# Copyright 2016-2021 The Meson development team
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import re
import textwrap
import unittest
import hashlib
from itertools import chain
from pathlib import Path
import typing as T
import mesonbuild.mlog
import mesonbuild.depfile
import mesonbuild.dependencies.base
import mesonbuild.dependencies.factory
import mesonbuild.envconfig
import mesonbuild.environment
import mesonbuild.coredata
import mesonbuild.modules.gnome
from mesonbuild.interpreter import Interpreter
from mesonbuild.ast import AstInterpreter
from mesonbuild.mesonlib import (
MachineChoice, OptionKey
from mesonbuild.compilers import (
detect_c_compiler, detect_cpp_compiler
import mesonbuild.modules.pkgconfig
from run_tests import (
FakeBuild, get_fake_env
from .helpers import *
@unittest.skipIf(is_tarball(), 'Skipping because this is a tarball release')
class DataTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_snippets(self):
hashcounter = re.compile('^ *(#)+')
snippet_dir = Path('docs/markdown/snippets')
for f in snippet_dir.glob('*'):
if f.parts[-1].endswith('~'):
if f.suffix == '.md':
in_code_block = False
with f.open(encoding='utf-8') as snippet:
for line in snippet:
if line.startswith(' '):
if line.startswith('```'):
in_code_block = not in_code_block
if in_code_block:
m = re.match(hashcounter, line)
if m:
self.assertEqual(len(m.group(0)), 2, 'All headings in snippets must have two hash symbols: ' + f.name)
self.assertFalse(in_code_block, 'Unclosed code block.')
if f.name != 'add_release_note_snippets_here':
self.assertTrue(False, 'A file without .md suffix in snippets dir: ' + f.name)
def test_compiler_options_documented(self):
Test that C and C++ compiler options and base options are documented in
Builtin-Options.md. Only tests the default compiler for the current
platform on the CI.
md = None
with open('docs/markdown/Builtin-options.md', encoding='utf-8') as f:
md = f.read()
env = get_fake_env()
# FIXME: Support other compilers
cc = detect_c_compiler(env, MachineChoice.HOST)
cpp = detect_cpp_compiler(env, MachineChoice.HOST)
for comp in (cc, cpp):
for opt in comp.get_options():
self.assertIn(str(opt), md)
for opt in comp.base_options:
self.assertIn(str(opt), md)
self.assertNotIn('b_unknown', md)
def _get_section_content(name, sections, md):
for section in sections:
if section and section.group(1) == name:
next_section = next(sections)
end = next_section.start()
except StopIteration:
end = len(md)
# Extract the content for this section
return md[section.end():end]
raise RuntimeError(f'Could not find "{name}" heading')
def test_builtin_options_documented(self):
Test that universal options and base options are documented in
from itertools import tee
md = None
with open('docs/markdown/Builtin-options.md', encoding='utf-8') as f:
md = f.read()
found_entries = set()
sections = re.finditer(r"^## (.+)$", md, re.MULTILINE)
# Extract the content for this section
content = self._get_section_content("Universal options", sections, md)
subsections = tee(re.finditer(r"^### (.+)$", content, re.MULTILINE))
subcontent1 = self._get_section_content("Directories", subsections[0], content)
subcontent2 = self._get_section_content("Core options", subsections[1], content)
for subcontent in (subcontent1, subcontent2):
# Find the option names
options = set()
# Match either a table row or a table heading separator: | ------ |
rows = re.finditer(r"^\|(?: (\w+) .* | *-+ *)\|", subcontent, re.MULTILINE)
# Skip the header of the first table
# Skip the heading separator of the first table
for m in rows:
value = m.group(1)
# End when the `buildtype` table starts
if value is None:
self.assertEqual(len(found_entries & options), 0)
found_entries |= options
self.assertEqual(found_entries, {
*(str(k) for k in mesonbuild.coredata.BUILTIN_OPTIONS),
*(str(k) for k in mesonbuild.coredata.BUILTIN_OPTIONS_PER_MACHINE),
# Check that `buildtype` table inside `Core options` matches how
# setting of builtin options behaves
# Find all tables inside this subsection
tables = re.finditer(r"^\| (\w+) .* \|\n\| *[-|\s]+ *\|$", subcontent2, re.MULTILINE)
