The Meson Build System
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

997 lines
42 KiB

import os
import shlex
import subprocess
import copy
import textwrap
from pathlib import Path, PurePath
from .. import mesonlib
from .. import coredata
from .. import build
from .. import mlog
from ..modules import ModuleReturnValue, ModuleObject, ModuleState, ExtensionModule
from ..backend.backends import TestProtocol
from ..interpreterbase import (
ContainerTypeInfo, KwargInfo,
InterpreterObject, MesonInterpreterObject, ObjectHolder, MutableInterpreterObject,
FeatureCheckBase, FeatureNewKwargs, FeatureNew, FeatureDeprecated,
typed_pos_args, typed_kwargs, stringArgs, permittedKwargs,
noArgsFlattening, noPosargs, noKwargs, permissive_unholder_return, TYPE_var, TYPE_kwargs, TYPE_nvar, TYPE_nkwargs,
flatten, resolve_second_level_holders, InterpreterException, InvalidArguments, InvalidCode)
from ..dependencies import Dependency, ExternalLibrary, InternalDependency
from ..programs import ExternalProgram
from ..mesonlib import HoldableObject, MesonException, OptionKey, listify, Popen_safe
import typing as T
from . import kwargs
from .interpreter import Interpreter
from ..environment import Environment
from ..envconfig import MachineInfo
def extract_required_kwarg(kwargs: 'kwargs.ExtractRequired',
subproject: str,
feature_check: T.Optional[FeatureCheckBase] = None,
default: bool = True) -> T.Tuple[bool, bool, T.Optional[str]]:
val = kwargs.get('required', default)
disabled = False
required = False
feature: T.Optional[str] = None
if isinstance(val, coredata.UserFeatureOption):
if not feature_check:
feature_check = FeatureNew('User option "feature"', '0.47.0')
feature =
if val.is_disabled():
disabled = True
elif val.is_enabled():
required = True
elif isinstance(val, bool):
required = val
raise InterpreterException('required keyword argument must be boolean or a feature option')
# Keep boolean value in kwargs to simplify other places where this kwarg is
# checked.
# TODO: this should be removed, and those callers should learn about FeatureOptions
kwargs['required'] = required
return disabled, required, feature
def extract_search_dirs(kwargs: T.Dict[str, T.Any]) -> T.List[str]:
search_dirs_str = mesonlib.stringlistify(kwargs.get('dirs', []))
search_dirs = [Path(d).expanduser() for d in search_dirs_str]
for d in search_dirs:
if mesonlib.is_windows() and d.root.startswith('\\'):
# a Unix-path starting with `/` that is not absolute on Windows.
# discard without failing for end-user ease of cross-platform directory arrays
if not d.is_absolute():
raise InvalidCode(f'Search directory {d} is not an absolute path.')
return list(map(str, search_dirs))
class FeatureOptionHolder(ObjectHolder[coredata.UserFeatureOption]):
def __init__(self, option: coredata.UserFeatureOption, interpreter: 'Interpreter'):
super().__init__(option, interpreter)
if option and option.is_auto():
# TODO: we need to case here because options is not a TypedDict
self.held_object = T.cast(coredata.UserFeatureOption, self.env.coredata.options[OptionKey('auto_features')]) =
self.methods.update({'enabled': self.enabled_method,
'disabled': self.disabled_method,
'allowed': self.allowed_method,
'auto': self.auto_method,
'require': self.require_method,
'disable_auto_if': self.disable_auto_if_method,
def value(self) -> str:
return 'disabled' if not self.held_object else self.held_object.value
def as_disabled(self) -> coredata.UserFeatureOption:
disabled = copy.deepcopy(self.held_object)
disabled.value = 'disabled'
return disabled
def enabled_method(self, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> bool:
return self.value == 'enabled'
def disabled_method(self, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> bool:
return self.value == 'disabled'
def allowed_method(self, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> bool:
return not self.value == 'disabled'
def auto_method(self, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> bool:
return self.value == 'auto'
def require_method(self, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> coredata.UserFeatureOption:
if len(args) != 1:
raise InvalidArguments('Expected 1 argument, got %d.' % (len(args), ))
if not isinstance(args[0], bool):
raise InvalidArguments('boolean argument expected.')
