The Meson Build System
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

832 lines
33 KiB

# Copyright 2014-2017 The Meson development team
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from dataclasses import dataclass
import re
import codecs
import typing as T
from .mesonlib import MesonException
from . import mlog
from .ast import AstVisitor
# This is the regex for the supported escape sequences of a regular string
# literal, like 'abc\x00'
( \\U[A-Fa-f0-9]{8} # 8-digit hex escapes
| \\u[A-Fa-f0-9]{4} # 4-digit hex escapes
| \\x[A-Fa-f0-9]{2} # 2-digit hex escapes
| \\[0-7]{1,3} # Octal escapes
| \\N\{[^}]+\} # Unicode characters by name
| \\[\\'abfnrtv] # Single-character escapes
)''', re.UNICODE | re.VERBOSE)
class MesonUnicodeDecodeError(MesonException):
def __init__(self, match: str) -> None:
self.match = match
def decode_match(match: T.Match[str]) -> str:
return codecs.decode(, 'unicode_escape')
except UnicodeDecodeError:
raise MesonUnicodeDecodeError(
class ParseException(MesonException):
def __init__(self, text: str, line: str, lineno: int, colno: int) -> None:
# Format as error message, followed by the line with the error, followed by a caret to show the error column.
super().__init__("{}\n{}\n{}".format(text, line, '{}^'.format(' ' * colno)))
self.lineno = lineno
self.colno = colno
class BlockParseException(MesonException):
def __init__(
text: str,
line: str,
lineno: int,
colno: int,
start_line: str,
start_lineno: int,
start_colno: int,
) -> None:
# This can be formatted in two ways - one if the block start and end are on the same line, and a different way if they are on different lines.
if lineno == start_lineno:
# If block start and end are on the same line, it is formatted as:
# Error message
# Followed by the line with the error
# Followed by a caret to show the block start
# Followed by underscores
# Followed by a caret to show the block end.
super().__init__("{}\n{}\n{}".format(text, line, '{}^{}^'.format(' ' * start_colno, '_' * (colno - start_colno - 1))))
# If block start and end are on different lines, it is formatted as:
# Error message
# Followed by the line with the error
# Followed by a caret to show the error column.
# Followed by a message saying where the block started.
# Followed by the line of the block start.
# Followed by a caret for the block start.
super().__init__("%s\n%s\n%s\nFor a block that started at %d,%d\n%s\n%s" % (text, line, '%s^' % (' ' * colno), start_lineno, start_colno, start_line, "%s^" % (' ' * start_colno)))
self.lineno = lineno
self.colno = colno
TV_TokenTypes = T.TypeVar('TV_TokenTypes', int, str, bool)
class Token(T.Generic[TV_TokenTypes]):
tid: str
filename: str
line_start: int
lineno: int
colno: int
bytespan: T.Tuple[int, int]
value: TV_TokenTypes
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
if isinstance(other, str):
return self.tid == other
elif isinstance(other, Token):
return self.tid == other.tid
return NotImplemented
class Lexer:
def __init__(self, code: str):