# Get the table we want using the header of the first column
table = self._get_section_content('buildtype', tables, subcontent2)
# Get table row data
rows = re.finditer(r"^\|(?: (\w+)\s+\| (\w+)\s+\| (\w+) .* | *-+ *)\|", table, re.MULTILINE)
env = get_fake_env()
for m in rows:
buildtype, debug, opt = m.groups()
if debug == 'true':
debug = True
elif debug == 'false':
debug = False
raise RuntimeError(f'Invalid debug value {debug!r} in row:\n{m.group()}')
env.coredata.set_option(OptionKey('buildtype'), buildtype)
self.assertEqual(env.coredata.options[OptionKey('buildtype')].value, buildtype)
self.assertEqual(env.coredata.options[OptionKey('optimization')].value, opt)
self.assertEqual(env.coredata.options[OptionKey('debug')].value, debug)
def test_cpu_families_documented(self):
with open("docs/markdown/Reference-tables.md", encoding='utf-8') as f:
md = f.read()
sections = re.finditer(r"^## (.+)$", md, re.MULTILINE)
content = self._get_section_content("CPU families", sections, md)
# Find the list entries
arches = [m.group(1) for m in re.finditer(r"^\| (\w+) +\|", content, re.MULTILINE)]
# Drop the header
arches = set(arches[1:])
self.assertEqual(arches, set(mesonbuild.environment.known_cpu_families))
def test_markdown_files_in_sitemap(self):
Test that each markdown files in docs/markdown is referenced in sitemap.txt
with open("docs/sitemap.txt", encoding='utf-8') as f:
md = f.read()
toc = list(m.group(1) for m in re.finditer(r"^\s*(\w.*)$", md, re.MULTILINE))
markdownfiles = [f.name for f in Path("docs/markdown").iterdir() if f.is_file() and f.suffix == '.md']
exceptions = ['_Sidebar.md']
for f in markdownfiles:
if f not in exceptions and not f.startswith('_include'):
self.assertIn(f, toc)
def test_modules_in_navbar(self):
Test that each module is referenced in navbar_links.html
with open("docs/theme/extra/templates/navbar_links.html", encoding='utf-8') as f:
html = f.read().lower()
for f in Path('mesonbuild/modules').glob('*.py'):
if f.name in {'modtest.py', 'qt.py', '__init__.py'}:
name = f'{f.stem}-module.html'
name = name.replace('unstable_', '')
name = name.replace('python3', 'python-3')
name = name.replace('_', '-')
self.assertIn(name, html)
def test_vim_syntax_highlighting(self):
Ensure that vim syntax highlighting files were updated for new
functions in the global namespace in build files.
env = get_fake_env()
interp = Interpreter(FakeBuild(env), mock=True)
with open('data/syntax-highlighting/vim/syntax/meson.vim', encoding='utf-8') as f:
res = re.search(r'syn keyword mesonBuiltin(\s+\\\s\w+)+', f.read(), re.MULTILINE)
defined = set([a.strip() for a in res.group().split('\\')][1:])
self.assertEqual(defined, set(chain(interp.funcs.keys(), interp.builtin.keys())))
def test_all_functions_defined_in_ast_interpreter(self):
Ensure that the all functions defined in the Interpreter are also defined
in the AstInterpreter (and vice versa).
env = get_fake_env()
interp = Interpreter(FakeBuild(env), mock=True)
astint = AstInterpreter('.', '', '')
self.assertEqual(set(interp.funcs.keys()), set(astint.funcs.keys()))
def test_mesondata_is_up_to_date(self):
from mesonbuild.mesondata import mesondata
err_msg = textwrap.dedent('''
### mesonbuild.mesondata is not up-to-date ###
### Please regenerate it by running tools/gen_data.py ###
root_dir = Path(__file__).parents[1]
mesonbuild_dir = root_dir / 'mesonbuild'
data_dirs = mesonbuild_dir.glob('**/data')
data_files = [] # type: T.List[T.Tuple(str, str)]
for i in data_dirs:
for p in i.iterdir():
data_files += [(p.relative_to(mesonbuild_dir).as_posix(), hashlib.sha256(p.read_bytes()).hexdigest())]
current_files = set(mesondata.keys())
scanned_files = {x[0] for x in data_files}
self.assertSetEqual(current_files, scanned_files, err_msg + 'Data files were added or removed\n')
errors = []
for i in data_files:
if mesondata[i[0]].sha256sum != i[1]:
errors += [i[0]]
self.assertListEqual(errors, [], err_msg + 'Files were changed')