# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Copyright 2013-2014 The Meson development team
"""This is (mostly) a standalone module used to write logging
information about Meson runs. Some output goes to screen,
some to logging dir and some goes to both."""
from __future__ import annotations
import enum
import os
import io
import sys
import time
import platform
import shlex
import subprocess
import shutil
import typing as T
from contextlib import contextmanager
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from pathlib import Path
When configuring fails in Github Actions, print folded logs
A common, and challenging, issue in CI runners is debugging issues when
you know the information you want to check, but it's in the log file
which you don't have because remote CI machines.
There are various edge cases where this is especially hard to solve,
such as inside of `pip install` where the build directory with the log
file is automatically cleaned up. But it's never really *easy* when you
don't expect it, and the best case scenario is your iteration time gets
cut in half as you hurriedly go add some `cat`s to your CI scripts.
Meson can, at least sometimes, detect platforms where text can be
emitted inside of "folds", which are auto-collapsed and don't obscure
the general output, but when clicked will expand the logfile contents.
Hook this up.
We start off with a Github Actions implementation. We had some internal
code used by our own project tests runner, which can be utilized.
Also permit forcing it via an environment variable, in case
autodetection fails and you just want to force *something*, especially
when meson is called a couple layers deep inside some other tool.
1 year ago
from typing_extensions import Literal
When configuring fails in Github Actions, print folded logs
A common, and challenging, issue in CI runners is debugging issues when
you know the information you want to check, but it's in the log file
which you don't have because remote CI machines.
There are various edge cases where this is especially hard to solve,
such as inside of `pip install` where the build directory with the log
file is automatically cleaned up. But it's never really *easy* when you
don't expect it, and the best case scenario is your iteration time gets
cut in half as you hurriedly go add some `cat`s to your CI scripts.
Meson can, at least sometimes, detect platforms where text can be
emitted inside of "folds", which are auto-collapsed and don't obscure
the general output, but when clicked will expand the logfile contents.
Hook this up.
We start off with a Github Actions implementation. We had some internal
code used by our own project tests runner, which can be utilized.
Also permit forcing it via an environment variable, in case
autodetection fails and you just want to force *something*, especially
when meson is called a couple layers deep inside some other tool.
1 year ago
from ._typing import StringProtocol, SizedStringProtocol
from .mparser import BaseNode
TV_Loggable = T.Union[str, 'AnsiDecorator', StringProtocol]
TV_LoggableList = T.List[TV_Loggable]
def is_windows() -> bool:
platname = platform.system().lower()
return platname == 'windows'
def _windows_ansi() -> bool:
# windll only exists on windows, so mypy will get mad
from ctypes import windll, byref # type: ignore
from ctypes.wintypes import DWORD
kernel = windll.kernel32
stdout = kernel.GetStdHandle(-11)
mode = DWORD()
if not kernel.GetConsoleMode(stdout, byref(mode)):
return False
# If the call to enable VT processing fails (returns 0), we fallback to
# original behavior
return bool(kernel.SetConsoleMode(stdout, mode.value | 0x4) or os.environ.get('ANSICON'))
_in_ci = 'CI' in os.environ
When configuring fails in Github Actions, print folded logs
A common, and challenging, issue in CI runners is debugging issues when
you know the information you want to check, but it's in the log file
which you don't have because remote CI machines.
There are various edge cases where this is especially hard to solve,
such as inside of `pip install` where the build directory with the log
file is automatically cleaned up. But it's never really *easy* when you
don't expect it, and the best case scenario is your iteration time gets
cut in half as you hurriedly go add some `cat`s to your CI scripts.
Meson can, at least sometimes, detect platforms where text can be
emitted inside of "folds", which are auto-collapsed and don't obscure
the general output, but when clicked will expand the logfile contents.
Hook this up.
We start off with a Github Actions implementation. We had some internal
code used by our own project tests runner, which can be utilized.
Also permit forcing it via an environment variable, in case
autodetection fails and you just want to force *something*, especially
when meson is called a couple layers deep inside some other tool.
