The Meson Build System
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# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Copyright 2014-2021 The Meson development team
from __future__ import annotations
import functools, uuid, os, operator
import typing as T
from . import backends
from .. import build
from .. import mesonlib
from .. import mlog
Experimental 'genvslite' WIP. (#11049) * Capture all compile args from the first round of ninja backend generation for all languages used in building the targets so that these args, defines, and include paths can be applied to the .vcxproj's intellisense fields for all buildtypes/configurations. Solution generation is now set up for mutiple build configurations (buildtypes) when using '--genvslite'. All generated vcxprojs invoke the same high-level meson compile to build all targets; there's no selective target building (could add this later). Related to this, we skip pointlessly generating vcxprojs for targets that aren't buildable (BuildTarget-derived), which aren't of interest to the user anyway. When using --genvslite, no longer inject '<ProjectReference ...>' dependencies on which a generated .vcxproj depends because that imposes a forced visual studio build dependency, which we don't want, since we're essentially bypassing VS's build in favour of running 'meson compile ...'. When populating the vcxproj's shared intellisense defines, include paths, and compiler options fields, we choose the most frequent src file language, since this means more project src files can simply reference the project shared fields and fewer files of non-primary language types need to populate their full set of intellisense fields. This makes for smaller .vcxproj files. Paths for generated source/header/etc files, left alone, would be added to solution projects relative to the '..._vs' build directory, where they're never generated; they're generated under the respective '..._[debug/opt/release]' ninja build directories that correspond to the solution build configuration. Although VS doesn't allow conditional src/header listings in vcxprojs (at least not in a simple way that I'm aware of), we can ensure these generated sources get adjusted to at least reference locations under one of the concrete build directories (I've chosen '..._debug') under which they will be generated. Testing with --genvslite has revealed that, in some cases, the presence of 'c:\windows\system32;c:\windows' on the 'Path' environment variable (via the make-style project's ExecutablePath element) is critical to getting the 'meson compile ...' build to succeed. Not sure whether this is some 'find and guess' implicit defaults behaviour within meson or within the MSVC compiler that some projects may rely on. Feels weird but not sure of a better solution than forcibly adding these to the Path environment variable (the Executable Path property of the project). Added a new windows-only test to ('test_genvslite') to exercise the --genvslite option along with checking that the 'msbuild' command invokes the 'meson compile ...' of the build-type-appropriate-suffixed temporary build dir and checks expected program output. Check and report error if user specifies a non-ninja backend with a 'genvslite' setup, since that conflicts with the stated behaviour of genvslite. Also added this test case to 'WindowsTests.test_genvslite' I had problems tracking down some problematic environment variable behaviour, which appears to need a work-around. See further notes on VSINSTALLDIR, in, test_genvslite. 'meson setup --help' clearly states that positional arguments are ... [builddir] [sourcedir]. However, BasePlatformTests.init(...) was passing these in the order [sourcedir] [builddir]. This was producing failures, saying, "ERROR: Neither directory contains a build file" but when using the correct ordering, setup now succeeds. Changed regen, run_tests, and run_install utility projects to be simpler makefile projects instead, with commands to invoke the appropriate ' --internal regencheck ...' (or install/test) on the '[builddir]_[buildtype]' as appropriate for the curent VS configuration. Also, since the 'regen.vcxproj' utility didn't work correctly with '--genvslite' setup build dirs, and getting it to fully work would require more non-trivial intrusion into new parts of meson (i.e. '--internal regencheck', '--internal regenerate', and perhaps also 'setup --reconfigure'), for now, the REGEN project is replaced with a simpler, lighter-weight RECONFIGURE utility proj, which is unlinked from any solution build dependencies and which simply runs 'meson setup --reconfigure [builddir]_[buildtype] [srcdir]' on each of the ninja-backend build dirs for each buildtype. Yes, although this will enable the building/compiling to be correctly configured, it can leave the solution/vcxprojs stale and out-of-date, it's simple for the user to 'meson setup --genvslite ...' to fully regenerate an updated, correct solution again. However, I've noted this down as a 'fixme' to consider implementing the full regen behaviour for the genvslite case. * Review feedback changes - - Avoid use of 'captured_compile_args_per_buildtype_and_target' as an 'out' param. - Factored a little, 'run(...)' macro/looping setup steps, for genvslite, out into a 'run_genvslite_setup' func. * Review feedback: Fixed missing spaces between multi-line strings. * 'backend_name' assignment gets immediately overwritten in 'genvslite' case so moved it into else/non-genvslite block. * Had to bump up 'test cases/unit/113 genvslites/...' up to 114; it collided with a newly added test dir again. * Changed validation of 'capture' and 'captured_compile_args_...' to use MesonBugException instead of MesonException. * Changed some function param and closing brace indentation.
2 years ago
from ..mesonlib import MesonBugException, MesonException, OptionKey
from ..interpreter import Interpreter
INDENT = '\t'
XCODETYPEMAP = {'c': 'sourcecode.c.c',
'a': '',
'cc': 'sourcecode.cpp.cpp',
'cxx': 'sourcecode.cpp.cpp',
'cpp': 'sourcecode.cpp.cpp',
'c++': 'sourcecode.cpp.cpp',
'm': 'sourcecode.c.objc',
'mm': 'sourcecode.cpp.objcpp',
'h': 'sourcecode.c.h',
'hpp': 'sourcecode.cpp.h',
'hxx': 'sourcecode.cpp.h',
'hh': 'sourcecode.cpp.hh',
'inc': 'sourcecode.c.h',
'swift': 'sourcecode.swift',
'dylib': 'compiled.mach-o.dylib',
'o': 'compiled.mach-o.objfile',
's': 'sourcecode.asm',
'asm': 'sourcecode.asm',
'metal': 'sourcecode.metal',
'glsl': 'sourcecode.glsl',
LANGNAMEMAP = {'c': 'C',
'cpp': 'CPLUSPLUS',
'objc': 'OBJC',
'objcpp': 'OBJCPLUSPLUS',
'swift': 'SWIFT_'
OPT2XCODEOPT = {'plain': None,
'0': '0',
'g': '0',
'1': '1',
'2': '2',
'3': '3',
's': 's',
BOOL2XCODEBOOL = {True: 'YES', False: 'NO'}
LINKABLE_EXTENSIONS = {'.o', '.a', '.obj', '.so', '.dylib'}
class FileTreeEntry:
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.subdirs: T.Dict[str, FileTreeEntry] = {}
self.targets: T.List[build.BuildTarget] = []
class PbxArray:
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.items: T.List[PbxArrayItem] = []
def add_item(self, item: T.Union[PbxArrayItem, str], comment: str = '') -> None:
if isinstance(item, PbxArrayItem):
self.items.append(PbxArrayItem(item, comment))
def write(self, ofile: T.TextIO, indent_level: int) -> None:
indent_level += 1
for i in self.items:
if i.comment:
ofile.write(indent_level*INDENT + f'{i.value} {i.comment},\n')
ofile.write(indent_level*INDENT + f'{i.value},\n')
indent_level -= 1
ofile.write(indent_level*INDENT + ');\n')
class PbxArrayItem:
def __init__(self, value: str, comment: str = ''):
self.value = value
if comment:
if '/*' in comment:
self.comment = comment
self.comment = f'/* {comment} */'
self.comment = comment
class PbxComment:
def __init__(self, text: str):
assert isinstance(text, str)
assert '/*' not in text
self.text = f'/* {text} */'
def write(self, ofile: T.TextIO, indent_level: int) -> None:
class PbxDictItem:
def __init__(self, key: str, value: T.Union[PbxArray, PbxDict, str, int], comment: str = ''):
self.key = key
self.value = value
if comment:
if '/*' in comment:
self.comment = comment
self.comment = f'/* {comment} */'
self.comment = comment
class PbxDict:
def __init__(self) -> None:
# This class is a bit weird, because we want to write PBX dicts in
# defined order _and_ we want to write intermediate comments also in order.
self.keys: T.Set[str] = set()
self.items: T.List[T.Union[PbxDictItem, PbxComment]] = []
def add_item(self, key: str, value: T.Union[PbxArray, PbxDict, str, int], comment: str = '') -> None:
assert key not in self.keys
item = PbxDictItem(key, value, comment)
def has_item(self, key: str) -> bool:
return key in self.keys
def add_comment(self, comment: PbxComment) -> None:
assert isinstance(comment, PbxComment)
def write(self, ofile: T.TextIO, indent_level: int) -> None:
indent_level += 1
for i in self.items:
if isinstance(i, PbxComment):
i.write(ofile, indent_level)
elif isinstance(i, PbxDictItem):
if isinstance(i.value, (str, int)):
if i.comment:
ofile.write(indent_level*INDENT + f'{i.key} = {i.value} {i.comment};\n')
ofile.write(indent_level*INDENT + f'{i.key} = {i.value};\n')
elif isinstance(i.value, PbxDict):
if i.comment:
ofile.write(indent_level*INDENT + f'{i.key} {i.comment} = ')
ofile.write(indent_level*INDENT + f'{i.key} = ')
i.value.write(ofile, indent_level)
elif isinstance(i.value, PbxArray):
if i.comment:
ofile.write(indent_level*INDENT + f'{i.key} {i.comment} = ')
ofile.write(indent_level*INDENT + f'{i.key} = ')
i.value.write(ofile, indent_level)
raise RuntimeError('missing code')
raise RuntimeError('missing code2')
indent_level -= 1
ofile.write(indent_level*INDENT + '}')
if indent_level == 0:
class XCodeBackend(backends.Backend):
name = 'xcode'
def __init__(self, build: T.Optional[build.Build], interpreter: T.Optional[Interpreter]):
super().__init__(build, interpreter)
self.project_uid = self.environment.coredata.lang_guids['default'].replace('-', '')[:24]
self.buildtype = T.cast('str', self.environment.coredata.get_option(OptionKey('buildtype')))
self.project_conflist = self.gen_id()
self.maingroup_id = self.gen_id()
self.all_id = self.gen_id()
self.all_buildconf_id = self.gen_id()
self.buildtypes = [self.buildtype]
self.test_id = self.gen_id()
self.test_command_id = self.gen_id()
self.test_buildconf_id = self.gen_id()
self.regen_id = self.gen_id()
self.regen_command_id = self.gen_id()
self.regen_buildconf_id = self.gen_id()
self.regen_dependency_id = self.gen_id()
self.top_level_dict = PbxDict()
self.generator_outputs = {}
self.arch =
if self.arch == 'aarch64':
self.arch = 'arm64'