error_message = kwargs.pop('error_message', '')
if error_message and not isinstance(error_message, str):
raise InterpreterException("Error message must be a string.")
if args[0]:
return copy.deepcopy(self.held_object)
assert isinstance(error_message, str)
if self.value == 'enabled':
4 years ago
prefix = f'Feature {} cannot be enabled'
prefix = prefix + ': ' if error_message else ''
raise InterpreterException(prefix + error_message)
return self.as_disabled()
def disable_auto_if_method(self, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> coredata.UserFeatureOption:
if len(args) != 1:
raise InvalidArguments('Expected 1 argument, got %d.' % (len(args), ))
if not isinstance(args[0], bool):
raise InvalidArguments('boolean argument expected.')
return copy.deepcopy(self.held_object) if self.value != 'auto' or not args[0] else self.as_disabled()
class RunProcess(MesonInterpreterObject):
def __init__(self,
cmd: ExternalProgram,
args: T.List[str],
env: build.EnvironmentVariables,
source_dir: str,
build_dir: str,
subdir: str,
mesonintrospect: T.List[str],
in_builddir: bool = False,
check: bool = False,
capture: bool = True) -> None:
if not isinstance(cmd, ExternalProgram):
raise AssertionError('BUG: RunProcess must be passed an ExternalProgram')
self.capture = capture
self.returncode, self.stdout, self.stderr = self.run_command(cmd, args, env, source_dir, build_dir, subdir, mesonintrospect, in_builddir, check)
self.methods.update({'returncode': self.returncode_method,
'stdout': self.stdout_method,
'stderr': self.stderr_method,
def run_command(self,
cmd: ExternalProgram,
args: T.List[str],
env: build.EnvironmentVariables,
source_dir: str,
build_dir: str,
subdir: str,
mesonintrospect: T.List[str],
in_builddir: bool,
check: bool = False) -> T.Tuple[int, str, str]:
command_array = cmd.get_command() + args
menv = {'MESON_SOURCE_ROOT': source_dir,
'MESON_BUILD_ROOT': build_dir,
'MESON_SUBDIR': subdir,
'MESONINTROSPECT': ' '.join([shlex.quote(x) for x in mesonintrospect]),
if in_builddir:
cwd = os.path.join(build_dir, subdir)
cwd = os.path.join(source_dir, subdir)
child_env = os.environ.copy()
child_env = env.get_env(child_env)
stdout = subprocess.PIPE if self.capture else subprocess.DEVNULL
mlog.debug('Running command:', ' '.join(command_array))
p, o, e = Popen_safe(command_array, stdout=stdout, env=child_env, cwd=cwd)
if self.capture:
mlog.debug('--- stdout ---')
o = ''
mlog.debug('--- stdout disabled ---')
mlog.debug('--- stderr ---')
if check and p.returncode != 0:
raise InterpreterException('Command "{}" failed with status {}.'.format(' '.join(command_array), p.returncode))
return p.returncode, o, e
except FileNotFoundError:
raise InterpreterException('Could not execute command "%s".' % ' '.join(command_array))
def returncode_method(self, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> int:
return self.returncode
def stdout_method(self, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> str:
return self.stdout
def stderr_method(self, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> str:
return self.stderr
# TODO: Parsing the initial values should be either done directly in the
# `Interpreter` or in `build.EnvironmentVariables`. This way, this class
# can be converted into a pure object holder.
class EnvironmentVariablesObject(MutableInterpreterObject, MesonInterpreterObject):
# TODO: Move the type cheking for initial_values out of this class and replace T.Any
def __init__(self, initial_values: T.Optional[T.Any] = None, subproject: str = ''):
self.vars = build.EnvironmentVariables()
self.methods.update({'set': self.set_method,
'append': self.append_method,
'prepend': self.prepend_method,
if isinstance(initial_values, dict):
for k, v in initial_values.items():
self.set_method([k, v], {})
elif initial_values is not None:
for e in mesonlib.listify(initial_values):
if not isinstance(e, str):
raise InterpreterException('Env var definition must be a list of strings.')
if '=' not in e:
raise InterpreterException('Env var definition must be of type key=val.')
