project('qt5 build test', 'cpp')
qt5 = import('qt5')
qt5dep = dependency('qt5', modules : ['Core', 'Gui', 'Widgets'])
prep = qt5.preprocess(
moc_headers : ['mainWindow.h'], # These need to be fed through the moc tool before use.
ui_files : 'mainWindow.ui', # XML files that need to be compiled with the uic tol.
qresources : 'stuff.qrc', # Resource file for rcc compiler.
q5exe = executable('qt5app',
sources : ['main.cpp', 'mainWindow.cpp', # Sources that don't need preprocessing.
dependencies : qt5dep)
# We need a console test application because some test environments
# do not have an X server.
qt5core = dependency('qt5', modules : 'Core')
qt5coreapp = executable('q5core', 'q5core.cpp',
dependencies : qt5core)
test('qt5test', qt5coreapp)
# The build system needs to include the cpp files from
# headers but the user must manually include moc
# files from sources.
manpreprocessed = qt5.preprocess(
moc_sources : 'manualinclude.cpp',
moc_headers : 'manualinclude.h')
q5maninclude = executable('q5maninclude',
sources : ['manualinclude.cpp', manpreprocessed],
dependencies : qt5core)
test('q5maninclude', q5maninclude)