self.code = code
self.keywords = {'true', 'false', 'if', 'else', 'elif',
'endif', 'and', 'or', 'not', 'foreach', 'endforeach',
'in', 'continue', 'break'}
self.future_keywords = {'return'}
self.token_specification = [
# Need to be sorted longest to shortest.
('ignore', re.compile(r'[ \t]')),
('multiline_fstring', re.compile(r"f'''(.|\n)*?'''", re.M)),
('fstring', re.compile(r"f'([^'\\]|(\\.))*'")),
('id', re.compile('[_a-zA-Z][_0-9a-zA-Z]*')),
('number', re.compile(r'0[bB][01]+|0[oO][0-7]+|0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+|0|[1-9]\d*')),
('eol_cont', re.compile(r'\\\n')),
('eol', re.compile(r'\n')),
('multiline_string', re.compile(r"'''(.|\n)*?'''", re.M)),
('comment', re.compile(r'#.*')),
('lparen', re.compile(r'\(')),
('rparen', re.compile(r'\)')),
('lbracket', re.compile(r'\[')),
('rbracket', re.compile(r'\]')),
('lcurl', re.compile(r'\{')),
('rcurl', re.compile(r'\}')),
('dblquote', re.compile(r'"')),
('string', re.compile(r"'([^'\\]|(\\.))*'")),
('comma', re.compile(r',')),
('plusassign', re.compile(r'\+=')),
('dot', re.compile(r'\.')),
('plus', re.compile(r'\+')),
('dash', re.compile(r'-')),
('star', re.compile(r'\*')),
('percent', re.compile(r'%')),
('fslash', re.compile(r'/')),
('colon', re.compile(r':')),
('equal', re.compile(r'==')),
('nequal', re.compile(r'!=')),
('assign', re.compile(r'=')),
('le', re.compile(r'<=')),
('lt', re.compile(r'<')),
('ge', re.compile(r'>=')),
('gt', re.compile(r'>')),
('questionmark', re.compile(r'\?')),
def getline(self, line_start: int) -> str:
return self.code[line_start:self.code.find('\n', line_start)]
def lex(self, filename: str) -> T.Generator[Token, None, None]:
line_start = 0
lineno = 1
loc = 0
par_count = 0
bracket_count = 0
curl_count = 0
col = 0
while loc < len(self.code):
matched = False
value = None # type: T.Union[str, bool, int]
for (tid, reg) in self.token_specification:
mo = reg.match(self.code, loc)
if mo:
curline = lineno
curline_start = line_start
col = mo.start() - line_start
matched = True
span_start = loc
loc = mo.end()
span_end = loc
bytespan = (span_start, span_end)
match_text =
if tid in {'ignore', 'comment'}:
elif tid == 'lparen':
par_count += 1
elif tid == 'rparen':
par_count -= 1
elif tid == 'lbracket':
bracket_count += 1
elif tid == 'rbracket':
bracket_count -= 1
elif tid == 'lcurl':
curl_count += 1
elif tid == 'rcurl':
curl_count -= 1
elif tid == 'dblquote':
raise ParseException('Double quotes are not supported. Use single quotes.', self.getline(line_start), lineno, col)
elif tid in {'string', 'fstring'}:
# Handle here and not on the regexp to give a better error message.
if match_text.find("\n") != -1:
msg = ParseException("Newline character in a string detected, use ''' (three single quotes) "
"for multiline strings instead.\n"
"This will become a hard error in a future Meson release.",
self.getline(line_start), lineno, col)
mlog.warning(msg, location=BaseNode(lineno, col, filename))
value = match_text[2 if tid == 'fstring' else 1:-1]
value = ESCAPE_SEQUENCE_SINGLE_RE.sub(decode_match, value)
except MesonUnicodeDecodeError as err:
raise MesonException(f"Failed to parse escape sequence: '{err.match}' in string:\n {match_text}")
elif tid in {'multiline_string', 'multiline_fstring'}:
# For multiline strings, parse out the value and pass
# through the normal string logic.
# For multiline format strings, we have to emit a
# different AST node so we can add a feature check,
# but otherwise, it follows the normal fstring logic.
if tid == 'multiline_string':
value = match_text[3:-3]
tid = 'string'
value = match_text[4:-3]
lines = match_text.split('\n')
if len(lines) > 1:
lineno += len(lines) - 1
line_start = mo.end() - len(lines[-1])
elif tid == 'number':
value = int(match_text, base=0)
elif tid == 'eol_cont':
lineno += 1
line_start = loc
elif tid == 'eol':
lineno += 1
line_start = loc
if par_count > 0 or bracket_count > 0 or curl_count > 0:
elif tid == 'id':
if match_text in self.keywords:
tid = match_text
if match_text in self.future_keywords:
mlog.warning(f"Identifier '{match_text}' will become a reserved keyword in a future release. Please rename it.",
location=BaseNode(lineno, col, filename))
value = match_text
yield Token(tid, filename, curline_start, curline, col, bytespan, value)
if not matched:
raise ParseException('lexer', self.getline(line_start), lineno, col)
class BaseNode:
lineno: int
colno: int
filename: str
end_lineno: T.Optional[int] = None
end_colno: T.Optional[int] = None
def __post_init__(self) -> None:
if self.end_lineno is None:
self.end_lineno = self.lineno
if self.end_colno is None:
self.end_colno = self.colno
# Attributes for the visitors
self.level = 0 # type: int
self.ast_id = '' # type: str
self.condition_level = 0 # type: int
def accept(self, visitor: 'AstVisitor') -> None:
fname = 'visit_{}'.format(type(self).__name__)
if hasattr(visitor, fname):
func = getattr(visitor, fname)
if callable(func):
class ElementaryNode(T.Generic[TV_TokenTypes], BaseNode):
def __init__(self, token: Token[TV_TokenTypes]):
super().__init__(token.lineno, token.colno, token.filename)
self.value = token.value # type: TV_TokenTypes
self.bytespan = token.bytespan # type: T.Tuple[int, int]
class BooleanNode(ElementaryNode[bool]):
def __init__(self, token: Token[bool]):
assert isinstance(self.value, bool)
class IdNode(ElementaryNode[str]):
def __init__(self, token: Token[str]):
assert isinstance(self.value, str)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return "Id node: '%s' (%d, %d)." % (self.value, self.lineno, self.colno)
class NumberNode(ElementaryNode[int]):
def __init__(self, token: Token[int]):
assert isinstance(self.value, int)
class StringNode(ElementaryNode[str]):
def __init__(self, token: Token[str]):
assert isinstance(self.value, str)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return "String node: '%s' (%d, %d)." % (self.value, self.lineno, self.colno)
class FormatStringNode(ElementaryNode[str]):
def __init__(self, token: Token[str]):
assert isinstance(self.value, str)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f"Format string node: '{self.value}' ({self.lineno}, {self.colno})."
class MultilineFormatStringNode(FormatStringNode):
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f"Multiline Format string node: '{self.value}' ({self.lineno}, {self.colno})."
class ContinueNode(ElementaryNode):
class BreakNode(ElementaryNode):
class ArgumentNode(BaseNode):
def __init__(self, token: Token[TV_TokenTypes]):
super().__init__(token.lineno, token.colno, token.filename)
self.arguments = [] # type: T.List[BaseNode]
self.commas = [] # type: T.List[Token[TV_TokenTypes]]
self.kwargs = {} # type: T.Dict[BaseNode, BaseNode]
self.order_error = False
def prepend(self, statement: BaseNode) -> None:
if self.num_kwargs() > 0:
self.order_error = True
if not isinstance(statement, EmptyNode):
self.arguments = [statement] + self.arguments
def append(self, statement: BaseNode) -> None:
if self.num_kwargs() > 0:
self.order_error = True
if not isinstance(statement, EmptyNode):
self.arguments += [statement]
def set_kwarg(self, name: IdNode, value: BaseNode) -> None:
if any((isinstance(x, IdNode) and name.value == x.value) for x in self.kwargs):
mlog.warning(f'Keyword argument "{name.value}" defined multiple times.', location=self)
mlog.warning('This will be an error in future Meson releases.')
