# Copyright 2016-2017 The Meson development team
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This class contains the basic functionality needed to run any interpreter
# or an interpreter-based tool.
from __future__ import annotations
from .. import environment, mparser, mesonlib
from .baseobjects import (
from .exceptions import (
from .decorators import FeatureNew
from .disabler import Disabler, is_disabled
from .helpers import default_resolve_key, flatten, resolve_second_level_holders, stringifyUserArguments
from .operator import MesonOperator
from ._unholder import _unholder
import os, copy, re, pathlib
import typing as T
import textwrap
from .baseobjects import InterpreterObjectTypeVar, SubProject, TYPE_kwargs, TYPE_var
from ..interpreter import Interpreter
HolderMapType = T.Dict[
# For some reason, this has to be a callable and can't just be ObjectHolder[InterpreterObjectTypeVar]
T.Callable[[InterpreterObjectTypeVar, 'Interpreter'], ObjectHolder[InterpreterObjectTypeVar]]
FunctionType = T.Dict[
T.Callable[[mparser.BaseNode, T.List[TYPE_var], T.Dict[str, TYPE_var]], TYPE_var]
class InvalidCodeOnVoid(InvalidCode):
def __init__(self, op_type: str) -> None:
super().__init__(f'Cannot perform {op_type!r} operation on void statement.')
class InterpreterBase:
def __init__(self, source_root: str, subdir: str, subproject: 'SubProject'):
self.source_root = source_root
self.funcs: FunctionType = {}
self.builtin: T.Dict[str, InterpreterObject] = {}
# Holder maps store a mapping from an HoldableObject to a class ObjectHolder
self.holder_map: HolderMapType = {}
self.bound_holder_map: HolderMapType = {}
self.subdir = subdir
self.root_subdir = subdir
self.subproject = subproject
self.variables: T.Dict[str, InterpreterObject] = {}
self.argument_depth = 0
self.current_lineno = -1
# Current node set during a function call. This can be used as location
# when printing a warning message during a method call.
self.current_node: mparser.BaseNode = None
# This is set to `version_string` when this statement is evaluated:
# meson.version().compare_version(version_string)
# If it was part of a if-clause, it is used to temporally override the
# current meson version target within that if-block.
self.tmp_meson_version: T.Optional[str] = None
def handle_meson_version_from_ast(self, strict: bool = True) -> None:
# do nothing in an AST interpreter
def load_root_meson_file(self) -> None:
mesonfile = os.path.join(self.source_root, self.subdir, environment.build_filename)
if not os.path.isfile(mesonfile):
raise InvalidArguments(f'Missing Meson file in {mesonfile}')
with open(mesonfile, encoding='utf-8') as mf:
code = mf.read()
Don't use len() to test emptiness vs not emptiness
Meson has a common pattern of using 'if len(foo) == 0:' or
'if len(foo) != 0:', however, this is a common anti-pattern in python.
Instead tests for emptiness/non-emptiness should be done with a simple
'if foo:' or 'if not foo:'
Consider the following:
>>> import timeit
>>> timeit.timeit('if len([]) == 0: pass')
>>> timeit.timeit('if not []: pass')
>>> timeit.timeit('if len(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']) == 0: pass')
>>> timeit.timeit("if not ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']: pass")
>>> timeit.timeit('if len("") == 0: pass')
>>> timeit.timeit('if not "": pass')
>>> timeit.timeit('if len("foo") == 0: pass')
>>> timeit.timeit('if not "foo": pass')
And for the one additional case of 'if len(foo.strip()) == 0', which can
be replaced with 'if not foo.isspace()'
>>> timeit.timeit('if len(" ".strip()) == 0: pass')
>>> timeit.timeit('if " ".isspace(): pass')
>>> timeit.timeit('if len(" abc".strip()) == 0: pass')
>>> timeit.timeit('if " abc".isspace(): pass')
In other words, it's always a win to not use len(), when you don't
actually want to check the length.
