The Meson Build System
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1229 lines
52 KiB

# Copyrigh 2012-2020 The Meson development team
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from . import mlog, mparser
import pickle, os, uuid
import sys
from itertools import chain
from ._pathlib import PurePath
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
from .mesonlib import (
MesonException, EnvironmentException, MachineChoice, PerMachine,
default_libdir, default_libexecdir, default_prefix, split_args
from .wrap import WrapMode
import ast
import argparse
import configparser
import enum
import shlex
import typing as T
from . import dependencies
from .compilers.compilers import Compiler, CompileResult # noqa: F401
from .environment import Environment
from .mesonlib import OptionOverrideProxy
OptionDictType = T.Union[T.Dict[str, 'UserOption[T.Any]'], OptionOverrideProxy]
CompilerCheckCacheKey = T.Tuple[T.Tuple[str, ...], str, str, T.Tuple[str, ...], str]
version = '0.56.99'
backendlist = ['ninja', 'vs', 'vs2010', 'vs2015', 'vs2017', 'vs2019', 'xcode']
default_yielding = False
# Can't bind this near the class method it seems, sadly.
_T = T.TypeVar('_T')
class MesonVersionMismatchException(MesonException):
'''Build directory generated with Meson version is incompatible with current version'''
def __init__(self, old_version: str, current_version: str) -> None:
super().__init__('Build directory has been generated with Meson version {}, '
'which is incompatible with the current version {}.'
.format(old_version, current_version))
self.old_version = old_version
self.current_version = current_version
class UserOption(T.Generic[_T]):
def __init__(self, description: str, choices: T.Optional[T.Union[str, T.List[_T]]], yielding: T.Optional[bool]):
self.choices = choices
self.description = description
if yielding is None:
yielding = default_yielding
if not isinstance(yielding, bool):
raise MesonException('Value of "yielding" must be a boolean.')
self.yielding = yielding
def printable_value(self) -> T.Union[str, int, bool, T.List[T.Union[str, int, bool]]]:
assert isinstance(self.value, (str, int, bool, list))
return self.value
# Check that the input is a valid value and return the
# "cleaned" or "native" version. For example the Boolean
# option could take the string "true" and return True.
def validate_value(self, value: T.Any) -> _T:
raise RuntimeError('Derived option class did not override validate_value.')
def set_value(self, newvalue: T.Any) -> None:
self.value = self.validate_value(newvalue)
class UserStringOption(UserOption[str]):
def __init__(self, description: str, value: T.Any, yielding: T.Optional[bool] = None):
super().__init__(description, None, yielding)
def validate_value(self, value: T.Any) -> str:
if not isinstance(value, str):
raise MesonException('Value "%s" for string option is not a string.' % str(value))
return value
class UserBooleanOption(UserOption[bool]):
def __init__(self, description: str, value, yielding: T.Optional[bool] = None) -> None:
super().__init__(description, [True, False], yielding)
def __bool__(self) -> bool:
return self.value
def validate_value(self, value: T.Any) -> bool:
if isinstance(value, bool):
return value
if not isinstance(value, str):
raise MesonException('Value {} cannot be converted to a boolean'.format(value))
if value.lower() == 'true':
return True
if value.lower() == 'false':
return False
raise MesonException('Value %s is not boolean (true or false).' % value)
class UserIntegerOption(UserOption[int]):
def __init__(self, description: str, value: T.Any, yielding: T.Optional[bool] = None):
min_value, max_value, default_value = value
self.min_value = min_value
self.max_value = max_value
c = []
if min_value is not None:
c.append('>=' + str(min_value))
if max_value is not None:
c.append('<=' + str(max_value))
choices = ', '.join(c)
super().__init__(description, choices, yielding)
def validate_value(self, value: T.Any) -> int:
if isinstance(value, str):
value = self.toint(value)
if not isinstance(value, int):
raise MesonException('New value for integer option is not an integer.')
if self.min_value is not None and value < self.min_value:
raise MesonException('New value %d is less than minimum value %d.' % (value, self.min_value))
if self.max_value is not None and value > self.max_value:
raise MesonException('New value %d is more than maximum value %d.' % (value, self.max_value))
return value
def toint(self, valuestring: str) -> int:
return int(valuestring)
except ValueError:
raise MesonException('Value string "%s" is not convertible to an integer.' % valuestring)
class UserUmaskOption(UserIntegerOption, UserOption[T.Union[str, int]]):
def __init__(self, description: str, value: T.Any, yielding: T.Optional[bool] = None):
super().__init__(description, (0, 0o777, value), yielding)
self.choices = ['preserve', '0000-0777']
def printable_value(self) -> str:
if self.value == 'preserve':
return self.value
return format(self.value, '04o')
def validate_value(self, value: T.Any) -> T.Union[str, int]:
if value is None or value == 'preserve':
return 'preserve'
return super().validate_value(value)
def toint(self, valuestring: T.Union[str, int]) -> int:
return int(valuestring, 8)
except ValueError as e:
raise MesonException('Invalid mode: {}'.format(e))
class UserComboOption(UserOption[str]):
def __init__(self, description: str, choices: T.List[str], value: T.Any, yielding: T.Optional[bool] = None):
super().__init__(description, choices, yielding)
if not isinstance(self.choices, list):
raise MesonException('Combo choices must be an array.')
for i in self.choices:
if not isinstance(i, str):
raise MesonException('Combo choice elements must be strings.')
def validate_value(self, value: T.Any) -> str:
if value not in self.choices:
if isinstance(value, bool):
_type = 'boolean'
elif isinstance(value, (int, float)):
_type = 'number'
_type = 'string'
optionsstring = ', '.join(['"%s"' % (item,) for item in self.choices])
raise MesonException('Value "{}" (of type "{}") for combo option "{}" is not one of the choices.'
