The Meson Build System
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
196 lines
8.1 KiB
196 lines
8.1 KiB
4 years ago
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# SPDX-License-Identifer: Apache-2.0
# Copyright 2021 The Meson development team
import argparse
import json
from pathlib import Path
from copy import deepcopy
import typing as T
T_None = type(None)
# Global root object
root: dict
def assert_has_typed_keys(path: str, data: dict, keys: T.Dict[str, T.Any]) -> dict:
assert set(data.keys()).issuperset(keys.keys()), f'{path}: DIFF: {set(data.keys()).difference(keys.keys())}'
res = dict()
for key, val in keys.items():
cur = data.pop(key)
assert isinstance(cur, val), f'{path}: type({key}: {cur}) != {val}'
res[key] = cur
return res
def validate_base_obj(path: str, name: str, obj: dict) -> None:
expected: T.Dict[str, T.Any] = {
'name': str,
'description': str,
'since': (str, T_None),
'deprecated': (str, T_None),
'notes': list,
'warnings': list,
cur = assert_has_typed_keys(f'{path}.{name}', obj, expected)
assert cur['name'], f'{path}.{name}'
assert cur['description'], f'{path}.{name}'
assert cur['name'] == name, f'{path}.{name}'
assert all(isinstance(x, str) and x for x in cur['notes']), f'{path}.{name}'
assert all(isinstance(x, str) and x for x in cur['warnings']), f'{path}.{name}'
def validate_type(path: str, typ: dict) -> None:
expected: T.Dict[str, T.Any] = {
'obj': str,
'holds': list,
cur = assert_has_typed_keys(path, typ, expected)
assert not typ, f'{path} has extra keys: {typ.keys()}'
assert cur['obj'] in root['objects'], path
for i in cur['holds']:
validate_type(path, i)
def validate_arg(path: str, name: str, arg: dict) -> None:
validate_base_obj(path, name, arg)
expected: T.Dict[str, T.Any] = {
'type': list,
'type_str': str,
'required': bool,
'default': (str, T_None),
'min_varargs': (int, T_None),
'max_varargs': (int, T_None),
cur = assert_has_typed_keys(f'{path}.{name}', arg, expected)
assert not arg, f'{path}.{name} has extra keys: {arg.keys()}'
assert cur['type'], f'{path}.{name}'
assert cur['type_str'], f'{path}.{name}'
for i in cur['type']:
validate_type(f'{path}.{name}', i)
if cur['min_varargs'] is not None:
assert cur['min_varargs'] > 0, f'{path}.{name}'
if cur['max_varargs'] is not None:
assert cur['max_varargs'] > 0, f'{path}.{name}'
def validate_function(path: str, name: str, func: dict) -> None:
validate_base_obj(path, name, func)
expected: T.Dict[str, T.Any] = {
'returns': list,
'returns_str': str,
'example': (str, T_None),
'posargs': dict,
'optargs': dict,
'kwargs': dict,
'varargs': (dict, T_None),
cur = assert_has_typed_keys(f'{path}.{name}', func, expected)
assert not func, f'{path}.{name} has extra keys: {func.keys()}'
assert cur['returns'], f'{path}.{name}'
assert cur['returns_str'], f'{path}.{name}'
for i in cur['returns']:
validate_type(f'{path}.{name}', i)
for k, v in cur['posargs'].items():
validate_arg(f'{path}.{name}', k, v)
for k, v in cur['optargs'].items():
validate_arg(f'{path}.{name}', k, v)
for k, v in cur['kwargs'].items():
validate_arg(f'{path}.{name}', k, v)
if cur['varargs']:
validate_arg(f'{path}.{name}', cur['varargs']['name'], cur['varargs'])
def validate_object(path: str, name: str, obj: dict) -> None:
validate_base_obj(path, name, obj)
expected: T.Dict[str, T.Any] = {
'example': (str, T_None),
'object_type': str,
'methods': dict,
'is_container': bool,
'extends': (str, T_None),
'returned_by': list,
'extended_by': list,
'defined_by_module': (str, T_None),
cur = assert_has_typed_keys(f'{path}.{name}', obj, expected)
assert not obj, f'{path}.{name} has extra keys: {obj.keys()}'
for key, val in cur['methods'].items():
validate_function(f'{path}.{name}', key, val)