8 years ago
if code.isspace():
raise InvalidCode('Builder file is empty.')
assert isinstance(code, str)
self.ast = mparser.Parser(code, mesonfile).parse()
except mparser.ParseException as me:
me.file = mesonfile
# try to detect parser errors from new syntax added by future
# meson versions, and just tell the user to update meson
self.ast = me.ast
raise me
def parse_project(self) -> None:
Parses project() and initializes languages, compilers etc. Do this
early because we need this before we parse the rest of the AST.
self.evaluate_codeblock(self.ast, end=1)
def sanity_check_ast(self) -> None:
if not isinstance(self.ast, mparser.CodeBlockNode):
raise InvalidCode('AST is of invalid type. Possibly a bug in the parser.')
Don't use len() to test emptiness vs not emptiness
Meson has a common pattern of using 'if len(foo) == 0:' or
'if len(foo) != 0:', however, this is a common anti-pattern in python.
Instead tests for emptiness/non-emptiness should be done with a simple
'if foo:' or 'if not foo:'
Consider the following:
>>> import timeit
>>> timeit.timeit('if len([]) == 0: pass')
>>> timeit.timeit('if not []: pass')
>>> timeit.timeit('if len(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']) == 0: pass')
>>> timeit.timeit("if not ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']: pass")
>>> timeit.timeit('if len("") == 0: pass')
>>> timeit.timeit('if not "": pass')
>>> timeit.timeit('if len("foo") == 0: pass')
>>> timeit.timeit('if not "foo": pass')
And for the one additional case of 'if len(foo.strip()) == 0', which can
be replaced with 'if not foo.isspace()'
>>> timeit.timeit('if len(" ".strip()) == 0: pass')
>>> timeit.timeit('if " ".isspace(): pass')
>>> timeit.timeit('if len(" abc".strip()) == 0: pass')
>>> timeit.timeit('if " abc".isspace(): pass')
In other words, it's always a win to not use len(), when you don't
actually want to check the length.
8 years ago
if not self.ast.lines:
raise InvalidCode('No statements in code.')
first = self.ast.lines[0]
if not isinstance(first, mparser.FunctionNode) or first.func_name.value != 'project':
p = pathlib.Path(self.source_root).resolve()
found = p
for parent in p.parents:
if (parent / 'meson.build').is_file():
use even more informative error message for invoking meson in a subdir
Follow-up on commit 5a7b8d86d0c455680096d47cb87f0de08c0954ac
Sometimes, we find a parent meson.build which is also malformed, and we
shouldn't suggest that maybe the user meant to use that, if it isn't a
valid project() either. Do a rough and dirty check to see if the very
first line is a project() declaration, and if not, don't try to be
clever and suggest using it.
The "invalid source tree" error suffices here, since we're not
absolutely sure meson can be successfully run in that parent directory
and actually advising people about the wrong location is a lot more
confusing than just saying "please figure this out yourself, here is
what to look for".
Granted, we miss cases where project() comes after blank lines and/or
comments, but doing a full AST parse here is excessively overkill and
probably too painful to do, and we don't need to be *that* clever. So
let's be content with merely going above and beyond the call of duty.
4 years ago
with open(parent / 'meson.build', encoding='utf-8') as f:
if f.readline().startswith('project('):
found = parent
error = 'first statement must be a call to project()'
if found != p:
raise InvalidCode(f'Not the project root: {error}\n\nDid you mean to run meson from the directory: "{found}"?')
raise InvalidCode(f'Invalid source tree: {error}')
def run(self) -> None:
# Evaluate everything after the first line, which is project() because
# we already parsed that in self.parse_project()
self.evaluate_codeblock(self.ast, start=1)
except SubdirDoneRequest:
def evaluate_codeblock(self, node: mparser.CodeBlockNode, start: int = 0, end: T.Optional[int] = None) -> None:
if node is None:
if not isinstance(node, mparser.CodeBlockNode):
e = InvalidCode('Tried to execute a non-codeblock. Possibly a bug in the parser.')
e.lineno = node.lineno
e.colno = node.colno
raise e
statements = node.lines[start:end]
i = 0
while i < len(statements):
cur = statements[i]
self.current_lineno = cur.lineno
except Exception as e:
if getattr(e, 'lineno', None) is None:
# We are doing the equivalent to setattr here and mypy does not like it
# NOTE: self.current_node is continually updated during processing
e.lineno = self.current_node.lineno # type: ignore
e.colno = self.current_node.colno # type: ignore
e.file = os.path.join(self.source_root, self.subdir, environment.build_filename) # type: ignore
raise e
i += 1 # In THE FUTURE jump over blocks and stuff.