self.kwargs[name] = value
def set_kwarg_no_check(self, name: BaseNode, value: BaseNode) -> None:
self.kwargs[name] = value
def num_args(self) -> int:
return len(self.arguments)
def num_kwargs(self) -> int:
return len(self.kwargs)
def incorrect_order(self) -> bool:
return self.order_error
def __len__(self) -> int:
return self.num_args() # Fixme
class ArrayNode(BaseNode):
def __init__(self, args: ArgumentNode, lineno: int, colno: int, end_lineno: int, end_colno: int):
super().__init__(lineno, colno, args.filename, end_lineno=end_lineno, end_colno=end_colno)
self.args = args # type: ArgumentNode
class DictNode(BaseNode):
def __init__(self, args: ArgumentNode, lineno: int, colno: int, end_lineno: int, end_colno: int):
super().__init__(lineno, colno, args.filename, end_lineno=end_lineno, end_colno=end_colno)
self.args = args
class EmptyNode(BaseNode):
def __init__(self, lineno: int, colno: int, filename: str):
super().__init__(lineno, colno, filename)
self.value = None
class OrNode(BaseNode):
def __init__(self, left: BaseNode, right: BaseNode):
super().__init__(left.lineno, left.colno, left.filename)
self.left = left # type: BaseNode
self.right = right # type: BaseNode
class AndNode(BaseNode):
def __init__(self, left: BaseNode, right: BaseNode):
super().__init__(left.lineno, left.colno, left.filename)
self.left = left # type: BaseNode
self.right = right # type: BaseNode
class ComparisonNode(BaseNode):
def __init__(self, ctype: str, left: BaseNode, right: BaseNode):
super().__init__(left.lineno, left.colno, left.filename)
self.left = left # type: BaseNode
self.right = right # type: BaseNode
self.ctype = ctype # type: str
class ArithmeticNode(BaseNode):
def __init__(self, operation: str, left: BaseNode, right: BaseNode):
super().__init__(left.lineno, left.colno, left.filename)
self.left = left # type: BaseNode
self.right = right # type: BaseNode
self.operation = operation # type: str
class NotNode(BaseNode):
def __init__(self, token: Token[TV_TokenTypes], value: BaseNode):
super().__init__(token.lineno, token.colno, token.filename)
self.value = value # type: BaseNode
class CodeBlockNode(BaseNode):
def __init__(self, token: Token[TV_TokenTypes]):
super().__init__(token.lineno, token.colno, token.filename)
self.lines = [] # type: T.List[BaseNode]
class IndexNode(BaseNode):
def __init__(self, iobject: BaseNode, index: BaseNode):
super().__init__(iobject.lineno, iobject.colno, iobject.filename)
self.iobject = iobject # type: BaseNode
self.index = index # type: BaseNode
class MethodNode(BaseNode):
def __init__(self, filename: str, lineno: int, colno: int, source_object: BaseNode, name: str, args: ArgumentNode):
super().__init__(lineno, colno, filename)
self.source_object = source_object # type: BaseNode = name # type: str
assert isinstance(, str)
self.args = args # type: ArgumentNode
class FunctionNode(BaseNode):
def __init__(self, filename: str, lineno: int, colno: int, end_lineno: int, end_colno: int, func_name: str, args: ArgumentNode):
super().__init__(lineno, colno, filename, end_lineno=end_lineno, end_colno=end_colno)
self.func_name = func_name # type: str
assert isinstance(func_name, str)
self.args = args # type: ArgumentNode
class AssignmentNode(BaseNode):
def __init__(self, filename: str, lineno: int, colno: int, var_name: str, value: BaseNode):
super().__init__(lineno, colno, filename)
self.var_name = var_name # type: str
assert isinstance(var_name, str)
self.value = value # type: BaseNode
class PlusAssignmentNode(BaseNode):
def __init__(self, filename: str, lineno: int, colno: int, var_name: str, value: BaseNode):
super().__init__(lineno, colno, filename)
self.var_name = var_name # type: str
assert isinstance(var_name, str)
self.value = value # type: BaseNode
class ForeachClauseNode(BaseNode):
def __init__(self, token: Token, varnames: T.List[str], items: BaseNode, block: CodeBlockNode):
super().__init__(token.lineno, token.colno, token.filename)
self.varnames = varnames # type: T.List[str]
self.items = items # type: BaseNode
self.block = block # type: CodeBlockNode
class IfNode(BaseNode):
def __init__(self, linenode: BaseNode, condition: BaseNode, block: CodeBlockNode):
super().__init__(linenode.lineno, linenode.colno, linenode.filename)
self.condition = condition # type: BaseNode
self.block = block # type: CodeBlockNode
class IfClauseNode(BaseNode):
def __init__(self, linenode: BaseNode):
super().__init__(linenode.lineno, linenode.colno, linenode.filename)
self.ifs = [] # type: T.List[IfNode]
self.elseblock = None # type: T.Union[EmptyNode, CodeBlockNode]
class UMinusNode(BaseNode):
def __init__(self, current_location: Token, value: BaseNode):
super().__init__(current_location.lineno, current_location.colno, current_location.filename)
self.value = value # type: BaseNode
class TernaryNode(BaseNode):
def __init__(self, condition: BaseNode, trueblock: BaseNode, falseblock: BaseNode):
super().__init__(condition.lineno, condition.colno, condition.filename)