if cur['extends'] is not None:
assert cur['extends'] in root['objects'], f'{path}.{name}'
assert all(isinstance(x, str) for x in cur['returned_by']), f'{path}.{name}'
assert all(isinstance(x, str) for x in cur['extended_by']), f'{path}.{name}'
assert all(x in root['objects'] for x in cur['extended_by']), f'{path}.{name}'
if cur['defined_by_module'] is not None:
assert cur['defined_by_module'] in root['objects'], f'{path}.{name}'
assert cur['object_type'] == 'RETURNED', f'{path}.{name}'
assert root['objects'][cur['defined_by_module']]['object_type'] == 'MODULE', f'{path}.{name}'
assert name in root['objects_by_type']['modules'][cur['defined_by_module']], f'{path}.{name}'
assert cur['object_type'] in {'ELEMENTARY', 'BUILTIN', 'MODULE', 'RETURNED'}, f'{path}.{name}'
if cur['object_type'] == 'ELEMENTARY':
assert name in root['objects_by_type']['elementary'], f'{path}.{name}'
if cur['object_type'] == 'BUILTIN':
assert name in root['objects_by_type']['builtins'], f'{path}.{name}'
if cur['object_type'] == 'RETURNED':
assert name in root['objects_by_type']['returned'], f'{path}.{name}'
if cur['object_type'] == 'MODULE':
assert name in root['objects_by_type']['modules'], f'{path}.{name}'
def main() -> int:
global root
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Meson JSON docs validator')
parser.add_argument('doc_file', type=Path, help='The JSON docs to validate')
args = parser.parse_args()
root_tmp = json.loads(args.doc_file.read_text(encoding='utf-8'))
root = deepcopy(root_tmp)
assert isinstance(root, dict)
expected: T.Dict[str, T.Any] = {
'version_major': int,
'version_minor': int,
'meson_version': str,
'functions': dict,
'objects': dict,
'objects_by_type': dict,
cur = assert_has_typed_keys('root', root_tmp, expected)
assert not root_tmp, f'root has extra keys: {root_tmp.keys()}'
refs = cur['objects_by_type']
expected = {
'elementary': list,
'builtins': list,
'returned': list,
'modules': dict,
assert_has_typed_keys(f'root.objects_by_type', refs, expected)
assert not refs, f'root.objects_by_type has extra keys: {refs.keys()}'
assert all(isinstance(x, str) for x in root['objects_by_type']['elementary'])
assert all(isinstance(x, str) for x in root['objects_by_type']['builtins'])
assert all(isinstance(x, str) for x in root['objects_by_type']['returned'])
assert all(isinstance(x, str) for x in root['objects_by_type']['modules'])
assert all(x in root['objects'] for x in root['objects_by_type']['elementary'])
assert all(x in root['objects'] for x in root['objects_by_type']['builtins'])
assert all(x in root['objects'] for x in root['objects_by_type']['returned'])
assert all(x in root['objects'] for x in root['objects_by_type']['modules'])
assert all(root['objects'][x]['object_type'] == 'ELEMENTARY' for x in root['objects_by_type']['elementary'])
assert all(root['objects'][x]['object_type'] == 'BUILTIN' for x in root['objects_by_type']['builtins'])
assert all(root['objects'][x]['object_type'] == 'RETURNED' for x in root['objects_by_type']['returned'])
assert all(root['objects'][x]['object_type'] == 'MODULE' for x in root['objects_by_type']['modules'])
# Check that module references are correct
assert all(all(isinstance(x, str) for x in v) for k, v in root['objects_by_type']['modules'].items())
assert all(all(x in root['objects'] for x in v) for k, v in root['objects_by_type']['modules'].items())
assert all(all(root['objects'][x]['defined_by_module'] == k for x in v) for k, v in root['objects_by_type']['modules'].items())
for key, val in cur['functions'].items():
validate_function('root', key, val)
for key, val in cur['objects'].items():
validate_object('root', key, val)
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
raise SystemExit(main())