The Meson Build System
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

373 lines
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# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Copyright 2014-2016 The Meson development team
# Copyright © 2023-2024 Intel Corporation
from __future__ import annotations
import itertools
import hashlib
import shutil
import os
import textwrap
import typing as T
import collections
from . import build
from . import coredata
from . import options
from . import environment
from . import mesonlib
from . import mintro
from . import mlog
from .ast import AstIDGenerator, IntrospectionInterpreter
from .mesonlib import MachineChoice
from .options import OptionKey
from .optinterpreter import OptionInterpreter
from typing_extensions import Protocol
8 months ago
from typing import Any
from .options import UserOption
import argparse
class CMDOptions(coredata.SharedCMDOptions, Protocol):
builddir: str
clearcache: bool
pager: bool
# cannot be TV_Loggable, because non-ansidecorators do direct string concat
LOGLINE = T.Union[str, mlog.AnsiDecorator]
# Note: when adding arguments, please also add them to the completion
# scripts in $MESONSRC/data/shell-completions/
def add_arguments(parser: 'argparse.ArgumentParser') -> None:
parser.add_argument('builddir', nargs='?', default='.')
parser.add_argument('--clearcache', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Clear cached state (e.g. found dependencies)')
parser.add_argument('--no-pager', action='store_false', dest='pager',
help='Do not redirect output to a pager')
def stringify(val: T.Any) -> str:
if isinstance(val, bool):
return str(val).lower()
elif isinstance(val, list):
s = ', '.join(stringify(i) for i in val)
return f'[{s}]'
elif val is None:
return ''
return str(val)
class ConfException(mesonlib.MesonException):
class Conf:
def __init__(self, build_dir: str):
self.build_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(build_dir))
if '' in [os.path.basename(self.build_dir), self.build_dir]:
self.build_dir = os.path.dirname(self.build_dir) = None
self.max_choices_line_length = 60
self.name_col: T.List[LOGLINE] = []
self.value_col: T.List[LOGLINE] = []
self.choices_col: T.List[LOGLINE] = []
self.descr_col: T.List[LOGLINE] = []
self.all_subprojects: T.Set[str] = set()
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.build_dir, 'meson-private')): = build.load(self.build_dir)
self.source_dir =
self.coredata =
self.default_values_only = False
# if the option file has been updated, reload it
# This cannot handle options for a new subproject that has not yet
# been configured.
for sub, conf_options in self.coredata.options_files.items():
if conf_options is not None and os.path.exists(conf_options[0]):
opfile = conf_options[0]
with open(opfile, 'rb') as f:
ophash = hashlib.sha1(
if ophash != conf_options[1]:
oi = OptionInterpreter(self.coredata.optstore, sub)
self.coredata.update_project_options(oi.options, sub)
self.coredata.options_files[sub] = (opfile, ophash)
opfile = os.path.join(self.source_dir, 'meson.options')
if not os.path.exists(opfile):
opfile = os.path.join(self.source_dir, 'meson_options.txt')
if os.path.exists(opfile):
oi = OptionInterpreter(self.coredata.optstore, sub)
self.coredata.update_project_options(oi.options, sub)
with open(opfile, 'rb') as f:
ophash = hashlib.sha1(
self.coredata.options_files[sub] = (opfile, ophash)
self.coredata.update_project_options({}, sub)
elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.build_dir, environment.build_filename)):
# Make sure that log entries in other parts of meson don't interfere with the JSON output
with mlog.no_logging():
self.source_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(self.build_dir))
intr = IntrospectionInterpreter(self.source_dir, '', 'ninja', visitors = [AstIDGenerator()])
self.coredata = intr.coredata
self.default_values_only = True
raise ConfException(f'Directory {build_dir} is neither a Meson build directory nor a project source directory.')
def clear_cache(self) -> None:
def set_options(self, options: T.Dict[OptionKey, str]) -> bool:
return self.coredata.set_options(options)
def save(self) -> None:
# Do nothing when using introspection
if self.default_values_only:
return, self.build_dir)
# We don't write the build file because any changes to it
# are erased when Meson is executed the next time, i.e. when
# Ninja is run.
def print_aligned(self) -> None:
"""Do the actual printing.
This prints the generated output in an aligned, pretty form. it aims
for a total width of 160 characters, but will use whatever the tty
reports it's value to be. Though this is much wider than the standard
80 characters of terminals, and even than the newer 120, compressing
it to those lengths makes the output hard to read.