1 year ago
_ci_is_github = 'GITHUB_ACTIONS' in os.environ
class _Severity(enum.Enum):
NOTICE = enum.auto()
WARNING = enum.auto()
ERROR = enum.auto()
DEPRECATION = enum.auto()
class _Logger:
log_dir: T.Optional[str] = None
log_depth: T.List[str] = field(default_factory=list)
log_to_stderr: bool = False
log_file: T.Optional[T.TextIO] = None
log_timestamp_start: T.Optional[float] = None
log_fatal_warnings = False
log_disable_stdout = False
log_errors_only = False
logged_once: T.Set[T.Tuple[str, ...]] = field(default_factory=set)
log_warnings_counter = 0
log_pager: T.Optional['subprocess.Popen'] = None
_LOG_FNAME: T.ClassVar[str] = 'meson-log.txt'
def no_logging(self) -> T.Iterator[None]:
self.log_disable_stdout = True
self.log_disable_stdout = False
def force_logging(self) -> T.Iterator[None]:
restore = self.log_disable_stdout
self.log_disable_stdout = False
self.log_disable_stdout = restore
def set_quiet(self) -> None:
self.log_errors_only = True
def set_verbose(self) -> None:
self.log_errors_only = False
def set_timestamp_start(self, start: float) -> None:
self.log_timestamp_start = start
def shutdown(self) -> T.Optional[str]:
if self.log_file is not None:
path = self.log_file.name
exception_around_goer = self.log_file
self.log_file = None
return path
return None
def start_pager(self) -> None:
if not self.colorize_console():
pager_cmd = []
if 'PAGER' in os.environ:
pager_cmd = shlex.split(os.environ['PAGER'])
less = shutil.which('less')
if not less and is_windows():
git = shutil.which('git')
if git:
path = Path(git).parents[1] / 'usr' / 'bin'
less = shutil.which('less', path=str(path))
if less:
pager_cmd = [less]
if not pager_cmd:
# Set 'LESS' environment variable, rather than arguments in
# pager_cmd, to also support the case where the user has 'PAGER'
# set to 'less'. Arguments set are:
# "R" : support color
# "X" : do not clear the screen when leaving the pager
# "F" : skip the pager if content fits into the screen
env = os.environ.copy()
if 'LESS' not in env:
env['LESS'] = 'RXF'
# Set "-c" for lv to support color
if 'LV' not in env:
env['LV'] = '-c'
self.log_pager = subprocess.Popen(pager_cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
text=True, encoding='utf-8', env=env)
except Exception as e:
# Ignore errors, unless it is a user defined pager.
if 'PAGER' in os.environ:
from .mesonlib import MesonException
raise MesonException(f'Failed to start pager: {str(e)}')
def stop_pager(self) -> None:
if self.log_pager:
except OSError:
self.log_pager = None
def initialize(self, logdir: str, fatal_warnings: bool = False) -> None:
self.log_dir = logdir
self.log_file = open(os.path.join(logdir, self._LOG_FNAME), 'w', encoding='utf-8')
self.log_fatal_warnings = fatal_warnings
def process_markup(self, args: T.Sequence[TV_Loggable], keep: bool, display_timestamp: bool = True) -> T.List[str]:
arr: T.List[str] = []
if self.log_timestamp_start is not None and display_timestamp:
arr = ['[{:.3f}]'.format(time.monotonic() - self.log_timestamp_start)]
for arg in args:
if arg is None:
if isinstance(arg, str):
elif isinstance(arg, AnsiDecorator):
return arr
def force_print(self, *args: str, nested: bool, sep: T.Optional[str] = None,
end: T.Optional[str] = None) -> None:
if self.log_disable_stdout:
iostr = io.StringIO()
print(*args, sep=sep, end=end, file=iostr)
raw = iostr.getvalue()
if self.log_depth:
prepend = self.log_depth[-1] + '| ' if nested else ''
lines = []
for l in raw.split('\n'):
l = l.strip()
lines.append(prepend + l if l else '')
raw = '\n'.join(lines)
