raw.pop('varargs', None)
kwargs = raw.pop('kwargs', {})
# Fix kwargs_inherit
if isinstance(raw['kwargs_inherit'], str):
raw['kwargs_inherit'] = [raw['kwargs_inherit']]
# Parse args
posargs_mapped: T.List[PosArg] = []
optargs_mapped: T.List[PosArg] = []
varargs_mapped: T.Optional[VarArgs] = None
kwargs_mapped: T.Dict[str, Kwarg] = {}
for k, v in posargs.items():
if not self.strict:
v = {**self.template.s_posarg, **v}
v['type'] = Type(v['type'])
posargs_mapped += [PosArg(name=k, **v)]
for k, v in optargs.items():
if not self.strict:
v = {**self.template.s_posarg, **v}
v['type'] = Type(v['type'])
optargs_mapped += [PosArg(name=k, **v)]
for k, v in kwargs.items():
if not self.strict:
v = {**self.template.s_kwarg, **v}
v['type'] = Type(v['type'])
kwargs_mapped[k] = Kwarg(name=k, **v)
if varargs is not None:
if not self.strict:
varargs = {**self.template.s_varargs, **varargs}
varargs['type'] = Type(varargs['type'])
varargs_mapped = VarArgs(**varargs)
raw['returns'] = Type(raw['returns'])
# Build function object
if obj is not None:
return Method(
return Function(
def _load_function(self, path: Path, obj: T.Optional[Object] = None) -> Function:
path_label = path.relative_to(self.yaml_dir).as_posix()
mlog.log('Loading', mlog.bold(path_label))
raw = self._load(self.read_file(path), self.template.s_function, label=path_label)
return self._process_function_base(raw)
def _load_object(self, obj_type: ObjectType, path: Path) -> Object:
path_label = path.relative_to(self.yaml_dir).as_posix()
mlog.log(f'Loading', mlog.bold(path_label))
raw = self._load(self.read_file(path), self.template.s_object, label=path_label)
def as_methods(mlist: T.List[Function]) -> T.List[Method]:
res: T.List[Method] = []
for i in mlist:
assert isinstance(i, Method)
res += [i]
return res
methods = raw.pop('methods', [])
obj = Object(methods=[], obj_type=obj_type, **raw)
newmethods = []
for x in methods:
if not self.strict:
x = {**self.template.s_function, **x}
newmethods += [self._process_function_base(x, obj)]
obj.methods = as_methods(newmethods)
return obj
def _load_module(self, path: Path) -> T.List[Object]:
assert path.is_dir()
module = self._load_object(ObjectType.MODULE, path / 'module.yaml')
objs = []
for p in path.iterdir():
if p.name == 'module.yaml':
obj = self._load_object(ObjectType.RETURNED, p)
obj.defined_by_module = module
objs += [obj]
return [module, *objs]
def load_impl(self) -> ReferenceManual:
mlog.log('Loading YAML reference manual')
with mlog.nested():
manual = ReferenceManual(
functions=[self._load_function(x) for x in self.func_dir.iterdir()],
[self._load_object(ObjectType.ELEMENTARY, x) for x in self.elem_dir.iterdir()],
[self._load_object(ObjectType.RETURNED, x) for x in self.objs_dir.iterdir()],
[self._load_object(ObjectType.BUILTIN, x) for x in self.builtin_dir.iterdir()],
[self._load_module(x) for x in self.modules_dir.iterdir()]
], flatten=True)
if not self.strict:
mlog.warning('YAML reference manual loaded using the best-effort fastyaml loader. Results are not guaranteed to be stable or correct.')
return manual