def evaluate_statement(self, cur: mparser.BaseNode) -> T.Optional[InterpreterObject]:
self.current_node = cur
if isinstance(cur, mparser.FunctionNode):
return self.function_call(cur)
elif isinstance(cur, mparser.PlusAssignmentNode):
elif isinstance(cur, mparser.AssignmentNode):
elif isinstance(cur, mparser.MethodNode):
return self.method_call(cur)
elif isinstance(cur, mparser.BaseStringNode):
if isinstance(cur, mparser.MultilineFormatStringNode):
return self.evaluate_multiline_fstring(cur)
elif isinstance(cur, mparser.FormatStringNode):
return self.evaluate_fstring(cur)
return self._holderify(cur.value)
elif isinstance(cur, mparser.BooleanNode):
return self._holderify(cur.value)
elif isinstance(cur, mparser.IfClauseNode):
return self.evaluate_if(cur)
elif isinstance(cur, mparser.IdNode):
return self.get_variable(cur.value)
elif isinstance(cur, mparser.ComparisonNode):
return self.evaluate_comparison(cur)
elif isinstance(cur, mparser.ArrayNode):
return self.evaluate_arraystatement(cur)
elif isinstance(cur, mparser.DictNode):
return self.evaluate_dictstatement(cur)
elif isinstance(cur, mparser.NumberNode):
return self._holderify(cur.value)
elif isinstance(cur, mparser.AndNode):
return self.evaluate_andstatement(cur)
elif isinstance(cur, mparser.OrNode):
return self.evaluate_orstatement(cur)
elif isinstance(cur, mparser.NotNode):
return self.evaluate_notstatement(cur)
elif isinstance(cur, mparser.UMinusNode):
return self.evaluate_uminusstatement(cur)
elif isinstance(cur, mparser.ArithmeticNode):
return self.evaluate_arithmeticstatement(cur)
elif isinstance(cur, mparser.ForeachClauseNode):
elif isinstance(cur, mparser.IndexNode):
return self.evaluate_indexing(cur)
elif isinstance(cur, mparser.TernaryNode):
return self.evaluate_ternary(cur)
elif isinstance(cur, mparser.ContinueNode):
raise ContinueRequest()
elif isinstance(cur, mparser.BreakNode):
raise BreakRequest()
elif isinstance(cur, mparser.ParenthesizedNode):
return self.evaluate_statement(cur.inner)
elif isinstance(cur, mparser.TestCaseClauseNode):
return self.evaluate_testcase(cur)
raise InvalidCode("Unknown statement.")
return None
def evaluate_arraystatement(self, cur: mparser.ArrayNode) -> InterpreterObject:
(arguments, kwargs) = self.reduce_arguments(cur.args)
if len(kwargs) > 0:
raise InvalidCode('Keyword arguments are invalid in array construction.')
return self._holderify([_unholder(x) for x in arguments])
@FeatureNew('dict', '0.47.0')
def evaluate_dictstatement(self, cur: mparser.DictNode) -> InterpreterObject:
def resolve_key(key: mparser.BaseNode) -> str:
if not isinstance(key, mparser.BaseStringNode):
FeatureNew.single_use('Dictionary entry using non literal key', '0.53.0', self.subproject)
key_holder = self.evaluate_statement(key)
if key_holder is None:
raise InvalidArguments('Key cannot be void.')
