# Copyright 2013-2019 The Meson development team
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import glob
import re
import os
import typing as T
from pathlib import Path
from . . import mlog
from . . import mesonlib
from . . environment import detect_cpu_family
from . base import ( DependencyException , ExternalDependency )
from . . environment import Environment
from . . compilers import Compiler
TV_ResultTuple = T . Tuple [ T . Optional [ str ] , T . Optional [ str ] , bool ]
class CudaDependency ( ExternalDependency ) :
supported_languages = [ ' cuda ' , ' cpp ' , ' c ' ] # see also _default_language
def __init__ ( self , environment : ' Environment ' , kwargs : T . Dict [ str , T . Any ] ) - > None :
compilers = environment . coredata . compilers [ self . get_for_machine_from_kwargs ( kwargs ) ]
language = self . _detect_language ( compilers )
if language not in self . supported_languages :
raise DependencyException ( f ' Language \' { language } \' is not supported by the CUDA Toolkit. Supported languages are { self . supported_languages } . ' )
super ( ) . __init__ ( ' cuda ' , environment , kwargs , language = language )
self . lib_modules : T . Dict [ str , T . List [ str ] ] = { }
self . requested_modules = self . get_requested ( kwargs )
if ' cudart ' not in self . requested_modules :
self . requested_modules = [ ' cudart ' ] + self . requested_modules
( self . cuda_path , self . version , self . is_found ) = self . _detect_cuda_path_and_version ( )
if not self . is_found :
if not os . path . isabs ( self . cuda_path ) :
raise DependencyException ( f ' CUDA Toolkit path must be absolute, got \' { self . cuda_path } \' . ' )
# nvcc already knows where to find the CUDA Toolkit, but if we're compiling
# a mixed C/C++/CUDA project, we still need to make the include dir searchable
if self . language != ' cuda ' or len ( compilers ) > 1 :
self . incdir = os . path . join ( self . cuda_path , ' include ' )
self . compile_args + = [ f ' -I { self . incdir } ' ]
if self . language != ' cuda ' :
arch_libdir = self . _detect_arch_libdir ( )
self . libdir = os . path . join ( self . cuda_path , arch_libdir )
mlog . debug ( ' CUDA library directory is ' , mlog . bold ( self . libdir ) )
else :
self . libdir = None
self . is_found = self . _find_requested_libraries ( )
def _detect_language ( cls , compilers : T . Dict [ str , ' Compiler ' ] ) - > str :
for lang in cls . supported_languages :
if lang in compilers :
return lang
return list ( compilers . keys ( ) ) [ 0 ]
def _detect_cuda_path_and_version ( self ) - > TV_ResultTuple :
self . env_var = self . _default_path_env_var ( )
mlog . debug ( ' Default path env var: ' , mlog . bold ( self . env_var ) )
version_reqs = self . version_reqs
if self . language == ' cuda ' :
nvcc_version = self . _strip_patch_version ( self . get_compiler ( ) . version )
mlog . debug ( ' nvcc version: ' , mlog . bold ( nvcc_version ) )
if version_reqs :
# make sure nvcc version satisfies specified version requirements
( found_some , not_found , found ) = mesonlib . version_compare_many ( nvcc_version , version_reqs )
if not_found :
msg = f ' The current nvcc version { nvcc_version } does not satisfy the specified CUDA Toolkit version requirements { version_reqs } . '
return self . _report_dependency_error ( msg , ( None , None , False ) )
# use nvcc version to find a matching CUDA Toolkit
version_reqs = [ f ' = { nvcc_version } ' ]
else :
nvcc_version = None
paths = [ ( path , self . _cuda_toolkit_version ( path ) , default ) for ( path , default ) in self . _cuda_paths ( ) ]
if version_reqs :
return self . _find_matching_toolkit ( paths , version_reqs , nvcc_version )
defaults = [ ( path , version ) for ( path , version , default ) in paths if default ]
if defaults :
return ( defaults [ 0 ] [ 0 ] , defaults [ 0 ] [ 1 ] , True )
platform_msg = ' set the CUDA_PATH environment variable ' if self . _is_windows ( ) \
else ' set the CUDA_PATH environment variable/create the \' /usr/local/cuda \' symbolic link '