Each column will have a specific width, and will be line wrapped.
total_width = shutil.get_terminal_size(fallback=(160, 0))[0]
_col = max(total_width // 5, 20)
last_column = total_width - (3 * _col) - 3
four_column = (_col, _col, _col, last_column if last_column > 1 else _col)
for line in zip(self.name_col, self.value_col, self.choices_col, self.descr_col):
if not any(line):
# This is a header, like `Subproject foo:`,
# We just want to print that and get on with it
if line[0] and not any(line[1:]):
def wrap_text(text: LOGLINE, width: int) -> mlog.TV_LoggableList:
raw = text.text if isinstance(text, mlog.AnsiDecorator) else text
indent = ' ' if raw.startswith('[') else ''
wrapped_ = textwrap.wrap(raw, width, subsequent_indent=indent)
# We cast this because
# mlog.TV_LoggableList does not provide __len__ for stringprotocol
if isinstance(text, mlog.AnsiDecorator):
wrapped = T.cast('T.List[LOGLINE]', [mlog.AnsiDecorator(i, text.code) for i in wrapped_])
wrapped = T.cast('T.List[LOGLINE]', wrapped_)
# Add padding here to get even rows, as `textwrap.wrap()` will
# only shorten, not lengthen each item
return [str(i) + ' ' * (width - len(i)) for i in wrapped]
# wrap will take a long string, and create a list of strings no
# longer than the size given. Then that list can be zipped into, to
# print each line of the output, such the that columns are printed
# to the right width, row by row.
name = wrap_text(line[0], four_column[0])
val = wrap_text(line[1], four_column[1])
choice = wrap_text(line[2], four_column[2])
desc = wrap_text(line[3], four_column[3])
for l in itertools.zip_longest(name, val, choice, desc, fillvalue=''):
items = [l[i] if l[i] else ' ' * four_column[i] for i in range(4)]
8 months ago
def split_options_per_subproject(self, options: 'T.Union[dict[OptionKey, UserOption[Any]], coredata.KeyedOptionDictType]') -> T.Dict[str, 'coredata.MutableKeyedOptionDictType']:
result: T.Dict[str, 'coredata.MutableKeyedOptionDictType'] = {}
for k, o in options.items():
if k.subproject:
result.setdefault(k.subproject, {})[k] = o
return result
def _add_line(self, name: LOGLINE, value: LOGLINE, choices: LOGLINE, descr: LOGLINE) -> None:
if isinstance(name, mlog.AnsiDecorator):
name.text = ' ' * self.print_margin + name.text
name = ' ' * self.print_margin + name
def add_option(self, name: str, descr: str, value: T.Any, choices: T.Any) -> None:
value = stringify(value)
choices = stringify(choices)
self._add_line(, mlog.yellow(value),, descr)
def add_title(self, title: str) -> None:
newtitle = mlog.cyan(title)
descr = mlog.cyan('Description')
value = mlog.cyan('Default Value' if self.default_values_only else 'Current Value')
choices = mlog.cyan('Possible Values')
self._add_line('', '', '', '')
self._add_line(newtitle, value, choices, descr)
self._add_line('-' * len(newtitle), '-' * len(value), '-' * len(choices), '-' * len(descr))
def add_section(self, section: str) -> None:
self.print_margin = 0
self._add_line('', '', '', '')
self._add_line(mlog.normal_yellow(section + ':'), '', '', '')
self.print_margin = 2
8 months ago
def print_options(self, title: str, opts: 'T.Union[dict[OptionKey, UserOption[Any]], coredata.KeyedOptionDictType]') -> None:
if not opts:
if title:
auto = T.cast('options.UserFeatureOption', self.coredata.optstore.get_value_object('auto_features'))
for k, o in sorted(opts.items()):
printable_value = o.printable_value()
root = k.as_root()
if o.yielding and k.subproject and root in self.coredata.optstore:
printable_value = '<inherited from main project>'
if isinstance(o, options.UserFeatureOption) and o.is_auto():
printable_value = auto.printable_value()
self.add_option(str(root), o.description, printable_value, o.choices)
def print_conf(self, pager: bool) -> None:
if pager:
def print_default_values_warning() -> None:
mlog.warning('The source directory instead of the build directory was specified.')
mlog.warning('Only the default values for the project are printed.')