# _Something_ is going to get printed.
if self.log_pager:
output = self.log_pager.stdin
elif self.log_to_stderr:
output = sys.stderr
output = sys.stdout
print(raw, end='', file=output)
except UnicodeEncodeError:
cleaned = raw.encode('ascii', 'replace').decode('ascii')
print(cleaned, end='', file=output)
def debug(self, *args: TV_Loggable, sep: T.Optional[str] = None,
end: T.Optional[str] = None, display_timestamp: bool = True) -> None:
arr = process_markup(args, False, display_timestamp)
if self.log_file is not None:
print(*arr, file=self.log_file, sep=sep, end=end)
def _log(self, *args: TV_Loggable, is_error: bool = False,
nested: bool = True, sep: T.Optional[str] = None,
end: T.Optional[str] = None, display_timestamp: bool = True) -> None:
arr = process_markup(args, False, display_timestamp)
if self.log_file is not None:
print(*arr, file=self.log_file, sep=sep, end=end)
if self.colorize_console():
arr = process_markup(args, True, display_timestamp)
if not self.log_errors_only or is_error:
force_print(*arr, nested=nested, sep=sep, end=end)
def _debug_log_cmd(self, cmd: str, args: T.List[str]) -> None:
if not _in_ci:
args = [f'"{x}"' for x in args] # Quote all args, just in case
self.debug('!meson_ci!/{} {}'.format(cmd, ' '.join(args)))
def cmd_ci_include(self, file: str) -> None:
self._debug_log_cmd('ci_include', [file])
def log(self, *args: TV_Loggable, is_error: bool = False,
once: bool = False, nested: bool = True,
sep: T.Optional[str] = None,
end: T.Optional[str] = None,
display_timestamp: bool = True) -> None:
if self._should_log(*args, once=once):
self._log(*args, is_error=is_error, nested=nested, sep=sep, end=end, display_timestamp=display_timestamp)
def log_timestamp(self, *args: TV_Loggable) -> None:
if self.log_timestamp_start:
def _should_log(self, *args: TV_Loggable, once: bool) -> bool:
def to_str(x: TV_Loggable) -> str:
if isinstance(x, str):
return x
if isinstance(x, AnsiDecorator):
return x.text
return str(x)
if not once:
return True
t = tuple(to_str(a) for a in args)
if t in self.logged_once:
return False
return True
def _log_error(self, severity: _Severity, *rargs: TV_Loggable,
once: bool = False, fatal: bool = True,
location: T.Optional[BaseNode] = None,
nested: bool = True, sep: T.Optional[str] = None,
end: T.Optional[str] = None,
is_error: bool = True) -> None:
from .mesonlib import MesonException, relpath
# The typing requirements here are non-obvious. Lists are invariant,
# therefore T.List[A] and T.List[T.Union[A, B]] are not able to be joined
if severity is _Severity.NOTICE:
label: TV_LoggableList = [bold('NOTICE:')]
elif severity is _Severity.WARNING:
label = [yellow('WARNING:')]
elif severity is _Severity.ERROR:
label = [red('ERROR:')]
elif severity is _Severity.DEPRECATION:
label = [red('DEPRECATION:')]
# rargs is a tuple, not a list
args = label + list(rargs)
if not self._should_log(*args, once=once):
if location is not None:
location_file = relpath(location.filename, os.getcwd())
location_str = get_error_location_string(location_file, location.lineno)
# Unions are frankly awful, and we have to T.cast here to get mypy
# to understand that the list concatenation is safe
location_list = T.cast('TV_LoggableList', [location_str])
args = location_list + args
self._log(*args, nested=nested, sep=sep, end=end, is_error=is_error)
self.log_warnings_counter += 1
if self.log_fatal_warnings and fatal:
raise MesonException("Fatal warnings enabled, aborting")
def error(self, *args: TV_Loggable,
once: bool = False, fatal: bool = True,
location: T.Optional[BaseNode] = None,
nested: bool = True, sep: T.Optional[str] = None,
end: T.Optional[str] = None) -> None:
return self._log_error(_Severity.ERROR, *args, once=once, fatal=fatal, location=location,
nested=nested, sep=sep, end=end, is_error=True)
def warning(self, *args: TV_Loggable,
once: bool = False, fatal: bool = True,
location: T.Optional[BaseNode] = None,
nested: bool = True, sep: T.Optional[str] = None,
end: T.Optional[str] = None) -> None:
return self._log_error(_Severity.WARNING, *args, once=once, fatal=fatal, location=location,
nested=nested, sep=sep, end=end, is_error=True)
def deprecation(self, *args: TV_Loggable,
once: bool = False, fatal: bool = True,
location: T.Optional[BaseNode] = None,
nested: bool = True, sep: T.Optional[str] = None,
end: T.Optional[str] = None) -> None:
return self._log_error(_Severity.DEPRECATION, *args, once=once, fatal=fatal, location=location,
nested=nested, sep=sep, end=end, is_error=True)
def notice(self, *args: TV_Loggable,
once: bool = False, fatal: bool = True,
location: T.Optional[BaseNode] = None,
nested: bool = True, sep: T.Optional[str] = None,
end: T.Optional[str] = None) -> None:
return self._log_error(_Severity.NOTICE, *args, once=once, fatal=fatal, location=location,
nested=nested, sep=sep, end=end, is_error=False)
def exception(self, e: Exception, prefix: T.Optional[AnsiDecorator] = None) -> None:
if prefix is None:
prefix = red('ERROR:')
args: T.List[T.Union[AnsiDecorator, str]] = []
if all(getattr(e, a, None) is not None for a in ['file', 'lineno', 'colno']):