(k, val) = e.split('=', 1)
k = k.strip()
val = val.strip()
if ' ' in k:
raise InterpreterException('Env var key must not have spaces in it.')
self.set_method([k, val], {})
def __repr__(self) -> str:
repr_str = "<{0}: {1}>"
return repr_str.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.vars.envvars)
def unpack_separator(self, kwargs: T.Dict[str, T.Any]) -> str:
separator = kwargs.get('separator', os.pathsep)
if not isinstance(separator, str):
raise InterpreterException("EnvironmentVariablesObject methods 'separator'"
" argument needs to be a string.")
return separator
def warn_if_has_name(self, name: str) -> None:
# Multiple append/prepend operations was not supported until 0.58.0.
if self.vars.has_name(name):
m = f'Overriding previous value of environment variable {name!r} with a new one'
FeatureNew('0.58.0', m).use(self.subproject)
@typed_pos_args('environment.set', str, varargs=str, min_varargs=1)
def set_method(self, args: T.Tuple[str, T.List[str]], kwargs: T.Dict[str, T.Any]) -> None:
name, values = args
separator = self.unpack_separator(kwargs)
self.vars.set(name, values, separator)
@typed_pos_args('environment.append', str, varargs=str, min_varargs=1)
def append_method(self, args: T.Tuple[str, T.List[str]], kwargs: T.Dict[str, T.Any]) -> None:
name, values = args
separator = self.unpack_separator(kwargs)
self.vars.append(name, values, separator)
@typed_pos_args('environment.prepend', str, varargs=str, min_varargs=1)
def prepend_method(self, args: T.Tuple[str, T.List[str]], kwargs: T.Dict[str, T.Any]) -> None:
name, values = args
separator = self.unpack_separator(kwargs)
self.vars.prepend(name, values, separator)
class ConfigurationDataObject(MutableInterpreterObject, MesonInterpreterObject):
def __init__(self, subproject: str, initial_values: T.Optional[T.Dict[str, T.Any]] = None) -> None:
self.used = False # These objects become immutable after use in configure_file.
self.conf_data = build.ConfigurationData()
self.methods.update({'set': self.set_method,
'set10': self.set10_method,
'set_quoted': self.set_quoted_method,
'has': self.has_method,
'get': self.get_method,
'keys': self.keys_method,
'get_unquoted': self.get_unquoted_method,
'merge_from': self.merge_from_method,
if isinstance(initial_values, dict):
for k, v in initial_values.items():
self.set_method([k, v], {})
elif initial_values:
raise AssertionError('Unsupported ConfigurationDataObject initial_values')
def is_used(self) -> bool:
return self.used
def mark_used(self) -> None:
self.used = True
def validate_args(self, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> T.Tuple[str, T.Union[str, int, bool], T.Optional[str]]:
if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], list) and len(args[0]) == 2:
mlog.deprecation('Passing a list as the single argument to '
'configuration_data.set is deprecated. This will '
'become a hard error in the future.',
args = args[0]
if len(args) != 2:
raise InterpreterException("Configuration set requires 2 arguments.")
if self.used:
raise InterpreterException("Can not set values on configuration object that has been used.")
name, val = args
if not isinstance(val, (int, str)):
msg = 'Setting a configuration data value to {!r} is invalid, ' \
'and will fail at configure_file(). If you are using it ' \
'just to store some values, please use a dict instead.'
mlog.deprecation(msg.format(val), location=self.current_node)
desc = kwargs.get('description', None)
if not isinstance(name, str):
raise InterpreterException("First argument to set must be a string.")
if desc is not None and not isinstance(desc, str):
raise InterpreterException('Description must be a string.')