' Possible choices are (as string): {}.'.format(
value, _type, self.description, optionsstring))
return value
class UserArrayOption(UserOption[T.List[str]]):
def __init__(self, description: str, value: T.Union[str, T.List[str]], split_args: bool = False, user_input: bool = False, allow_dups: bool = False, **kwargs: T.Any) -> None:
super().__init__(description, kwargs.get('choices', []), yielding=kwargs.get('yielding', None))
self.split_args = split_args
self.allow_dups = allow_dups
self.value = self.validate_value(value, user_input=user_input)
def validate_value(self, value: T.Union[str, T.List[str]], user_input: bool = True) -> T.List[str]:
# User input is for options defined on the command line (via -D
# options). Users can put their input in as a comma separated
# string, but for defining options in meson_options.txt the format
# should match that of a combo
if not user_input and isinstance(value, str) and not value.startswith('['):
raise MesonException('Value does not define an array: ' + value)
if isinstance(value, str):
if value.startswith('['):
newvalue = ast.literal_eval(value)
except ValueError:
raise MesonException('malformed option {}'.format(value))
elif value == '':
newvalue = []
if self.split_args:
newvalue = split_args(value)
newvalue = [v.strip() for v in value.split(',')]
elif isinstance(value, list):
newvalue = value
raise MesonException('"{}" should be a string array, but it is not'.format(newvalue))
if not self.allow_dups and len(set(newvalue)) != len(newvalue):
msg = 'Duplicated values in array option is deprecated. ' \
'This will become a hard error in the future.'
for i in newvalue:
if not isinstance(i, str):
raise MesonException('String array element "{0}" is not a string.'.format(str(newvalue)))
if self.choices:
bad = [x for x in newvalue if x not in self.choices]
if bad:
raise MesonException('Options "{}" are not in allowed choices: "{}"'.format(
', '.join(bad), ', '.join(self.choices)))
return newvalue
class UserFeatureOption(UserComboOption):
static_choices = ['enabled', 'disabled', 'auto']
def __init__(self, description: str, value: T.Any, yielding: T.Optional[bool] = None):
super().__init__(description, self.static_choices, value, yielding)
def is_enabled(self) -> bool:
return self.value == 'enabled'
def is_disabled(self) -> bool:
return self.value == 'disabled'
def is_auto(self) -> bool:
return self.value == 'auto'
CacheKeyType = T.Tuple[T.Tuple[T.Any, ...], ...]
SubCacheKeyType = T.Tuple[T.Any, ...]
class DependencyCacheType(enum.Enum):
def from_type(cls, dep: 'dependencies.Dependency') -> 'DependencyCacheType':
from . import dependencies
# As more types gain search overrides they'll need to be added here
if isinstance(dep, dependencies.PkgConfigDependency):
return cls.PKG_CONFIG
if isinstance(dep, dependencies.CMakeDependency):
return cls.CMAKE
return cls.OTHER
class DependencySubCache:
def __init__(self, type_: DependencyCacheType):
self.types = [type_]
self.__cache = {} # type: T.Dict[SubCacheKeyType, dependencies.Dependency]
def __getitem__(self, key: 'SubCacheKeyType') -> 'dependencies.Dependency':
return self.__cache[key]
def __setitem__(self, key: 'SubCacheKeyType', value: 'dependencies.Dependency') -> None:
self.__cache[key] = value
def __contains__(self, key: 'SubCacheKeyType') -> bool:
return key in self.__cache
def values(self) -> T.Iterable['dependencies.Dependency']:
return self.__cache.values()
class DependencyCache:
"""Class that stores a cache of dependencies.
This class is meant to encapsulate the fact that we need multiple keys to
successfully lookup by providing a simple get/put interface.
def __init__(self, builtins_per_machine: PerMachine[T.Dict[str, UserOption[T.Any]]], for_machine: MachineChoice):
self.__cache = OrderedDict() # type: T.MutableMapping[CacheKeyType, DependencySubCache]
self.__builtins_per_machine = builtins_per_machine
self.__for_machine = for_machine
def __calculate_subkey(self, type_: DependencyCacheType) -> T.Tuple[T.Any, ...]:
if type_ is DependencyCacheType.PKG_CONFIG:
return tuple(self.__builtins_per_machine[self.__for_machine]['pkg_config_path'].value)
elif type_ is DependencyCacheType.CMAKE:
return tuple(self.__builtins_per_machine[self.__for_machine]['cmake_prefix_path'].value)
assert type_ is DependencyCacheType.OTHER, 'Someone forgot to update subkey calculations for a new type'
return tuple()
def __iter__(self) -> T.Iterator['CacheKeyType']:
return self.keys()
def put(self, key: 'CacheKeyType', dep: 'dependencies.Dependency') -> None:
t = DependencyCacheType.from_type(dep)
if key not in self.__cache:
self.__cache[key] = DependencySubCache(t)
subkey = self.__calculate_subkey(t)
self.__cache[key][subkey] = dep
def get(self, key: 'CacheKeyType') -> T.Optional['dependencies.Dependency']:
"""Get a value from the cache.