str_key = _unholder(key_holder)
if not isinstance(str_key, str):
raise InvalidArguments('Key must be a string')
return str_key
arguments, kwargs = self.reduce_arguments(cur.args, key_resolver=resolve_key, duplicate_key_error='Duplicate dictionary key: {}')
assert not arguments
return self._holderify({k: _unholder(v) for k, v in kwargs.items()})
def evaluate_notstatement(self, cur: mparser.NotNode) -> InterpreterObject:
v = self.evaluate_statement(cur.value)
if v is None:
raise InvalidCodeOnVoid('not')
if isinstance(v, Disabler):
return v
return self._holderify(v.operator_call(MesonOperator.NOT, None))
def evaluate_if(self, node: mparser.IfClauseNode) -> T.Optional[Disabler]:
assert isinstance(node, mparser.IfClauseNode)
for i in node.ifs:
# Reset self.tmp_meson_version to know if it gets set during this
# statement evaluation.
self.tmp_meson_version = None
result = self.evaluate_statement(i.condition)
if result is None:
raise InvalidCodeOnVoid('if')
if isinstance(result, Disabler):
return result
if not isinstance(result, InterpreterObject):
raise mesonlib.MesonBugException(f'Argument to if ({result}) is not an InterpreterObject but {type(result).__name__}.')
res = result.operator_call(MesonOperator.BOOL, None)
if not isinstance(res, bool):
raise InvalidCode(f'If clause {result!r} does not evaluate to true or false.')
if res:
prev_meson_version = mesonlib.project_meson_versions[self.subproject]
if self.tmp_meson_version:
mesonlib.project_meson_versions[self.subproject] = self.tmp_meson_version
mesonlib.project_meson_versions[self.subproject] = prev_meson_version
return None
if not isinstance(node.elseblock, mparser.EmptyNode):
return None
def evaluate_testcase(self, node: mparser.TestCaseClauseNode) -> T.Optional[Disabler]:
result = self.evaluate_statement(node.condition)
if isinstance(result, Disabler):
return result
if not isinstance(result, ContextManagerObject):
raise InvalidCode(f'testcase clause {result!r} does not evaluate to a context manager.')
with result:
return None
def evaluate_comparison(self, node: mparser.ComparisonNode) -> InterpreterObject:
val1 = self.evaluate_statement(node.left)
if val1 is None:
raise mesonlib.MesonException('Cannot compare a void statement on the left-hand side')
if isinstance(val1, Disabler):
return val1
val2 = self.evaluate_statement(node.right)
if val2 is None:
raise mesonlib.MesonException('Cannot compare a void statement on the right-hand side')
if isinstance(val2, Disabler):
return val2
# New code based on InterpreterObjects
operator = {
'in': MesonOperator.IN,
'notin': MesonOperator.NOT_IN,
'==': MesonOperator.EQUALS,
'!=': MesonOperator.NOT_EQUALS,
'>': MesonOperator.GREATER,
'<': MesonOperator.LESS,
'>=': MesonOperator.GREATER_EQUALS,
'<=': MesonOperator.LESS_EQUALS,
# Check if the arguments should be reversed for simplicity (this essentially converts `in` to `contains`)
if operator in (MesonOperator.IN, MesonOperator.NOT_IN):
val1, val2 = val2, val1
val1.current_node = node
return self._holderify(val1.operator_call(operator, _unholder(val2)))
def evaluate_andstatement(self, cur: mparser.AndNode) -> InterpreterObject:
l = self.evaluate_statement(cur.left)
if l is None:
raise mesonlib.MesonException('Cannot compare a void statement on the left-hand side')
if isinstance(l, Disabler):
return l
l_bool = l.operator_call(MesonOperator.BOOL, None)
if not l_bool:
return self._holderify(l_bool)
r = self.evaluate_statement(cur.right)
if r is None:
raise mesonlib.MesonException('Cannot compare a void statement on the right-hand side')
if isinstance(r, Disabler):
return r
return self._holderify(r.operator_call(MesonOperator.BOOL, None))
def evaluate_orstatement(self, cur: mparser.OrNode) -> InterpreterObject:
l = self.evaluate_statement(cur.left)
if l is None:
raise mesonlib.MesonException('Cannot compare a void statement on the left-hand side')
if isinstance(l, Disabler):
return l
l_bool = l.operator_call(MesonOperator.BOOL, None)
if l_bool:
return self._holderify(l_bool)
r = self.evaluate_statement(cur.right)
if r is None:
raise mesonlib.MesonException('Cannot compare a void statement on the right-hand side')
if isinstance(r, Disabler):
return r
return self._holderify(r.operator_call(MesonOperator.BOOL, None))
def evaluate_uminusstatement(self, cur: mparser.UMinusNode) -> InterpreterObject:
v = self.evaluate_statement(cur.value)
if v is None:
raise InvalidCodeOnVoid('unary minus')
if isinstance(v, Disabler):
return v
v.current_node = cur
return self._holderify(v.operator_call(MesonOperator.UMINUS, None))
def evaluate_arithmeticstatement(self, cur: mparser.ArithmeticNode) -> InterpreterObject:
l = self.evaluate_statement(cur.left)
if isinstance(l, Disabler):
return l
r = self.evaluate_statement(cur.right)
if isinstance(r, Disabler):
return r
if l is None or r is None:
raise InvalidCodeOnVoid(cur.operation)
mapping: T.Dict[str, MesonOperator] = {
'add': MesonOperator.PLUS,
'sub': MesonOperator.MINUS,
'mul': MesonOperator.TIMES,
'div': MesonOperator.DIV,
'mod': MesonOperator.MOD,
l.current_node = cur
res = l.operator_call(mapping[cur.operation], _unholder(r))
return self._holderify(res)
def evaluate_ternary(self, node: mparser.TernaryNode) -> T.Optional[InterpreterObject]:
assert isinstance(node, mparser.TernaryNode)
result = self.evaluate_statement(node.condition)
if result is None:
raise mesonlib.MesonException('Cannot use a void statement as condition for ternary operator.')
if isinstance(result, Disabler):
return result
result.current_node = node
result_bool = result.operator_call(MesonOperator.BOOL, None)
if result_bool:
return self.evaluate_statement(node.trueblock)
return self.evaluate_statement(node.falseblock)
@FeatureNew('multiline format strings', '0.63.0')
def evaluate_multiline_fstring(self, node: mparser.MultilineFormatStringNode) -> InterpreterObject:
return self.evaluate_fstring(node)
@FeatureNew('format strings', '0.58.0')
def evaluate_fstring(self, node: T.Union[mparser.FormatStringNode, mparser.MultilineFormatStringNode]) -> InterpreterObject:
def replace(match: T.Match[str]) -> str:
var = str(match.group(1))
val = _unholder(self.variables[var])
if isinstance(val, (list, dict)):
FeatureNew.single_use('List or dictionary in f-string', '1.3.0', self.subproject, location=self.current_node)
return stringifyUserArguments(val, self.subproject)
except InvalidArguments as e:
raise InvalidArguments(f'f-string: {str(e)}')
except KeyError:
raise InvalidCode(f'Identifier "{var}" does not name a variable.')
res = re.sub(r'@([_a-zA-Z][_0-9a-zA-Z]*)@', replace, node.value)
return self._holderify(res)
def evaluate_foreach(self, node: mparser.ForeachClauseNode) -> None:
assert isinstance(node, mparser.ForeachClauseNode)
items = self.evaluate_statement(node.items)
if not isinstance(items, IterableObject):
raise InvalidArguments('Items of foreach loop do not support iterating')
tsize = items.iter_tuple_size()
if len(node.varnames) != (tsize or 1):
raise InvalidArguments(f'Foreach expects exactly {tsize or 1} variables for iterating over objects of type {items.display_name()}')
for i in items.iter_self():
if tsize is None:
if isinstance(i, tuple):
raise mesonlib.MesonBugException(f'Iteration of {items} returned a tuple even though iter_tuple_size() is None')
self.set_variable(node.varnames[0].value, self._holderify(i))
if not isinstance(i, tuple):
raise mesonlib.MesonBugException(f'Iteration of {items} did not return a tuple even though iter_tuple_size() is {tsize}')
if len(i) != tsize:
raise mesonlib.MesonBugException(f'Iteration of {items} did not return a tuple even though iter_tuple_size() is {tsize}')
for j in range(tsize):
self.set_variable(node.varnames[j].value, self._holderify(i[j]))
except ContinueRequest:
except BreakRequest:
def evaluate_plusassign(self, node: mparser.PlusAssignmentNode) -> None:
assert isinstance(node, mparser.PlusAssignmentNode)
varname = node.var_name.value
addition = self.evaluate_statement(node.value)
if addition is None:
raise InvalidCodeOnVoid('plus assign')
# Remember that all variables are immutable. We must always create a
# full new variable and then assign it.
old_variable = self.get_variable(varname)
old_variable.current_node = node
new_value = self._holderify(old_variable.operator_call(MesonOperator.PLUS, _unholder(addition)))
self.set_variable(varname, new_value)
def evaluate_indexing(self, node: mparser.IndexNode) -> InterpreterObject:
assert isinstance(node, mparser.IndexNode)
iobject = self.evaluate_statement(node.iobject)
if iobject is None:
raise InterpreterException('Tried to evaluate indexing on void.')
