#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2016 The Meson development team
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This class contains the basic functionality needed to run any interpreter
# or an interpreter-based tool.
# This tool is used to manipulate an existing Meson build definition.
# - add a file to a target
# - remove files from a target
# - move targets
# - reindent?
from .ast import IntrospectionInterpreter, build_target_functions, AstVisitor, AstIDGenerator, AstIndentationGenerator, AstPrinter
from mesonbuild.mesonlib import MesonException
from . import mlog, mparser, environment
import traceback
from functools import wraps
from pprint import pprint
import json, os
class RewriterException(MesonException):
def add_arguments(parser):
parser.add_argument('--sourcedir', default='.',
help='Path to source directory.')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--print', action='store_true', default=False, dest='print',
help='Print the parsed AST.')
parser.add_argument('command', type=str)
class RequiredKeys:
def __init__(self, keys):
self.keys = keys
def __call__(self, f):
def wrapped(*wrapped_args, **wrapped_kwargs):
assert(len(wrapped_args) >= 2)
cmd = wrapped_args[1]
for key, val in self.keys.items():
typ = val[0] # The type of the value
default = val[1] # The default value -- None is required
choices = val[2] # Valid choices -- None is for everything
if key not in cmd:
if default is not None:
cmd[key] = default
raise RewriterException('Key "{}" is missing in object for {}'
.format(key, f.__name__))
if not isinstance(cmd[key], typ):
raise RewriterException('Invalid type of "{}". Required is {} but provided was {}'
.format(key, typ.__name__, type(cmd[key]).__name__))
if choices is not None:
assert(isinstance(choices, list))
if cmd[key] not in choices:
raise RewriterException('Invalid value of "{}": Possible values are {} but provided was "{}"'
.format(key, choices, cmd[key]))
return f(*wrapped_args, **wrapped_kwargs)
return wrapped
rewriter_keys = {
'target': {
'target': (str, None, None),
'operation': (str, None, ['src_add', 'src_rm', 'test']),
'sources': (list, [], None),
'debug': (bool, False, None)
class Rewriter:
def __init__(self, sourcedir: str, generator: str = 'ninja'):
self.sourcedir = sourcedir
self.interpreter = IntrospectionInterpreter(sourcedir, '', generator)
self.id_generator = AstIDGenerator()
self.modefied_nodes = []
self.functions = {
'target': self.process_target,
def analyze_meson(self):
mlog.log('Analyzing meson file:', mlog.bold(os.path.join(self.sourcedir, environment.build_filename)))
mlog.log(' -- Project:', mlog.bold(self.interpreter.project_data['descriptive_name']))
mlog.log(' -- Version:', mlog.cyan(self.interpreter.project_data['version']))
def find_target(self, target: str):
for i in self.interpreter.targets:
if target == i['name'] or target == i['id']:
return i
return None
def process_target(self, cmd):
mlog.log('Processing target', mlog.bold(cmd['target']), 'operation', mlog.cyan(cmd['operation']))
target = self.find_target(cmd['target'])
if target is None:
mlog.error('Unknown target "{}" --> skipping'.format(cmd['target']))
if cmd['debug']:
if cmd['debug']:
if cmd['operation'] == 'src_add':
node = None
if target['sources']:
node = target['sources'][0]
node = target['node']
assert(node is not None)
# Generate the new String nodes
to_append = []
for i in cmd['sources']:
mlog.log(' -- Adding source', mlog.green(i), 'at',
mlog.yellow('{}:{}'.format(os.path.join(node.subdir, environment.build_filename), node.lineno)))
token = mparser.Token('string', node.subdir, 0, 0, 0, None, i)
to_append += [mparser.StringNode(token)]
# Append to the AST at the right place
if isinstance(node, mparser.FunctionNode):
node.args.arguments += to_append
elif isinstance(node, mparser.ArrayNode):
node.args.arguments += to_append
elif isinstance(node, mparser.ArgumentNode):
node.arguments += to_append
# Mark the node as modified
self.modefied_nodes += [node]
elif cmd['operation'] == 'src_rm':
elif cmd['operation'] == 'test':
src_list = []
for i in target['sources']:
args = []
if isinstance(i, mparser.FunctionNode):
args = list(i.args.arguments)
if i.func_name in build_target_functions:
elif isinstance(i, mparser.ArrayNode):
args = i.args.arguments
elif isinstance(i, mparser.ArgumentNode):
args = i.arguments
for j in args:
if isinstance(j, mparser.StringNode):
src_list += [j.value]
test_data = {
'name': target['name'],
'sources': src_list
mlog.log(' !! target {}={}'.format(target['id'], json.dumps(test_data)))
def process(self, cmd):
if 'type' not in cmd:
raise RewriterException('Command has no key "type"')
if cmd['type'] not in self.functions:
raise RewriterException('Unknown command "{}". Supported commands are: {}'
.format(cmd['type'], list(self.functions.keys())))
def run(options):
rewriter = Rewriter(options.sourcedir)
if os.path.exists(options.command):
with open(options.command, 'r') as fp:
commands = json.load(fp)
commands = json.loads(options.command)
if not isinstance(commands, list):
raise TypeError('Command is not a list')
for i in commands:
if not isinstance(i, object):
raise TypeError('Command is not an object')
return 0