self.condition = condition # type: BaseNode
self.trueblock = trueblock # type: BaseNode
self.falseblock = falseblock # type: BaseNode
comparison_map = {'equal': '==',
'nequal': '!=',
'lt': '<',
'le': '<=',
'gt': '>',
'ge': '>=',
'in': 'in',
'notin': 'not in',
# Recursive descent parser for Meson's definition language.
# Very basic apart from the fact that we have many precedence
# levels so there are not enough words to describe them all.
# Enter numbering:
# 1 assignment
# 2 or
# 3 and
# 4 comparison
# 5 arithmetic
# 6 negation
# 7 funcall, method call
# 8 parentheses
# 9 plain token
class Parser:
def __init__(self, code: str, filename: str):
self.lexer = Lexer(code) = self.lexer.lex(filename)
self.current = Token('eof', '', 0, 0, 0, (0, 0), None) # type: Token
self.in_ternary = False
def getsym(self) -> None:
self.current = next(
except StopIteration:
self.current = Token('eof', '', self.current.line_start, self.current.lineno, self.current.colno + self.current.bytespan[1] - self.current.bytespan[0], (0, 0), None)
def getline(self) -> str:
return self.lexer.getline(self.current.line_start)
def accept(self, s: str) -> bool:
if self.current.tid == s:
return True
return False
typing: fix some broken Sequence annotations T.Sequence is a questionable concept. The idea is to hammer out generic, maximally forgiving APIs that operate on protocols, which is a fancy way of saying "I don't care if you use tuples or lists". This is rarely needed, actually, and in exchange for this fancy behavior you get free bugs. Specifically, `somestr` is of type `T.Sequence[str]`, and also `somestr[0]` is another string of type you guessed it. It's ~~turtles~~ strings all the way down. It's worth noting that trying to code for "protocols" is a broken concept if the contents have semantic meaning, e.g. it operates on "the install tags of this object" rather than "an iterable that supports efficient element access". The other way to use T.Sequence is "I don't like that T.List is invariant, but also I don't like that T.Tuple makes you specify exact ordering". This sort of works. In fact it probably does work as long as you don't allow str in your sequences, which of course everyone allows anyway. Use of Sequence has cute side effects, such as actually passing lists around, knowing that you are going to get a list and knowing that you need to pass it on as a list, and then having to re-allocate as `list(mylist)` "because the type annotations says it could be a str or tuple". Except it cannot be a str, because if it is then the application is fatally flawed and logic errors occur to disastrous end user effects, and the type annotations: - do not enforce their promises of annotating types - fail to live up to "minimal runtime penalties" due to all the `list()` Shun this broken concept, by hardening the type annotations. As it turns out, we do not actually need any of this covariance or protocol-ism for a list of strings! The whole attempt was a slow, buggy waste of time.