if isinstance(iobject, Disabler):
return iobject
index_holder = self.evaluate_statement(node.index)
if index_holder is None:
raise InvalidArguments('Cannot use void statement as index.')
index = _unholder(index_holder)
iobject.current_node = node
return self._holderify(iobject.operator_call(MesonOperator.INDEX, index))
def function_call(self, node: mparser.FunctionNode) -> T.Optional[InterpreterObject]:
func_name = node.func_name.value
(h_posargs, h_kwargs) = self.reduce_arguments(node.args)
(posargs, kwargs) = self._unholder_args(h_posargs, h_kwargs)
if is_disabled(posargs, kwargs) and func_name not in {'get_variable', 'set_variable', 'unset_variable', 'is_disabler'}:
return Disabler()
if func_name in self.funcs:
func = self.funcs[func_name]
func_args = posargs
if not getattr(func, 'no-args-flattening', False):
func_args = flatten(posargs)
if not getattr(func, 'no-second-level-holder-flattening', False):
func_args, kwargs = resolve_second_level_holders(func_args, kwargs)
self.current_node = node
res = func(node, func_args, kwargs)
return self._holderify(res) if res is not None else None
return None
def method_call(self, node: mparser.MethodNode) -> T.Optional[InterpreterObject]:
invocable = node.source_object
obj: T.Optional[InterpreterObject]
if isinstance(invocable, mparser.IdNode):
object_display_name = f'variable "{invocable.value}"'
obj = self.get_variable(invocable.value)
object_display_name = invocable.__class__.__name__
obj = self.evaluate_statement(invocable)
method_name = node.name.value
(h_args, h_kwargs) = self.reduce_arguments(node.args)
(args, kwargs) = self._unholder_args(h_args, h_kwargs)
if is_disabled(args, kwargs):
return Disabler()
if not isinstance(obj, InterpreterObject):
raise InvalidArguments(f'{object_display_name} is not callable.')
# TODO: InterpreterBase **really** shouldn't be in charge of checking this
if method_name == 'extract_objects':
if isinstance(obj, ObjectHolder):
elif not isinstance(obj, Disabler):
raise InvalidArguments(f'Invalid operation "extract_objects" on {object_display_name} of type {type(obj).__name__}')
obj.current_node = self.current_node = node
res = obj.method_call(method_name, args, kwargs)
return self._holderify(res) if res is not None else None
def _holderify(self, res: T.Union[TYPE_var, InterpreterObject]) -> InterpreterObject:
if isinstance(res, HoldableTypes):
# Always check for an exact match first.
cls = self.holder_map.get(type(res), None)
if cls is not None:
# Casts to Interpreter are required here since an assertion would
# not work for the `ast` module.
return cls(res, T.cast('Interpreter', self))
# Try the boundary types next.
for typ, cls in self.bound_holder_map.items():
if isinstance(res, typ):
return cls(res, T.cast('Interpreter', self))
raise mesonlib.MesonBugException(f'Object {res} of type {type(res).__name__} is neither in self.holder_map nor self.bound_holder_map.')
elif isinstance(res, ObjectHolder):
raise mesonlib.MesonBugException(f'Returned object {res} of type {type(res).__name__} is an object holder.')
elif isinstance(res, MesonInterpreterObject):
return res
raise mesonlib.MesonBugException(f'Unknown returned object {res} of type {type(res).__name__} in the parameters.')
def _unholder_args(self,
args: T.List[InterpreterObject],
kwargs: T.Dict[str, InterpreterObject]) -> T.Tuple[T.List[TYPE_var], TYPE_kwargs]:
return [_unholder(x) for x in args], {k: _unholder(v) for k, v in kwargs.items()}
def unknown_function_called(self, func_name: str) -> None:
raise InvalidCode(f'Unknown function "{func_name}".')