If there is no cache entry then None will be returned.
val = self.__cache[key]
except KeyError:
return None
for t in val.types:
subkey = self.__calculate_subkey(t)
return val[subkey]
except KeyError:
return None
def values(self) -> T.Iterator['dependencies.Dependency']:
for c in self.__cache.values():
yield from c.values()
def keys(self) -> T.Iterator['CacheKeyType']:
return iter(self.__cache.keys())
def items(self) -> T.Iterator[T.Tuple['CacheKeyType', T.List['dependencies.Dependency']]]:
for k, v in self.__cache.items():
vs = []
for t in v.types:
subkey = self.__calculate_subkey(t)
if subkey in v:
yield k, vs
def clear(self) -> None:
# Can't bind this near the class method it seems, sadly.
_V = T.TypeVar('_V')
# This class contains all data that must persist over multiple
# invocations of Meson. It is roughly the same thing as
# cmakecache.
class CoreData:
def __init__(self, options: argparse.Namespace, scratch_dir: str, meson_command: T.List[str]):
self.lang_guids = {
'default': '8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942',
'c': '8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942',
'cpp': '8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942',
'test': '3AC096D0-A1C2-E12C-1390-A8335801FDAB',
'directory': '2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8',
self.test_guid = str(uuid.uuid4()).upper()
self.regen_guid = str(uuid.uuid4()).upper()
self.install_guid = str(uuid.uuid4()).upper()
self.meson_command = meson_command
self.target_guids = {}
self.version = version
self.builtins = {} # type: OptionDictType
self.builtins_per_machine = PerMachine({}, {})
self.backend_options = {} # type: OptionDictType
self.user_options = {} # type: OptionDictType
self.compiler_options = PerMachine(
) # type: PerMachine[T.defaultdict[str, OptionDictType]]
self.base_options = {} # type: OptionDictType
self.cross_files = self.__load_config_files(options, scratch_dir, 'cross')
self.compilers = PerMachine(OrderedDict(), OrderedDict()) # type: PerMachine[T.Dict[str, Compiler]]
build_cache = DependencyCache(self.builtins_per_machine, MachineChoice.BUILD)
host_cache = DependencyCache(self.builtins_per_machine, MachineChoice.BUILD)
self.deps = PerMachine(build_cache, host_cache) # type: PerMachine[DependencyCache]
self.compiler_check_cache = OrderedDict() # type: T.Dict[CompilerCheckCacheKey, compiler.CompileResult]
# Only to print a warning if it changes between Meson invocations.
self.config_files = self.__load_config_files(options, scratch_dir, 'native')
def __load_config_files(options: argparse.Namespace, scratch_dir: str, ftype: str) -> T.List[str]:
# Need to try and make the passed filenames absolute because when the
# files are parsed later we'll have chdir()d.
if ftype == 'cross':
filenames = options.cross_file
filenames = options.native_file
if not filenames:
return []
found_invalid = [] # type: T.List[str]
missing = [] # type: T.List[str]
real = [] # type: T.List[str]
for i, f in enumerate(filenames):
f = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(f))
if os.path.exists(f):
if os.path.isfile(f):
elif os.path.isdir(f):
# in this case we've been passed some kind of pipe, copy
# the contents of that file into the meson private (scratch)
# directory so that it can be re-read when wiping/reconfiguring
copy = os.path.join(scratch_dir, '{}.{}.ini'.format(uuid.uuid4(), ftype))
with open(f, 'r') as rf:
with open(copy, 'w') as wf:
# Also replace the command line argument, as the pipe
# probably won't exist on reconfigure
filenames[i] = copy
if sys.platform != 'win32':
paths = [
os.environ.get('XDG_DATA_HOME', os.path.expanduser('~/.local/share')),
] + os.environ.get('XDG_DATA_DIRS', '/usr/local/share:/usr/share').split(':')
for path in paths:
path_to_try = os.path.join(path, 'meson', ftype, f)
if os.path.isfile(path_to_try):
if missing:
if found_invalid:
mlog.log('Found invalid candidates for', ftype, 'file:', *found_invalid)
mlog.log('Could not find any valid candidate for', ftype, 'files:', *missing)
raise MesonException('Cannot find specified {} file: {}'.format(ftype, f))
return real
def builtin_options_libdir_cross_fixup(self):
# By default set libdir to "lib" when cross compiling since
# getting the "system default" is always wrong on multiarch
# platforms as it gets a value like lib/x86_64-linux-gnu.
if self.cross_files:
BUILTIN_OPTIONS['libdir'].default = 'lib'
def sanitize_prefix(self, prefix):
prefix = os.path.expanduser(prefix)
if not os.path.isabs(prefix):
raise MesonException('prefix value {!r} must be an absolute path'
if prefix.endswith('/') or prefix.endswith('\\'):
# On Windows we need to preserve the trailing slash if the
# string is of type 'C:\' because 'C:' is not an absolute path.
if len(prefix) == 3 and prefix[1] == ':':
# If prefix is a single character, preserve it since it is
# the root directory.
elif len(prefix) == 1:
prefix = prefix[:-1]
return prefix
def sanitize_dir_option_value(self, prefix: str, option: str, value: T.Any) -> T.Any:
If the option is an installation directory option and the value is an
absolute path, check that it resides within prefix and return the value
as a path relative to the prefix.