if self.default_values_only:
mlog.log('Core properties:')
mlog.log(' Source dir', self.source_dir)
if not self.default_values_only:
mlog.log(' Build dir ', self.build_dir)
dir_option_names = set(options.BUILTIN_DIR_OPTIONS)
test_option_names = {OptionKey('errorlogs'),
dir_options: 'coredata.MutableKeyedOptionDictType' = {}
test_options: 'coredata.MutableKeyedOptionDictType' = {}
core_options: 'coredata.MutableKeyedOptionDictType' = {}
module_options: T.Dict[str, 'coredata.MutableKeyedOptionDictType'] = collections.defaultdict(dict)
for k, v in self.coredata.optstore.items():
if k in dir_option_names:
dir_options[k] = v
elif k in test_option_names:
test_options[k] = v
elif k.module:
# Ignore module options if we did not use that module during
# configuration.
if and k.module not in
module_options[k.module][k] = v
elif self.coredata.optstore.is_builtin_option(k):
core_options[k] = v
host_core_options = self.split_options_per_subproject({k: v for k, v in core_options.items() if k.machine is MachineChoice.HOST})
build_core_options = self.split_options_per_subproject({k: v for k, v in core_options.items() if k.machine is MachineChoice.BUILD})
host_compiler_options = self.split_options_per_subproject({k: v for k, v in self.coredata.optstore.items() if self.coredata.optstore.is_compiler_option(k) and k.machine is MachineChoice.HOST})
build_compiler_options = self.split_options_per_subproject({k: v for k, v in self.coredata.optstore.items() if self.coredata.optstore.is_compiler_option(k) and k.machine is MachineChoice.BUILD})
project_options = self.split_options_per_subproject({k: v for k, v in self.coredata.optstore.items() if self.coredata.optstore.is_project_option(k)})
show_build_options = self.default_values_only or
self.add_section('Main project options')
self.print_options('Core options', host_core_options[''])
if show_build_options:
self.print_options('', build_core_options[''])
self.print_options('Backend options', {k: v for k, v in self.coredata.optstore.items() if self.coredata.optstore.is_backend_option(k)})
self.print_options('Base options', {k: v for k, v in self.coredata.optstore.items() if self.coredata.optstore.is_base_option(k)})
self.print_options('Compiler options', host_compiler_options.get('', {}))
if show_build_options:
self.print_options('', build_compiler_options.get('', {}))
for mod, mod_options in module_options.items():
self.print_options(f'{mod} module options', mod_options)
self.print_options('Directories', dir_options)
self.print_options('Testing options', test_options)
self.print_options('Project options', project_options.get('', {}))
for subproject in sorted(self.all_subprojects):
if subproject == '':
self.add_section('Subproject ' + subproject)
if subproject in host_core_options:
self.print_options('Core options', host_core_options[subproject])
if subproject in build_core_options and show_build_options:
self.print_options('', build_core_options[subproject])
if subproject in host_compiler_options:
self.print_options('Compiler options', host_compiler_options[subproject])
if subproject in build_compiler_options and show_build_options:
self.print_options('', build_compiler_options[subproject])
if subproject in project_options:
self.print_options('Project options', project_options[subproject])
# Print the warning twice so that the user shouldn't be able to miss it
if self.default_values_only:
def print_nondefault_buildtype_options(self) -> None:
mismatching = self.coredata.get_nondefault_buildtype_args()
if not mismatching:
mlog.log("\nThe following option(s) have a different value than the build type default\n")
mlog.log(' current default')
for m in mismatching:
def run_impl(options: CMDOptions, builddir: str) -> int:
print_only = not options.cmd_line_options and not options.clearcache
c = None
c = Conf(builddir)
if c.default_values_only and not print_only:
raise mesonlib.MesonException('No valid build directory found, cannot modify options.')
if c.default_values_only or print_only:
return 0
save = False
if options.cmd_line_options:
save = c.set_options(options.cmd_line_options)
coredata.update_cmd_line_file(builddir, options)
if options.clearcache:
save = True
if save:
mintro.write_meson_info_file(, [])
except ConfException as e:
mlog.log('Meson configurator encountered an error:')
if c is not None and is not None:
mintro.write_meson_info_file(, [e])
raise e
except BrokenPipeError:
# Pager quit before we wrote everything.
return 0
def run(options: CMDOptions) -> int:
builddir = os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(options.builddir))
return run_impl(options, builddir)