def reduce_arguments(
args: mparser.ArgumentNode,
key_resolver: T.Callable[[mparser.BaseNode], str] = default_resolve_key,
duplicate_key_error: T.Optional[str] = None,
) -> T.Tuple[
T.Dict[str, InterpreterObject]
assert isinstance(args, mparser.ArgumentNode)
if args.incorrect_order():
raise InvalidArguments('All keyword arguments must be after positional arguments.')
self.argument_depth += 1
reduced_pos = [self.evaluate_statement(arg) for arg in args.arguments]
if any(x is None for x in reduced_pos):
raise InvalidArguments('At least one value in the arguments is void.')
reduced_kw: T.Dict[str, InterpreterObject] = {}
for key, val in args.kwargs.items():
reduced_key = key_resolver(key)
assert isinstance(val, mparser.BaseNode)
reduced_val = self.evaluate_statement(val)
if reduced_val is None:
raise InvalidArguments(f'Value of key {reduced_key} is void.')
self.current_node = key
if duplicate_key_error and reduced_key in reduced_kw:
raise InvalidArguments(duplicate_key_error.format(reduced_key))
reduced_kw[reduced_key] = reduced_val
self.argument_depth -= 1
final_kw = self.expand_default_kwargs(reduced_kw)
return reduced_pos, final_kw
def expand_default_kwargs(self, kwargs: T.Dict[str, T.Optional[InterpreterObject]]) -> T.Dict[str, T.Optional[InterpreterObject]]:
if 'kwargs' not in kwargs:
return kwargs
to_expand = _unholder(kwargs.pop('kwargs'))
if not isinstance(to_expand, dict):
raise InterpreterException('Value of "kwargs" must be dictionary.')
if 'kwargs' in to_expand:
raise InterpreterException('Kwargs argument must not contain a "kwargs" entry. Points for thinking meta, though. :P')
for k, v in to_expand.items():
if k in kwargs:
raise InterpreterException(f'Entry "{k}" defined both as a keyword argument and in a "kwarg" entry.')
kwargs[k] = self._holderify(v)
return kwargs
def assignment(self, node: mparser.AssignmentNode) -> None:
assert isinstance(node, mparser.AssignmentNode)
if self.argument_depth != 0:
raise InvalidArguments(textwrap.dedent('''\
Tried to assign values inside an argument list.
To specify a keyword argument, use : instead of =.
var_name = node.var_name.value
if not isinstance(var_name, str):
raise InvalidArguments('Tried to assign value to a non-variable.')
value = self.evaluate_statement(node.value)
# For mutable objects we need to make a copy on assignment
if isinstance(value, MutableInterpreterObject):
value = copy.deepcopy(value)
self.set_variable(var_name, value)
def set_variable(self, varname: str, variable: T.Union[TYPE_var, InterpreterObject], *, holderify: bool = False) -> None:
if variable is None:
raise InvalidCode('Can not assign void to variable.')
if holderify:
variable = self._holderify(variable)
# Ensure that we are always storing ObjectHolders
if not isinstance(variable, InterpreterObject):
raise mesonlib.MesonBugException(f'set_variable in InterpreterBase called with a non InterpreterObject {variable} of type {type(variable).__name__}')
if not isinstance(varname, str):
raise InvalidCode('First argument to set_variable must be a string.')
if re.match('[_a-zA-Z][_0-9a-zA-Z]*$', varname) is None:
raise InvalidCode('Invalid variable name: ' + varname)
if varname in self.builtin:
raise InvalidCode(f'Tried to overwrite internal variable "{varname}"')
self.variables[varname] = variable
def get_variable(self, varname: str) -> InterpreterObject:
if varname in self.builtin:
return self.builtin[varname]
if varname in self.variables:
return self.variables[varname]
raise InvalidCode(f'Unknown variable "{varname}".')
def validate_extraction(self, buildtarget: mesonlib.HoldableObject) -> None:
raise InterpreterException('validate_extraction is not implemented in this context (please file a bug)')