3 years ago
def accept_any(self, tids: T.Tuple[str, ...]) -> str:
tid = self.current.tid
if tid in tids:
return tid
return ''
def expect(self, s: str) -> bool:
if self.accept(s):
return True
raise ParseException(f'Expecting {s} got {self.current.tid}.', self.getline(), self.current.lineno, self.current.colno)
def block_expect(self, s: str, block_start: Token) -> bool:
if self.accept(s):
return True
raise BlockParseException(f'Expecting {s} got {self.current.tid}.', self.getline(), self.current.lineno, self.current.colno, self.lexer.getline(block_start.line_start), block_start.lineno, block_start.colno)
def parse(self) -> CodeBlockNode:
block = self.codeblock()
return block
def statement(self) -> BaseNode:
return self.e1()
def e1(self) -> BaseNode:
left = self.e2()
if self.accept('plusassign'):
value = self.e1()
if not isinstance(left, IdNode):
raise ParseException('Plusassignment target must be an id.', self.getline(), left.lineno, left.colno)
assert isinstance(left.value, str)
return PlusAssignmentNode(left.filename, left.lineno, left.colno, left.value, value)
elif self.accept('assign'):
value = self.e1()
if not isinstance(left, IdNode):
raise ParseException('Assignment target must be an id.',
self.getline(), left.lineno, left.colno)
assert isinstance(left.value, str)
return AssignmentNode(left.filename, left.lineno, left.colno, left.value, value)
elif self.accept('questionmark'):
if self.in_ternary:
raise ParseException('Nested ternary operators are not allowed.',
self.getline(), left.lineno, left.colno)
self.in_ternary = True
trueblock = self.e1()
falseblock = self.e1()
self.in_ternary = False
return TernaryNode(left, trueblock, falseblock)
return left
def e2(self) -> BaseNode:
left = self.e3()
while self.accept('or'):
if isinstance(left, EmptyNode):
raise ParseException('Invalid or clause.',
self.getline(), left.lineno, left.colno)
left = OrNode(left, self.e3())
return left
def e3(self) -> BaseNode:
left = self.e4()
while self.accept('and'):
if isinstance(left, EmptyNode):
raise ParseException('Invalid and clause.',
self.getline(), left.lineno, left.colno)
left = AndNode(left, self.e4())
return left
def e4(self) -> BaseNode:
left = self.e5()
for nodename, operator_type in comparison_map.items():
if self.accept(nodename):
return ComparisonNode(operator_type, left, self.e5())
if self.accept('not') and self.accept('in'):
return ComparisonNode('notin', left, self.e5())
return left
def e5(self) -> BaseNode:
return self.e5addsub()
def e5addsub(self) -> BaseNode:
op_map = {
'plus': 'add',
'dash': 'sub',
left = self.e5muldiv()
while True:
op = self.accept_any(tuple(op_map.keys()))
if op:
left = ArithmeticNode(op_map[op], left, self.e5muldiv())
return left
def e5muldiv(self) -> BaseNode:
op_map = {
'percent': 'mod',
'star': 'mul',
'fslash': 'div',
left = self.e6()
while True:
op = self.accept_any(tuple(op_map.keys()))
if op:
left = ArithmeticNode(op_map[op], left, self.e6())
return left
def e6(self) -> BaseNode:
if self.accept('not'):
return NotNode(self.current, self.e7())
if self.accept('dash'):
return UMinusNode(self.current, self.e7())
return self.e7()
def e7(self) -> BaseNode:
left = self.e8()
block_start = self.current
if self.accept('lparen'):
args = self.args()
self.block_expect('rparen', block_start)
if not isinstance(left, IdNode):
raise ParseException('Function call must be applied to plain id',
self.getline(), left.lineno, left.colno)
assert isinstance(left.value, str)
left = FunctionNode(left.filename, left.lineno, left.colno, self.current.lineno, self.current.colno, left.value, args)
go_again = True
while go_again:
go_again = False
if self.accept('dot'):
go_again = True
left = self.method_call(left)
if self.accept('lbracket'):
go_again = True
left = self.index_call(left)
return left
def e8(self) -> BaseNode:
block_start = self.current
if self.accept('lparen'):
e = self.statement()
self.block_expect('rparen', block_start)
return e
elif self.accept('lbracket'):
args = self.args()
self.block_expect('rbracket', block_start)