# In Xcode files are not accessed via their file names, but rather every one of them
# gets an unique id. More precisely they get one unique id per target they are used
# in. If you generate only one id per file and use them, compilation will work but the
# UI will only show the file in one target but not the others. Thus they key is
# a tuple containing the target and filename.
self.buildfile_ids = {}
# That is not enough, though. Each target/file combination also gets a unique id
# in the file reference section. Because why not. This means that a source file
# that is used in two targets gets a total of four unique ID numbers.
self.fileref_ids = {}
def write_pbxfile(self, top_level_dict, ofilename) -> None:
tmpname = ofilename + '.tmp'
with open(tmpname, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as ofile:
4 years ago
ofile.write('// !$*UTF8*$!\n')
top_level_dict.write(ofile, 0)
os.replace(tmpname, ofilename)
4 years ago
def gen_id(self) -> str:
return str(uuid.uuid4()).upper().replace('-', '')[:24]
def get_target_dir(self, target: T.Union[build.Target, build.CustomTargetIndex]) -> str:
dirname = os.path.join(target.get_subdir(), T.cast('str', self.environment.coredata.get_option(OptionKey('buildtype'))))
#os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.environment.get_build_dir(), dirname), exist_ok=True)
return dirname
def get_custom_target_output_dir(self, target: T.Union[build.Target, build.CustomTargetIndex]) -> str:
dirname = target.get_subdir()
os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.environment.get_build_dir(), dirname), exist_ok=True)
return dirname
def object_filename_from_source(self, target: build.BuildTarget, source: mesonlib.FileOrString, targetdir: T.Optional[str] = None) -> str:
# Xcode has the following naming scheme:
project =
buildtype = self.buildtype
tname = target.get_id()
if isinstance(source, mesonlib.File):
source = source.fname
stem = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(source))[0]
# Append "build" before the actual object path to match OBJROOT
obj_path = f'build/{project}.build/{buildtype}/{tname}.build/Objects-normal/{self.arch}/{stem}.o'
return obj_path
def determine_swift_dep_dirs(self, target: build.BuildTarget) -> T.List[str]:
result: T.List[str] = []
for l in target.link_targets:
# Xcode does not recognize our private directories, so we have to use its build directories instead.
result.append(os.path.join(self.environment.get_build_dir(), self.get_target_dir(l)))
return result
def generate(self, capture: bool = False, vslite_ctx: dict = None) -> None:
Experimental 'genvslite' WIP. (#11049) * Capture all compile args from the first round of ninja backend generation for all languages used in building the targets so that these args, defines, and include paths can be applied to the .vcxproj's intellisense fields for all buildtypes/configurations. Solution generation is now set up for mutiple build configurations (buildtypes) when using '--genvslite'. All generated vcxprojs invoke the same high-level meson compile to build all targets; there's no selective target building (could add this later). Related to this, we skip pointlessly generating vcxprojs for targets that aren't buildable (BuildTarget-derived), which aren't of interest to the user anyway. When using --genvslite, no longer inject '<ProjectReference ...>' dependencies on which a generated .vcxproj depends because that imposes a forced visual studio build dependency, which we don't want, since we're essentially bypassing VS's build in favour of running 'meson compile ...'. When populating the vcxproj's shared intellisense defines, include paths, and compiler options fields, we choose the most frequent src file language, since this means more project src files can simply reference the project shared fields and fewer files of non-primary language types need to populate their full set of intellisense fields. This makes for smaller .vcxproj files. Paths for generated source/header/etc files, left alone, would be added to solution projects relative to the '..._vs' build directory, where they're never generated; they're generated under the respective '..._[debug/opt/release]' ninja build directories that correspond to the solution build configuration. Although VS doesn't allow conditional src/header listings in vcxprojs (at least not in a simple way that I'm aware of), we can ensure these generated sources get adjusted to at least reference locations under one of the concrete build directories (I've chosen '..._debug') under which they will be generated. Testing with --genvslite has revealed that, in some cases, the presence of 'c:\windows\system32;c:\windows' on the 'Path' environment variable (via the make-style project's ExecutablePath element) is critical to getting the 'meson compile ...' build to succeed. Not sure whether this is some 'find and guess' implicit defaults behaviour within meson or within the MSVC compiler that some projects may rely on. Feels weird but not sure of a better solution than forcibly adding these to the Path environment variable (the Executable Path property of the project). Added a new windows-only test to ('test_genvslite') to exercise the --genvslite option along with checking that the 'msbuild' command invokes the 'meson compile ...' of the build-type-appropriate-suffixed temporary build dir and checks expected program output. Check and report error if user specifies a non-ninja backend with a 'genvslite' setup, since that conflicts with the stated behaviour of genvslite. Also added this test case to 'WindowsTests.test_genvslite' I had problems tracking down some problematic environment variable behaviour, which appears to need a work-around. See further notes on VSINSTALLDIR, in, test_genvslite. 'meson setup --help' clearly states that positional arguments are ... [builddir] [sourcedir]. However, BasePlatformTests.init(...) was passing these in the order [sourcedir] [builddir]. This was producing failures, saying, "ERROR: Neither directory contains a build file" but when using the correct ordering, setup now succeeds. Changed regen, run_tests, and run_install utility projects to be simpler makefile projects instead, with commands to invoke the appropriate ' --internal regencheck ...' (or install/test) on the '[builddir]_[buildtype]' as appropriate for the curent VS configuration. Also, since the 'regen.vcxproj' utility didn't work correctly with '--genvslite' setup build dirs, and getting it to fully work would require more non-trivial intrusion into new parts of meson (i.e. '--internal regencheck', '--internal regenerate', and perhaps also 'setup --reconfigure'), for now, the REGEN project is replaced with a simpler, lighter-weight RECONFIGURE utility proj, which is unlinked from any solution build dependencies and which simply runs 'meson setup --reconfigure [builddir]_[buildtype] [srcdir]' on each of the ninja-backend build dirs for each buildtype. Yes, although this will enable the building/compiling to be correctly configured, it can leave the solution/vcxprojs stale and out-of-date, it's simple for the user to 'meson setup --genvslite ...' to fully regenerate an updated, correct solution again. However, I've noted this down as a 'fixme' to consider implementing the full regen behaviour for the genvslite case. * Review feedback changes - - Avoid use of 'captured_compile_args_per_buildtype_and_target' as an 'out' param. - Factored a little, 'run(...)' macro/looping setup steps, for genvslite, out into a 'run_genvslite_setup' func. * Review feedback: Fixed missing spaces between multi-line strings. * 'backend_name' assignment gets immediately overwritten in 'genvslite' case so moved it into else/non-genvslite block. * Had to bump up 'test cases/unit/113 genvslites/...' up to 114; it collided with a newly added test dir again. * Changed validation of 'capture' and 'captured_compile_args_...' to use MesonBugException instead of MesonException. * Changed some function param and closing brace indentation.
2 years ago
# Check for (currently) unexpected capture arg use cases -
if capture:
raise MesonBugException('We do not expect the xcode backend to generate with \'capture = True\'')
if vslite_ctx:
raise MesonBugException('We do not expect the xcode backend to be given a valid \'vslite_ctx\'')
# Cache the result as the method rebuilds the array every time it is called.
self.build_targets =
self.custom_targets =
self.proj_dir = os.path.join(self.environment.get_build_dir(), + '.xcodeproj')
os.makedirs(self.proj_dir, exist_ok=True)
self.proj_file = os.path.join(self.proj_dir, 'project.pbxproj')
objects_dict = self.generate_prefix(self.top_level_dict)
objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('Begin PBXAggregateTarget section'))
objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('End PBXAggregateTarget section'))
objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('Begin PBXBuildFile section'))
objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('End PBXBuildFile section'))
objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('Begin PBXBuildStyle section'))
objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('End PBXBuildStyle section'))
objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('Begin PBXContainerItemProxy section'))
objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('End PBXContainerItemProxy section'))
objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('Begin PBXFileReference section'))
objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('End PBXFileReference section'))
objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('Begin PBXFrameworksBuildPhase section'))
objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('End PBXFrameworksBuildPhase section'))
objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('Begin PBXGroup section'))
objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('End PBXGroup section'))
objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('Begin PBXNativeTarget section'))
objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('End PBXNativeTarget section'))
objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('Begin PBXProject section'))
objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('End PBXProject section'))
objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('Begin PBXShellScriptBuildPhase section'))
objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('End PBXShellScriptBuildPhase section'))
objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('Begin PBXSourcesBuildPhase section'))
objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('End PBXSourcesBuildPhase section'))
objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('Begin PBXTargetDependency section'))
objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('End PBXTargetDependency section'))
objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('Begin XCBuildConfiguration section'))
objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('End XCBuildConfiguration section'))
objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('Begin XCConfigurationList section'))
objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('End XCConfigurationList section'))
self.write_pbxfile(self.top_level_dict, self.proj_file)
def get_xcodetype(self, fname: str) -> str:
extension = fname.split('.')[-1]
if extension == 'C':
extension = 'cpp'
xcodetype = XCODETYPEMAP.get(extension.lower())
if not xcodetype:
xcodetype = 'sourcecode.unknown'
return xcodetype
def generate_filemap(self) -> None:
self.filemap = {} # Key is source file relative to src root.
