# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Copyright 2014-2016 The Meson development team
from __future__ import annotations
import os
import typing as T
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from .vs2010backend import Vs2010Backend
from ..mesonlib import MesonException
from ..build import Build
from ..interpreter import Interpreter
class Vs2017Backend(Vs2010Backend):
name = 'vs2017'
def __init__(self, build: T.Optional[Build], interpreter: T.Optional[Interpreter]):
super().__init__(build, interpreter)
self.vs_version = '2017'
self.sln_file_version = '12.00'
self.sln_version_comment = '15'
# We assume that host == build
if self.environment is not None:
comps = self.environment.coredata.compilers.host
if comps:
if comps and all(c.id == 'clang-cl' for c in comps.values()):
self.platform_toolset = 'llvm'
elif comps and all(c.id == 'intel-cl' for c in comps.values()):
c = list(comps.values())[0]
if c.version.startswith('19'):
self.platform_toolset = 'Intel C++ Compiler 19.0'
# We don't have support for versions older than 2019 right now.
raise MesonException('There is currently no support for ICL before 19, patches welcome.')
if self.platform_toolset is None:
self.platform_toolset = 'v141'
# WindowsSDKVersion should be set by command prompt.
sdk_version = os.environ.get('WindowsSDKVersion', None)
if sdk_version:
self.windows_target_platform_version = sdk_version.rstrip('\\')
def generate_debug_information(self, link):
# valid values for vs2017 is 'false', 'true', 'DebugFastLink', 'DebugFull'
ET.SubElement(link, 'GenerateDebugInformation').text = 'DebugFull'
def generate_lang_standard_info(self, file_args, clconf):
if 'cpp' in file_args:
optargs = [x for x in file_args['cpp'] if x.startswith('/std:c++')]
if optargs:
ET.SubElement(clconf, 'LanguageStandard').text = optargs[0].replace("/std:c++", "stdcpp")
if 'c' in file_args:
optargs = [x for x in file_args['c'] if x.startswith('/std:c')]
if optargs:
ET.SubElement(clconf, 'LanguageStandard_C').text = optargs[0].replace("/std:c", "stdc")