# Mypy doesn't follow hasattr, and it's pretty easy to visually inspect
# that this is correct, so we'll just ignore it.
path = get_relative_path(Path(e.file), Path(os.getcwd())) # type: ignore
args.append(f'{path}:{e.lineno}:{e.colno}:') # type: ignore
if prefix:
with self.force_logging():
self.log(*args, is_error=True)
def nested(self, name: str = '') -> T.Generator[None, None, None]:
def get_log_dir(self) -> str:
return self.log_dir
def get_log_depth(self) -> int:
return len(self.log_depth)
def nested_warnings(self) -> T.Iterator[None]:
old = self.log_warnings_counter
self.log_warnings_counter = 0
self.log_warnings_counter = old
def get_warning_count(self) -> int:
return self.log_warnings_counter
def redirect(self, to_stderr: bool) -> None:
self.log_to_stderr = to_stderr
def colorize_console(self) -> bool:
output = sys.stderr if self.log_to_stderr else sys.stdout
_colorize_console: bool = getattr(output, 'colorize_console', None)
if _colorize_console is not None:
return _colorize_console
if is_windows():
_colorize_console = os.isatty(output.fileno()) and _windows_ansi()
_colorize_console = os.isatty(output.fileno()) and os.environ.get('TERM', 'dumb') != 'dumb'
except Exception:
_colorize_console = False
output.colorize_console = _colorize_console # type: ignore[attr-defined]
return _colorize_console
def setup_console(self) -> None:
# on Windows, a subprocess might call SetConsoleMode() on the console
# connected to stdout and turn off ANSI escape processing. Call this after
# running a subprocess to ensure we turn it on again.
output = sys.stderr if self.log_to_stderr else sys.stdout
if is_windows():
delattr(output, 'colorize_console')
except AttributeError:
_logger = _Logger()
cmd_ci_include = _logger.cmd_ci_include
colorize_console = _logger.colorize_console
debug = _logger.debug
deprecation = _logger.deprecation
error = _logger.error
exception = _logger.exception
force_print = _logger.force_print
get_log_depth = _logger.get_log_depth
get_log_dir = _logger.get_log_dir
get_warning_count = _logger.get_warning_count
initialize = _logger.initialize
log = _logger.log
log_timestamp = _logger.log_timestamp
nested = _logger.nested
nested_warnings = _logger.nested_warnings
no_logging = _logger.no_logging
notice = _logger.notice
process_markup = _logger.process_markup
redirect = _logger.redirect
set_quiet = _logger.set_quiet
set_timestamp_start = _logger.set_timestamp_start
set_verbose = _logger.set_verbose
setup_console = _logger.setup_console
shutdown = _logger.shutdown
start_pager = _logger.start_pager
stop_pager = _logger.stop_pager
warning = _logger.warning
class AnsiDecorator:
plain_code = "\033[0m"
def __init__(self, text: str, code: str, quoted: bool = False):
self.text = text
self.code = code
self.quoted = quoted
def get_text(self, with_codes: bool) -> str:
text = self.text
if with_codes and self.code:
text = self.code + self.text + AnsiDecorator.plain_code
if self.quoted:
text = f'"{text}"'
return text
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self.text)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return self.get_text(colorize_console())
class AnsiText:
def __init__(self, *args: 'SizedStringProtocol'):
self.args = args
def __len__(self) -> int:
return sum(len(x) for x in self.args)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return ''.join(str(x) for x in self.args)
def bold(text: str, quoted: bool = False) -> AnsiDecorator:
return AnsiDecorator(text, "\033[1m", quoted=quoted)
def italic(text: str, quoted: bool = False) -> AnsiDecorator:
return AnsiDecorator(text, "\033[3m", quoted=quoted)
def plain(text: str) -> AnsiDecorator:
return AnsiDecorator(text, "")
def red(text: str) -> AnsiDecorator:
return AnsiDecorator(text, "\033[1;31m")
def green(text: str) -> AnsiDecorator:
return AnsiDecorator(text, "\033[1;32m")