msg = f ' Please specify the desired CUDA Toolkit version (e.g. dependency( \' cuda \' , version : \' >=10.1 \' )) or { platform_msg } to point to the location of your desired version. '
return self . _report_dependency_error ( msg , ( None , None , False ) )
def _find_matching_toolkit ( self , paths : T . List [ TV_ResultTuple ] , version_reqs : T . List [ str ] , nvcc_version : T . Optional [ str ] ) - > TV_ResultTuple :
# keep the default paths order intact, sort the rest in the descending order
# according to the toolkit version
part_func : T . Callable [ [ TV_ResultTuple ] , bool ] = lambda t : not t [ 2 ]
defaults_it , rest_it = mesonlib . partition ( part_func , paths )
defaults = list ( defaults_it )
paths = defaults + sorted ( rest_it , key = lambda t : mesonlib . Version ( t [ 1 ] ) , reverse = True )
mlog . debug ( f ' Search paths: { paths } ' )
if nvcc_version and defaults :
default_src = f " the { self . env_var } environment variable " if self . env_var else " the \' /usr/local/cuda \' symbolic link "
nvcc_warning = ' The default CUDA Toolkit as designated by {} ( {} ) doesn \' t match the current nvcc version {} and will be ignored. ' . format ( default_src , os . path . realpath ( defaults [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ) , nvcc_version )
else :
nvcc_warning = None
for ( path , version , default ) in paths :
( found_some , not_found , found ) = mesonlib . version_compare_many ( version , version_reqs )
if not not_found :
if not default and nvcc_warning :
mlog . warning ( nvcc_warning )
return ( path , version , True )
if nvcc_warning :
mlog . warning ( nvcc_warning )
return ( None , None , False )
def _default_path_env_var ( self ) - > T . Optional [ str ] :
env_vars = [ ' CUDA_PATH ' ] if self . _is_windows ( ) else [ ' CUDA_PATH ' , ' CUDA_HOME ' , ' CUDA_ROOT ' ]
env_vars = [ var for var in env_vars if var in os . environ ]
user_defaults = { os . environ [ var ] for var in env_vars }
if len ( user_defaults ) > 1 :
mlog . warning ( ' Environment variables {} point to conflicting toolkit locations ( {} ). Toolkit selection might produce unexpected results. ' . format ( ' , ' . join ( env_vars ) , ' , ' . join ( user_defaults ) ) )
return env_vars [ 0 ] if env_vars else None
def _cuda_paths ( self ) - > T . List [ T . Tuple [ str , bool ] ] :
return ( [ ( os . environ [ self . env_var ] , True ) ] if self . env_var else [ ] ) \
+ ( self . _cuda_paths_win ( ) if self . _is_windows ( ) else self . _cuda_paths_nix ( ) )
def _cuda_paths_win ( self ) - > T . List [ T . Tuple [ str , bool ] ] :
env_vars = os . environ . keys ( )
return [ ( os . environ [ var ] , False ) for var in env_vars if var . startswith ( ' CUDA_PATH_ ' ) ]
def _cuda_paths_nix ( self ) - > T . List [ T . Tuple [ str , bool ] ] :
# include /usr/local/cuda default only if no env_var was found
pattern = ' /usr/local/cuda-* ' if self . env_var else ' /usr/local/cuda* '
return [ ( path , os . path . basename ( path ) == ' cuda ' ) for path in glob . iglob ( pattern ) ]
toolkit_version_regex = re . compile ( r ' ^CUDA Version \ s+(.*)$ ' )
path_version_win_regex = re . compile ( r ' ^v(.*)$ ' )
path_version_nix_regex = re . compile ( r ' ^cuda-(.*)$ ' )
cudart_version_regex = re . compile ( r ' #define \ s+CUDART_VERSION \ s+([0-9]+) ' )
def _cuda_toolkit_version ( self , path : str ) - > str :
version = self . _read_toolkit_version_txt ( path )
if version :
return version
version = self . _read_cuda_runtime_api_version ( path )
if version :
return version
mlog . debug ( ' Falling back to extracting version from path ' )
path_version_regex = self . path_version_win_regex if self . _is_windows ( ) else self . path_version_nix_regex
try :
m = path_version_regex . match ( os . path . basename ( path ) )
if m :
return m . group ( 1 )
else :
mlog . warning ( f ' Could not detect CUDA Toolkit version for { path } ' )
except Exception as e :
mlog . warning ( ' Could not detect CUDA Toolkit version for {} : {} ' . format ( path , str ( e ) ) )
return ' 0.0 '
def _read_cuda_runtime_api_version ( self , path_str : str ) - > T . Optional [ str ] :