This way everyone can do f.ex, get_option('libdir') and be sure to get
the library directory relative to prefix.
.as_posix() keeps the posix-like file seperators Meson uses.
value = PurePath(value)
except TypeError:
return value
if option.endswith('dir') and value.is_absolute() and \
option not in builtin_dir_noprefix_options:
# Value must be a subdir of the prefix
# commonpath will always return a path in the native format, so we
# must use pathlib.PurePath to do the same conversion before
# comparing.
msg = ('The value of the {!r} option is \'{!s}\' which must be a '
'subdir of the prefix {!r}.\nNote that if you pass a '
'relative path, it is assumed to be a subdir of prefix.')
# os.path.commonpath doesn't understand case-insensitive filesystems,
# but PurePath().relative_to() does.
value = value.relative_to(prefix)
except ValueError:
raise MesonException(msg.format(option, value, prefix))
if '..' in str(value):
raise MesonException(msg.format(option, value, prefix))
return value.as_posix()
def init_builtins(self, subproject: str):
# Create builtin options with default values
for key, opt in BUILTIN_OPTIONS.items():
self.add_builtin_option(self.builtins, key, opt, subproject)
for for_machine in iter(MachineChoice):
for key, opt in BUILTIN_OPTIONS_PER_MACHINE.items():
self.add_builtin_option(self.builtins_per_machine[for_machine], key, opt, subproject)
def add_builtin_option(self, opts_map, key, opt, subproject):
if subproject:
if opt.yielding:
# This option is global and not per-subproject
optname = subproject + ':' + key
value = opts_map[key].value
optname = key
value = None
opts_map[optname] = opt.init_option(key, value, default_prefix())
def init_backend_options(self, backend_name: str) -> None:
if backend_name == 'ninja':
self.backend_options['backend_max_links'] = \
'Maximum number of linker processes to run or 0 for no '
(0, None, 0))
elif backend_name.startswith('vs'):
self.backend_options['backend_startup_project'] = \
'Default project to execute in Visual Studio',
def get_builtin_option(self, optname: str, subproject: str = '') -> T.Union[str, int, bool]:
raw_optname = optname
if subproject:
optname = subproject + ':' + optname
for opts in self._get_all_builtin_options():
v = opts.get(optname)
if v is None or v.yielding:
v = opts.get(raw_optname)
if v is None:
if raw_optname == 'wrap_mode':
return WrapMode.from_string(v.value)
return v.value
raise RuntimeError('Tried to get unknown builtin option %s.' % raw_optname)
def _try_set_builtin_option(self, optname, value):
for opts in self._get_all_builtin_options():
opt = opts.get(optname)
if opt is None:
if optname == 'prefix':
value = self.sanitize_prefix(value)
prefix = self.builtins['prefix'].value
value = self.sanitize_dir_option_value(prefix, optname, value)
return False
# Make sure that buildtype matches other settings.
if optname == 'buildtype':
return True
def set_builtin_option(self, optname, value):
res = self._try_set_builtin_option(optname, value)
if not res:
raise RuntimeError('Tried to set unknown builtin option %s.' % optname)
def set_others_from_buildtype(self, value):
if value == 'plain':
opt = '0'
debug = False
elif value == 'debug':
opt = '0'
debug = True
elif value == 'debugoptimized':
opt = '2'
debug = True
elif value == 'release':
opt = '3'
debug = False
elif value == 'minsize':
opt = 's'
debug = True
assert(value == 'custom')
def set_buildtype_from_others(self):
opt = self.builtins['optimization'].value
debug = self.builtins['debug'].value
if opt == '0' and not debug:
mode = 'plain'
elif opt == '0' and debug:
mode = 'debug'
elif opt == '2' and debug:
mode = 'debugoptimized'
elif opt == '3' and not debug:
mode = 'release'
elif opt == 's' and debug:
mode = 'minsize'
mode = 'custom'
def get_prefixed_options_per_machine(
options_per_machine # : PerMachine[T.Dict[str, _V]]]
) -> T.Iterable[T.Tuple[str, _V]]:
return cls._flatten_pair_iterator(
(for_machine.get_prefix(), options_per_machine[for_machine])
for for_machine in iter(MachineChoice)
def flatten_lang_iterator(
outer # : T.Iterable[T.Tuple[str, T.Dict[str, _V]]]
) -> T.Iterable[T.Tuple[str, _V]]:
return cls._flatten_pair_iterator((lang + '_', opts) for lang, opts in outer)
def _flatten_pair_iterator(
outer # : T.Iterable[T.Tuple[str, T.Dict[str, _V]]]
) -> T.Iterable[T.Tuple[str, _V]]:
for k0, v0 in outer:
for k1, v1 in v0.items():
yield (k0 + k1, v1)
def insert_build_prefix(cls, k):
idx = k.find(':')
if idx < 0:
return 'build.' + k
return k[:idx + 1] + 'build.' + k[idx + 1:]
def is_per_machine_option(cls, optname):
return True
from .compilers import compilers
for lang_prefix in [lang + '_' for lang in compilers.all_languages]:
if optname.startswith(lang_prefix):
return True
return False
def _get_all_nonbuiltin_options(self) -> T.Iterable[T.Dict[str, UserOption]]:
yield self.backend_options
yield self.user_options
yield dict(self.flatten_lang_iterator(self.get_prefixed_options_per_machine(self.compiler_options)))
yield self.base_options
def _get_all_builtin_options(self) -> T.Iterable[T.Dict[str, UserOption]]:
yield dict(self.get_prefixed_options_per_machine(self.builtins_per_machine))
yield self.builtins
def get_all_options(self) -> T.Iterable[T.Dict[str, UserOption]]:
yield from self._get_all_nonbuiltin_options()
yield from self._get_all_builtin_options()
def validate_option_value(self, option_name, override_value):
for opts in self.get_all_options():
opt = opts.get(option_name)
if opt is not None:
return opt.validate_value(override_value)
except MesonException as e:
raise type(e)(('Validation failed for option %s: ' % option_name) + str(e)) \
raise MesonException('Tried to validate unknown option %s.' % option_name)
def get_external_args(self, for_machine: MachineChoice, lang):
return self.compiler_options[for_machine][lang]['args'].value
def get_external_link_args(self, for_machine: MachineChoice, lang):
return self.compiler_options[for_machine][lang]['link_args'].value
def merge_user_options(self, options: T.Dict[str, UserOption[T.Any]]) -> None:
for (name, value) in options.items():
if name not in self.user_options:
self.user_options[name] = value
oldval = self.user_options[name]
if type(oldval) != type(value):
self.user_options[name] = value
elif oldval.choices != value.choices:
# If the choices have changed, use the new value, but attempt
# to keep the old options. If they are not valid keep the new
# defaults but warn.
self.user_options[name] = value
except MesonException as e:
mlog.warning('Old value(s) of {} are no longer valid, resetting to default ({}).'.format(name, value.value))
def is_cross_build(self, when_building_for: MachineChoice = MachineChoice.HOST) -> bool:
if when_building_for == MachineChoice.BUILD:
return False
return len(self.cross_files) > 0
def strip_build_option_names(self, options):
res = OrderedDict()
for k, v in options.items():
if k.startswith('build.'):
k = k.split('.', 1)[1]
res.setdefault(k, v)
res[k] = v
return res
def copy_build_options_from_regular_ones(self):
assert(not self.is_cross_build())
for k, o in[k].set_value(o.value)
for lang, host_opts in
build_opts =[lang]
for k, o in host_opts.items():
if k in build_opts:
def set_options(self, options: T.Dict[str, T.Any], subproject: str = '', warn_unknown: bool = True) -> None:
if not self.is_cross_build():
options = self.strip_build_option_names(options)
# Set prefix first because it's needed to sanitize other options
if 'prefix' in options:
prefix = self.sanitize_prefix(options['prefix'])
for key in builtin_dir_noprefix_options:
if key not in options:
self.builtins[key].set_value(BUILTIN_OPTIONS[key].prefixed_default(key, prefix))
unknown_options = []
for k, v in options.items():
if k == 'prefix':
if self._try_set_builtin_option(k, v):
for opts in self._get_all_nonbuiltin_options():
tgt = opts.get(k)
if tgt is None:
if unknown_options and warn_unknown:
unknown_options = ', '.join(sorted(unknown_options))
sub = 'In subproject {}: '.format(subproject) if subproject else ''
mlog.warning('{}Unknown options: "{}"'.format(sub, unknown_options))
mlog.log('The value of new options can be set with:')
mlog.log(mlog.bold('meson setup <builddir> --reconfigure -Dnew_option=new_value ...'))
if not self.is_cross_build():
def set_default_options(self, default_options: 'T.OrderedDict[str, str]', subproject: str, env: 'Environment') -> None:
# Preserve order: if env.raw_options has 'buildtype' it must come after
# 'optimization' if it is in default_options.
raw_options = OrderedDict()
for k, v in default_options.items():
if subproject:
k = subproject + ':' + k
raw_options[k] = v
env.raw_options = raw_options
# Create a subset of raw_options, keeping only project and builtin
# options for this subproject.
# Language and backend specific options will be set later when adding
# languages and setting the backend (builtin options must be set first
# to know which backend we'll use).
options = OrderedDict()
from . import optinterpreter
for k, v in env.raw_options.items():
raw_optname = k
if subproject:
# Subproject: skip options for other subprojects
if not k.startswith(subproject + ':'):
raw_optname = k.split(':')[1]
elif ':' in k:
# Main prject: skip options for subprojects
# Skip base, compiler, and backend options, they are handled when
# adding languages and setting backend.
if (k not in self.builtins and
k not in self.get_prefixed_options_per_machine(self.builtins_per_machine) and
optinterpreter.is_invalid_name(raw_optname, log=False)):
options[k] = v
self.set_options(options, subproject=subproject)
def add_compiler_options(self, options, lang, for_machine, env):
# prefixed compiler options affect just this machine
opt_prefix = for_machine.get_prefix()
for k, o in options.items():
optname = opt_prefix + lang + '_' + k
value = env.raw_options.get(optname)
if value is not None:
self.compiler_options[for_machine][lang].setdefault(k, o)
def add_lang_args(self, lang: str, comp: T.Type['Compiler'],
for_machine: MachineChoice, env: 'Environment') -> None:
"""Add global language arguments that are needed before compiler/linker detection."""