def yellow(text: str) -> AnsiDecorator:
return AnsiDecorator(text, "\033[1;33m")
def blue(text: str) -> AnsiDecorator:
return AnsiDecorator(text, "\033[1;34m")
def cyan(text: str) -> AnsiDecorator:
return AnsiDecorator(text, "\033[1;36m")
def normal_red(text: str) -> AnsiDecorator:
return AnsiDecorator(text, "\033[31m")
def normal_green(text: str) -> AnsiDecorator:
return AnsiDecorator(text, "\033[32m")
def normal_yellow(text: str) -> AnsiDecorator:
return AnsiDecorator(text, "\033[33m")
def normal_blue(text: str) -> AnsiDecorator:
return AnsiDecorator(text, "\033[34m")
def normal_cyan(text: str) -> AnsiDecorator:
return AnsiDecorator(text, "\033[36m")
def get_error_location_string(fname: StringProtocol, lineno: int) -> str:
return f'{fname}:{lineno}:'
def get_relative_path(target: Path, current: Path) -> Path:
"""Get the path to target from current"""
# Go up "current" until we find a common ancestor to target
acc = ['.']
for part in [current, *current.parents]:
path = target.relative_to(part)
return Path(*acc, path)
except ValueError:
acc += ['..']
# we failed, should not get here
return target
# Format a list for logging purposes as a string. It separates
# all but the last item with commas, and the last with 'and'.
def format_list(input_list: T.List[str]) -> str:
l = len(input_list)
if l > 2:
return ' and '.join([', '.join(input_list[:-1]), input_list[-1]])
elif l == 2:
return ' and '.join(input_list)
elif l == 1:
return input_list[0]
return ''
def code_line(text: str, line: str, colno: int) -> str:
"""Print a line with a caret pointing to the colno
:param text: A message to display before the line
:param line: The line of code to be pointed to
:param colno: The column number to point at
:return: A formatted string of the text, line, and a caret
return f'{text}\n{line}\n{" " * colno}^'
When configuring fails in Github Actions, print folded logs
A common, and challenging, issue in CI runners is debugging issues when
you know the information you want to check, but it's in the log file
which you don't have because remote CI machines.
There are various edge cases where this is especially hard to solve,
such as inside of `pip install` where the build directory with the log
file is automatically cleaned up. But it's never really *easy* when you
don't expect it, and the best case scenario is your iteration time gets
cut in half as you hurriedly go add some `cat`s to your CI scripts.
Meson can, at least sometimes, detect platforms where text can be
emitted inside of "folds", which are auto-collapsed and don't obscure
the general output, but when clicked will expand the logfile contents.
Hook this up.
We start off with a Github Actions implementation. We had some internal
code used by our own project tests runner, which can be utilized.
Also permit forcing it via an environment variable, in case
autodetection fails and you just want to force *something*, especially
when meson is called a couple layers deep inside some other tool.
1 year ago
def ci_fold_file(fname: T.Union[str, os.PathLike], banner: str, force: Literal[True] = True) -> str: ...
def ci_fold_file(fname: T.Union[str, os.PathLike], banner: str, force: Literal[False] = False) -> T.Optional[str]: ...
def ci_fold_file(fname: T.Union[str, os.PathLike], banner: str, force: bool = False) -> T.Optional[str]:
if not _in_ci and not force:
return None
if _ci_is_github:
header = f'::group::==== {banner} ===='
footer = '::endgroup::'
elif force:
header = banner
footer = ''
elif 'MESON_FORCE_SHOW_LOGS' in os.environ:
header = f'==== Forcing display of logs for {os.path.basename(fname)} ===='
footer = ''
# only github is implemented
return None
with open(fname, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
data = f.read()
return f'{header}\n{data}\n{footer}\n'