# TODO: Remove the cast once we get rid of the deprecation
return name, T.cast(T.Union[str, bool, int], val), desc
def set_method(self, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> None:
(name, val, desc) = self.validate_args(args, kwargs)
self.conf_data.values[name] = (val, desc)
def set_quoted_method(self, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> None:
(name, val, desc) = self.validate_args(args, kwargs)
if not isinstance(val, str):
raise InterpreterException("Second argument to set_quoted must be a string.")
escaped_val = '\\"'.join(val.split('"'))
self.conf_data.values[name] = ('"' + escaped_val + '"', desc)
def set10_method(self, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> None:
(name, val, desc) = self.validate_args(args, kwargs)
if val:
self.conf_data.values[name] = (1, desc)
self.conf_data.values[name] = (0, desc)
def has_method(self, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> bool:
return args[0] in self.conf_data.values
@FeatureNew('configuration_data.get()', '0.38.0')
def get_method(self, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> T.Union[str, int, bool]:
if len(args) < 1 or len(args) > 2:
raise InterpreterException('Get method takes one or two arguments.')
if not isinstance(args[0], str):
raise InterpreterException('The variable name must be a string.')
name = args[0]
if name in self.conf_data:
return self.conf_data.get(name)[0]
if len(args) > 1:
# Assertion does not work because setting other values is still
# supported, but deprecated. Use T.cast in the meantime (even though
# this is a lie).
# TODO: Fix this once the deprecation is removed
# assert isinstance(args[1], (int, str, bool))
return T.cast(T.Union[str, int, bool], args[1])
raise InterpreterException('Entry %s not in configuration data.' % name)
@FeatureNew('configuration_data.get_unquoted()', '0.44.0')
def get_unquoted_method(self, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> T.Union[str, int, bool]:
if len(args) < 1 or len(args) > 2:
raise InterpreterException('Get method takes one or two arguments.')
if not isinstance(args[0], str):
raise InterpreterException('The variable name must be a string.')
name = args[0]
if name in self.conf_data:
val = self.conf_data.get(name)[0]
elif len(args) > 1:
assert isinstance(args[1], (str, int, bool))
val = args[1]
raise InterpreterException('Entry %s not in configuration data.' % name)
if isinstance(val, str) and val[0] == '"' and val[-1] == '"':
return val[1:-1]
return val
def get(self, name: str) -> T.Tuple[T.Union[str, int, bool], T.Optional[str]]:
return self.conf_data.values[name]
@FeatureNew('configuration_data.keys()', '0.57.0')
def keys_method(self, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> T.List[str]:
return sorted(self.keys())
def keys(self) -> T.List[str]:
return list(self.conf_data.values.keys())
def merge_from_method(self, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> None:
if len(args) != 1:
raise InterpreterException('Merge_from takes one positional argument.')
from_object_holder = args[0]
if not isinstance(from_object_holder, ConfigurationDataObject):
raise InterpreterException('Merge_from argument must be a configuration data object.')
from_object = from_object_holder.conf_data
for k, v in from_object.values.items():
self.conf_data.values[k] = v
KwargInfo('compile_args', bool, default=False),
KwargInfo('link_args', bool, default=False),
KwargInfo('links', bool, default=False),
KwargInfo('includes', bool, default=False),
KwargInfo('sources', bool, default=False),
class DependencyHolder(ObjectHolder[Dependency]):
def __init__(self, dep: Dependency, interpreter: 'Interpreter'):
super().__init__(dep, interpreter)
self.methods.update({'found': self.found_method,
'type_name': self.type_name_method,
'version': self.version_method,
'name': self.name_method,
'get_pkgconfig_variable': self.pkgconfig_method,
'get_configtool_variable': self.configtool_method,
'get_variable': self.variable_method,
'partial_dependency': self.partial_dependency_method,
'include_type': self.include_type_method,
'as_system': self.as_system_method,
'as_link_whole': self.as_link_whole_method,
def found(self) -> bool:
return self.found_method([], {})
def type_name_method(self, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> str:
return self.held_object.type_name
def found_method(self, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> bool:
if self.held_object.type_name == 'internal':
return True
return self.held_object.found()
def version_method(self, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> str:
return self.held_object.get_version()
def name_method(self, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> str:
return self.held_object.get_name()
@FeatureDeprecated('Dependency.get_pkgconfig_variable', '0.56.0',
'use Dependency.get_variable(pkgconfig : ...) instead')
@permittedKwargs({'define_variable', 'default'})
def pkgconfig_method(self, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> str:
args = listify(args)
if len(args) != 1:
raise InterpreterException('get_pkgconfig_variable takes exactly one argument.')
varname = args[0]
if not isinstance(varname, str):
raise InterpreterException('Variable name must be a string.')