from .compilers import compilers
options = compilers.get_global_options(lang, comp, for_machine,
self.add_compiler_options(options, lang, for_machine, env)
def process_new_compiler(self, lang: str, comp: 'Compiler', env: 'Environment') -> None:
from . import compilers
self.compilers[comp.for_machine][lang] = comp
self.add_compiler_options(comp.get_options(), lang, comp.for_machine, env)
enabled_opts = []
for optname in comp.base_options:
if optname in self.base_options:
oobj = compilers.base_options[optname]
if optname in env.raw_options:
self.base_options[optname] = oobj
def emit_base_options_warnings(self, enabled_opts: list):
if 'b_bitcode' in enabled_opts:
mlog.warning('Base option \'b_bitcode\' is enabled, which is incompatible with many linker options. Incompatible options such as \'b_asneeded\' have been disabled.', fatal=False)
mlog.warning('Please see for more details.', fatal=False)
class CmdLineFileParser(configparser.ConfigParser):
def __init__(self) -> None:
# We don't want ':' as key delimiter, otherwise it would break when
# storing subproject options like "subproject:option=value"
super().__init__(delimiters=['='], interpolation=None)
def optionxform(self, option: str) -> str:
# Don't call str.lower() on keys
return option
class MachineFileParser():
def __init__(self, filenames: T.List[str]) -> None:
self.parser = CmdLineFileParser()
self.constants = {'True': True, 'False': False}
self.sections = {}
# Parse [constants] first so they can be used in other sections
if self.parser.has_section('constants'):
for s in self.parser.sections():
if s == 'constants':
self.sections[s] = self._parse_section(s)
def _parse_section(self, s):
self.scope = self.constants.copy()
section = {}
for entry, value in self.parser.items(s):
if ' ' in entry or '\t' in entry or "'" in entry or '"' in entry:
raise EnvironmentException('Malformed variable name {!r} in machine file.'.format(entry))
# Windows paths...
value = value.replace('\\', '\\\\')
ast = mparser.Parser(value, 'machinefile').parse()
res = self._evaluate_statement(ast.lines[0])
except MesonException:
raise EnvironmentException('Malformed value in machine file variable {!r}.'.format(entry))
except KeyError as e:
raise EnvironmentException('Undefined constant {!r} in machine file variable {!r}.'.format(e.args[0], entry))
section[entry] = res
self.scope[entry] = res
return section
def _evaluate_statement(self, node):
if isinstance(node, (mparser.StringNode)):
return node.value
elif isinstance(node, mparser.BooleanNode):
return node.value
elif isinstance(node, mparser.NumberNode):
return node.value
elif isinstance(node, mparser.ArrayNode):
return [self._evaluate_statement(arg) for arg in node.args.arguments]
elif isinstance(node, mparser.IdNode):
return self.scope[node.value]
elif isinstance(node, mparser.ArithmeticNode):
l = self._evaluate_statement(node.left)
r = self._evaluate_statement(node.right)
if node.operation == 'add':
if (isinstance(l, str) and isinstance(r, str)) or \
(isinstance(l, list) and isinstance(r, list)):
return l + r
elif node.operation == 'div':
if isinstance(l, str) and isinstance(r, str):
return os.path.join(l, r)
raise EnvironmentException('Unsupported node type')
def parse_machine_files(filenames):
parser = MachineFileParser(filenames)
return parser.sections
def get_cmd_line_file(build_dir: str) -> str:
return os.path.join(build_dir, 'meson-private', 'cmd_line.txt')
def read_cmd_line_file(build_dir: str, options: argparse.Namespace) -> None:
filename = get_cmd_line_file(build_dir)
if not os.path.isfile(filename):
config = CmdLineFileParser()
# Do a copy because config is not really a dict. options.cmd_line_options
# overrides values from the file.
d = dict(config['options'])
options.cmd_line_options = d
properties = config['properties']
if not options.cross_file:
options.cross_file = ast.literal_eval(properties.get('cross_file', '[]'))
if not options.native_file:
# This will be a string in the form: "['first', 'second', ...]", use
# literal_eval to get it into the list of strings.
options.native_file = ast.literal_eval(properties.get('native_file', '[]'))
def cmd_line_options_to_string(options: argparse.Namespace) -> T.Dict[str, str]:
return {k: str(v) for k, v in options.cmd_line_options.items()}
def write_cmd_line_file(build_dir: str, options: argparse.Namespace) -> None:
filename = get_cmd_line_file(build_dir)
config = CmdLineFileParser()
properties = OrderedDict()
if options.cross_file:
properties['cross_file'] = [os.path.abspath(f) for f in options.cross_file]
if options.native_file:
properties['native_file'] = [os.path.abspath(f) for f in options.native_file]
config['options'] = cmd_line_options_to_string(options)
config['properties'] = properties
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
def update_cmd_line_file(build_dir: str, options: argparse.Namespace):
filename = get_cmd_line_file(build_dir)
config = CmdLineFileParser()
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
def get_cmd_line_options(build_dir: str, options: argparse.Namespace) -> str:
copy = argparse.Namespace(**vars(options))
read_cmd_line_file(build_dir, copy)
cmdline = ['-D{}={}'.format(k, v) for k, v in copy.cmd_line_options.items()]
if options.cross_file:
cmdline += ['--cross-file {}'.format(f) for f in options.cross_file]
if options.native_file:
cmdline += ['--native-file {}'.format(f) for f in options.native_file]
return ' '.join([shlex.quote(x) for x in cmdline])
def major_versions_differ(v1: str, v2: str) -> bool:
return v1.split('.')[0:2] != v2.split('.')[0:2]
def load(build_dir: str) -> CoreData:
filename = os.path.join(build_dir, 'meson-private', 'coredata.dat')
load_fail_msg = 'Coredata file {!r} is corrupted. Try with a fresh build tree.'.format(filename)
with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
obj = pickle.load(f)
except (pickle.UnpicklingError, EOFError):
raise MesonException(load_fail_msg)
except AttributeError:
raise MesonException(
"Coredata file {!r} references functions or classes that don't "
"exist. This probably means that it was generated with an old "
"version of meson.".format(filename))
if not isinstance(obj, CoreData):
raise MesonException(load_fail_msg)
if major_versions_differ(obj.version, version):
raise MesonVersionMismatchException(obj.version, version)
return obj
def save(obj: CoreData, build_dir: str) -> str:
filename = os.path.join(build_dir, 'meson-private', 'coredata.dat')
prev_filename = filename + '.prev'
tempfilename = filename + '~'
if major_versions_differ(obj.version, version):
raise MesonException('Fatal version mismatch corruption.')
if os.path.exists(filename):
import shutil
shutil.copyfile(filename, prev_filename)
with open(tempfilename, 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(obj, f)
os.replace(tempfilename, filename)
return filename
def register_builtin_arguments(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser) -> None:
for n, b in BUILTIN_OPTIONS.items():
b.add_to_argparse(n, parser, '', '')
for n, b in BUILTIN_OPTIONS_PER_MACHINE.items():
b.add_to_argparse(n, parser, '', ' (just for host machine)')
b.add_to_argparse(n, parser, 'build.', ' (just for build machine)')
parser.add_argument('-D', action='append', dest='projectoptions', default=[], metavar="option",
help='Set the value of an option, can be used several times to set multiple options.')
def create_options_dict(options: T.List[str]) -> T.Dict[str, str]:
result = OrderedDict()
for o in options:
(key, value) = o.split('=', 1)
except ValueError:
raise MesonException('Option {!r} must have a value separated by equals sign.'.format(o))
result[key] = value
return result
def parse_cmd_line_options(args: argparse.Namespace) -> None:
args.cmd_line_options = create_options_dict(args.projectoptions)
# Merge builtin options set with --option into the dict.
for name in chain(
('build.' + k for k in BUILTIN_OPTIONS_PER_MACHINE.keys()),
value = getattr(args, name, None)
if value is not None:
if name in args.cmd_line_options:
cmdline_name = BuiltinOption.argparse_name_to_arg(name)
raise MesonException(
'Got argument {0} as both -D{0} and {1}. Pick one.'.format(name, cmdline_name))
args.cmd_line_options[name] = value
delattr(args, name)
_U = T.TypeVar('_U', bound=UserOption[_T])
class BuiltinOption(T.Generic[_T, _U]):
"""Class for a builtin option type.
There are some cases that are not fully supported yet.
def __init__(self, opt_type: T.Type[_U], description: str, default: T.Any, yielding: bool = True, *,
choices: T.Any = None):
self.opt_type = opt_type
self.description = description
self.default = default
self.choices = choices
self.yielding = yielding
def init_option(self, name: str, value: T.Optional[T.Any], prefix: str) -> _U:
"""Create an instance of opt_type and return it."""
if value is None:
value = self.prefixed_default(name, prefix)
keywords = {'yielding': self.yielding, 'value': value}
if self.choices:
keywords['choices'] = self.choices
return self.opt_type(self.description, **keywords)
def _argparse_action(self) -> T.Optional[str]:
# If the type is a boolean, the presence of the argument in --foo form
# is to enable it. Disabling happens by using -Dfoo=false, which is
# parsed under `args.projectoptions` and does not hit this codepath.
if isinstance(self.default, bool):
return 'store_true'
return None
def _argparse_choices(self) -> T.Any:
if self.opt_type is UserBooleanOption:
return [True, False]
elif self.opt_type is UserFeatureOption:
return UserFeatureOption.static_choices
return self.choices
def argparse_name_to_arg(name: str) -> str:
if name == 'warning_level':
return '--warnlevel'
return '--' + name.replace('_', '-')
def prefixed_default(self, name: str, prefix: str = '') -> T.Any:
if self.opt_type in [UserComboOption, UserIntegerOption]:
return self.default
return builtin_dir_noprefix_options[name][prefix]
except KeyError:
return self.default
def add_to_argparse(self, name: str, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser, prefix: str, help_suffix: str) -> None:
kwargs = OrderedDict()
c = self._argparse_choices()
b = self._argparse_action()
h = self.description
if not b:
h = '{} (default: {}).'.format(h.rstrip('.'), self.prefixed_default(name))
kwargs['action'] = b
if c and not b:
kwargs['choices'] = c
kwargs['default'] = argparse.SUPPRESS
kwargs['dest'] = prefix + name
cmdline_name = self.argparse_name_to_arg(prefix + name)
parser.add_argument(cmdline_name, help=h + help_suffix, **kwargs)
# Update `docs/markdown/` after changing the options below
('prefix', BuiltinOption(UserStringOption, 'Installation prefix', default_prefix())),
('bindir', BuiltinOption(UserStringOption, 'Executable directory', 'bin')),
('datadir', BuiltinOption(UserStringOption, 'Data file directory', 'share')),
('includedir', BuiltinOption(UserStringOption, 'Header file directory', 'include')),
('infodir', BuiltinOption(UserStringOption, 'Info page directory', 'share/info')),
('libdir', BuiltinOption(UserStringOption, 'Library directory', default_libdir())),
('libexecdir', BuiltinOption(UserStringOption, 'Library executable directory', default_libexecdir())),
('localedir', BuiltinOption(UserStringOption, 'Locale data directory', 'share/locale')),
('localstatedir', BuiltinOption(UserStringOption, 'Localstate data directory', 'var')),
('mandir', BuiltinOption(UserStringOption, 'Manual page directory', 'share/man')),
('sbindir', BuiltinOption(UserStringOption, 'System executable directory', 'sbin')),
('sharedstatedir', BuiltinOption(UserStringOption, 'Architecture-independent data directory', 'com')),
('sysconfdir', BuiltinOption(UserStringOption, 'Sysconf data directory', 'etc')),
]) # type: OptionDictType
('auto_features', BuiltinOption(UserFeatureOption, "Override value of all 'auto' features", 'auto')),
('backend', BuiltinOption(UserComboOption, 'Backend to use', 'ninja', choices=backendlist)),
('buildtype', BuiltinOption(UserComboOption, 'Build type to use', 'debug',
choices=['plain', 'debug', 'debugoptimized', 'release', 'minsize', 'custom'])),
('debug', BuiltinOption(UserBooleanOption, 'Debug', True)),
('default_library', BuiltinOption(UserComboOption, 'Default library type', 'shared', choices=['shared', 'static', 'both'],
('errorlogs', BuiltinOption(UserBooleanOption, "Whether to print the logs from failing tests", True)),
('install_umask', BuiltinOption(UserUmaskOption, 'Default umask to apply on permissions of installed files', '022')),
('layout', BuiltinOption(UserComboOption, 'Build directory layout', 'mirror', choices=['mirror', 'flat'])),
('optimization', BuiltinOption(UserComboOption, 'Optimization level', '0', choices=['0', 'g', '1', '2', '3', 's'])),
('stdsplit', BuiltinOption(UserBooleanOption, 'Split stdout and stderr in test logs', True)),
('strip', BuiltinOption(UserBooleanOption, 'Strip targets on install', False)),
('unity', BuiltinOption(UserComboOption, 'Unity build', 'off', choices=['on', 'off', 'subprojects'])),
('unity_size', BuiltinOption(UserIntegerOption, 'Unity block size', (2, None, 4))),
('warning_level', BuiltinOption(UserComboOption, 'Compiler warning level to use', '1', choices=['0', '1', '2', '3'], yielding=False)),
('werror', BuiltinOption(UserBooleanOption, 'Treat warnings as errors', False, yielding=False)),
('wrap_mode', BuiltinOption(UserComboOption, 'Wrap mode', 'default', choices=['default', 'nofallback', 'nodownload', 'forcefallback'])),
('force_fallback_for', BuiltinOption(UserArrayOption, 'Force fallback for those subprojects', [])),
]) # type: OptionDictType
('pkg_config_path', BuiltinOption(UserArrayOption, 'List of additional paths for pkg-config to search', [])),
('cmake_prefix_path', BuiltinOption(UserArrayOption, 'List of additional prefixes for cmake to search', [])),
# Special prefix-dependent defaults for installation directories that reside in
# a path outside of the prefix in FHS and common usage.
builtin_dir_noprefix_options = {
'sysconfdir': {'/usr': '/etc'},
'localstatedir': {'/usr': '/var', '/usr/local': '/var/local'},
'sharedstatedir': {'/usr': '/var/lib', '/usr/local': '/var/local/lib'},
'clean-ctlist': None,
'clean-gcno': None,
'clean-gcda': None,
'coverage': None,
'coverage-text': None,
'coverage-xml': None,
'coverage-html': None,
'phony': None,
'PHONY': None,
'all': None,
'test': None,
'benchmark': None,
'install': None,
'uninstall': None,
'': None,
'scan-build': None,
'reconfigure': None,
'dist': None,
'distcheck': None,