self.target_filemap = {}
for name, t in self.build_targets.items():
for s in t.sources:
if isinstance(s, mesonlib.File):
s = os.path.join(s.subdir, s.fname)
self.filemap[s] = self.gen_id()
for o in t.objects:
if isinstance(o, str):
o = os.path.join(t.subdir, o)
self.filemap[o] = self.gen_id()
for e in t.extra_files:
if isinstance(e, mesonlib.File):
e = os.path.join(e.subdir, e.fname)
self.filemap[e] = self.gen_id()
e = os.path.join(t.subdir, e)
self.filemap[e] = self.gen_id()
self.target_filemap[name] = self.gen_id()
def generate_buildstylemap(self) -> None:
self.buildstylemap = {self.buildtype: self.gen_id()}
def generate_build_phase_map(self) -> None:
for tname, t in self.build_targets.items():
# generate id for our own target-name
t.buildphasemap = {}
t.buildphasemap[tname] = self.gen_id()
# each target can have it's own Frameworks/Sources/..., generate id's for those
t.buildphasemap['Frameworks'] = self.gen_id()
t.buildphasemap['Resources'] = self.gen_id()
t.buildphasemap['Sources'] = self.gen_id()
def generate_build_configuration_map(self) -> None:
self.buildconfmap = {}
for t in self.build_targets:
bconfs = {self.buildtype: self.gen_id()}
self.buildconfmap[t] = bconfs
for t in self.custom_targets:
bconfs = {self.buildtype: self.gen_id()}
self.buildconfmap[t] = bconfs
def generate_project_configurations_map(self) -> None:
self.project_configurations = {self.buildtype: self.gen_id()}
def generate_buildall_configurations_map(self) -> None:
self.buildall_configurations = {self.buildtype: self.gen_id()}
def generate_test_configurations_map(self) -> None:
self.test_configurations = {self.buildtype: self.gen_id()}
def generate_build_configurationlist_map(self) -> None:
self.buildconflistmap = {}
for t in self.build_targets:
self.buildconflistmap[t] = self.gen_id()
for t in self.custom_targets:
self.buildconflistmap[t] = self.gen_id()
def generate_native_target_map(self) -> None:
self.native_targets = {}
for t in self.build_targets:
self.native_targets[t] = self.gen_id()
def generate_custom_target_map(self) -> None:
self.shell_targets = {}
self.custom_target_output_buildfile = {}
self.custom_target_output_fileref = {}
for tname, t in self.custom_targets.items():
self.shell_targets[tname] = self.gen_id()
if not isinstance(t, build.CustomTarget):
(srcs, ofilenames, cmd) = self.eval_custom_target_command(t)
for o in ofilenames:
self.custom_target_output_buildfile[o] = self.gen_id()
self.custom_target_output_fileref[o] = self.gen_id()
def generate_generator_target_map(self) -> None:
# Generator objects do not have natural unique ids
# so use a counter.
self.generator_fileref_ids = {}
self.generator_buildfile_ids = {}
for tname, t in self.build_targets.items():
generator_id = 0
for genlist in t.generated:
if not isinstance(genlist, build.GeneratedList):
self.gen_single_target_map(genlist, tname, t, generator_id)
generator_id += 1
# FIXME add outputs.
for tname, t in self.custom_targets.items():
generator_id = 0
for genlist in t.sources:
if not isinstance(genlist, build.GeneratedList):
self.gen_single_target_map(genlist, tname, t, generator_id)
generator_id += 1
def gen_single_target_map(self, genlist, tname, t, generator_id) -> None:
k = (tname, generator_id)
assert k not in self.shell_targets
self.shell_targets[k] = self.gen_id()
ofile_abs = []
for i in genlist.get_inputs():
for o_base in genlist.get_outputs_for(i):
o = os.path.join(self.get_target_private_dir(t), o_base)
ofile_abs.append(os.path.join(self.environment.get_build_dir(), o))
assert k not in self.generator_outputs
self.generator_outputs[k] = ofile_abs
buildfile_ids = []
fileref_ids = []
for i in range(len(ofile_abs)):
self.generator_buildfile_ids[k] = buildfile_ids
self.generator_fileref_ids[k] = fileref_ids
def generate_native_frameworks_map(self) -> None:
self.native_frameworks = {}
self.native_frameworks_fileref = {}
for t in self.build_targets.values():
for dep in t.get_external_deps():
if == 'appleframeworks':
for f in dep.frameworks:
self.native_frameworks[f] = self.gen_id()
self.native_frameworks_fileref[f] = self.gen_id()
def generate_target_dependency_map(self) -> None:
self.target_dependency_map = {}
for tname, t in self.build_targets.items():
for target in t.link_targets:
if isinstance(target, build.CustomTargetIndex):
k = (tname,
if k in self.target_dependency_map:
k = (tname, target.get_basename())
assert k not in self.target_dependency_map
self.target_dependency_map[k] = self.gen_id()
for tname, t in self.custom_targets.items():
k = tname
assert k not in self.target_dependency_map
self.target_dependency_map[k] = self.gen_id()
def generate_pbxdep_map(self) -> None:
self.pbx_dep_map = {}
self.pbx_custom_dep_map = {}
for t in self.build_targets:
self.pbx_dep_map[t] = self.gen_id()
for t in self.custom_targets:
self.pbx_custom_dep_map[t] = self.gen_id()
def generate_containerproxy_map(self) -> None:
self.containerproxy_map = {}
for t in self.build_targets:
self.containerproxy_map[t] = self.gen_id()
def generate_target_file_maps(self) -> None:
def generate_target_file_maps_impl(self, targets) -> None:
for tname, t in targets.items():
for s in t.sources:
if isinstance(s, mesonlib.File):
s = os.path.join(s.subdir, s.fname)
if not isinstance(s, str):
k = (tname, s)
assert k not in self.buildfile_ids
self.buildfile_ids[k] = self.gen_id()
assert k not in self.fileref_ids
self.fileref_ids[k] = self.gen_id()
if not hasattr(t, 'objects'):
for o in t.objects:
if isinstance(o, build.ExtractedObjects):
# Extracted objects do not live in "the Xcode world".
if isinstance(o, mesonlib.File):
o = os.path.join(o.subdir, o.fname)
if isinstance(o, str):
o = os.path.join(t.subdir, o)
k = (tname, o)
assert k not in self.buildfile_ids
self.buildfile_ids[k] = self.gen_id()
assert k not in self.fileref_ids
self.fileref_ids[k] = self.gen_id()
raise RuntimeError('Unknown input type ' + str(o))
for e in t.extra_files:
if isinstance(e, mesonlib.File):
e = os.path.join(e.subdir, e.fname)
if isinstance(e, str):
e = os.path.join(t.subdir, e)
k = (tname, e)
assert k not in self.buildfile_ids
self.buildfile_ids[k] = self.gen_id()
assert k not in self.fileref_ids
self.fileref_ids[k] = self.gen_id()
def generate_build_file_maps(self) -> None:
for buildfile in self.interpreter.get_build_def_files():
assert isinstance(buildfile, str)
self.buildfile_ids[buildfile] = self.gen_id()
self.fileref_ids[buildfile] = self.gen_id()
def generate_source_phase_map(self) -> None:
self.source_phase = {}
for t in self.build_targets:
self.source_phase[t] = self.gen_id()
def generate_pbx_aggregate_target(self, objects_dict: PbxDict) -> None:
self.custom_aggregate_targets = {}
self.build_all_tdep_id = self.gen_id()
target_dependencies = []
custom_target_dependencies = []
for tname, t in self.get_build_by_default_targets().items():
if isinstance(t, build.CustomTarget):
elif isinstance(t, build.BuildTarget):
aggregated_targets = []
aggregated_targets.append((self.all_id, 'ALL_BUILD',
[self.regen_dependency_id] + target_dependencies + custom_target_dependencies))
[self.regen_dependency_id, self.build_all_tdep_id]))
for tname, t in
ct_id = self.gen_id()
self.custom_aggregate_targets[tname] = ct_id
build_phases = []
dependencies = [self.regen_dependency_id]
generator_id = 0
for d in t.dependencies:
if isinstance(d, build.CustomTarget):
elif isinstance(d, build.BuildTarget):
for s in t.sources:
if isinstance(s, build.GeneratedList):
build_phases.append(self.shell_targets[(tname, generator_id)])
for d in s.depends:
generator_id += 1
elif isinstance(s, build.ExtractedObjects):
source_target_id = self.pbx_dep_map[]
if source_target_id not in dependencies:
aggregated_targets.append((ct_id, tname, self.buildconflistmap[tname], build_phases, dependencies))
# Sort objects by ID before writing
sorted_aggregated_targets = sorted(aggregated_targets, key=operator.itemgetter(0))
for t in sorted_aggregated_targets:
agt_dict = PbxDict()
name = t[1]
buildconf_id = t[2]
build_phases = t[3]
dependencies = t[4]
agt_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXAggregateTarget')
agt_dict.add_item('buildConfigurationList', buildconf_id, f'Build configuration list for PBXAggregateTarget "{name}"')
bp_arr = PbxArray()
agt_dict.add_item('buildPhases', bp_arr)
for bp in build_phases:
bp_arr.add_item(bp, 'ShellScript')
dep_arr = PbxArray()
agt_dict.add_item('dependencies', dep_arr)
for td in dependencies:
dep_arr.add_item(td, 'PBXTargetDependency')
agt_dict.add_item('name', f'"{name}"')
agt_dict.add_item('productName', f'"{name}"')
objects_dict.add_item(t[0], agt_dict, name)
def generate_pbx_build_file(self, objects_dict: PbxDict) -> None:
for tname, t in self.build_targets.items():
for dep in t.get_external_deps():
if == 'appleframeworks':
for f in dep.frameworks:
fw_dict = PbxDict()
fwkey = self.native_frameworks[f]
if fwkey not in objects_dict.keys:
objects_dict.add_item(fwkey, fw_dict, f'{f}.framework in Frameworks')
fw_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXBuildFile')
fw_dict.add_item('fileRef', self.native_frameworks_fileref[f], f)
for s in t.sources:
in_build_dir = False
if isinstance(s, mesonlib.File):
if s.is_built:
in_build_dir = True
s = os.path.join(s.subdir, s.fname)
if not isinstance(s, str):
sdict = PbxDict()
k = (tname, s)
idval = self.buildfile_ids[k]
fileref = self.fileref_ids[k]
if in_build_dir:
fullpath = os.path.join(self.environment.get_build_dir(), s)
fullpath = os.path.join(self.environment.get_source_dir(), s)
sdict.add_item('isa', 'PBXBuildFile')
sdict.add_item('fileRef', fileref, fullpath)
objects_dict.add_item(idval, sdict)
for o in t.objects:
if isinstance(o, build.ExtractedObjects):