return ArrayNode(args, block_start.lineno, block_start.colno, self.current.lineno, self.current.colno)
elif self.accept('lcurl'):
key_values = self.key_values()
self.block_expect('rcurl', block_start)
return DictNode(key_values, block_start.lineno, block_start.colno, self.current.lineno, self.current.colno)
return self.e9()
def e9(self) -> BaseNode:
t = self.current
if self.accept('true'):
t.value = True
return BooleanNode(t)
if self.accept('false'):
t.value = False
return BooleanNode(t)
if self.accept('id'):
return IdNode(t)
if self.accept('number'):
return NumberNode(t)
if self.accept('string'):
return StringNode(t)
if self.accept('fstring'):
return FormatStringNode(t)
if self.accept('multiline_fstring'):
return MultilineFormatStringNode(t)
return EmptyNode(self.current.lineno, self.current.colno, self.current.filename)
def key_values(self) -> ArgumentNode:
s = self.statement() # type: BaseNode
a = ArgumentNode(self.current)
while not isinstance(s, EmptyNode):
if self.accept('colon'):
a.set_kwarg_no_check(s, self.statement())
potential = self.current
if not self.accept('comma'):
return a
raise ParseException('Only key:value pairs are valid in dict construction.',
self.getline(), s.lineno, s.colno)
s = self.statement()
return a
def args(self) -> ArgumentNode:
s = self.statement() # type: BaseNode
a = ArgumentNode(self.current)
while not isinstance(s, EmptyNode):
potential = self.current
if self.accept('comma'):
elif self.accept('colon'):
if not isinstance(s, IdNode):
raise ParseException('Dictionary key must be a plain identifier.',
self.getline(), s.lineno, s.colno)
a.set_kwarg(s, self.statement())
potential = self.current
if not self.accept('comma'):
return a
return a
s = self.statement()
return a
def method_call(self, source_object: BaseNode) -> MethodNode:
methodname = self.e9()
if not isinstance(methodname, IdNode):
raise ParseException('Method name must be plain id',
self.getline(), self.current.lineno, self.current.colno)
assert isinstance(methodname.value, str)
args = self.args()
method = MethodNode(methodname.filename, methodname.lineno, methodname.colno, source_object, methodname.value, args)
if self.accept('dot'):
return self.method_call(method)
return method
def index_call(self, source_object: BaseNode) -> IndexNode:
index_statement = self.statement()
return IndexNode(source_object, index_statement)
def foreachblock(self) -> ForeachClauseNode:
t = self.current
assert isinstance(t.value, str)
varname = t
varnames = [t.value] # type: T.List[str]
if self.accept('comma'):
t = self.current
assert isinstance(t.value, str)
items = self.statement()
block = self.codeblock()
return ForeachClauseNode(varname, varnames, items, block)
def ifblock(self) -> IfClauseNode:
condition = self.statement()
clause = IfClauseNode(condition)
block = self.codeblock()
clause.ifs.append(IfNode(clause, condition, block))
clause.elseblock = self.elseblock()
return clause
def elseifblock(self, clause: IfClauseNode) -> None:
while self.accept('elif'):
s = self.statement()
b = self.codeblock()
clause.ifs.append(IfNode(s, s, b))
def elseblock(self) -> T.Union[CodeBlockNode, EmptyNode]:
if self.accept('else'):
return self.codeblock()
return EmptyNode(self.current.lineno, self.current.colno, self.current.filename)
def line(self) -> BaseNode:
block_start = self.current
if self.current == 'eol':
return EmptyNode(self.current.lineno, self.current.colno, self.current.filename)
if self.accept('if'):
ifblock = self.ifblock()
self.block_expect('endif', block_start)
return ifblock
if self.accept('foreach'):
forblock = self.foreachblock()
self.block_expect('endforeach', block_start)
return forblock
if self.accept('continue'):
return ContinueNode(self.current)
if self.accept('break'):
return BreakNode(self.current)
return self.statement()
def codeblock(self) -> CodeBlockNode:
block = CodeBlockNode(self.current)
cond = True
while cond:
curline = self.line()
if not isinstance(curline, EmptyNode):
cond = self.accept('eol')
return block