return self.held_object.get_pkgconfig_variable(varname, kwargs)
@FeatureNew('dep.get_configtool_variable', '0.44.0')
@FeatureDeprecated('Dependency.get_configtool_variable', '0.56.0',
'use Dependency.get_variable(configtool : ...) instead')
def configtool_method(self, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> str:
args = listify(args)
if len(args) != 1:
raise InterpreterException('get_configtool_variable takes exactly one argument.')
varname = args[0]
if not isinstance(varname, str):
raise InterpreterException('Variable name must be a string.')
return self.held_object.get_configtool_variable(varname)
@FeatureNew('dep.partial_dependency', '0.46.0')
@typed_kwargs('dep.partial_dependency', *_PARTIAL_DEP_KWARGS)
def partial_dependency_method(self, args: T.List[TYPE_nvar], kwargs: 'kwargs.DependencyMethodPartialDependency') -> Dependency:
pdep = self.held_object.get_partial_dependency(**kwargs)
return pdep
@FeatureNew('dep.get_variable', '0.51.0')
@typed_pos_args('dep.get_variable', optargs=[str])
@permittedKwargs({'cmake', 'pkgconfig', 'configtool', 'internal', 'default_value', 'pkgconfig_define'})
@FeatureNewKwargs('dep.get_variable', '0.54.0', ['internal'])
def variable_method(self, args: T.Tuple[T.Optional[str]], kwargs: T.Dict[str, T.Any]) -> T.Union[str, T.List[str]]:
default_varname = args[0]
if default_varname is not None:
FeatureNew('0.58.0', 'Positional argument to dep.get_variable()').use(self.subproject)
for k in ['cmake', 'pkgconfig', 'configtool', 'internal']:
kwargs.setdefault(k, default_varname)
return self.held_object.get_variable(**kwargs)
@FeatureNew('dep.include_type', '0.52.0')
def include_type_method(self, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> str:
return self.held_object.get_include_type()
@FeatureNew('dep.as_system', '0.52.0')
def as_system_method(self, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> Dependency:
args = listify(args)
new_is_system = 'system'
if len(args) > 1:
raise InterpreterException('as_system takes only one optional value')
if len(args) == 1:
if not isinstance(args[0], str):
raise InterpreterException('as_system takes exactly one string parameter')
new_is_system = args[0]
new_dep = self.held_object.generate_system_dependency(new_is_system)
return new_dep
@FeatureNew('dep.as_link_whole', '0.56.0')
def as_link_whole_method(self, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> Dependency:
if not isinstance(self.held_object, InternalDependency):
raise InterpreterException('as_link_whole method is only supported on declare_dependency() objects')
new_dep = self.held_object.generate_link_whole_dependency()
return new_dep
class ExternalProgramHolder(ObjectHolder[ExternalProgram]):
def __init__(self, ep: ExternalProgram, interpreter: 'Interpreter') -> None:
super().__init__(ep, interpreter)
self.methods.update({'found': self.found_method,
'path': self.path_method,
'full_path': self.full_path_method})
def found_method(self, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> bool:
return self.found()
@FeatureDeprecated('ExternalProgram.path', '0.55.0',
'use ExternalProgram.full_path() instead')
def path_method(self, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> str:
return self._full_path()
@FeatureNew('ExternalProgram.full_path', '0.55.0')
def full_path_method(self, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> str:
return self._full_path()
def _full_path(self) -> str:
if not self.found():
raise InterpreterException('Unable to get the path of a not-found external program')
path = self.held_object.get_path()
assert path is not None
return path
def found(self) -> bool:
return self.held_object.found()
class ExternalLibraryHolder(ObjectHolder[ExternalLibrary]):
def __init__(self, el: ExternalLibrary, interpreter: 'Interpreter'):
super().__init__(el, interpreter)
self.methods.update({'found': self.found_method,
'type_name': self.type_name_method,
'partial_dependency': self.partial_dependency_method,
def type_name_method(self, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> str:
return self.held_object.type_name
def found_method(self, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> bool:
return self.held_object.found()
@FeatureNew('dep.partial_dependency', '0.46.0')