# Object files are not source files as such. We add them
# by hand in linker flags. It is also not particularly
# clear how to define build files in Xcode's file format.
if isinstance(o, mesonlib.File):
o = os.path.join(o.subdir, o.fname)
elif isinstance(o, str):
o = os.path.join(t.subdir, o)
idval = self.buildfile_ids[(tname, o)]
k = (tname, o)
fileref = self.fileref_ids[k]
assert o not in self.filemap
self.filemap[o] = idval
fullpath = os.path.join(self.environment.get_source_dir(), o)
fullpath2 = fullpath
o_dict = PbxDict()
objects_dict.add_item(idval, o_dict, fullpath)
o_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXBuildFile')
o_dict.add_item('fileRef', fileref, fullpath2)
generator_id = 0
for g in t.generated:
if not isinstance(g, build.GeneratedList):
self.create_generator_shellphase(objects_dict, tname, generator_id)
generator_id += 1
# Custom targets are shell build phases in Xcode terminology.
for tname, t in self.custom_targets.items():
if not isinstance(t, build.CustomTarget):
(srcs, ofilenames, cmd) = self.eval_custom_target_command(t)
for o in ofilenames:
custom_dict = PbxDict()
objects_dict.add_item(self.custom_target_output_buildfile[o], custom_dict, f'/* {o} */')
custom_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXBuildFile')
custom_dict.add_item('fileRef', self.custom_target_output_fileref[o])
generator_id = 0
for g in t.sources:
if not isinstance(g, build.GeneratedList):
self.create_generator_shellphase(objects_dict, tname, generator_id)
generator_id += 1
def create_generator_shellphase(self, objects_dict, tname, generator_id) -> None:
file_ids = self.generator_buildfile_ids[(tname, generator_id)]
ref_ids = self.generator_fileref_ids[(tname, generator_id)]
assert len(ref_ids) == len(file_ids)
for file_o, ref_id in zip(file_ids, ref_ids):
odict = PbxDict()
objects_dict.add_item(file_o, odict)
odict.add_item('isa', 'PBXBuildFile')
odict.add_item('fileRef', ref_id)
def generate_pbx_build_style(self, objects_dict: PbxDict) -> None:
# FIXME: Xcode 9 and later does not uses PBXBuildStyle and it gets removed. Maybe we can remove this part.
for name, idval in self.buildstylemap.items():
styledict = PbxDict()
objects_dict.add_item(idval, styledict, name)
styledict.add_item('isa', 'PBXBuildStyle')
settings_dict = PbxDict()
styledict.add_item('buildSettings', settings_dict)
settings_dict.add_item('COPY_PHASE_STRIP', 'NO')
styledict.add_item('name', f'"{name}"')
def generate_pbx_container_item_proxy(self, objects_dict: PbxDict) -> None:
for t in self.build_targets:
proxy_dict = PbxDict()
objects_dict.add_item(self.containerproxy_map[t], proxy_dict, 'PBXContainerItemProxy')
proxy_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXContainerItemProxy')
proxy_dict.add_item('containerPortal', self.project_uid, 'Project object')
proxy_dict.add_item('proxyType', '1')
proxy_dict.add_item('remoteGlobalIDString', self.native_targets[t])
proxy_dict.add_item('remoteInfo', '"' + t + '"')
def generate_pbx_file_reference(self, objects_dict: PbxDict) -> None:
for tname, t in self.build_targets.items():
for dep in t.get_external_deps():
if == 'appleframeworks':
for f in dep.frameworks:
fw_dict = PbxDict()
framework_fileref = self.native_frameworks_fileref[f]
if objects_dict.has_item(framework_fileref):
objects_dict.add_item(framework_fileref, fw_dict, f)
fw_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXFileReference')
fw_dict.add_item('lastKnownFileType', 'wrapper.framework')
fw_dict.add_item('name', f'{f}.framework')
fw_dict.add_item('path', f'System/Library/Frameworks/{f}.framework')
fw_dict.add_item('sourceTree', 'SDKROOT')
for s in t.sources:
in_build_dir = False
if isinstance(s, mesonlib.File):
if s.is_built:
in_build_dir = True
s = os.path.join(s.subdir, s.fname)
if not isinstance(s, str):
idval = self.fileref_ids[(tname, s)]
fullpath = os.path.join(self.environment.get_source_dir(), s)
src_dict = PbxDict()
xcodetype = self.get_xcodetype(s)
name = os.path.basename(s)
path = s
objects_dict.add_item(idval, src_dict, fullpath)
src_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXFileReference')
src_dict.add_item('explicitFileType', '"' + xcodetype + '"')
src_dict.add_item('fileEncoding', '4')
if in_build_dir:
src_dict.add_item('name', '"' + name + '"')
# This makes no sense. This should say path instead of name
# but then the path gets added twice.
src_dict.add_item('path', '"' + name + '"')
src_dict.add_item('sourceTree', 'BUILD_ROOT')
src_dict.add_item('name', '"' + name + '"')
src_dict.add_item('path', '"' + path + '"')
src_dict.add_item('sourceTree', 'SOURCE_ROOT')
generator_id = 0
for g in t.generated:
if not isinstance(g, build.GeneratedList):
outputs = self.generator_outputs[(tname, generator_id)]
ref_ids = self.generator_fileref_ids[tname, generator_id]
assert len(ref_ids) == len(outputs)
for o, ref_id in zip(outputs, ref_ids):
odict = PbxDict()
name = os.path.basename(o)
objects_dict.add_item(ref_id, odict, o)
xcodetype = self.get_xcodetype(o)
rel_name = mesonlib.relpath(o, self.environment.get_source_dir())
odict.add_item('isa', 'PBXFileReference')
odict.add_item('explicitFileType', '"' + xcodetype + '"')
odict.add_item('fileEncoding', '4')
odict.add_item('name', f'"{name}"')
odict.add_item('path', f'"{rel_name}"')
odict.add_item('sourceTree', 'SOURCE_ROOT')
generator_id += 1
for o in t.objects:
if isinstance(o, build.ExtractedObjects):
# Same as with pbxbuildfile.
if isinstance(o, mesonlib.File):
fullpath = o.absolute_path(self.environment.get_source_dir(), self.environment.get_build_dir())
o = os.path.join(o.subdir, o.fname)
o = os.path.join(t.subdir, o)
fullpath = os.path.join(self.environment.get_source_dir(), o)
idval = self.fileref_ids[(tname, o)]
rel_name = mesonlib.relpath(fullpath, self.environment.get_source_dir())
o_dict = PbxDict()
name = os.path.basename(o)
objects_dict.add_item(idval, o_dict, fullpath)
o_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXFileReference')
o_dict.add_item('explicitFileType', '"' + self.get_xcodetype(o) + '"')
o_dict.add_item('fileEncoding', '4')
o_dict.add_item('name', f'"{name}"')
o_dict.add_item('path', f'"{rel_name}"')
o_dict.add_item('sourceTree', 'SOURCE_ROOT')
for e in t.extra_files:
if isinstance(e, mesonlib.File):
e = os.path.join(e.subdir, e.fname)
e = os.path.join(t.subdir, e)
idval = self.fileref_ids[(tname, e)]
fullpath = os.path.join(self.environment.get_source_dir(), e)
e_dict = PbxDict()
xcodetype = self.get_xcodetype(e)
name = os.path.basename(e)
path = e
objects_dict.add_item(idval, e_dict, fullpath)
e_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXFileReference')
e_dict.add_item('explicitFileType', '"' + xcodetype + '"')
e_dict.add_item('name', '"' + name + '"')
e_dict.add_item('path', '"' + path + '"')
e_dict.add_item('sourceTree', 'SOURCE_ROOT')
for tname, idval in self.target_filemap.items():
target_dict = PbxDict()
objects_dict.add_item(idval, target_dict, tname)
t = self.build_targets[tname]
fname = t.get_filename()
reftype = 0
if isinstance(t, build.Executable):
typestr = 'compiled.mach-o.executable'
path = fname
elif isinstance(t, build.SharedLibrary):
typestr = self.get_xcodetype('dummy.dylib')
path = fname
typestr = self.get_xcodetype(fname)
path = '"%s"' % t.get_filename()
target_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXFileReference')
target_dict.add_item('explicitFileType', '"' + typestr + '"')
if ' ' in path and path[0] != '"':
target_dict.add_item('path', f'"{path}"')
target_dict.add_item('path', path)
target_dict.add_item('refType', reftype)
target_dict.add_item('sourceTree', 'BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR')
for tname, t in self.custom_targets.items():
if not isinstance(t, build.CustomTarget):
(srcs, ofilenames, cmd) = self.eval_custom_target_command(t)
for s in t.sources:
if isinstance(s, mesonlib.File):
s = os.path.join(s.subdir, s.fname)
elif isinstance(s, str):
s = os.path.join(t.subdir, s)
custom_dict = PbxDict()
typestr = self.get_xcodetype(s)
custom_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXFileReference')
custom_dict.add_item('explicitFileType', '"' + typestr + '"')
custom_dict.add_item('name', f'"{s}"')
custom_dict.add_item('path', f'"{s}"')
custom_dict.add_item('refType', 0)
custom_dict.add_item('sourceTree', 'SOURCE_ROOT')
objects_dict.add_item(self.fileref_ids[(tname, s)], custom_dict)
for o in ofilenames:
custom_dict = PbxDict()
typestr = self.get_xcodetype(o)
custom_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXFileReference')
custom_dict.add_item('explicitFileType', '"' + typestr + '"')