path = Path ( path_str )
for i in path . rglob ( ' cuda_runtime_api.h ' ) :
raw = i . read_text ( )
m = self . cudart_version_regex . search ( raw )
if not m :
try :
vers_int = int ( m . group ( 1 ) )
except ValueError :
# use // for floor instead of / which produces a float
major = vers_int / / 1000 # type: int
minor = ( vers_int - major * 1000 ) / / 10 # type: int
return f ' { major } . { minor } '
return None
def _read_toolkit_version_txt ( self , path : str ) - > T . Optional [ str ] :
# Read 'version.txt' at the root of the CUDA Toolkit directory to determine the tookit version
version_file_path = os . path . join ( path , ' version.txt ' )
try :
with open ( version_file_path ) as version_file :
version_str = version_file . readline ( ) # e.g. 'CUDA Version 10.1.168'
m = self . toolkit_version_regex . match ( version_str )
if m :
return self . _strip_patch_version ( m . group ( 1 ) )
except Exception as e :
mlog . debug ( ' Could not read CUDA Toolkit \' s version file {} : {} ' . format ( version_file_path , str ( e ) ) )
return None
def _strip_patch_version ( cls , version : str ) - > str :
return ' . ' . join ( version . split ( ' . ' ) [ : 2 ] )
def _detect_arch_libdir ( self ) - > str :
arch = detect_cpu_family ( self . env . coredata . compilers . host )
machine = self . env . machines [ self . for_machine ]
msg = ' {} architecture is not supported in {} version of the CUDA Toolkit. '
if machine . is_windows ( ) :
libdirs = { ' x86 ' : ' Win32 ' , ' x86_64 ' : ' x64 ' }
if arch not in libdirs :
raise DependencyException ( msg . format ( arch , ' Windows ' ) )
return os . path . join ( ' lib ' , libdirs [ arch ] )
elif machine . is_linux ( ) :
libdirs = { ' x86_64 ' : ' lib64 ' , ' ppc64 ' : ' lib ' , ' aarch64 ' : ' lib64 ' , ' loongarch64 ' : ' lib64 ' }
if arch not in libdirs :
raise DependencyException ( msg . format ( arch , ' Linux ' ) )
return libdirs [ arch ]
elif machine . is_darwin ( ) :
libdirs = { ' x86_64 ' : ' lib64 ' }
if arch not in libdirs :
raise DependencyException ( msg . format ( arch , ' macOS ' ) )
return libdirs [ arch ]
else :
raise DependencyException ( ' CUDA Toolkit: unsupported platform. ' )
def _find_requested_libraries ( self ) - > bool :
all_found = True
for module in self . requested_modules :
args = self . clib_compiler . find_library ( module , self . env , [ self . libdir ] if self . libdir else [ ] )
if args is None :
self . _report_dependency_error ( f ' Couldn \' t find requested CUDA module \' { module } \' ' )
all_found = False
else :
mlog . debug ( f ' Link args for CUDA module \' { module } \' are { args } ' )
self . lib_modules [ module ] = args
return all_found
def _is_windows ( self ) - > bool :
return self . env . machines [ self . for_machine ] . is_windows ( )
@T . overload
def _report_dependency_error ( self , msg : str ) - > None : . . .
@T . overload
def _report_dependency_error ( self , msg : str , ret_val : TV_ResultTuple ) - > TV_ResultTuple : . . .
def _report_dependency_error ( self , msg : str , ret_val : T . Optional [ TV_ResultTuple ] = None ) - > T . Optional [ TV_ResultTuple ] :
if self . required :
raise DependencyException ( msg )
mlog . debug ( msg )
return ret_val
def log_details ( self ) - > str :
module_str = ' , ' . join ( self . requested_modules )
return ' modules: ' + module_str
def log_info ( self ) - > str :
return self . cuda_path if self . cuda_path else ' '
def get_requested ( self , kwargs : T . Dict [ str , T . Any ] ) - > T . List [ str ] :
candidates = mesonlib . extract_as_list ( kwargs , ' modules ' )
for c in candidates :
if not isinstance ( c , str ) :
raise DependencyException ( ' CUDA module argument is not a string. ' )
return candidates
def get_link_args ( self , language : T . Optional [ str ] = None , raw : bool = False ) - > T . List [ str ] :
args = [ ]
if self . libdir :
args + = self . clib_compiler . get_linker_search_args ( self . libdir )
for lib in self . requested_modules :
args + = self . lib_modules [ lib ]
return args