@typed_kwargs('dep.partial_dependency', *_PARTIAL_DEP_KWARGS)
def partial_dependency_method(self, args: T.List[TYPE_nvar], kwargs: 'kwargs.DependencyMethodPartialDependency') -> Dependency:
pdep = self.held_object.get_partial_dependency(**kwargs)
return pdep
# A machine that's statically known from the cross file
class MachineHolder(ObjectHolder['MachineInfo']):
def __init__(self, machine_info: 'MachineInfo', interpreter: 'Interpreter'):
super().__init__(machine_info, interpreter)
self.methods.update({'system': self.system_method,
'cpu': self.cpu_method,
'cpu_family': self.cpu_family_method,
'endian': self.endian_method,
def cpu_family_method(self, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> str:
return self.held_object.cpu_family
def cpu_method(self, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> str:
return self.held_object.cpu
def system_method(self, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> str:
return self.held_object.system
def endian_method(self, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> str:
return self.held_object.endian
class IncludeDirsHolder(ObjectHolder[build.IncludeDirs]):
class FileHolder(ObjectHolder[mesonlib.File]):
class HeadersHolder(ObjectHolder[build.Headers]):
class DataHolder(ObjectHolder[build.Data]):
class InstallDirHolder(ObjectHolder[build.InstallDir]):
class ManHolder(ObjectHolder[build.Man]):
class GeneratedObjectsHolder(ObjectHolder[build.ExtractedObjects]):
class Test(MesonInterpreterObject):
def __init__(self, name: str, project: str, suite: T.List[str], exe: build.Executable,
depends: T.List[T.Union[build.CustomTarget, build.BuildTarget]],
is_parallel: bool, cmd_args: T.List[str], env: build.EnvironmentVariables,
should_fail: bool, timeout: int, workdir: T.Optional[str], protocol: str,
priority: int):
super().__init__() = name
self.suite = listify(suite)
self.project_name = project
self.exe = exe
self.depends = depends
self.is_parallel = is_parallel
self.cmd_args = cmd_args
self.env = env
self.should_fail = should_fail
self.timeout = timeout
self.workdir = workdir
self.protocol = TestProtocol.from_str(protocol)
self.priority = priority
def get_exe(self) -> build.Executable:
return self.exe
def get_name(self) -> str:
class NullSubprojectInterpreter(HoldableObject):
# TODO: This should really be an `ObjectHolder`, but the additional stuff in this
# class prevents this. Thus, this class should be split into a pure
# `ObjectHolder` and a class specifically for stroing in `Interpreter`.
class SubprojectHolder(MesonInterpreterObject):
def __init__(self, subinterpreter: T.Union['Interpreter', NullSubprojectInterpreter],
subdir: str,
warnings: int = 0,
disabled_feature: T.Optional[str] = None,
exception: T.Optional[MesonException] = None) -> None:
self.held_object = subinterpreter
self.warnings = warnings
self.disabled_feature = disabled_feature
self.exception = exception
self.subdir = PurePath(subdir).as_posix()
self.methods.update({'get_variable': self.get_variable_method,
'found': self.found_method,
def found_method(self, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> bool:
return self.found()
def found(self) -> bool:
return not isinstance(self.held_object, NullSubprojectInterpreter)
def get_variable_method(self, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> T.Union[TYPE_var, InterpreterObject]:
if len(args) < 1 or len(args) > 2:
raise InterpreterException('Get_variable takes one or two arguments.')
if isinstance(self.held_object, NullSubprojectInterpreter): # == not self.found()
raise InterpreterException('Subproject "%s" disabled can\'t get_variable on it.' % (self.subdir))
varname = args[0]
if not isinstance(varname, str):
raise InterpreterException('Get_variable first argument must be a string.')
return self.held_object.variables[varname]
except KeyError:
if len(args) == 2:
return args[1]
raise InvalidArguments(f'Requested variable "{varname}" not found.')
class ModuleObjectHolder(ObjectHolder[ModuleObject]):
def method_call(self, method_name: str, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> TYPE_var:
modobj = self.held_object
method = modobj.methods.get(method_name)
if not method:
raise InvalidCode(f'Unknown method {method_name!r} in object.')