custom_dict.add_item('name', o)
custom_dict.add_item('path', f'"{os.path.join(self.src_to_build, o)}"')
custom_dict.add_item('refType', 0)
custom_dict.add_item('sourceTree', 'SOURCE_ROOT')
objects_dict.add_item(self.custom_target_output_fileref[o], custom_dict)
for buildfile in self.interpreter.get_build_def_files():
basename = os.path.split(buildfile)[1]
buildfile_dict = PbxDict()
typestr = self.get_xcodetype(buildfile)
buildfile_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXFileReference')
buildfile_dict.add_item('explicitFileType', '"' + typestr + '"')
buildfile_dict.add_item('name', f'"{basename}"')
buildfile_dict.add_item('path', f'"{buildfile}"')
buildfile_dict.add_item('refType', 0)
buildfile_dict.add_item('sourceTree', 'SOURCE_ROOT')
objects_dict.add_item(self.fileref_ids[buildfile], buildfile_dict)
def generate_pbx_frameworks_buildphase(self, objects_dict: PbxDict) -> None:
for t in self.build_targets.values():
bt_dict = PbxDict()
objects_dict.add_item(t.buildphasemap['Frameworks'], bt_dict, 'Frameworks')
bt_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXFrameworksBuildPhase')
bt_dict.add_item('buildActionMask', 2147483647)
file_list = PbxArray()
bt_dict.add_item('files', file_list)
for dep in t.get_external_deps():
if == 'appleframeworks':
for f in dep.frameworks:
file_list.add_item(self.native_frameworks[f], f'{f}.framework in Frameworks')
bt_dict.add_item('runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing', 0)
def generate_pbx_group(self, objects_dict: PbxDict) -> None:
groupmap = {}
target_src_map = {}
for t in self.build_targets:
groupmap[t] = self.gen_id()
target_src_map[t] = self.gen_id()
for t in self.custom_targets:
groupmap[t] = self.gen_id()
target_src_map[t] = self.gen_id()
projecttree_id = self.gen_id()
resources_id = self.gen_id()
products_id = self.gen_id()
frameworks_id = self.gen_id()
main_dict = PbxDict()
objects_dict.add_item(self.maingroup_id, main_dict)
main_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXGroup')
main_children = PbxArray()
main_dict.add_item('children', main_children)
main_children.add_item(projecttree_id, 'Project tree')
main_children.add_item(resources_id, 'Resources')
main_children.add_item(products_id, 'Products')
main_children.add_item(frameworks_id, 'Frameworks')
main_dict.add_item('sourceTree', '"<group>"')
self.add_projecttree(objects_dict, projecttree_id)
resource_dict = PbxDict()
objects_dict.add_item(resources_id, resource_dict, 'Resources')
resource_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXGroup')
resource_children = PbxArray()
resource_dict.add_item('children', resource_children)
resource_dict.add_item('name', 'Resources')
resource_dict.add_item('sourceTree', '"<group>"')
frameworks_dict = PbxDict()
objects_dict.add_item(frameworks_id, frameworks_dict, 'Frameworks')
frameworks_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXGroup')
frameworks_children = PbxArray()
frameworks_dict.add_item('children', frameworks_children)
# write frameworks
for t in self.build_targets.values():
for dep in t.get_external_deps():
if == 'appleframeworks':
for f in dep.frameworks:
frameworks_children.add_item(self.native_frameworks_fileref[f], f)
frameworks_dict.add_item('name', 'Frameworks')
frameworks_dict.add_item('sourceTree', '"<group>"')
for tname, t in self.custom_targets.items():
target_dict = PbxDict()
objects_dict.add_item(groupmap[tname], target_dict, tname)
target_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXGroup')
target_children = PbxArray()
target_dict.add_item('children', target_children)
target_children.add_item(target_src_map[tname], 'Source files')
if t.subproject:
target_dict.add_item('name', f'"{t.subproject}{}"')
target_dict.add_item('name', f'"{}"')
target_dict.add_item('sourceTree', '"<group>"')
source_files_dict = PbxDict()
objects_dict.add_item(target_src_map[tname], source_files_dict, 'Source files')
source_files_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXGroup')
source_file_children = PbxArray()
source_files_dict.add_item('children', source_file_children)
for s in t.sources:
if isinstance(s, mesonlib.File):
s = os.path.join(s.subdir, s.fname)
elif isinstance(s, str):
s = os.path.join(t.subdir, s)
source_file_children.add_item(self.fileref_ids[(tname, s)], s)
source_files_dict.add_item('name', '"Source files"')
source_files_dict.add_item('sourceTree', '"<group>"')
# And finally products
product_dict = PbxDict()
objects_dict.add_item(products_id, product_dict, 'Products')
product_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXGroup')
product_children = PbxArray()
product_dict.add_item('children', product_children)
for t in self.build_targets:
product_children.add_item(self.target_filemap[t], t)
product_dict.add_item('name', 'Products')
product_dict.add_item('sourceTree', '"<group>"')
def write_group_target_entry(self, objects_dict, t):
tid = t.get_id()
group_id = self.gen_id()
target_dict = PbxDict()
objects_dict.add_item(group_id, target_dict, tid)
target_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXGroup')
target_children = PbxArray()
target_dict.add_item('children', target_children)
target_dict.add_item('name', f'"{t} · target"')
target_dict.add_item('sourceTree', '"<group>"')
source_files_dict = PbxDict()
for s in t.sources:
if isinstance(s, mesonlib.File):
s = os.path.join(s.subdir, s.fname)
elif isinstance(s, str):
s = os.path.join(t.subdir, s)
target_children.add_item(self.fileref_ids[(tid, s)], s)
for o in t.objects:
if isinstance(o, build.ExtractedObjects):
# Do not show built object files in the project tree.
if isinstance(o, mesonlib.File):
o = os.path.join(o.subdir, o.fname)
o = os.path.join(t.subdir, o)
target_children.add_item(self.fileref_ids[(tid, o)], o)
for e in t.extra_files:
if isinstance(e, mesonlib.File):
e = os.path.join(e.subdir, e.fname)
elif isinstance(e, str):
e = os.path.join(t.subdir, e)
target_children.add_item(self.fileref_ids[(tid, e)], e)
source_files_dict.add_item('name', '"Source files"')
source_files_dict.add_item('sourceTree', '"<group>"')
return group_id
def add_projecttree(self, objects_dict, projecttree_id) -> None:
root_dict = PbxDict()
objects_dict.add_item(projecttree_id, root_dict, "Root of project tree")
root_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXGroup')
target_children = PbxArray()
root_dict.add_item('children', target_children)
root_dict.add_item('name', '"Project root"')
root_dict.add_item('sourceTree', '"<group>"')
project_tree = self.generate_project_tree()
self.write_tree(objects_dict, project_tree, target_children, '')
def write_tree(self, objects_dict, tree_node, children_array, current_subdir) -> None:
for subdir_name, subdir_node in tree_node.subdirs.items():
subdir_dict = PbxDict()
subdir_children = PbxArray()
subdir_id = self.gen_id()
objects_dict.add_item(subdir_id, subdir_dict)
subdir_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXGroup')
subdir_dict.add_item('children', subdir_children)
subdir_dict.add_item('name', f'"{subdir_name}"')
subdir_dict.add_item('sourceTree', '"<group>"')
self.write_tree(objects_dict, subdir_node, subdir_children, os.path.join(current_subdir, subdir_name))
for target in tree_node.targets:
group_id = self.write_group_target_entry(objects_dict, target)
potentials = [os.path.join(current_subdir, ''),
os.path.join(current_subdir, 'meson.options'),
os.path.join(current_subdir, 'meson_options.txt')]
for bf in potentials:
i = self.fileref_ids.get(bf, None)
if i:
def generate_project_tree(self) -> FileTreeEntry:
tree_info = FileTreeEntry()
for tname, t in self.build_targets.items():
self.add_target_to_tree(tree_info, t)
return tree_info
def add_target_to_tree(self, tree_root: FileTreeEntry, t: build.BuildTarget) -> None:
current_node = tree_root
path_segments = t.subdir.split('/')
for s in path_segments:
if not s:
if s not in current_node.subdirs:
current_node.subdirs[s] = FileTreeEntry()
current_node = current_node.subdirs[s]
def generate_pbx_native_target(self, objects_dict: PbxDict) -> None:
for tname, idval in self.native_targets.items():
ntarget_dict = PbxDict()
t = self.build_targets[tname]
objects_dict.add_item(idval, ntarget_dict, tname)
ntarget_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXNativeTarget')
ntarget_dict.add_item('buildConfigurationList', self.buildconflistmap[tname], f'Build configuration list for PBXNativeTarget "{tname}"')
buildphases_array = PbxArray()
ntarget_dict.add_item('buildPhases', buildphases_array)
generator_id = 0
for g in t.generated:
# Custom target are handled via inter-target dependencies.
# Generators are built as a shellscriptbuildphase.
if isinstance(g, build.GeneratedList):
buildphases_array.add_item(self.shell_targets[(tname, generator_id)], f'Generator {generator_id}/{tname}')
generator_id += 1
for bpname, bpval in t.buildphasemap.items():
buildphases_array.add_item(bpval, f'{bpname} yyy')
ntarget_dict.add_item('buildRules', PbxArray())
dep_array = PbxArray()
ntarget_dict.add_item('dependencies', dep_array)
# These dependencies only tell Xcode that the deps must be built
# before this one. They don't set up linkage or anything
# like that. Those are set up in the XCBuildConfiguration.
for lt in self.build_targets[tname].link_targets:
# NOT DOCUMENTED, may need to make different links
# to same target have different targetdependency item.
if isinstance(lt, build.CustomTarget):
elif isinstance(lt, build.CustomTargetIndex):
idval = self.pbx_dep_map[lt.get_id()]
dep_array.add_item(idval, 'PBXTargetDependency')
for o in t.objects:
if isinstance(o, build.ExtractedObjects):
source_target_id =
idval = self.pbx_dep_map[source_target_id]
dep_array.add_item(idval, 'PBXTargetDependency')
generator_id = 0
for o in t.generated:
if isinstance(o, build.CustomTarget):
elif isinstance(o, build.CustomTargetIndex):
generator_id += 1
ntarget_dict.add_item('name', f'"{tname}"')
ntarget_dict.add_item('productName', f'"{tname}"')
ntarget_dict.add_item('productReference', self.target_filemap[tname], tname)
if isinstance(t, build.Executable):
typestr = ''
elif isinstance(t, build.StaticLibrary):
typestr = ''
elif isinstance(t, build.SharedLibrary):
typestr = ''
raise MesonException('Unknown target type for %s' % tname)
ntarget_dict.add_item('productType', f'"{typestr}"')
def generate_pbx_project(self, objects_dict: PbxDict) -> None:
project_dict = PbxDict()
objects_dict.add_item(self.project_uid, project_dict, 'Project object')
project_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXProject')
attr_dict = PbxDict()
project_dict.add_item('attributes', attr_dict)
attr_dict.add_item('BuildIndependentTargetsInParallel', 'YES')
project_dict.add_item('buildConfigurationList', self.project_conflist, f'Build configuration list for PBXProject "{}"')
project_dict.add_item('buildSettings', PbxDict())
style_arr = PbxArray()
project_dict.add_item('buildStyles', style_arr)
for name, idval in self.buildstylemap.items():
style_arr.add_item(idval, name)
project_dict.add_item('compatibilityVersion', '"Xcode 3.2"')
project_dict.add_item('hasScannedForEncodings', 0)
project_dict.add_item('mainGroup', self.maingroup_id)
project_dict.add_item('projectDirPath', '"' + self.environment.get_source_dir() + '"')
project_dict.add_item('projectRoot', '""')
targets_arr = PbxArray()
project_dict.add_item('targets', targets_arr)
targets_arr.add_item(self.all_id, 'ALL_BUILD')
targets_arr.add_item(self.test_id, 'RUN_TESTS')
targets_arr.add_item(self.regen_id, 'REGENERATE')
for t in self.build_targets:
targets_arr.add_item(self.native_targets[t], t)
for t in self.custom_targets:
targets_arr.add_item(self.custom_aggregate_targets[t], t)
def generate_pbx_shell_build_phase(self, objects_dict: PbxDict) -> None:
def generate_test_shell_build_phase(self, objects_dict: PbxDict) -> None:
shell_dict = PbxDict()
objects_dict.add_item(self.test_command_id, shell_dict, 'ShellScript')
shell_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXShellScriptBuildPhase')
shell_dict.add_item('buildActionMask', 2147483647)
shell_dict.add_item('files', PbxArray())
shell_dict.add_item('inputPaths', PbxArray())
shell_dict.add_item('outputPaths', PbxArray())
shell_dict.add_item('runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing', 0)
shell_dict.add_item('shellPath', '/bin/sh')
cmd = mesonlib.get_meson_command() + ['test', '--no-rebuild', '-C', self.environment.get_build_dir()]
cmdstr = ' '.join(["'%s'" % i for i in cmd])
shell_dict.add_item('shellScript', f'"{cmdstr}"')
shell_dict.add_item('showEnvVarsInLog', 0)
def generate_regen_shell_build_phase(self, objects_dict: PbxDict) -> None:
shell_dict = PbxDict()
objects_dict.add_item(self.regen_command_id, shell_dict, 'ShellScript')
shell_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXShellScriptBuildPhase')
shell_dict.add_item('buildActionMask', 2147483647)
shell_dict.add_item('files', PbxArray())
shell_dict.add_item('inputPaths', PbxArray())
shell_dict.add_item('outputPaths', PbxArray())
shell_dict.add_item('runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing', 0)
shell_dict.add_item('shellPath', '/bin/sh')
cmd = mesonlib.get_meson_command() + ['--internal', 'regencheck', os.path.join(self.environment.get_build_dir(), 'meson-private')]
cmdstr = ' '.join(["'%s'" % i for i in cmd])
shell_dict.add_item('shellScript', f'"{cmdstr}"')
shell_dict.add_item('showEnvVarsInLog', 0)
def generate_custom_target_shell_build_phases(self, objects_dict: PbxDict) -> None:
# Custom targets are shell build phases in Xcode terminology.
for tname, t in self.custom_targets.items():
if not isinstance(t, build.CustomTarget):
(srcs, ofilenames, cmd) = self.eval_custom_target_command(t, absolute_outputs=True)
fixed_cmd, _ = self.as_meson_exe_cmdline(cmd[0],
capture=ofilenames[0] if t.capture else None,
feed=srcs[0] if t.feed else None,
custom_dict = PbxDict()
objects_dict.add_item(self.shell_targets[tname], custom_dict, f'/* Custom target {tname} */')
custom_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXShellScriptBuildPhase')
custom_dict.add_item('buildActionMask', 2147483647)
custom_dict.add_item('files', PbxArray())
custom_dict.add_item('inputPaths', PbxArray())
outarray = PbxArray()
custom_dict.add_item('name', '"Generate {}."'.format(ofilenames[0]))
custom_dict.add_item('outputPaths', outarray)
for o in ofilenames:
outarray.add_item(f'"{os.path.join(self.environment.get_build_dir(), o)}"')
custom_dict.add_item('runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing', 0)
custom_dict.add_item('shellPath', '/bin/sh')
workdir = self.environment.get_build_dir()
quoted_cmd = []
for c in fixed_cmd:
quoted_cmd.append(c.replace('"', chr(92) + '"'))
cmdstr = ' '.join([f"\\'{x}\\'" for x in quoted_cmd])
custom_dict.add_item('shellScript', f'"cd \'{workdir}\'; {cmdstr}"')
custom_dict.add_item('showEnvVarsInLog', 0)
def generate_generator_target_shell_build_phases(self, objects_dict: PbxDict) -> None:
for tname, t in self.build_targets.items():
generator_id = 0
for genlist in t.generated:
if isinstance(genlist, build.GeneratedList):
self.generate_single_generator_phase(tname, t, genlist, generator_id, objects_dict)
generator_id += 1
for tname, t in self.custom_targets.items():
generator_id = 0
for genlist in t.sources:
if isinstance(genlist, build.GeneratedList):
self.generate_single_generator_phase(tname, t, genlist, generator_id, objects_dict)
generator_id += 1
def generate_single_generator_phase(self, tname, t, genlist, generator_id, objects_dict) -> None:
# TODO: this should be rewritten to use the meson wrapper, like the other generators do
# Currently it doesn't handle a host binary that requires an exe wrapper correctly.
generator = genlist.get_generator()
exe = generator.get_exe()
exe_arr = self.build_target_to_cmd_array(exe)
workdir = self.environment.get_build_dir()
target_private_dir = self.relpath(self.get_target_private_dir(t), self.get_target_dir(t))
gen_dict = PbxDict()
objects_dict.add_item(self.shell_targets[(tname, generator_id)], gen_dict, f'"Generator {generator_id}/{tname}"')
infilelist = genlist.get_inputs()
outfilelist = genlist.get_outputs()
gen_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXShellScriptBuildPhase')
gen_dict.add_item('buildActionMask', 2147483647)
gen_dict.add_item('files', PbxArray())
gen_dict.add_item('inputPaths', PbxArray())
gen_dict.add_item('name', f'"Generator {generator_id}/{tname}"')
commands = [["cd", workdir]] # Array of arrays, each one a single command, will get concatenated below.
k = (tname, generator_id)
ofile_abs = self.generator_outputs[k]
outarray = PbxArray()
gen_dict.add_item('outputPaths', outarray)
for of in ofile_abs:
for i in infilelist:
# This might be needed to be added to inputPaths. It's not done yet as it is
# unclear whether it is necessary, what actually happens when it is defined
# and currently the build works without it.
#infile_abs = i.absolute_path(self.environment.get_source_dir(), self.environment.get_build_dir())
infilename = i.rel_to_builddir(self.build_to_src, target_private_dir)
base_args = generator.get_arglist(infilename)
for o_base in genlist.get_outputs_for(i):
o = os.path.join(self.get_target_private_dir(t), o_base)
args = []
for arg in base_args:
arg = arg.replace("@INPUT@", infilename)
arg = arg.replace('@OUTPUT@', o).replace('@BUILD_DIR@', self.get_target_private_dir(t))
arg = arg.replace("@CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR@", os.path.join(self.build_to_src, t.subdir))
args = self.replace_outputs(args, self.get_target_private_dir(t), outfilelist)
args = self.replace_extra_args(args, genlist)
if generator.capture:
# When capturing, stdout is the output. Forward it with the shell.
full_command = ['('] + exe_arr + args + ['>', o, ')']
full_command = exe_arr + args
gen_dict.add_item('runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing', 0)
gen_dict.add_item('shellPath', '/bin/sh')
quoted_cmds = []
for cmnd in commands:
q = []
for c in cmnd:
if ' ' in c:
quoted_cmds.append(' '.join(q))
cmdstr = '"' + ' && '.join(quoted_cmds) + '"'
gen_dict.add_item('shellScript', cmdstr)
gen_dict.add_item('showEnvVarsInLog', 0)
def generate_pbx_sources_build_phase(self, objects_dict: PbxDict) -> None:
for name in self.source_phase:
phase_dict = PbxDict()
t = self.build_targets[name]
objects_dict.add_item(t.buildphasemap[name], phase_dict, 'Sources')
phase_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXSourcesBuildPhase')
phase_dict.add_item('buildActionMask', 2147483647)
file_arr = PbxArray()
phase_dict.add_item('files', file_arr)
for s in self.build_targets[name].sources:
s = os.path.join(s.subdir, s.fname)
if not self.environment.is_header(s):
file_arr.add_item(self.buildfile_ids[(name, s)], os.path.join(self.environment.get_source_dir(), s))
generator_id = 0
for gt in t.generated:
if isinstance(gt, build.CustomTarget):
(srcs, ofilenames, cmd) = self.eval_custom_target_command(gt)
for o in ofilenames:
os.path.join(self.environment.get_build_dir(), o))
elif isinstance(gt, build.CustomTargetIndex):
for o in gt.get_outputs():
os.path.join(self.environment.get_build_dir(), o))
elif isinstance(gt, build.GeneratedList):
genfiles = self.generator_buildfile_ids[(name, generator_id)]
generator_id += 1
for o in genfiles:
raise RuntimeError('Unknown input type: ' + str(gt))
phase_dict.add_item('runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing', 0)
def generate_pbx_target_dependency(self, objects_dict: PbxDict) -> None:
all_dict = PbxDict()
objects_dict.add_item(self.build_all_tdep_id, all_dict, 'ALL_BUILD')
all_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXTargetDependency')
all_dict.add_item('target', self.all_id)
targets = []
targets.append((self.regen_dependency_id, self.regen_id, 'REGEN', None))
for t in self.build_targets:
idval = self.pbx_dep_map[t] # VERIFY: is this correct?