if not getattr(method, 'no-args-flattening', False):
args = flatten(args)
if not getattr(method, 'no-second-level-holder-flattening', False):
args, kwargs = resolve_second_level_holders(args, kwargs)
state = ModuleState(self.interpreter)
# Many modules do for example self.interpreter.find_program_impl(),
# so we have to ensure they use the current interpreter and not the one
# that first imported that module, otherwise it will use outdated
# overrides.
if isinstance(modobj, ExtensionModule):
modobj.interpreter = self.interpreter
ret = method(state, args, kwargs)
if isinstance(ret, ModuleReturnValue):
ret = ret.return_value
return ret
class MutableModuleObjectHolder(ModuleObjectHolder, MutableInterpreterObject):
def __deepcopy__(self, memo: T.Dict[int, T.Any]) -> 'MutableModuleObjectHolder':
# Deepcopy only held object, not interpreter
modobj = copy.deepcopy(self.held_object, memo)
return MutableModuleObjectHolder(modobj, self.interpreter)
_BuildTarget = T.TypeVar('_BuildTarget', bound=T.Union[build.BuildTarget, build.BothLibraries])
class BuildTargetHolder(ObjectHolder[_BuildTarget]):
def __init__(self, target: _BuildTarget, interp: 'Interpreter'):
super().__init__(target, interp)
self.methods.update({'extract_objects': self.extract_objects_method,
'extract_all_objects': self.extract_all_objects_method,
'name': self.name_method,
'get_id': self.get_id_method,
'outdir': self.outdir_method,
'full_path': self.full_path_method,
'path': self.path_method,
'found': self.found_method,
'private_dir_include': self.private_dir_include_method,
def __repr__(self) -> str:
r = '<{} {}: {}>'
h = self.held_object
return r.format(self.__class__.__name__, h.get_id(), h.filename)
def _target_object(self) -> build.BuildTarget:
if isinstance(self.held_object, build.BothLibraries):
return self.held_object.get_default_object()
assert isinstance(self.held_object, build.BuildTarget)
return self.held_object
def is_cross(self) -> bool:
return not self._target_object.environment.machines.matches_build_machine(self._target_object.for_machine)
def found_method(self, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> bool:
if not (isinstance(self.held_object, build.Executable) and self.held_object.was_returned_by_find_program):
FeatureNew.single_use('BuildTarget.found', '0.59.0', subproject=self.held_object.subproject)
return True
def private_dir_include_method(self, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> build.IncludeDirs:
return build.IncludeDirs('', [], False, [self.interpreter.backend.get_target_private_dir(self._target_object)])
def full_path_method(self, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> str:
return self.interpreter.backend.get_target_filename_abs(self._target_object)
@FeatureDeprecated('BuildTarget.path', '0.55.0', 'Use BuildTarget.full_path instead')
def path_method(self, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> str:
return self.interpreter.backend.get_target_filename_abs(self._target_object)
def outdir_method(self, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> str:
return self.interpreter.backend.get_target_dir(self._target_object)
@typed_pos_args('extract_objects', varargs=(mesonlib.File, str))
def extract_objects_method(self, args: T.Tuple[T.List[mesonlib.FileOrString]], kwargs: TYPE_nkwargs) -> build.ExtractedObjects:
return self._target_object.extract_objects(args[0])
'recursive', bool, default=False, since='0.46.0',
extract_all_objects called without setting recursive
keyword argument. Meson currently defaults to
non-recursive to maintain backward compatibility but
the default will be changed in the future.
def extract_all_objects_method(self, args: T.List[TYPE_nvar], kwargs: 'kwargs.BuildTargeMethodExtractAllObjects') -> build.ExtractedObjects:
return self._target_object.extract_all_objects(kwargs['recursive'])
def get_id_method(self, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> str:
return self._target_object.get_id()
@FeatureNew('name', '0.54.0')
def name_method(self, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> str:
class ExecutableHolder(BuildTargetHolder[build.Executable]):
class StaticLibraryHolder(BuildTargetHolder[build.StaticLibrary]):
class SharedLibraryHolder(BuildTargetHolder[build.SharedLibrary]):
class BothLibrariesHolder(BuildTargetHolder[build.BothLibraries]):
def __init__(self, libs: build.BothLibraries, interp: 'Interpreter'):