targets.append((idval, self.native_targets[t], t, self.containerproxy_map[t]))
for t in self.custom_targets:
idval = self.pbx_custom_dep_map[t]
targets.append((idval, self.custom_aggregate_targets[t], t, None)) # self.containerproxy_map[t]))
# Sort object by ID
sorted_targets = sorted(targets, key=operator.itemgetter(0))
for t in sorted_targets:
t_dict = PbxDict()
objects_dict.add_item(t[0], t_dict, 'PBXTargetDependency')
t_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXTargetDependency')
t_dict.add_item('target', t[1], t[2])
if t[3] is not None:
t_dict.add_item('targetProxy', t[3], 'PBXContainerItemProxy')
def generate_xc_build_configuration(self, objects_dict: PbxDict) -> None:
# First the setup for the toplevel project.
for buildtype in self.buildtypes:
bt_dict = PbxDict()
objects_dict.add_item(self.project_configurations[buildtype], bt_dict, buildtype)
bt_dict.add_item('isa', 'XCBuildConfiguration')
settings_dict = PbxDict()
bt_dict.add_item('buildSettings', settings_dict)
settings_dict.add_item('ARCHS', f'"{self.arch}"')
settings_dict.add_item('BUILD_DIR', f'"{self.environment.get_build_dir()}"')
settings_dict.add_item('BUILD_ROOT', '"$(BUILD_DIR)"')
settings_dict.add_item('ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH', 'YES')
settings_dict.add_item('SWIFT_VERSION', '5.0')
settings_dict.add_item('SDKROOT', '"macosx"')
settings_dict.add_item('OBJROOT', '"$(BUILD_DIR)/build"')
bt_dict.add_item('name', f'"{buildtype}"')
# Then the all target.
for buildtype in self.buildtypes:
bt_dict = PbxDict()
objects_dict.add_item(self.buildall_configurations[buildtype], bt_dict, buildtype)
bt_dict.add_item('isa', 'XCBuildConfiguration')
settings_dict = PbxDict()
bt_dict.add_item('buildSettings', settings_dict)
warn_array = PbxArray()
settings_dict.add_item('WARNING_CFLAGS', warn_array)
bt_dict.add_item('name', f'"{buildtype}"')
# Then the test target.
for buildtype in self.buildtypes:
bt_dict = PbxDict()
objects_dict.add_item(self.test_configurations[buildtype], bt_dict, buildtype)
bt_dict.add_item('isa', 'XCBuildConfiguration')
settings_dict = PbxDict()
bt_dict.add_item('buildSettings', settings_dict)
warn_array = PbxArray()
settings_dict.add_item('WARNING_CFLAGS', warn_array)
bt_dict.add_item('name', f'"{buildtype}"')
# Now finally targets.
for target_name, target in self.build_targets.items():
self.generate_single_build_target(objects_dict, target_name, target)
for target_name, target in self.custom_targets.items():
bt_dict = PbxDict()
objects_dict.add_item(self.buildconfmap[target_name][buildtype], bt_dict, buildtype)
bt_dict.add_item('isa', 'XCBuildConfiguration')
settings_dict = PbxDict()
bt_dict.add_item('buildSettings', settings_dict)
settings_dict.add_item('ARCHS', f'"{self.arch}"')
settings_dict.add_item('ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH', 'YES')
settings_dict.add_item('SDKROOT', '"macosx"')
bt_dict.add_item('name', f'"{buildtype}"')
def determine_internal_dep_link_args(self, target, buildtype):
links_dylib = False
dep_libs = []
for l in target.link_targets:
if isinstance(target, build.SharedModule) and isinstance(l, build.Executable):
if isinstance(l, build.CustomTargetIndex):
rel_dir = self.get_custom_target_output_dir(
libname = l.get_filename()
elif isinstance(l, build.CustomTarget):
rel_dir = self.get_custom_target_output_dir(l)
libname = l.get_filename()
rel_dir = self.get_target_dir(l)
libname = l.get_filename()
abs_path = os.path.join(self.environment.get_build_dir(), rel_dir, libname)
dep_libs.append("'%s'" % abs_path)
if isinstance(l, build.SharedLibrary):
links_dylib = True
if isinstance(l, build.StaticLibrary):
(sub_libs, sub_links_dylib) = self.determine_internal_dep_link_args(l, buildtype)
dep_libs += sub_libs
links_dylib = links_dylib or sub_links_dylib
return (dep_libs, links_dylib)
def generate_single_build_target(self, objects_dict, target_name, target) -> None:
for buildtype in self.buildtypes:
dep_libs = []
links_dylib = False
headerdirs = []
bridging_header = ""
is_swift = self.is_swift_target(target)
for d in target.include_dirs:
for sd in d.incdirs:
cd = os.path.join(d.curdir, sd)
headerdirs.append(os.path.join(self.environment.get_source_dir(), cd))
headerdirs.append(os.path.join(self.environment.get_build_dir(), cd))
for extra in d.extra_build_dirs:
headerdirs.append(os.path.join(self.environment.get_build_dir(), extra))
# Swift can import declarations from C-based code using bridging headers.
# There can only be one header, and it must be included as a source file.
for i in target.get_sources():
if self.environment.is_header(i) and is_swift:
relh = i.rel_to_builddir(self.build_to_src)
bridging_header = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.environment.get_build_dir(), relh))
(dep_libs, links_dylib) = self.determine_internal_dep_link_args(target, buildtype)
if links_dylib:
dep_libs = ['-Wl,-search_paths_first', '-Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names'] + dep_libs
dylib_version = None
if isinstance(target, build.SharedLibrary):
if isinstance(target, build.SharedModule):
ldargs = []
ldargs = ['-dynamiclib']
ldargs += ['-Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names'] + dep_libs
install_path = os.path.join(self.environment.get_build_dir(), target.subdir, buildtype)
dylib_version = target.soversion
ldargs = dep_libs
install_path = ''
if dylib_version is not None:
product_name = target.get_basename() + '.' + dylib_version
product_name = target.get_basename()
ldargs += target.link_args
# Swift is special. Again. You can't mix Swift with other languages
# in the same target. Thus for Swift we only use
if is_swift:
linker, stdlib_args = target.compilers['swift'], []
linker, stdlib_args = self.determine_linker_and_stdlib_args(target)
if not isinstance(target, build.StaticLibrary):
ldargs +=, target.subproject, target.for_machine)
ldargs +=, target.for_machine)
cargs = []
for dep in target.get_external_deps():
cargs += dep.get_compile_args()
ldargs += dep.get_link_args()
for o in target.objects:
# Add extracted objects to the link line by hand.
if isinstance(o, build.ExtractedObjects):
added_objs = set()
for objname_rel in self.determine_ext_objs(o):
objname_abs = os.path.join(self.environment.get_build_dir(),, objname_rel)
if objname_abs not in added_objs:
ldargs += [r'\"' + objname_abs + r'\"']
generator_id = 0
for o in target.generated:
if isinstance(o, build.GeneratedList):
outputs = self.generator_outputs[target_name, generator_id]
generator_id += 1
for o_abs in outputs:
if o_abs.endswith('.o') or o_abs.endswith('.obj'):
ldargs += [r'\"' + o_abs + r'\"']
if isinstance(o, build.CustomTarget):
(srcs, ofilenames, cmd) = self.eval_custom_target_command(o)
for ofname in ofilenames:
if os.path.splitext(ofname)[-1] in LINKABLE_EXTENSIONS:
ldargs += [r'\"' + os.path.join(self.environment.get_build_dir(), ofname) + r'\"']
elif isinstance(o, build.CustomTargetIndex):
for ofname in o.get_outputs():
if os.path.splitext(ofname)[-1] in LINKABLE_EXTENSIONS:
ldargs += [r'\"' + os.path.join(self.environment.get_build_dir(), ofname) + r'\"']
raise RuntimeError(o)
if isinstance(target, build.SharedModule):
ldargs += linker.get_std_shared_module_link_args(target.get_options())
elif isinstance(target, build.SharedLibrary):
ldargs += linker.get_std_shared_lib_link_args()
ldstr = ' '.join(ldargs)
valid = self.buildconfmap[target_name][buildtype]
langargs = {}
for lang in self.environment.coredata.compilers[target.for_machine]:
if lang not in LANGNAMEMAP:
compiler = target.compilers.get(lang)
if compiler is None:
# Start with warning args
warn_args = compiler.get_warn_args(target.get_option(OptionKey('warning_level')))
copt_proxy = target.get_options()
std_args = compiler.get_option_compile_args(copt_proxy)
# Add compile args added using add_project_arguments()
pargs =[target.for_machine].get(target.subproject, {}).get(lang, [])
# Add compile args added using add_global_arguments()
# These override per-project arguments
gargs =[target.for_machine].get(lang, [])
targs = target.get_extra_args(lang)
args = warn_args + std_args + pargs + gargs + targs
if lang == 'swift':
# For some reason putting Swift module dirs in HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS does not work,
# but adding -I/path to manual args does work.
swift_dep_dirs = self.determine_swift_dep_dirs(target)
for d in swift_dep_dirs:
args += compiler.get_include_args(d, False)
if args:
lang_cargs = cargs
if compiler and target.implicit_include_directories:
# It is unclear what is the cwd when xcode runs. -I. does not seem to
# add the root build dir to the search path. So add an absolute path instead.
# This may break reproducible builds, in which case patches are welcome.
lang_cargs += self.get_custom_target_dir_include_args(target, compiler, absolute_path=True)
# Xcode cannot handle separate compilation flags for C and ObjectiveC. They are both
# put in OTHER_CFLAGS. Same with C++ and ObjectiveC++.
if lang == 'objc':
lang = 'c'
elif lang == 'objcpp':
lang = 'cpp'
langname = LANGNAMEMAP[lang]
if langname in langargs:
langargs[langname] += args
langargs[langname] = args
langargs[langname] += lang_cargs
symroot = os.path.join(self.environment.get_build_dir(), target.subdir)
bt_dict = PbxDict()
objects_dict.add_item(valid, bt_dict, buildtype)
bt_dict.add_item('isa', 'XCBuildConfiguration')
settings_dict = PbxDict()
bt_dict.add_item('buildSettings', settings_dict)
settings_dict.add_item('COMBINE_HIDPI_IMAGES', 'YES')
if isinstance(target, build.SharedModule):
settings_dict.add_item('DYLIB_CURRENT_VERSION', '""')
settings_dict.add_item('DYLIB_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION', '""')
if dylib_version is not None:
settings_dict.add_item('DYLIB_CURRENT_VERSION', f'"{dylib_version}"')
if target.prefix:
settings_dict.add_item('EXECUTABLE_PREFIX', target.prefix)
if target.suffix:
suffix = '.' + target.suffix
settings_dict.add_item('EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX', suffix)
settings_dict.add_item('GCC_GENERATE_DEBUGGING_SYMBOLS', BOOL2XCODEBOOL[target.get_option(OptionKey('debug'))])
settings_dict.add_item('GCC_INLINES_ARE_PRIVATE_EXTERN', 'NO')
opt_flag = OPT2XCODEOPT[target.get_option(OptionKey('optimization'))]
if opt_flag is not None:
settings_dict.add_item('GCC_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL', opt_flag)
if target.has_pch:
# Xcode uses GCC_PREFIX_HEADER which only allows one file per target/executable. Precompiling various header files and
# applying a particular pch to each source file will require custom scripts (as a build phase) and build flags per each
# file. Since Xcode itself already discourages precompiled headers in favor of modules we don't try much harder here.
pchs = target.get_pch('c') + target.get_pch('cpp') + target.get_pch('objc') + target.get_pch('objcpp')
# Make sure to use headers (other backends require implementation files like *.c *.cpp, etc; these should not be used here)
pchs = [pch for pch in pchs if pch.endswith('.h') or pch.endswith('.hh') or pch.endswith('hpp')]
if pchs:
if len(pchs) > 1:
mlog.warning(f'Unsupported Xcode configuration: More than 1 precompiled header found "{pchs!s}". Target "{}" might not compile correctly.')
relative_pch_path = os.path.join(target.get_subdir(), pchs[0]) # Path relative to target so it can be used with "$(PROJECT_DIR)"
settings_dict.add_item('GCC_PRECOMPILE_PREFIX_HEADER', 'YES')
settings_dict.add_item('GCC_PREFIX_HEADER', f'"$(PROJECT_DIR)/{relative_pch_path}"')
settings_dict.add_item('GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS', '""')
settings_dict.add_item('GCC_SYMBOLS_PRIVATE_EXTERN', 'NO')
header_arr = PbxArray()
unquoted_headers = []
if target.implicit_include_directories:
unquoted_headers.append(os.path.join(self.environment.get_build_dir(), target.get_subdir()))
unquoted_headers.append(os.path.join(self.environment.get_source_dir(), target.get_subdir()))
if headerdirs:
for i in headerdirs:
i = os.path.normpath(i)
for i in unquoted_headers:
settings_dict.add_item('HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS', header_arr)
settings_dict.add_item('INSTALL_PATH', f'"{install_path}"')
settings_dict.add_item('LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATHS', '""')
if isinstance(target, build.SharedModule):
settings_dict.add_item('LIBRARY_STYLE', 'BUNDLE')
settings_dict.add_item('MACH_O_TYPE', 'mh_bundle')
elif isinstance(target, build.SharedLibrary):
settings_dict.add_item('LIBRARY_STYLE', 'DYNAMIC')
self.add_otherargs(settings_dict, langargs)
settings_dict.add_item('OTHER_LDFLAGS', f'"{ldstr}"')
settings_dict.add_item('OTHER_REZFLAGS', '""')
if ' ' in product_name:
settings_dict.add_item('PRODUCT_NAME', f'"{product_name}"')
settings_dict.add_item('PRODUCT_NAME', product_name)
settings_dict.add_item('SECTORDER_FLAGS', '""')
if is_swift and bridging_header:
settings_dict.add_item('SWIFT_OBJC_BRIDGING_HEADER', f'"{bridging_header}"')
settings_dict.add_item('BUILD_DIR', f'"{symroot}"')
settings_dict.add_item('OBJROOT', f'"{symroot}/build"')
sysheader_arr = PbxArray()
# XCode will change every -I flag that points inside these directories
# to an -isystem. Thus set nothing in it since we control our own
# include flags.
settings_dict.add_item('SYSTEM_HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS', sysheader_arr)
settings_dict.add_item('USE_HEADERMAP', 'NO')
warn_array = PbxArray()
settings_dict.add_item('WARNING_CFLAGS', warn_array)
bt_dict.add_item('name', buildtype)
def add_otherargs(self, settings_dict, langargs):
for langname, args in langargs.items():
if args:
quoted_args = []
for a in args:
# This works but
# a) it's ugly as sin
# b) I don't know why it works or why every backslash must be escaped into eight backslashes
a = a.replace(chr(92), 8*chr(92)) # chr(92) is backslash, this how we smuggle it in without Python's quoting grabbing it.
a = a.replace(r'"', r'\\\"')
if ' ' in a or "'" in a:
a = r'\"' + a + r'\"'
settings_dict.add_item(f'OTHER_{langname}FLAGS', '"' + ' '.join(quoted_args) + '"')
def generate_xc_configurationList(self, objects_dict: PbxDict) -> None:
# FIXME: sort items
conf_dict = PbxDict()
objects_dict.add_item(self.project_conflist, conf_dict, f'Build configuration list for PBXProject "{}"')
conf_dict.add_item('isa', 'XCConfigurationList')
confs_arr = PbxArray()
conf_dict.add_item('buildConfigurations', confs_arr)
for buildtype in self.buildtypes:
4 years ago
confs_arr.add_item(self.project_configurations[buildtype], buildtype)
conf_dict.add_item('defaultConfigurationIsVisible', 0)
conf_dict.add_item('defaultConfigurationName', self.buildtype)
# Now the all target
all_dict = PbxDict()
objects_dict.add_item(self.all_buildconf_id, all_dict, 'Build configuration list for PBXAggregateTarget "ALL_BUILD"')
all_dict.add_item('isa', 'XCConfigurationList')
conf_arr = PbxArray()
all_dict.add_item('buildConfigurations', conf_arr)
for buildtype in self.buildtypes:
conf_arr.add_item(self.buildall_configurations[buildtype], buildtype)
all_dict.add_item('defaultConfigurationIsVisible', 0)
all_dict.add_item('defaultConfigurationName', self.buildtype)
# Test target
test_dict = PbxDict()
objects_dict.add_item(self.test_buildconf_id, test_dict, 'Build configuration list for PBXAggregateTarget "RUN_TEST"')
test_dict.add_item('isa', 'XCConfigurationList')
conf_arr = PbxArray()
test_dict.add_item('buildConfigurations', conf_arr)
for buildtype in self.buildtypes:
conf_arr.add_item(self.test_configurations[buildtype], buildtype)
test_dict.add_item('defaultConfigurationIsVisible', 0)
test_dict.add_item('defaultConfigurationName', self.buildtype)
# Regen target
regen_dict = PbxDict()
objects_dict.add_item(self.regen_buildconf_id, test_dict, 'Build configuration list for PBXAggregateTarget "REGENERATE"')
regen_dict.add_item('isa', 'XCConfigurationList')
conf_arr = PbxArray()
regen_dict.add_item('buildConfigurations', conf_arr)
for buildtype in self.buildtypes:
conf_arr.add_item(self.test_configurations[buildtype], buildtype)
regen_dict.add_item('defaultConfigurationIsVisible', 0)
regen_dict.add_item('defaultConfigurationName', self.buildtype)
for target_name in self.build_targets:
t_dict = PbxDict()
listid = self.buildconflistmap[target_name]
objects_dict.add_item(listid, t_dict, f'Build configuration list for PBXNativeTarget "{target_name}"')
t_dict.add_item('isa', 'XCConfigurationList')
conf_arr = PbxArray()
t_dict.add_item('buildConfigurations', conf_arr)
idval = self.buildconfmap[target_name][self.buildtype]
conf_arr.add_item(idval, self.buildtype)
t_dict.add_item('defaultConfigurationIsVisible', 0)
t_dict.add_item('defaultConfigurationName', self.buildtype)
for target_name in self.custom_targets:
t_dict = PbxDict()
listid = self.buildconflistmap[target_name]
objects_dict.add_item(listid, t_dict, f'Build configuration list for PBXAggregateTarget "{target_name}"')
t_dict.add_item('isa', 'XCConfigurationList')
conf_arr = PbxArray()
t_dict.add_item('buildConfigurations', conf_arr)
idval = self.buildconfmap[target_name][self.buildtype]
conf_arr.add_item(idval, self.buildtype)
t_dict.add_item('defaultConfigurationIsVisible', 0)
t_dict.add_item('defaultConfigurationName', self.buildtype)
def generate_prefix(self, pbxdict: PbxDict) -> PbxDict:
pbxdict.add_item('archiveVersion', '1')
pbxdict.add_item('classes', PbxDict())
pbxdict.add_item('objectVersion', '46')
objects_dict = PbxDict()
pbxdict.add_item('objects', objects_dict)
return objects_dict
def generate_suffix(self, pbxdict: PbxDict) -> None:
pbxdict.add_item('rootObject', self.project_uid, 'Project object')