# FIXME: This build target always represents the shared library, but
# that should be configurable.
super().__init__(libs, interp)
self.methods.update({'get_shared_lib': self.get_shared_lib_method,
'get_static_lib': self.get_static_lib_method,
def __repr__(self) -> str:
r = '<{} {}: {}, {}: {}>'
h1 = self.held_object.shared
h2 = self.held_object.static
return r.format(self.__class__.__name__, h1.get_id(), h1.filename, h2.get_id(), h2.filename)
def get_shared_lib_method(self, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> build.SharedLibrary:
return self.held_object.shared
def get_static_lib_method(self, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> build.StaticLibrary:
return self.held_object.static
class SharedModuleHolder(BuildTargetHolder[build.SharedModule]):
class JarHolder(BuildTargetHolder[build.Jar]):
class CustomTargetIndexHolder(ObjectHolder[build.CustomTargetIndex]):
def __init__(self, target: build.CustomTargetIndex, interp: 'Interpreter'):
super().__init__(target, interp)
self.methods.update({'full_path': self.full_path_method,
@FeatureNew('custom_target[i].full_path', '0.54.0')
def full_path_method(self, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> str:
assert self.interpreter.backend is not None
return self.interpreter.backend.get_target_filename_abs(self.held_object)
class CustomTargetHolder(ObjectHolder[build.CustomTarget]):
def __init__(self, target: 'build.CustomTarget', interp: 'Interpreter'):
super().__init__(target, interp)
self.methods.update({'full_path': self.full_path_method,
'to_list': self.to_list_method,
def __repr__(self) -> str:
r = '<{} {}: {}>'
h = self.held_object
return r.format(self.__class__.__name__, h.get_id(), h.command)
def full_path_method(self, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> str:
return self.interpreter.backend.get_target_filename_abs(self.held_object)
@FeatureNew('custom_target.to_list', '0.54.0')
def to_list_method(self, args: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> T.List[build.CustomTargetIndex]:
result = []
for i in self.held_object:
return result
def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> build.CustomTargetIndex:
return self.held_object[index]
def __setitem__(self, index: int, value: T.Any) -> None: # lgtm[py/unexpected-raise-in-special-method]
raise InterpreterException('Cannot set a member of a CustomTarget')
def __delitem__(self, index: int) -> None: # lgtm[py/unexpected-raise-in-special-method]
raise InterpreterException('Cannot delete a member of a CustomTarget')
class RunTargetHolder(ObjectHolder[build.RunTarget]):
class AliasTargetHolder(ObjectHolder[build.AliasTarget]):
class GeneratedListHolder(ObjectHolder[build.GeneratedList]):
class GeneratorHolder(ObjectHolder[build.Generator]):
def __init__(self, gen: build.Generator, interpreter: 'Interpreter'):
super().__init__(gen, interpreter)
self.methods.update({'process': self.process_method})
@typed_pos_args('generator.process', min_varargs=1, varargs=(str, mesonlib.File, build.CustomTarget, build.CustomTargetIndex, build.GeneratedList))
KwargInfo('preserve_path_from', str, since='0.45.0'),
KwargInfo('extra_args', ContainerTypeInfo(list, str), listify=True, default=[]),
def process_method(self,
args: T.Tuple[T.List[T.Union[str, mesonlib.File, build.CustomTarget, build.CustomTargetIndex, build.GeneratedList]]],
kwargs: 'kwargs.GeneratorProcess') -> build.GeneratedList:
preserve_path_from = kwargs['preserve_path_from']
if preserve_path_from is not None:
preserve_path_from = os.path.normpath(preserve_path_from)
if not os.path.isabs(preserve_path_from):
# This is a bit of a hack. Fix properly before merging.
raise InvalidArguments('Preserve_path_from must be an absolute path for now. Sorry.')
if any(isinstance(a, (build.CustomTarget, build.CustomTargetIndex, build.GeneratedList)) for a in args[0]):
f'Calling generator.process with CustomTaget or Index of CustomTarget.',
'0.57.0', self.interpreter.subproject)
gl = self.held_object.process_files(args[0], self.interpreter,
preserve_path_from, extra_args=kwargs['extra_args'])
return gl